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/lit/ - Literature

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4398876 No.4398876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Mommy, mommy; why aren't there a lot of black writers?" asked little Alice.
"Why my dear, we challenge them and make sure nobody ever reads them," replied Alice's mother.
"B-But that isn't fair mom."
"Yes it is. We have to make sure our literature stays pure."

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.
The Color Purple Alice Walker.
The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison.
And many, many more, are almost always challenged and locked out of schools and libraries across the country. Why America? Why?

Honorary mention: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Also challenged like shit. Maybe because the author is Indian?

Why America? Where is the freedom that you so love?

>> No.4398885

i have no idea what the fuck youre trying to say but this thread will be shitfest 2013 that's for sure given all the race implications

>> No.4398893

what? we read Invisible Man when I was in high school....

>> No.4398902

>Reading books in high school
Fuck off fag

>> No.4398905

because they have incredibly low IQs

I like your implication that schools don't push multicultural lit

>> No.4398911

Congratulations for not living in a flyover state.

>> No.4398914

Schools might do, but it isn't necessarily the schools challenging these books. I suppose it is people like you.

>> No.4398916

>"ayo bish, why aint dey mo niggas in da book writin hustle?"
cuz Da'taekwon, we use ta build pyramids n could fly and we didnt need no writtin words but then them crackas came n started oppressin us n sheet. we prezden nao

>> No.4398920

>because they have incredibly low IQs

I'm gonna go ahead and hazard the guess that all the authors mentioned in the OP are an order of magnitude more learned and innately intelligent than you.

>> No.4398926


If they're so smart how come all they can write about is "we still be oppressd"

>> No.4398931

Walker and Morrison were both part of the curriculum. Ernest Gaines was, too.

>> No.4398933


Have you even read any of those authors?

Oh wait-- I'm on /lit/, of course you don't read.

>> No.4398942

Not that it really makes up for it but my high school taught Langston Hughes, Lorraine Hansberry, as well as W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington.

Then in college I remember reading James Baldwin, Jean Toomer, Ellison, Zora Neale Hurston, and Countee Cullen. That was just in an Am. Lit survey and a Modernism seminar.

My guess it isn't taught in schools because white bureaucrats want to conceal the fact that black people were legally considered inferior less than a hundred years ago. Not that all African-American authors focus on oppression and race issues, however those that are regarded higher over others generally focus heavily on those topics.

>> No.4398946

I've read a few of Morrison's novels and race relations was rather tangental. Same with Gaines.They're mostly about black people and black people.

>> No.4398968

Why would they want to hide it? I thought we were all past that.

>> No.4398978

>Cuz white people be cray
Seriously though, they want to downplay those topics so no one bats an eye when Boards of Ed. (Los Angeles and Southern areas) cut funding for inner city schools or areas with a higher percentage of minorities.
[citation needed]

>> No.4398990

>Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.
>The Color Purple Alice Walker.
>The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison.

Without looking up what these are about, Ii'm going to assume they're all about racism, and discrimination, and whitey oppressin me and all that jazz.

Am I right?

If I am, there's your answer.

How many books about the same subject do we need? regardless of quality, it gets tedious.

>> No.4398997

I agree. We should ban them all together.

>> No.4399007

Let's just pick one book for every highschooler to read. They get their copy in 9th grade and they must read and write about it multiple times before they graduate. No other books are allowed, everyone gets the same book.

There is one rule, it cannot be written by a white male between the ages of 17 and 89.

>> No.4399301

>How many books about the same subject do we need? regardless of quality, it gets tedious.

By this logic, we should dislike Melville because he mostly wrote about sailors, McCarthy because he wrote so much about outsiders in Tennessee, and Joyce for his recurrent fascination with Parnell
oh wait, art doesn't exist in a vacuum
fuck you

>> No.4399311

>The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison.

>Because of the controversial nature of the book, which deals with racism, incest, and child molestation, there have been numerous attempts to ban it from schools and libraries

Is America this retarded

>> No.4399325

To be fair that's a bad comparison. Those are singular artists with a consistent style and genre. Multiple black writers seem to write about the same things. I dunno why that is either. Probably because they get better feedback. Anyway, someone name a good book by a black about something other than racism?

>> No.4399334

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.4399353
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>someone writes about the challenges they face

>> No.4399362

I went to school in MD and I had a lot of books written by other races. We had like 3 maya angeliuo books, a book by a Mexican guy complaining his parents got rich in America but he lost his culture called the hunger of memory, kite runner and a book about the Japanese internment camps written by a girl who was in one.
The only ones I really hated were Maya's books and the hunger of memories book.

>> No.4399383
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>Kite Runner

>> No.4399391

It's high school man don't know what to tell you. Thinking back on it a lot of books we had to read dealt with rape.

>> No.4399392

Beloved by Morrison doesn't even always scream "muh oppression". If anyone even every bothered to read it, it was tackling ethical questions of murder, death and love. Y'all niggas...

>> No.4399395


>> No.4399397

Because I read pretty much exclusively old shit, people give me a lot of flak for "dead white males" &c. I mean, it's not like I think you're a bad writer if you have a vagina or brown skin. It's not the most relevant stuff, sure, but it's great.

>> No.4399399

Persepolis was recently banned in Illinois (in Chicago, i think). What kind of retarded backwater is that place.

>> No.4399415

I read none of those in HS

I had

A Seperate Peace
Catcher in the Rye
Their Eyes Were Watching God
100 Years of Solitude
Pedro Paramo
Song of Solomon
Great Gatsby
Things Fall Apart
The Stranger

plus some others I forgot

>> No.4399417

>people give me a lot of flak for "dead white males"
Just distance yourselves from these people.

