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/lit/ - Literature

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4403815 No.4403815 [Reply] [Original]

1. How many books did you read in the past year?
2. How many girls did you have sex with in the past year?

>> No.4403818

1. 15
2. 2

>> No.4403821

1. 30
2. less than zero

>> No.4403824


1. At least 48
2. 0

>> No.4403830

1. I have no idea
2. I have no idea
>drugs are bad, friends

>> No.4403831
File: 334 KB, 1415x2165, 1386901900245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like 20, i had never read this little since i was like 6
btw i love reviewbrah

>> No.4403832

books: 42
grills: 0

I-it's just a dry spell.

>> No.4403835

1. 36
2. one

>> No.4403836


>> No.4403840


Boo you whore

>> No.4403838

Very few, maybe 15.
Lost count, maybe 7 or 8? (I'm tall)

>> No.4403843

1. 25+
2. 0

>> No.4403856

hey I can read pale fire out loud as we writhe together under the dusty afternoon sunlight in her stepmother's bed. I found it to be enriching for the both of us.

>> No.4403857

god that fucking gif

>> No.4403859


>> No.4403865


Sounds like someone boasts about their reading in order to snare poon

A heinous crime you godless cretin

>> No.4403868


>> No.4403870

35 or so

>> No.4403874

1. i don't keep count, at least 30
2. 0

>> No.4403878

1. 62
2. 4 casual hook-ups and 1 gf who I'm still with

My reading rate decreased dramatically after I met my gf. I have only read 6 books since the end of September.

>> No.4403881

I rarely let women know that I read.
I think you're just taking out the fact that you can't get laid on me.

>> No.4403889

wow, /lit/>/pol/ in virginity

>> No.4403892

wow what a slut you should have aids you fucking harlot wow

>> No.4403893

1. 20ish
2. 0

>> No.4403895

160+ (studying for PhD comprehensive exams)
1 (wife, average 3 times/wk)

>> No.4403897


And I think you're assuming that I haven't slept with many people this year - but that's besides the point anyway, you told that one what you read, surely?

>> No.4403910


I'm not a virgin m8

>> No.4403914


>> No.4403930

It's only right that I told her. She's been living with me for six months now.

>> No.4403939

About 20
One gurl

>> No.4403940

1) 8, not including books I read for my last year of University
2) 2

>> No.4403948
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>> No.4403949

33 books and 4 wome, 2 frequently.

>> No.4403960

>don't use your interests to flirt and meet people

nice b8 m8

>> No.4403963

1: 4 books, not including textbooks and articles for uni.
2: 0 girls

>> No.4403964

1. Zero, because books are for nerds. I only come here for the philosophy troll threads.
2. Zero, because I'm not lesbian.

>> No.4403967

1. One - autobiography of Errol Flynn
2. roughly 10, including a couple whores

>> No.4403974


>> No.4403978
File: 71 KB, 402x402, Big-Punisher-266352-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the average income of the guys you hooked up with instead then

>> No.4403979

1. 3
2. 2, 3 if oral counts

>> No.4403990
File: 189 KB, 610x872, progerian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that women are more attracted to the average progerian than book-reading /lit/ posters

>> No.4403991


>> No.4404005


Yeah there is nothing girls (hell, anybody) likes to talk about less than /lit/-core books. That I am sure of.

>> No.4404016


>> No.4404017

~30, will probably be 35 by the end of the year

>> No.4404032
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>1. How many books did you read in the past year?
>2. How many girls did you have sex with in the past year?

>> No.4404062

20~40 i dont know

>> No.4404069

I'd guess around 45 or so.

>> No.4404070

1. 88
2. None, I'm straight. I've had sex with one man this year.

>> No.4404073

I like you

>> No.4404079

close to 30 / 3

>> No.4404080

way too few
way too few

>> No.4404081

did he approve of it or was he being sarcasstic?

>> No.4404084


>> No.4404087
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>> No.4404094
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Lost v

>> No.4404095

the fuck is this kid

>> No.4404096

8, only got into /lit/ this month and wasnt reading much
0 girls, im gay
1 guy

>> No.4404098
File: 2.92 MB, 261x168, pizzaapproval.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4404099


>> No.4404100

1: 29.
2: 0.


