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4408545 No.4408545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Realise that vampires and blood sucking are literally clumsy metaphors for sex, designed to appeal to slutty women.

Vampires are a universal metaphor for rapists and fornicators. Vampires/whores descend upon our virginal daughters and drink their blood/fuck them. The daughters are scared but kind of get off on it. If the vampires/whores suck their blood/fuck them enough then the daughters start to like it openly and become vampires/whores themselves.


Vampire drama is just relationship drama with one degree of commitment removed, for flighty moron teenage girls and sluts who like to pretend they're not sluts. Drinking blood is literally equivalent to sex. It's the dark urge your boyfriend must be indulged in, except !!OR HE'LL DIE!! for extra denial of responsibility for how much you get off on it. Actual sex is equivalent to being in a relationship. Pinning down your dark brooding nightspawn boyfriend into an actual relationship is equivalent to marriage. Getting married is equivalent to a marriage that lasts longer than a year.

>> No.4408553

stop projecting, you slutty teenage girl.

>> No.4408571

It's like you really don't know shit about vampires.

>> No.4408572

Freud thought vampires represented incest which is probably edgier
you shouldn't think so much about things that bother you

>> No.4408604
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>literally metaphors

As opposed to figuratively metaphors? Metaphorically metaphors?

>> No.4408656
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>literally metaphors
Well played sir.

>> No.4408703

You're not wrong. Totally lacking in any historical sense or any nuance, but not fundamentally wrong.

I mean, if you look at it historically, yes, vampires are all about sex. But it's not just about a way to externalize sexual desires (ignoring all your weird /r9k/isms), it's about the commingling of fear and desire and sexuality, and the link between an almost animalistic sexual power and vivacity, and the almost barbaric abandoning of social norms that often serve to chain those instincts down - especially when you go back to Dracula and you're talking about repressed Victorians. It's a whole complex of things that vampires are used to represent - this whole simultaneously repulsive / attractive other - and the fact that you're reducing it down to the words 'women are whores' repeated 100 times is good evidence you're an idiot.

>> No.4408834

Before they were romanticized by Stoker, vampires were grotesque walking corpses

>> No.4408839

>metaphors for sex
Sort of.
>designed to appeal to slutty women
No. Well, not until the 90s.

>> No.4408842

OP has never played Vampire: The Masquerade

>> No.4408849


Good analysis.

And if anything, vampires appeal to sexually repressed women, not "slutty" women. Slutty women are actually out and having sex.

Unless you think desiring sex at all makes someone a slut, which no one in their right mind--

Well, I am on 4chan, huh?

>> No.4408847

I thought vampires were a metaphor for drug addiction

>> No.4408863

Bloodlines is probably the one of the few video game I've enjoyed in years.

>> No.4408868

Bloodlines is fucking awesome, but I was referring to the game.
You immerse yourself into a world of vampires, and see it as one. You understand the fragility and destructive capability of your compulsions and make moral decisions as a result. When you pretend you're a vampire for long enough, it becomes more philosophical and political than anything. Unless you play as a Daeva or Malkavian.

>> No.4408869

Yeah and I was reading a NY article about CSI Miami and related tv shows and realized they're just instructional manuals for women on law and how to not be raped and murdered.

>> No.4408879

I don't like the Storytelling System so I always stayed away from the WoD games. I know it's a sweeping generalization, but every player or fan of WoD games has seemed like a person I wouldn't enjoy hanging out with as well.

>> No.4408887

Depends on the book, but mostly no. I think Rice might have had some drug addiction parallels, but I didn't really read those. Carmilla was about lesbianism, The Vampyr was about libertinism, and Dracula was about swarthy Eastern-Europeans taking our jobs and womenfolk.

>> No.4408888

Well really there's two types of WoD players.
The ones that only play classic WoD, who care more about counterculture and storytelling, and the ones who play modern WoD, who essentially want to play DnD with a modern gothic vampire theme

>> No.4408889


Nonono, all those gory police procedurals, especially shit like Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Criminal Minds, etc., it's all shit to help sad middle aged housewives work through their misery and bitterness by vicariously inflicting suffering on women who are younger and prettier than them

>> No.4408910

That's a bit of a stretch. Women are the victims in at most 2/3 of the episodes (except maybe special vicitms unit) and of those, many are middle or elder-aged. I'd say it's a more general social obsession with nemesis. There's a weird undercurrent of poetic justice that seems to run through all of those shows.

>> No.4409042

nah. they're a metaphor for catholics

>> No.4409319 [DELETED] 

In the book I'm writing they were created by an angry interspecies hybrid who wanted to make the perfect human predator. When humanity is awarded the ability to use universal chi as abilities healing is a give in. So we just make blood reserves and vampires and humans peacefully coexist.

So, no, they don't have to be. They're predators.