>> No.4399422

How much time do you think kids have in school? There's hardly even enough for the bare essentials (not that they get them anyway with the demise of the school system), not to mention trying to force in minority literature as well.

How many modern kids do you know can recite a single poem by heart? How many people know the history of the world beyond "WW2 was bad"? The only people nowadays that get proper education are the rich, precisely because they won't stand for this political rubbish.Your tangential bullshit is just another distraction, another pulling at the thread of the education that is unravelling.

And just to make it clear, this is a comment on the priorities of education, not the quality of minority literature.

>> No.4399424

And what do you think of minority literature?

>> No.4399426

But then all that remains is the Bloomian conservative, which isn't me either.

>> No.4399433

You don't have to jump from extreme to extreme.

>> No.4399437


I think it's important that it's being written and read, and there are many examples of truly great books that fall into that category, but I don't think it should be taught to children at length at the expense of the rest of their education. By all means, include those books in a supplemental reading list, and mention them in class in order to refer to other works and ideas, and encourage children to read them outside class and think about them, but to put the focus on them comes at the cost of the fundamental history of literature.

>> No.4399767

Alexandre Dumas was mixed race. Not black.

The fact that so many claim him as a point of pride for black people casts blacks in a rather poor light. As if the best they can do is if they racemix those dirty genes away.

>> No.4399774

You never answered the question.

Was he right?

>> No.4399781


He's right.

>> No.4399814


I hated that one because I thought it was boring as dicks. It actually kind of pisses me off that it was banned though. That book was pretty inoffensive thematically.

>> No.4399829

>be in college lit class
>read Great Gatsby
>alright, kind of high school in here but it was a pretty significant book structurally
> read Nemesis by Phillip Roth
>another book written by a white guy, but he's Jewish so he's kind of an atypical white guy
>read In The Company of Cheerful Ladies
>alright, it's about African women.
>written by a white dude
>the fuck?

>> No.4399834


>fundamental history of white literature

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4399854

>Why America? Why?
Because it's a shit country run by /pol/iticians

>> No.4399862

>Without looking up what these are about

You belong on /b/, /v/, or /pol/. I don't care which one you came from, but please go back.

>> No.4399873



>> No.4399875

Exactly; caught him red handed.

>> No.4399879

Alexandre Dumas was black.

>> No.4399882


*white handed

>> No.4399884

/pol/ already tried a reverse one-drop rule against him earlier in the thread. Their only goal is to shit-post, they don't care. Just report them and hide the thread.

>> No.4399886

He was right though

>> No.4399890

>alright, it's about African women.
>written by a white dude
>the fuck?
So what? Because of people like you, society keeps thinking in terms of race and keeps distinguishing them. Do you also draw a distinction based on height?

No, samefag. He wasn't. Please be going back to whatever you belong.

>> No.4399891

One-drop rule was created by racist white supremacists, surely you don't believe that nonsense

>> No.4399895

Which of the books he listed weren't about racism?

>> No.4399897

>Implying every book that is read in high school isn't a shitty novel about race relations anyway

>> No.4399903

Yes. We are very stupid in that regard, but I rather blame white parents, who want to shield their children from the horrors of what their ancestors did.

>> No.4399908

>I blame white people

What a controversial view!

>> No.4399910

You can't blame /lit/ for not reading it, since they think everything by a black author is about oppression.

>> No.4399912

He was half white, quarter creole indian and quarter black.

If you think only "/pol/" sees that as mixed race, not black. Then you're delusional

>> No.4399916

Why? What was so bad about the book that they had to ban it? Fuck this world.

>> No.4399917

To be fair it usually is.

>> No.4399922

Citation needed

>> No.4399923

Nobody is trying to force in minority literature. On the fucking contrary, people like you are forcing it out and banning it. Why? Why fucking ban it?

>> No.4399925

Of course everything by a black author living in a white majority will be about minority-majority relationships. What did you expect literature to be about, if not human relations?

>> No.4399927

The catcher in the rye has been banned many times. Is that because of minority oppression too?

There are definitely elements trying to force minority literature. For the sake of "diversity"

>> No.4399930

Very controversial indeed. Won't someone think of the white children?

>> No.4399934

contradictions: the thread

>> No.4399935

How about stories from different points of view?

They seem to overwhelmingly be from the viewpoint of the poor oppressed negro. A lack of imagination might be the cause.

>> No.4399936

And there are elements forcing it out and outright banning it, because... Because they are racist? I don't even understand. Why would you back the banning of books? Simply because it is by a minority writer? Jesus.

>> No.4399938

It's clear you're the one that lacks the imagination.

>> No.4399939

Won't somebody make quotas for black books in high schools, think of the black children?

>> No.4399940

That's not /lit/, it's /pol/

>> No.4399941

What other point of view? The POV of the rich white slave owner being a nice guy for giving the Negro slaves food and shelter? Haha.

>> No.4399944

Where on earth do you get this idea that minority writers are actively getting discriminated against?

Of course they have less books in high schools. They're a fucking. Minority

>> No.4399946

Then /lit/ is /pol/.

>> No.4399948

Did Herman Melville hunt a giant whale?

>> No.4399949

Lol fuck them. Cut funding for their schools, since they have low IQs anyway. Won't somebody think of the white children?

>> No.4399951


Anybody ever think that black students may enjoy reading things by black authors in school?