>> No.4404105
File: 157 KB, 563x800, IsQOE4W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4404107

0, because i am a homosexual

>> No.4404108

>over 100 (including poetry so a lot of them were finished within a single day)

>> No.4404109

he's like a weasel

>> No.4404111

1. 93 and counting
2. 0 and not counting

>> No.4404112

Post your face faggot.

>> No.4404116

Whats his name?

>> No.4404118



>> No.4404119

>93 guy here
NEET, that's how.

>> No.4404125



>> No.4404132

1. 17, plus some rereads
2. 2


>> No.4404142

>not knowing our literal god

>> No.4404154


I'm a literature graduate student. It's all I need to do.

>> No.4404165

oh hey, how was Women and Men?

>> No.4404168

I've read 24 books since about October. That is about all I have read this year. I've only just got back in to reading.

No sex this year. Just an "almost" was too drunk to get it up, so we slept naked, too hungover the next day to even feel like it. I now obsess about those two days from two weeks ago. I'm very lonely now

>> No.4404222
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hooly fuck could someone please remind me what is his channel called?

asian tits in return

>> No.4404229

i'm gay, i'm not falling for that.

>> No.4404230



>> No.4404237
File: 2.53 MB, 280x210, alannorth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, you are my lord and saviour

>> No.4404251

So you didn't get a number or anything to follow up on? If they were dtf two weeks ago nothing should have changed unless you fucked up after that morning.

>> No.4404257


Was her last day in town so she flew out. Maybe next time she visits.

>> No.4404263

About 30

>> No.4404273

1, 66
2, 1

>> No.4404293

1. 53
2. 1

>> No.4404319


>> No.4404333

i have spare time.

exhausting, but worth it.

>> No.4404334


>> No.4404335

1. 7
2. 4

>> No.4404339

1. probably about 20
2. 1 chick, 2 dudes

>> No.4404345
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1)10.5 ( half way through V. by Pynchon)
2) 5
>pic related. #3

>> No.4404350


>> No.4404396

Reading less than 50 books in a year is patheic.

One hundred twenty or so read, fucked only my long term gf, but quite frequently.

>> No.4404400

1. 18
2. 0, had a few sexual encounters tho, just not getting as far as the intercourse goes

>> No.4404417

>1. How many books did you read in the past year?
0, I just started Angels & Demons though.
>2. How many girls did you have sex with in the past year?
0, but I kissed a few.

>> No.4404428


>> No.4404442

Yeah, /lit/ is a no virgin zone.

>> No.4404450

I think he's referring to the number of books you've read

>> No.4404466
File: 49 KB, 419x418, 1384528121971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4404512

16 books.
4 girls.

>> No.4404520


Haha, good one Anonymous!

>> No.4404522



>> No.4404536

Zero in the past 22 years.


>> No.4404541

Not sure. 15, maybe?
0. Forever. Will a qt fembot be my gf pls and introduce me to good literature?

>> No.4404549

twenty one books
one grill two times

>> No.4404573

21-22, counting what I was reading when the year turned over. About infinity if you count scholarly articles.

17. inb4 liar.

>> No.4404585

1. 3
2. 0

>> No.4404591

1. Between 10-15 i guess.
2. Only my girlfriend.

>> No.4404594


don't bother to count anymore

>> No.4404605

>40 or so
>somewhere in between negative infinite and zero

>> No.4404609

10-15 books, I'm not certain.

7 girls. (1 is gf)

>> No.4404615

+/- 15
2, gf'd 2nd one

>> No.4404643

>mfw just one girl who is gf
>mfw love her very much
>mfw even though i love her very much I'm biting my nails not to fuck a completely different girl
I miss seeing someone else naked.


>> No.4404936


1. 12
2. 3

>> No.4404938


How can reading be such a thing about quantity, and not quality?

>> No.4404941


I know it is hard to resist the urge to fuck other girls, but be strong. Sex just for the sake of sex is not worth ruining a relationship.

>> No.4404978

1. 24
2. 3

>> No.4404983

1. 0
2. 53

>> No.4404987

1. Around 15 books

2. None but I dreamed I fucked a girl (didn't wake up when I put it in) and a cashier touched my hand in July

>> No.4404990

>8 girls
>4 books

>tfw just started reading this month

>> No.4404999

1. Maybe 40 or 50

2. Kissless virgin

>> No.4405005

/pol/ is full of closet degenerates.

