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/lit/ - Literature

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4405973 No.4405973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In short: ITT everyone agrees on reading 1 book for the time span of 1 day per 100 pages, which means a book of 500 pages will reach the reading time limit in 5 days.
That is the standard pact, they are more composite pacts.

Book Pact exists to:
Help motivate you to read more books
Create larger synched groups and individuals, reading the same material so we can share opinions, experiences, epiphanies etc.
That way you absorb the most out of a book and it is retained firmer in memory.

About Book Pact:
The Standard Book will be determined after the first 50 posts, the book with most 'votes' get it, if inconclusive then further discussion.
The books must not be too patrician nor too plebeian, the Standard Book must be accessible to most of /lit/ and maintain quality.
In case you have already read the book or find zero interest in it, Book Pacts can also be created between 2 or more individuals on the book and time of their choice.
Trips help to spot your BP buddies.
Ofcourse BP is easier done if you read books in digital form.
Some might not like this, will have a more 'lone-rider' attitude, and try to shit on this in every way possible. For some BP is an enhancement for others almost necessary.
This has been tried personally with some of my old friends and it was successful, it was discontinued by external and unrelated reasons.
If the collective reading time is slower or faster we'll calibrate, as well as any other issue, suggestions on the BP will not be wasted.

>> No.4405976

>reading books

>> No.4405982

The Alchemist or Ulysses

>> No.4405986


How about a classic?
Anyone up for an oscar wilde book?

>> No.4405990


Lets start with Animal's Farm

>> No.4405992

I'm up for Wilde.

Too plebe/patrician?

Would read

I agree on starting with the classics.

>> No.4406001

100 pages a day seems a little extreme.

>> No.4406005

Really? I think it's like an hour.
Welp, harder books definitely need more time for page, everything is up for a discussion.

>> No.4406033

I think the most important question to ask is what to do if a book end in, say, 560 pages?

On the 6th day do you just red 60 pages and call it a day, or do you find another book to fill that void?

>> No.4406062

I read 50 an hour on a good day ;_;

>> No.4406089

I'd prefer a pregnancy pact. You can all cum in me

I'm a gril btw

>> No.4406219

yeah i like to read books not get a whole picture of it
speedreading its like going to a restaurant and swallowing the lobster like a duck without actually tasting the meat

>> No.4406243


>> No.4406575

What do you read?
So 100 pages a day would be 2.5 hours?

>> No.4406598

i read like 20-30 pages an hour
2.5 hours would be pushing it but is very doable.

>> No.4406858

History, Philosophy, Classics

>> No.4407230

How about Hesse?

He's pretty easy, isn't he?

Maybe Siddhartha or Steppenwolf.

>> No.4407241
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wait when do we start reading the book, as soon as it's decided or do we have time to purchase a physical copy?

>> No.4407276

like Picture of Dorian Gray or one of the plays or essays?

>> No.4407285

what about some good old kafka?

>> No.4407326

I read 20/30 pages per hour also.

I would suggest The Castle Otranto; the original Gothic novel, a book I've been meaning to read, or A Farewell to Arms, the famous novel by Mark Twain after the first world war.

>> No.4407329

Do you have skype?

>> No.4407332

>a physical copy

If we're going to do this I don't want to be held back by these luddites

>> No.4407338

>by Mark Twain


>> No.4407591
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How about 2 days per 100 pages?
A book of 300 pages would 6 days, or a week, pretty reasonable.
It's 50 pages a DAY, am sure if you're willing you'd be able to find the time.

Well if you can't get a hold of a physical copy you can download or pirate.
I mean while the time limit gives a kind of motivation to read more instead of wasting your time in unproductive ways.

But the biggest fun would be to start a book all together in a specific day and finish the book roughly at the same time and have a discussion.

Not plays, solid books. I read Dorian, it was fun, how about another of his?

I think Wilde, Hemingway would be good starts, they are easier to read than Kafka if am not terribly mistaken.

>A Farewell to Arms

I feel you, although reasonable traditionalism has its aesthetic merits it can be hindering at times.
And i think 4chan should be the least worried with such things.