>> No.4399950

>whites exclusively write about being white
>this is good
>blacks exclusively write about being black
>lyl iz shet

>> No.4399952

That's like saying the house is rats once they rats infest it. It's just a continuous problem with no end if there's no way to exterminate the filth.

>> No.4399953

No, not because of that, but because of the fact that their books are almost always challenged to make sure they never enter a library and a school, and because people actually agree with those ridiculous, racist, sentiments.

>> No.4399954

>/lit/ is one person

Fuck off this is your silly idea

>> No.4399955

Why? Are they so racist they can only relate to characters that share their skin color?

>> No.4399956


>implying there won't be more Spanish people than white people in the US within your lifetime

Where are all the books by Spanish authors then?

>> No.4399959

Spanish people?

Do you mean Hispanic?

>> No.4399961
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yfw the guy who wrote The Three musketeers

>> No.4399962

I don't like Melville.

>> No.4399963

Ofcourse they would. Locking these books out of school just adds on to the cultural captial loss that blacks face.

>> No.4399967

Racists no longer abide by the "one-drop rule", or the "1/8th rule", therefore Dumas is not considered black any more. He is a proponent of white literature.

>> No.4399970


children would also prefer to read harry potter and the biography of justin bieber. who gives a fuck what kids want.

>> No.4399973


Why shouldn't black people enjoy reading books by black authors some of the time? They're forced to put up with your Gatsby horseshit for the majority of their school career; why shouldn't you be forced to read I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings? It's only fair.

>> No.4399974

when and why did this change?

>> No.4399975

Who are you calling racist?

Are you honestly arguing that racists are the ones saying mixed race people exist?

>> No.4399976


>Racists no longer abide by the "one-drop rule"

Tell that too /pol/

But he looks it too any normal person and or mixed so I guess you can just call him mulatto

>> No.4399977


Yeah, I did. You get my point though.

>> No.4399978

They can always feel free to move to a place where they are the majority.

>> No.4399979

>Euros build colonies and a country, literally and legally, on the genocide of natives and slavery of blacks
>nothing changes for hundreds of years
>slavery is technically ended but blacks are still oppressed by dominant euro populace
>blacks are officially given actual legal rights in the middle of the fucking 1900's
>shitshit euros spend the 2010s shitposting on a literature board about how "all minority literature is about oppression"


>> No.4399984

The Irish were opressed far longer, and in much worse ways.

They have an abundance of varied and wonderful literature.

African-americans have no excuse.

>> No.4399987

>Dumas is not considered black any more.
He's Black AND White you fucking ingrate.
/pol/ spin is absolutely incredible. It's like a force of nature.

>> No.4399988

Please feel free to do the same. I'd suggest going back in time to Nazi Germany. No one wants you here.

>> No.4399989
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Gif related

Somone get this thread off it's /pol/ invaded

There;s no going back

>> No.4399990

>Alexandre Dumas

So are we now counting anyone with a hint of sub-saharan african ancestry as "black" now?


By following this logic you're agreeing with the racists you idiots.

>> No.4399995


You lose like a champ. You really do.

>> No.4399996

>The Irish were opressed far longer, and in much worse ways.

>white people

>> No.4399998

Are there any black authors who don't write about slavery? I would like to read those.

>> No.4400000

So he's white then?

>> No.4400002

/lit/ is truly the most pathetic board.

I don't know why I even bother coming here any more.

Every thread with an opposing opinion ends up getting spammed with "/pol/ is attacking, help me mods!" posts

Are you seriously so paranoid that you think all posts by people on /lit/ with different opinions to you are the actions of a specific group?

>> No.4400005

>whites exclusively write about being white
but you can't write about another race, anon. das raciss.
Racist things include, among others, saying that a race is only about a little topic, so it's natural that when someone of that race writes, they write about that topic.

>> No.4400006



He's mixed.

Not sure why you racists find this hard to accept.

>> No.4400007

So why do you guys on your own board keep crying about "the Kenyan", "Obongo"?

>> No.4400008

Sorry. I should have been clearer. If a black person (using the 1/8th rule here) ever gets successful, then the rule won't apply any more. /pol/ is more than happy with it. I don't know why you would think otherwise.

>> No.4400009

You idort look at it as a figure of speech

>/lit/ is truly the most pathetic board.
It's one of the best on 4chan if you ignore this thread

>> No.4400010

>I don't know why I even bother coming here any more.
I don't know why either, since we tell you every fucking day we don't want you here. Go back. GO BACK

>> No.4400012

>The Irish were opressed far longer, and in much worse ways.

>> No.4400013

I previously said he was Mulatto

>> No.4400014

According to /lit/, if you don't believe all of the following you are a racist from /pol/

>if you don't think a man who only has 1/4 of his heritage from blacks is completely black
>if you don't think minority literature should be forced into schools (more than they already are)
>if you don't think books about the same topic over and over are interesting
>if you think blacks should be able to write about something other than being black

>> No.4400015

There are a lot.

>> No.4400017
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Holy shit fuck off

No body cares

>> No.4400018

But if they enjoy it so much, why don't they do it on their own? Do you need school teachers to tell you what you should read?

>> No.4400019

Thanks for proving my point.

I hate /pol/, but I honestly hate /lit/ even worse than /pol/ now.

Fuck this board, and all of the shitposters like you on it.

>> No.4400020
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hhhrrgrghrgr srs detected kekekekekek
do you not understand that /pol/ is shorthand for unpleasant racists/sexists/homophobes/terrible-people-in-general that we want to leave
please leave

>> No.4400022
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>> No.4400023

Real classy /lit/

>> No.4400024

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out :^)

>> No.4400025

Jesus Christ. Why is it so hard for you to accept that black kids may want to read things by black authors rather than the fucking Gatsby?