>> No.4405007

around 9

>> No.4405009

1. 38-45
2. 2

>> No.4405012

>and a cashier touched my hand in July
You know what to do.

>> No.4405014

True. Who else but a bunch of degenerates gets that much pleasure in calling out others on their degeneracy.

>> No.4405016

>grills implying
f: 2, m: 2

>> No.4405058

1) 20 something
2) 2

Directly related? Perhaps.

>> No.4405068

books: 1
grillz: 2

>> No.4405079
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1. 2
2. 3

>> No.4405095

>le grill face

>> No.4405104


the end of faith
midnights summer's dream

>> No.4405105

>that failed attempt at making eye contact with the camera
oh my

>> No.4405112

A few months ago the girl at the counter at Tim Hortons brushed my hand as she handed me my coffee and I had heavy fantasies about her for weeks. This is what nofriendz, nogirlz, nofamily, no physical human contact life does to you.

>> No.4405113

1. probably between 20 and 30
2. 2

how do you guys remember how many books you read? did you have to go back and count them in your head?

>> No.4405115

1. 50-60
2. I have had sex since years ago when I was in college and decided it was boring.

>> No.4405120

*have not

>> No.4405130

>not mentally cataloguing and numbering each new conquest in order to inject the illusion of tangible gain into your sad, empty life.


>> No.4405135

i used to read more as a kid than i do now. also i don't usually come to this board so i don't represent the population

1. 0, last year was 1 that i am certain of: 100 years of solitude. either in 2011 or 2012, i read a brave new world, animal farm, and the lord of the flies. everything else i've read in my lifetime can't be sorted by year because my memory is fucked
2. 0, every year

for 2014: i plan on reading the tempest, the republic, the divine comedy, and a game of thrones. realistically i'll only get to 2 or 3 of them because i have other hobbies and i generally waste time. i have a few more i'll read eventually but those are the ones i'm prioritizing for the coming year

>> No.4405146

>ive neevr seen a vagina
>because i never go out
>and i dont talk
>actually i forgot how i sound when i speak
>i read all day everyday and i also write
>im the greatest living poet and writer of the world

>> No.4405149

>im the greatest living poet and writer of the world

It wouldn't take much. Anyway you will never be published or read by anyone because the Jews are totally in control and they won't let anything non-degenerate be published.

>> No.4405153


thats why im planning to kill myself after writing my masterpiece.

>> No.4405154

you can't even into basic english kid

>> No.4405159

Go to bed, Mitchell Heisman.

>> No.4405161

1) 26, down almost 50% from last year's 47. Looks like I'll make it to 27 before New Year's but even then that's pretty disappointing. I read quite a bit of trash this year too, last year I read twice as many books AND most of them were more complex. It's been a busy year with other shit, though, so this was kinda to be expected.

2) 0.

Here's to next year being an improvement, on both counts.

>> No.4405167

1. 3 (lol)
2. 5

>> No.4405169

>ctrl f 0
>too many results to display
my sides

>> No.4405172


i have 25 personalities and one for when im on 4chan i dont give a shit about anything and i write what i want here fuck you


are you a real girl? what do you look like?

>> No.4405174

are you 15

>> No.4405175

there's three 0s in your post alone, m8, it's almost like searching for individual digits doesn't work well with 4chan's setup!!

>> No.4405178

>making excuses for being a virgin loser
my side

>> No.4405188

just one girl, at least a hundred times. it was never very good, though.

>> No.4405192

>tfw i've started to go to prostitutes regularly
>tfw i'm enjoying it

>> No.4405195

was she one of the types who only does it in the dark, under the blankets and under the condition you don't look at her body because she thinks she's "fat"

>> No.4405196

i'd think after like the 50th time of thinking "that wasn't enjoyable" a person would stop doing such an activity

>> No.4405198

or the 2nd

>> No.4405199

I learned way more from the books. I enjoyed much more sincere and long-lasting pleasure from the books.
The only thing I gained from the women was the outward appearance of happiness and capability. The sex itself was always bland and unsatisfying. My mind wandered while my body was engaged, but my body always stayed put while my mind was busy reading and learning.