Regardless, i'd do AFtA

>> No.4407605

What if we read Snow Country?.
With only 180ish pages could be a good start,

>> No.4407619

Aside of The Trial or Amerika, his works are so short they'd be done in a day, or two at most.

>> No.4407622

Everyone has read The Trial.

Many of us haven't read the Castle.

>> No.4407623

seconding snow country.

I need some erotic shit in my dick.

>> No.4407697

I've never read The Trial. My only Kafka was a book of short stories.

>> No.4407704

If we decide to read Kafka I'm not participating.

>> No.4407710

I'm up for this, I leave the book of choice to you guys.

>> No.4407716

I see the direct democracy voting system in our book club doesn't apply that well, i'll go representative because we'll never make our minds.

Pick several and i'll 'triangulate' one, it doesn't have to be a GREAT choice, just good enough so we don't have reactions like this >>4407704

>> No.4407718

I vote for Ulysses as well

>> No.4407740

I'll chime in a third vote for Snow Country.
I'll third "something by Oscare Wilde or Ernest Hemingway".
I'll second "something by Hesse, maybe Siddhartha or Steppenwolf".

Does anyone else have any suggestions or should we just start arguing the ones already presented? Or let the resident tripfag choose one...

>> No.4407754

Alright, get yourself a copy of Snow Country and we can begin.

>> No.4407771
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Too soon.

You're right, we'd better spend our energy in reading instead of being pedantic.
Lets just go for Snow Country now and then something classic, it's short anyways.

Lets give it 4 days from now cause it's our first attempt here, plenty of time for 170 pages.

It's official.
Book Chosen by High Royal Committee of Eternal Book Pact, Act 1:

>> No.4407789

Anyone got a epub/mobi of snow country?

>> No.4407798

Just downloaded Snow Country.
I'll be around almost daily but in 31 December we'll recap and discuss and we'll announce another book.

Let the /lit/ god bless our path.


>> No.4407801


>> No.4407815

There's no mobi file here you twat. What am I supposed to do? Convert it myself?

>> No.4407836


>> No.4407841

That or you can download calibre or similar programs and be set for life.

>> No.4407883

So is anyone actually reading this?

>> No.4407890


>> No.4407907

Kafka on the Shore, Haruki Murakami

>> No.4407908

Can we pick something less ethnic?

>> No.4407931


We could argue all day, i say lets just do this and in few days we'll get something else, plus having something 'alien' as the first read creates a more memorable beginning in my opinion.

Anyway, i already started reading, fun.good.do it.

>> No.4407948

I started, it seems rather short since in 40 minutes I'm about 37% through with it.

>> No.4407950

what's your opinion so far?

I'm going to start the reading right now.

>> No.4407954

It's not really the kind of story I'm used to.
Seasonally appropriate given the weather we have where I am right now.

>> No.4407979

Anyone else not enjoy reading translated novels? It always feels like something is lost in translation.

>> No.4407988

That's because something is lost, always.
Still, that's better than not read it at all.

>> No.4407995

Couldn't make it past the introduction

>> No.4408010

I skipped introduction altogether.

>> No.4408017

So what book is it?

>> No.4408020

Snow Country

>> No.4408024

Murakami-guy here. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.4408025

Well, ask me in 3-4 years when I'm able to 分かる the 日本語 and then I'll try reading 雪国 in the original language.
Until then, and further when I have learned all the world's languages, I'm going to continue reading translated novels so as to not restrict myself to the province of Anglophones.

>> No.4408027

i hate it but it's one of those things you just learn to deal with. better to read the translated divine comedy than not at all

>> No.4408047

Don't read the introduction, the asshole translator spoiled the novel

>> No.4408087

I never read any kind of introductory material before reading the book, unless said introductory material was written by the author.

>> No.4408180 [DELETED] 

>like a beautiful little circle of leeches

Fuckin' Japs, man.

>> No.4408225
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>> No.4408239

God, America used to be so badass. What happened?

>> No.4409450
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>tfw i'm now member of a book club
S-see mom, i told y-you am not autist-tic

>> No.4409772

>11 pages in
>Literally me everytime i use public transports

>> No.4409833

>only 100 pages per day

I read about 300, think I'll be displaced constantly, I'd join otherwise