>> No.4400028

/pol/ is just shorthand for opinions you don't like.

I don't like all of the faggots and shitposting leftists in this thread, but you don't see me crying to daddy and telling you to go back to tumblr.

Grow up you baby.

>> No.4400029

Did the big, bad, Englishman steal your potatoes?

>> No.4400030

Yep. You should leave and never come back, you're clearly above this board.

>> No.4400031

>ignores the question

>> No.4400032

Oh my God. That image. The level of paranoia. Wow.

>> No.4400034

>Being facetious.

>> No.4400035

GEE THANKS MATE, it's not like i have any idea what i am talking about and have no idea where to find these authors. Maybe you could help me out and give me some you personally liked.

>> No.4400033

No, you really are doing a /pol/ raid. No one is fooled. Just fuck off, go, be gone.
>boohoo no one wants to play with my shit

>> No.4400036

Why is it so hard for you to answer a very simple question?

>> No.4400037

In sixthform (British Highschool) we did The Color Purple. Decent book

>> No.4400038

>complains about black oppression
>laughs and mocks the genocide and oppression of the Irish

/lit/, the hypocrisy is almost laudable.

I actually am from /pol/, and I can say with an honest and clear conscience that the most vile racists have been more honest and in favor of equality than you.

>> No.4400041


>implying you wouldn't be crying bitter, salty tears if your 12th grade English teacher made you read nothing but black and Spanish literature for the year.

>> No.4400043
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/pol/ack here.

/lit/ is my secondary board.

Why do you want an echochamber so badly?

>> No.4400044

Davis, Coltrane, the list could go on.

>> No.4400046

What was the question?

>> No.4400048
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>I actually am from /pol/

It's done, everyone go home it's finished

>> No.4400050

Good, if you can't debate something without telling someone to leave, you really shouldn't be debating at all.

>> No.4400051

Yes but you don't count, since you aren't American. This is more or less an exclusively American problem.

>> No.4400053

I've just joined the thread and Now i'm out

>> No.4400054

Wait wasn't dumas grandfather black and the rest of them white and his lineage coming from one of the absolutely wealthiest families in France? Do you actually think he considered himself black?

>> No.4400056

If you don't think he's black.


>> No.4400057

>raids, "taking over the board", /b/
Jesus christ how horrifying.

>> No.4400058

>I actually am from /pol/, and I can say with an honest and clear conscience that the most vile racists have been more honest and in favor of equality than you
Hahaha. Wow. So this IS a /pol/ raid.

>> No.4400061

Maybe that's why they are challenged. Maybe white parents don't want their white, pure kids to see how tough the world is for non-whites.

>> No.4400062

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck?

>> No.4400064

I went to a predominately white high school in lower alabama and there were several novels written by black authors that we had to read.

To answer your question though, because it's generally bad literature. Most of it is simplistic and dull. The only merit in the majority of literature written by blacks is historical.

>And many, many more, are almost always challenged and locked out of schools and libraries across the country.

Where are you even getting this notion?

>> No.4400065

Don't worry guys, I've told /pol/ that we aren't going to put up with their shit.


Their raids will be ended.

>> No.4400066

I thought those were jazz musicians, but thanks i will look into those two.

>> No.4400067

He did consider himself black and he regularly faced racism. Read about him, rather than skimming wikipedia and coming here with your /pol/ bullshit. Because a black guy became wealthy, the one-drop rule doesn't apply?

>> No.4400068

>Hispanic lit, I should say

The point being, most people don't read when they're not in school. One of the reasons for this May very we'll be that, for the majority of their school career, students are exposed to literature that doesn't resonate with them for whatever reason. This is probably doubly true for minority Cherenkov, who are told almost straight from the off that lit is a white man's game, and that minorities only take part in it in specialized circumstances (minority lit classes, etc) because the mainstream academic and lit circles generally don't give a fuck. Of course those people will be turned off from reading, you dolt. They're turned off way before they're ever given the skills to critically asses the situation.

That plus, a lot of minority students grow up in impoverished circumstances. Kind of hard to find time to read when you have to take care of your younger siblings because you have a single mother working two fucking jobs two keep your apartment in a shitty, dangerous part of town.

>> No.4400069

>implying I wouldn't want to read Don Quixote and Wizard of the Crow

kill yourself

>> No.4400070

>Where are you even getting this notion?

It was real in his mind.

>> No.4400071
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>I've told /pol/ that we aren't going to put up with their shit
>Their raids will be ended

Yeah, right.

>> No.4400072

Get the fuck out. I've googled about on the subject and yet found any evidence of he himself referring to being a neuro. How exactly do you think the word octaroon sprung to life? Because rich people's mistake could either distance themselves from their black ancestors or so that they could remind others about it? Be logical.

>> No.4400076


Fuck off, no one is buying you shit.

>> No.4400078

it's a /mu/ thing.
it's because people say they like jazz, then they only know those two names when asked about which musicians they like.

>> No.4400073

I am not sure. I will have to do the math and get back at you.

>> No.4400079

>To answer your question though, because it's generally bad literature. Most of it is simplistic and dull. The only merit in the majority of literature written by blacks is historical.
Really? Books by minorities should be locked out of libraries and schools because they are... boring?

Wow. Never change Alabama.

>> No.4400080

The Bible

even if it isn't true (i don't believe it's true), its a book that has been handed down in western civilization for centuries, changed and changed, rewritten and rewritten, translated and translated.

it is a collective literary effort that has spanned more than two millennial. there is, in a literary sense, nothing quite like it in the history of the world in terms of length and variety. poetry, parables, over-arching stories, genealogies, magic, lore - it has it all.

every westerner should be required to read it. it is an indispensable part of western culture.