>> No.4405201

even the first time, man. you don't eat a shit sandwich and then think maybe it was just because you forgot the mustard

>> No.4405202


>> No.4405206

>you don't eat a shit sandwich and then think maybe it was just because you forgot the mustard
i am stealing this phrase

>> No.4405207

No, we'd just been together for almost four years and she was getting boring/annoying/fat. There was a time when I would consider spending a day with her a treat, but after a while it felt more like a chore that was to be endured.

Fortunately, it has stopped now. I friendzoned her a several months ago, then let her break up with me once she took the hint.
>tfw not able to write for the years we'd been together because she drained all of the joy and passion from me
>tfw i start writing every day now that we're not together
>tfw some of my poetry was published the day after we broke up
feels good, man

>> No.4405209

sounds like a burden was lifted. i'm happy for you anon

>> No.4405212

The first time we had sex, I literally ate some of her shit without realizing it because of how unclean she was. At the time, I thought it was depraved and hedonistic, so I went home and posted about it on 4chan. Looking back, I wish I'd had the courage to walk away from her forever at that very moment.

>> No.4405215


that's what an anon told me on /g/ but i think he meant something else

>> No.4405216

Thanks, man.

>> No.4405218

well that's just not kosher at all

>> No.4405221

a relationship is not worth missing out on the sex you want, though.

>> No.4405225

everyone does it
just have sex with another girl

>> No.4405235

Damn, lotsa zeros.
that feel bro...

>> No.4405272

lol this is not true

>> No.4405288


if it's a good relationship, you'll regret it the moment you cum.

>> No.4405300

31 books
2 girls, one of which is my gf, about 5-6 times a wk

>> No.4405315


God, this feel....

>every relationship i've ever had
>3 months in
>other girls start seeing me as a more viable mate
>so many more opportunities to get laid
>start fantasizing about fucking some new girl
>unconsciously fuck up steady relationship
>break up
>fuck the girl i'd been lusting over
>usually great, but never works out as a relationship
>immediately regret breaking up with former steady ex

Why can't my brain stop lusting after other women??

>> No.4405317

1. probably about 30
2. none, I'm gay… one dude, who is my bf….

>> No.4405322

>Why can't my brain stop lusting after other women??
evolution or something

>> No.4405323

It's a very natural feeling, for a lot of reasons.
People aren't meant to be with just one person, especially at a young age.

Women are men don't love the same way.
Since this is /lit/ I'll recommend the book
The Rational Male

which is also a blog, written by the same guy. He's an amazing writer.

>> No.4405324

I'd say around 20 books.
2 girls I think, maybe 3.

>> No.4405330

>Since this is /lit/ I'll recommend the book
what would you do if this was /ck/

>> No.4405336
File: 14 KB, 267x183, lefrenchies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh so you only have ONE side m8? here's another!

>> No.4405338

4 and 1 other guy, I'm part of a polyamorous relationship right now

>> No.4405342

i'd just link to the blog.

like i'm gonna do right now:

a good place to start would be:

This guy knows his shit.

>> No.4405355


>> No.4405362

I'm >>4404643

I think it has to do with being with one person forever. I''m not married or anything and I don't know the future, but today I'm with this girl. The next day too. And the next. I mean, they say it is eternal while it lasts. So it's horrifying.

Perhaps I won't ever fuck any other girl in the world anymore. But that would only be if me and current gf be together in a very good way forever. So I sabotage the relationship to hold onto my hopes that I'll have different girls in the future.

>> No.4405367

No, that isn't it.

>> No.4405372

What is it then?

>> No.4405376

>he's like a weasel

>> No.4405379

Start reading:

>inb4: "misogynist bullshit"

breathe, consider, give it a fair chance

>> No.4405381
File: 11 KB, 230x300, ginsberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 35 books
9 dudes (I'm gay yo)

>> No.4405382

Are you this fag himself, a hired marketeer or just his personal cock-sucking slave?

>> No.4405388

he's like 50 years old.

but that sure is some nice, well thought, criticism.

no, i'm not his cock sucking slave, or marketeer. his stuff just really spoke to me and helped me understand a lot of shit i knew, but couldn't exactly understand.

it's ok.
most guys will never pick up on the truths behind sexual dynamics, but those who do will be in a much better position.

>> No.4405389


Yeah, I definitely understand that.

People dismiss the negative effects of the sexual revolution, but it's definitely kept me from maintaining long-term relationships. I just don't see the point. There are dozens of women I'm interested in sleeping with, all of them are amenable to premarital sex, and a couple are open to being friends-with-benefits. Until I'm interested in having kids, there's little incentive to stay with one woman past six or eight months.

Ex-girlfriends claim I have "attachment issues" -- but that doesn't make sense. Free sex is much easier for me to access than it was for my ancestors. If it's available, why not take advantage of the variety? Why stay in a relationship where you're expected to begin the horrible process toward an expensive ceremony in which your sex life is legally reduced to one woman for the rest of eternity?

This may change when I reach my 30s and look for a girl in her early 20s to marry -- but it's certainly not happening now.

>> No.4405393

>blue-pill/red pill
>feminized men
>calling lack of attention towards criticism
>Feminine Operative Social Conventions
Below retarded. Just a skim through the blook and it looks like straight out of a 4chan argument

>> No.4405394

1. ~40
2. one

>> No.4405402

>This may change when I reach my 30s and look for a girl in her early 20s to marry -- but it's certainly not happening now.

i can't begin to tell you how much this terrifies single women entering their 30s. many spent their 20s building careers, dating, "finding themselves," etc., only to wake up and realize that younger (read: more attractive) women are being chosen over them by established males in their 30s. my hyperfeminist sister, who spent her 20s pursuing a career and playing around in frivolous relationships, is in this camp now, and holy fuck is she butthurt. i cannot begin to describe how bitter she is over the lack of "viable men" in the dating pool.

>> No.4405404


3, some blowies and fingerfucking action besides but bout it. dun really care though, bitches be a hassle.

>> No.4405417

I should feel shame for this...

1. 7
2. 11?

It's been a rough year for academics.

>> No.4405424


We all know so many women like that. It is young western womens movement now.

It's going to be funny and miserale for men when I get to my 30's and fuck all the 20 year olds who live a grown man, just like all the dumb whores my age now do.

They are going to get a taste of their own medicine and they are going to fucking revel in t so hard.

>The butt hurt will be so dense that a black hole will form in the shape of North America.

>> No.4405425

Yes, it may sound hackneyed, but the technique works. Dating becomes more enjoyable (for both sexes) when women are demystified; it takes quite a lot of effort for some men to break the spell.

>> No.4405426

1. 10
2. 0

I used to read around 50 books per year, but then I fell madly in love with a girl, which destroyed my reading and studying habits. She wanted to be just friends (she lives in another state and doesn't like this sort of relationship), so I did not fuck her.

It's been one year and a half since I met her. I'll try to improve in 2014. This year was almost completely wasted.

>> No.4405431

Fellow anon, that happens. I've been there, so many of us have. Bounce back brother, you can do it. There will be other women in time. Do what makes you happy without women until something you like again comes along, but focus on you, forget about fucking. Dive into reading and your studies.

>> No.4405433

men have been fucked over by whores for eons, as if that changes anything you stupid bitch.

>> No.4405436

1. I'm going to guess around 15
2. I held hands with a girl I really liked a couple of days ago, so 0.

>> No.4405439


I dont even know why i browse this board

>> No.4405450

You talk as if you've known truth. It takes a lot of effort for some people to get over that phase.

>> No.4405451

I a man, talking about the womym being angry when I fuck all the 20 year old hoes.

To much eggnog anon?

>> No.4405452

bit too many beers ye, soz bud. fuck whores though

>> No.4406562

800+ counting rereads

I'm a neet who reads 8 hours a day

>> No.4406604



>> No.4406607

lol are you a nerd or something

>> No.4406614

Most of those were for school.

Honestly there have been girls who have shown interest in me before, but somewhere along the line I cultivated this intense disgust of sex. It's irrational and probably disguising a number of insecurities, but I don't mind not having any significant other in my life. Life's beautiful as it is.

>> No.4406626

Read part of a lot of books for my course, probably about 10 novels back to front.