>> No.4400081

>His father, general Thomas-Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie, was born in Saint-Domingue to a French nobleman and a black slave woman.

>if you're rich and not 100% Black African you're not black anymore

>> No.4400083

Yeah, if you ignore what he said, and pretend he said that. You've won the argument.


>> No.4400086

This sounds a lot like a conspiracy.

>> No.4400087
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>I went to a predominately white high school in lower alabama

Is this real ?

Also everyone just stop replying too this thread once I've posted , if you do you're contributing to a pol raid


>> No.4400089

He's a 1/4 black.

If you think that's "black". you're reaching reaaaaaly hard.

>> No.4400091

>Why America? Where is the freedom that you so love?

Freedom to be stupid racist mysogynist white trash redneck and terrible person in general? Pls.

>> No.4400093

Pretty much yeah. That son later married a white woman and got children that became a writer. Apparently that person is subsaharan now.

>> No.4400094

That is what he implied.

>> No.4400095

Racism should be illegal.

>> No.4400098

Americans even made Jesus white. Way to go. He isn't a sandnigger... anymore.

>> No.4400099


>> No.4400100

It really isn't.

>> No.4400103

Oh, I thought you asked why they weren't appreciated. Regardless, I don't think that books that are bad literature should be taught in school. As for libraries, I don't see why they would be kept out of libraries.

>> No.4400104

So African-Americans aren't Black, since most/all have Euro ancestry and aren't Subsaharan.

Nice job, /pol/, you just defeated yourself, again.

>> No.4400105

I can't wait for all the blacks saying Honkey and Cracker to go to jail.

>> No.4400106

I don't read a lot of black writers because books about racism are boring.

>> No.4400108

>Black authors only write about black people.

White authors only write about white people

>> No.4400110

Then you should be clearer.

>> No.4400112

Yes. What, people from Alabama can't be literate?

>> No.4400114

No, the rules are as follows:
Be rich
Be successful.
Then you are white, however black you may look.

>> No.4400115

The difference being that they don't tend to focus on the characters ethnicity.

I'd love to read a book about a detective who happens to be black, unfortunately it tends to be the other way round.

>> No.4400118

White is universal though.

>> No.4400119

I think the conplaint isn't that blacks only write about black people, but that all they write about is race relations.

>> No.4400120
File: 143 KB, 781x600, general alexandre dumas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any /pol/shit wouldn't call him Black
Your levels of obfuscation are incredible, we're all aware of your ideology.

>> No.4400122
File: 54 KB, 500x254, Thomas Sowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not true.

Pic related, a black man I like.

>> No.4400123


>> No.4400124

No you retard if you come from a majority black lineage you're black, if you come from a majority white lineage you're white. How is this hard to understand?

>> No.4400126

Hewbrew school?

>> No.4400128

Don't flaunt your illiteracy with stupid condensed generalizations. Instead read the bible to get all the allusions in the western canon.

>> No.4400129

>race relations.
I can't blame them tbh. Just look at this thread.

>> No.4400131

No, the difference is that you think
>White is universal

Whites think they are the standard, they are the neutral base of reality.

>> No.4400132

My face when that is his grandpa, do you know anything about alexandre dumas the writer?

>> No.4400133

You are not white if you are 1/8th black. You are black. You can't disregard the rule simply because Dumas was rich, successful and loved.

>> No.4400136

So let me get this straight...

it's "/pol/" that is saying Dumas isn't black...

and it's also "/pol/" that would be saying he is black?

Is there anything YOU have to say on the matter?

>> No.4400139

The entire history of African-American intellectualism is trying to get White people to actually think for one god damn second, but they never have, hence this thread. Also why we have Black nationalism, the realization that Whites are too stupid to deal with.


>> No.4400141


Western literature is literally incomprehensible unless you use the Bible as a reference point. I mean, how else are you gonna get all the allusions? How the vuck do you even allude, you stinking pleb?

>> No.4400143

>Whites think they are the standard

That's an extremely racist thing to say.

>> No.4400144

Whites are the objective race by which all other races are measured.

>> No.4400147

I went to public school in america. In eighth grade english we read a book about the little rock nine, in ninth grade english we read a book about child soldiers in africa, in tenth grade english we read the purple hibiscus, in eleventh grade english we read zora neale hurston, and in twelfth grade english read toni morrison.

>> No.4400151

lyl, good job mates

>> No.4400152

Maybe it's because these are things that effect their daily life, unlike it does the white majority. They're writing about what they know, like most authors do.

>> No.4400150

Are you honestly referring to the one drop rule as a non racist defense? I got news for you buddy, you're wrong and you're racist.

>> No.4400153

How is it racist? I am the fucking cener of the universe.

>> No.4400155

I'm sorry for the torture they inflicted on you.

>> No.4400159

>The entire history of African-American intellectualism is trying to get White people to actually think for one god damn second, but they never have, hence this thread.

Who cares its Christmas the birthday of a sandnigger Jew that most whites a celebrate how can we be racist?

>> No.4400160

/pol/ would normally call Dumas a "nigger," but this particular thread requires they claim him as being white, because he is an incredible famous Black author that wrote adventure novels that weren't "about racism". Why is this hard to understand?

>> No.4400157

Yes that is the grandfather I'm guessing you haven't read the actual text. Alexandre dumas the writer was born in the 19th century.

>> No.4400158
File: 67 KB, 618x459, clinton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whites are too stupid to deal with.