0... but I can feel my luck is going to turn around soon

>> No.4406648

I am not surprised by how sexually inactive most of you are, but I am shocked and appalled by how few books most of you have read.

>> No.4406676

I've read about 33 soon to be 34 this year, I know I've been lazy, sue me.

>1, my GF

>> No.4406705

Do you guys count your bus rides as well

>> No.4406716

holy fuck, are you me?

>You have read 36 books toward your goal of 52 books.
>also screwed only 1 person

>> No.4406750

die het scum

>> No.4407512

stop it, on the Internet everyone is a straight male and no-one is going to give you extra consideration because you are oppressed or because they want to fuck you, like in real life.

so interpret "girls" as "people you have fucked" and shut up about your sexuality.

>> No.4407520


>> No.4407530

fuck off you stupid breeder. no one gives a shit about your pathetic lifestyle. you breed like rabbits and then bitch about each other like children. get fucked straight scum

>> No.4407588

trolling used to mean something. apply yourself.

>> No.4407625


Holy fucking shit

1. You have read 36 books toward your goal of 50 books.

36 of 50 (72%)
At your current pace, you're 13 books (27%) behind schedule.

2. Been with my GF for a year and a half, only have sex with her.

>> No.4407632

Me too

Was she hot?

>> No.4407657

Books: 16
Girls: 0,5

>> No.4407664

1. about 20
2. 1 because monogamy rules

>> No.4407684

How does one fuck half a girl?

>> No.4407689


Yeah there are a lot of rules involved. Tell me about it.

>> No.4407692

maybe it wasn't a cis female you fucking cis gendered cunt.

>> No.4407699

Rule 1. you can't fuck other bitches
Rule 2. idk that's pretty much it

>> No.4407700

actually you just assumed that the person you were insulted was a female by calling he/she "cunt" so you are the gender-ignorant one here, fucking cis scum

>> No.4407721

Insults get less creative each passing day.

>> No.4407726

butthurt samefag breeders detected

>> No.4407731
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>> No.4407737


I bought a masturbation sleeve so I don't need girls anymore.

>> No.4407791

1. 57
2. Married - 1

>> No.4407797

2. i don't keep count, at least 30

>> No.4407800

Don't believe or you are counting comic book volumes

>> No.4407807


>> No.4407811

>when im on 4chan i dont give a shit about anything and i write what i want here fuck you

>> No.4407810


>> No.4407812

Around seventy .

Only one girl. I met her three years ago. On four separate occasions we ended up at the same party, we had mutual friends, and each time we'd stayed up all night - talking. She was in a long term relationship - I was normally in some insignificant fling - so we'd never got together. Then, when we met for the first time in daylight, I told her I wanted her to break it off with her boyfriend. She did. We've been together since then.

>> No.4407813

Even if you read 8 hours a day you'd have to do a book every ~3 hours to read 800+ in a year. I don't think even Harold Bloom read that fast. Most likely you're just vastly over-estimating the number of books you read (memory is distorted by time, it happens). For 8 hours a day, you most likely read something like 200-300.

>> No.4407814

1. maybe 5 (thanks to college)
2. 1

>> No.4407816


Nobody cares

>> No.4407818

post pic. no way u pullin' 9 dudes/year

>> No.4407827

I know gay guys who could easily pull 40+ guys a year if not twice that

>> No.4407840


Male homosexual promiscuity is notorious. I'd say >>4405381 is actually a bit of a loser if he's only managed to whore himself out to 9 other degenerate sodomites over the year.

>> No.4407843


Your relationship is now - validated - congratulations.

>> No.4407848

I'm sure he read every volume of the walking dead in 2 days and counted it as 100 plus or something

>> No.4407958
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>> No.4407997

None, but I must have read over 10,000 pages of scientific literature
20+, all prostitutes.

>> No.4408050

1. Around a dozen maybe (all of them -1 within the past 4 months though)
2. 6 I think

>> No.4408056

~80, i started in february tho so im going to turn in my final tally then

i had sex with my gf who was my gf all this year and nobody else

>> No.4408238

I read about 75 and that ranged from classics, lit and utter fucking trash.

>> No.4408517

Well, I've been listening to this kid express sincere amazement at things like water, drinking glasses, stuff he finds in the basement etc for hours now. He's absolutely glorious and sincere and a bro.

>> No.4408605

Yeah, I'm marathonning him right now too. I wish I could enjoy shitty food so much.

>> No.4408755 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna estimate around 25.

I'm gonna estimate around 0.

>> No.4408765

I was watching Revolutionary Road and then I was watching Inception.

How come Leo's voice got deeper between 2008 and 2010? Does that just happen sometimes?

>> No.4408780

I'm in love with a 19-year-old girl who lives eight hours away. Is it worth making the trip to fuck her? Apart from the sex, I can enjoy her simply by writing e-mails and making phonecalls. I just don't know if it's worth the time and effort to bang her.

>> No.4408788

1. around 35
2. 2

>> No.4408789

1. 52
2. 0

I wonder if the numbers end up being inversely proportional

>> No.4408796

1. 27
2. 1

>> No.4408857

If she's eight hours away and you're in love, it's not worth the time and effort to interact with her solely through emails and phonecalls. If she's 19 and you're considering "fucking" her, you're probably young too, in which case you're probably not really "in love". Also, people normally don't use the word "fuck" when talking about someone they "love". Speaking from experience, I'd say keep in contact, but quickly dissolve any strong emotional connections you have with her before you're screwed. Pursue relationships with people in your proximity.

>> No.4409527

Good advice.

>> No.4409629

About 18
Four or five or so.

>> No.4409639

1 (over and over)

>> No.4409662


>> No.4409664

1. 20ish + a few anthologies
2. False

>> No.4409672

1. 60. Likely going to finish one more before the new year.
2. One.

>> No.4409678


I didn't.

>> No.4409677

Got your numbers in reverse.

Its books first, girls second.

>> No.4409682


>> No.4409688

1. 68
2. 0

>> No.4409691

1. 1

2. 4

>> No.4409721


>> No.4409727

1. 0
2. 0

Can I go now?

>> No.4409764

1. 48
2. 1 (though I fingered 2 additionally)

>> No.4409817


0 (zero)

>> No.4409824

the most gorgeous woman I've ever had conversation with, let alone fucked.

>> No.4409829

this gif makes me so fucking mad for whatever reason. maybe its the autistically constant hand movements. or the formal attire and larded hair. or the fact that he cant even make eye contact with a camera.

and hes got a pointy face.

>> No.4409864


Constant hand movements are a autistic trait?

>> No.4409867

Books: 30+
Girls: 0

>> No.4409868


yes they are actually.

>> No.4409870

Books: about 25 or so.

Women: 2. Ex-gf and current gf.

>> No.4409872

you absolute slut

>> No.4409875

books: about 30
women: one

>> No.4409884

He looks like Buster Keaton.

>> No.4410404

1. 0
2. 1

>tfw at elite liberal arts school known for its literature program but can't discipline myself enough to read a single book in the first year seminar program

>> No.4411316
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>> No.4411397

~20 bookz
1 grill

>> No.4411465

You should look at his videos, he's a bro and the champion of New Sincerity.

>> No.4411476

2 girls

>> No.4411482

OK guys new rule..
If you haven't read at least 30 books this year, you aren't allowed to post on /lit/ in 2014.

>> No.4411484

New Sincerity?

>> No.4411487
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1. More than 10.
2. 9, possibly more?

>> No.4411490
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>> No.4411491

7 or 8 books

4 girls

>> No.4411492

As far as I understand "New Sincerity" is what's gearing up to replace post-modernism.

>> No.4411494

>tfw 33 books

fucking nailed it

>> No.4411499

more like a term that you will never hear about outside of /lit/

>> No.4411501

>not reading two books at once while having sex


>> No.4411506
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>mfw i saw a DFW quote in a docu about bodybuilding

>> No.4411507

Sorry, I should have clarified: That's what I understand based on what I've heard on /lit/.

>> No.4411516

He's contemplating the taste of the pizza. Breathing in all the subtleties, exploring every crevice of taste with his tongue. While you see an autistic child fearful of eye-contact with the camera, I see an intellectual journeyman of the taste-buds absorbing fine-dining with slow and steady introspection, as it was meant to be.