Why are you so anti-white?

>> No.4400163

Are you illiterate or is this your pathetic damage control?

>> No.4400164

The rule shaped America and is still implicitly accepted. America has no concept of mixed-race. You are either white, or black. It might be changing now, but change takes time.

>> No.4400165

Cleopatra and Ceasar and Beethoven were also black.

>> No.4400166
File: 66 KB, 660x398, dorner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know shit about /pol/

ask them what they think about this guy

>> No.4400167
File: 13 KB, 273x136, 1385115211089[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain yuself
wha yu mean
when yu say half-caste
yu mean when picasso
mix red an green
is a half-caste canvas/
explain yuself
wha u mean
when yu say half-caste
yu mean when light an shadow
mix in de sky
is a half-caste weather/
well in dat case
england weather
nearly always half-caste
in fact some o dem cloud
half-caste till dem overcast
so spiteful dem dont want de sun pass
ah rass/
explain yuself
wha yu mean
when yu say half-caste
yu mean tchaikovsky
sit down at dah piano
an mix a black key
wid a white key
is a half-caste symphony/

Thank you British education.

I mean why the fuck would I care to read any of the hundreds of eminent European poets when I could read this dreck instead?

>> No.4400168

I'm transblack what mostly is referred to as a "whigger"

>> No.4400169

Jesus is white. Haven't you seen the pictures? He has blond hair and blue eyes.

>> No.4400171

>but this particular thread requires they claim him as being white

But nobody has claimed he was white... just that he was mixed.

>> No.4400173

Hm well the father then. It's still not the writer.

>> No.4400174

What about foreign authors? Why don't you read foreign authors, who are better than American authors anyway? Homer, Virgil, Dante, Goethe, Cervantes, Tolstoy, Dostoievsky. So many good books...

>> No.4400175

Shhhhh, facts just anger the liberals, just let them be.

>> No.4400180

>more dead white males


no thanks

>> No.4400181

And I am a jew who is a transnigga my nickname is "the ashes". I like it when people refer to me with gye.

>> No.4400182

>eminent European poets

Implying the "sublime" isn't shit with no relevance to anyone but bored aristocrats who need to sever themselves from losers like you.

>> No.4400183


Answer this question, so we can see where the majority of /lit/ stands.

>> No.4400184
File: 304 KB, 620x582, 1387054340587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do other groups always feel entitled to what the better group has created? you should be grateful you get to witness it and benefit from osmosis. if you cant figure it out even after being surrounded by it, you have no right to force everyone else to include you.

>> No.4400186

Holy fucking this!

Fucking done this illiterate piece of shit in School

Fucking crap made my eyes pain

>> No.4400187

You never an

>> No.4400189

This is a /pol/ thread that has been accidentally misplaced.

>> No.4400190


I'm not from /pol/, I wouldn't know.

>> No.4400191

*answered this one

>> No.4400192

Machado de Assis, then

>> No.4400194


Last word on 2. is Good*


>> No.4400195

That's facetious. The question should be "Should books by black authors be banned from schools?"

>> No.4400197

dead white males have historically had the most opportunity to read, write, and develop their craft

>> No.4400199

Nobody is suggesting that outside of your dreamworld.

>> No.4400200

A lot of people want it, and it is being challenged all over the country in the REAL world.

>> No.4400201

dead white males have pretty good track records in almost every field. to not study them because they're dead is borderline retarded. to not study them because they're white is racist.

>> No.4400202

What don't you guys select scientific ideas the same way you select literature? Let us not teach the DNA in high school, since it's structure was discovered by a sexist asshole, let us instead teach that thingy some guy discovered in the middle of Congo.

You gotta teach the best and most important scientific ideas. You gotta teach the best and most important books. Unfortunataly, most of these ideas and books came from the mind of dead white males.

>> No.4400204

citations would be nice

>> No.4400206


What've you got against white people?

>> No.4400209

All of black literature is basically an interminably prolonged whine.

There's a reason why, for example, people all over the world read Eastern European literature: because its themes are universal. Their literature is firmly anchored in the oppression inflicted by the Soviet Union, but it is their artfulness, their aesthetic sense, that makes the literature transcend topicality, etc.

Black literature just comes across as petty and narrow, putting 'social commentary' before art. Except maybe for sociologists and historians, no one is going to care about Alice Walker or what-have-you in the future. Sieg heil, motherfuckers and shalom.

>> No.4400205

your poll is stupid and desperate

>> No.4400211


The first was biased

Unless you're from pol

>> No.4400212
File: 43 KB, 368x475, 1496488[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry kid, come back when the rest of the world combined contributes 1/100th of what Europeans have to contemporary civilization.

>> No.4400214

Nothing. It is only that it would be better if there were more diversity among the greatest scientists and writers. (I'm white, by the way).

>> No.4400215


How much Harlem Renaissance lit did you read in high school, honestly? Are you really going to tell me that shit wasn't beautiful and worthy of study?

>> No.4400217

>only answers are "yes" and "No"


>> No.4400218

go back to pol

people of the african persuasion were flying spaceships and communicating with aliens until de vanilla man come and destroy all of it.

>> No.4400220
File: 2.61 MB, 3456x2592, 1377734414679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure sure they try adding blacks to textbooks to the point where it's a joke. Any black philosophers, poets, and historical figures end up looking like jokes and people are aware they're just there for diversity. "This black woman sat on a bus what a key historical icon!" or "This black man was the first to do what someone else already did but he did it with black skin!" It's a joke and it's tired. If there were any blacks, women, etc. who merited being in history books, literature, philosophy books, etc. you can BET they would be there. They are DESPERATE to include them. The problem is there are none that don't come off as a joke for the sake of inclusion. This is why our industries and our schools are failing. People are more worried about feelings than truth, knowledge, or innovation (thanks women's suffrage).

>> No.4400222


Race is just a skin color, why does it matter who does better?

We're all humans after all.

>> No.4400226

It's paid conservative shills overepresenting themselves to ensure 4chan never gets out of hand.

>> No.4400227


>the Rosa Parks incident was not important to the civil rights movement


>> No.4400231

/lit/ confirmed for thinking black literature is not needed in schools.


>> No.4400233

I read some of it (even though I'm not American, I read it out of personal interested outside of school). It is indeed very beautiful and worth studying. My point is that it shouldn't be taught just because it was written by black people, but because it is good literature.

Captcha: nnnnyat

>> No.4400235

This has nothing to do with innovation nothing is as harmful to innovation as establishing truth like multiple choice tests.

>> No.4400236

go back to pol you asshole

>> No.4400238
File: 76 KB, 241x380, Banter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pol way of looking at it but I agree

It's out of hand , the majority of them haven't even done anything worthy of note
>"This black man was the first to do what someone else already did but he did it with black skin!"
Everytime, it's not even needed too state what he is

Unless it's Neil degrasse tyson they shouldn't be there unless stated as a fact they've done something that's well known

>> No.4400242
File: 10 KB, 238x431, 1384973199871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason the "incident" was important was because the race-mixing crowd decided to politicize it for their goals. Think about the Trayvon Martin case, it's the same thing they've always done. They take a non-issue, and then "rally behind it" with lies, exaggerations, and propaganda to reach their political goals. You lived through Trayvon Martin's case, so don't even pretend you don't know how they operate. Time to wake up, this is how the real world works. It's called social engineering.

>> No.4400249
File: 146 KB, 589x1599, 1297-706332[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Race is just a skin color

Fuck off with this inane conflation, frankly it's offensive to albinos.


>We're all humans after all.

Yeah well both dogs and humans are carbon-based organisms, I guess that means we're the same.

>muh reductio ad absurdum

>> No.4400250

>state enforced segregation

Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.4400255


This is actually true. In most schools now administration dictates that standards include diverse representations in every subject. So now books and secondary material must include blacks, hispanics, asians, disabled, homosexual, ect. That sounds all well and good but when you are talking about specific events its hard to shoe horn in that shit.

"Today class we're going to learn about the founding fathers, turn to page 198 in your textbooks." And what is taking up half of page 198? A blurb about Jamal an African slave who shit in a bucket and his struggle with turds.

>> No.4400259

>an argument on a bus

fixed that for ya, fuck off to reddit

>> No.4400266


Yeah , but the problem is that many worthy pieces of black lit are overlooked because the power that be have decided that there are many more worthy pieces of white lit that should be focused on. Pieces of minority art and literature should be studied precisely because they are the minority. Not only would this open up students minds to new ideas and viewpoints but it may even inspired new pieces of literature and art as opposed to pieces that follow a more conventional, overdone path.

>> No.4400268

You're delusional to reduce it in that way to suit your specific political preferences, what was it Rosa refused to do exactly?

>> No.4400269

>many worthy pieces of black lit are overlooked because the power that be have decided that there are many more worthy pieces of white lit that should be focused on


>> No.4400271
File: 41 KB, 500x335, love_being_white[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4400272


How the hell is that different than what any other group of people have done to rally people behind their goals? I hate to break this to you, but that's not something exclusive to blacks. Why not try a history book?

>> No.4400274

Being so insecure that you need to fuel a site dedicated too anyone with pale or light skin


>> No.4400280
File: 36 KB, 490x333, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being so insecure you need a month dedicated to dark skin.

>> No.4400283


>> No.4400284


Honestly I don't have any empirical evidence. That statement is more or less based on my experiences in American high school. I went to a school that had a very large "minority" population and yet we still focused almost exclusively on the white literature. From what I can gather, that is the norm for most high schools in this country.

>> No.4400285

>Yeah , but the problem is that many worthy pieces of black lit are overlooked because the power that be have decided that there are many more worthy pieces of white lit that should be focused on.
theyre overlooked because theyre garbage. look at the best they can muster >>4400220 and yes there are more important things to read than "we thin gin we so kewl so die soon." its not everyone elses fault you cant come up with anything ground breaking. its bad enough we have to pretend people like kanye west are artistic geniuses just for the sake of diversity on television.
>Pieces of minority art and literature should be studied precisely because they are the minority.
"diversity is strength" cool opinion bro
>Not only would this open up students minds to new ideas and viewpoints
you mean new ideas like >>4400220 "we cool we thin gin we so kewl"
>but it may even inspired new pieces of literature and art as opposed to pieces that follow a more conventional, overdone path.
are you saying only people with a different skin color can be unconventional? im pretty sure that most counter cultures are created by the majority group too.

>> No.4400287


>Conflating race with skin color

>Not understanding that race is geographic ancestry

Marxist ideologues pls go

>> No.4400288


"Today class is the first day of black history month, I hope you've all secured your bikes with locks."

>> No.4400290

Being so insecure you need an entire month dedicated to people of your skin color's heritage.


>> No.4400291

After 200 years of subjugation and segregation being told by the very structure of society that you're inferior. Do you know what nuance is you whiny pussy?