You are a pleb of the lowest order. Your intellectual inferiority complex is as transparent as your pasty-white skin, you mongolic underling. I am stricken ill just at the knowledge of your presence.

>> No.4411523

Rough estimate for the first would be something around twenty five or six, two for the second, but both of those were long relationships.

>> No.4411527


It's both, if you dont average 100 or more per year just give up in ever being truly well read or knowlegeable.

>> No.4411532

>multiple long relationships
>in a year

are you in highschool m8?

>> No.4411536
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removed a few extreme outliers because I don't give a shit

>> No.4411538


Finishing all four will take 60 hours at most you have 5840 waking hours in a year.

>> No.4411540

>tfw average

>> No.4411543
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>books: 5
In Vino Veritas by Kierkegaard.
Brilliance and Melancholy (problem XXX) by Aristotle or some of his students, with a prologue by Jackie Pigeaud.
Baudellaire's Prose Poems.
Bataille's Story of the Eye.
Yukio Mishima's Confessions of a Mask.

Curently reading Virginia Woolf's The Waves.

My mom has bought me Bataille's Blue of Noon, Breton's Nadja and Mishima's The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Runaway horses and The Decay of the Angel.

>gurls: 1
One hooker on my birthday.

>> No.4411546

So, the average /lit/ poster has read something like 20 books in a year and also fucked one person.

>> No.4411550

post average/median/mean/stuff

>> No.4411562


further stats (still excluding outliers):

Avg # Books = 27.59091
Median # Books = 20
Most Freq. Occurence in # Books = 20
St. Dev. of Books = 25.96297

Avg # Girls = 2.25
Median # Girls = 1
Most Freq. Occurence in # Girls = 0 (lol)
St. Dev. of Girls = 4.218

will do a regression or something once I figure out how to Excel

>> No.4411566

what was the sample size

>> No.4411575

132. Sorry, I'm not a statistician; I don't know how any of this works. Here's what I threw out, for posterity:

800/? (because that guy was full of shit)
?/53, I think

>> No.4411579

linear regression formula: y = -0.0398x + 3.3472
quadratic: y = 0.0006x^2 - 0.1025x + 4.2622

>> No.4411581

What do y and x represent?

>> No.4411586

x = books, y = girls

>> No.4411589


> tfw read 5 times the lit average

No wonder you are all so stupid.

>> No.4411592

That's a pretty low average

>> No.4411601

Yes, 28 books in a year is truly pathetic.

/lit/ has delusions of intellectualism, but in reality most of the people here are brain-dead migrants from r/books and such.

I'm saving these statistics to post next time I see a thread in which /lit/ mocks /pol/ for ostensibly not reading or some such other calumniation.

>> No.4411605

I wonder how these stats compare to the average student/person/graduate/english graduate/reader hobbyist/etc

>> No.4411612

Americans 18 and older read on average 17 books each year.

>> No.4411617


Seriously lets make a few asumptions and say the average book is 400 pages and that he average reader taes 3 hours to read 100 pages, it will take 12 hourrs to read 1 book and 336 hours to read all 28, which is less than one hour per day.

>> No.4411619

Yes, but give me a break. That statistic is including such segments of society as farmers and impoverished Appalachian hillbillies.

The only valid comparison for /lit/ should be between the affluent, educated white population.

>> No.4411622


All those typos... I hate tablets.

>> No.4411626


Why would farmers read less?

>> No.4411631

>tfw over the bump limit
>tfw sinking

>> No.4411635

lkkr voor je kuttekop

>> No.4411647

They don't have time. Just to clarify that wasn't meant to be an impugnation against the character of farmers.

>> No.4411662


made a thread because this one is autosaging

>> No.4411675

>The only valid comparison for /lit/ should be between the affluent, educated white population.
I don't think that's a fair assumption at all.

I'm poor and a high school dropout.

>> No.4411678

so you have more time for reading

>> No.4411706


Most farmers could spare the 2 hours per day you need to finish 60 books per annum and be more than twice as well read as lit.

>> No.4411716

After a 12-14 hour workday plus family life, it's understandable if most farmers don't have the energy to read anything at the end of the day.

>> No.4411722


Farmers don't work 14 hour days all year you tard, that's barely even possible.

>> No.4411730

Thanks for pointing out the obvious? I don't see your point.