>> No.4400296

why doesn't my teacher know how to use a semicolon

>> No.4400297

>how is rallying behind a black woman who had an argument on a bus (created by whites) different from an all out war against the most powerful empire on earth to establish a sovereign nation with a unique governing style

this is how stupid you sound. we learn about the bus argument as being equal in importance to the american revolution, if this doesnt tell you theyre desperate to include "minorities" then nothing does.

>> No.4400302
File: 6 KB, 119x127, 1387906460171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I;m not even black

You insecure whites are so predictable

>> No.4400303


Because you are in an inner city school and funding that should go towards hiring qualified teachers instead goes to basketball americans getting free breakfasts and after school crack clubs.

>> No.4400304

To considerable percentage of the population that was a very important. Get over yourself, stupid solipsist.

>> No.4400306

In my high school Biology class we were taught there was no such thing as race, and global warming was taught as a fact.

>> No.4400307

And I do think there actually are. Why? Because white people, throughout history, have had more access to writing and education than black people. Thats also the reason why the great scientific ideas were almost without exception discovered by white man, and not women or black people. Classical mechanics: Galileo, Newton, Kepler and other white males; Evolution: Darwin and Wallace; Genetics: Mendel. There are more books by white authors that should be studied just as there are more ideas by white scientists that should be studied.

>> No.4400309
File: 453 KB, 877x757, 1387906542099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need to spend time and resources to reverse hurt feelings and hurtful ideas
yea, no thanks. i dont care about your feelings. i care about space travel.

>> No.4400310

Why are you writing in the dumb white man language of English?

>> No.4400312


>> No.4400313


Yes, actually.

>> No.4400314

>implying I'm white and not Korean

Nice try. I just call racism when I see it - including racism against whites.

>> No.4400315

>>Not understanding that race is geographic ancestry

Totally misinterpretating what I just said

>Implying all whites are dumb
Fuck you insecure irrelevant ones are hilarious

>muh heratige
>muh achievements I haven't done

>> No.4400317

I have to say I agree. Further, the reasoning they use to include them is crazy. It can all be boiled down to this statement:

Black people/women/minority group will be more interested in learning certain things if there are other black people/women/people from minority groups who are successful in those fields.

For art, inventing and promoting success of these minority groups is not hard to do, as you can get away with saying virtually any piece of art is important for this or that reason without getting into technical details and people will eat it up.

Science and math is where the problems start, because while its "subjective" that Bach is better than Charlie Parker, its less subjective to say that Gauss was a superior mathematician than Sophie Germain.

More on to my point, I am a student of mathematics. I did NOT start mathematics because I wanted to be like Gauss. I did not even know who Gauss really was until I started to do number theory, after I had already decided to devote my life to mathematics. Heroes or role models do not stir strong interests in specific things. Indeed, its possible to have somebody as a role model who was in a completely different field than the one you want to be in. Who is not inspired by Beethoven, who "seized fate by the throat" and even though he was deaf managed to change music forever? I am not a musician, but the man is still an inspiration.

Further, this insistence that role models must be of your gender and race is also foolish. Can I not admire Grace Hopper, the female who invented the world's first compiler and coined the term "bug"?

But even if I do admire them, it takes MORE than mere admiration for some people who were successful in order to actually do something. A role model is not only not sufficient, its not even really necessary. You have to enjoy what you're doing on a basic, raw level. Mozart was said to write music all day, and Beethoven too spoke of getting absorbed in "making harmonies". I too get absorbed in math. I enjoy when I prove something and I enjoy even when I fail. At some basic level, even if the "dead white males" did not exist, or if they were all black, I would still enjoy doing mathematics. My own personal enjoyment of sitting down with a cup of coffee and trying to reason my way through problems are what keep me going, not some strange desire to fill the shoes or "be like" of some dead white guy.

>> No.4400319

>yea, no thanks. i dont care about truth. i care about space travel.

Good luck with that, nerd.

>> No.4400320

Nothing wrong with White Pride.

>> No.4400326

Hey we white people don't need you Asians slave mentality to defend us. You just keep making our shoes and t-shirts.

>> No.4400328
File: 20 KB, 567x410, iq-cranial-capacity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because white people, throughout history, have had more access to writing and education than black people.
or it could be the more obvious conclusion, you know, that the same thing that allowed them to develop science and writing to begin with is what allows them to have more access to it...

>> No.4400329

Nice try, I know you're not white.

>> No.4400330

Nothign wrong with pride at all

But the ridiculously idort man children who behave like they're direct descendants too King Arthur and imply everything is catered to them are a shamble too look at,

>tfw I'm related to William the conqueror

>> No.4400333

Whatever you say, friend. I'll just be over here stealing your women.

>> No.4400335
File: 76 KB, 500x463, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We white
Ya, no. Go away Jamal.

>> No.4400338

Actually I'm white, I'm just not American so I don't care about "racism" since I live in a country with an actual history.

>> No.4400340
File: 793 KB, 1080x3566, 1354732448144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh skin color muddafugga

Meanwhile in reality

>> No.4400341


Whoever is posting in this board thinks whoever objectifies their stupid arguments must be non white

>> No.4400350
File: 46 KB, 500x476, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We... don't need

>> No.4400364
File: 134 KB, 519x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laughing at libshits is the same as self entitlement.
It's a wonder you're all a bunch of spinsters and self hating college kiddies taking african/womyns studies while bitching about being neck deep in debt.

>> No.4400366

>Everyone having a frank discussion about race
>Some guy comes in and spouts "niggers" etc.

This is why racial realism will not ever be taken seriously. The right wing has the smartest and dumbest people. But there are as ten times as many people on the right who hate "faggots" as there are those smart individuals who simply want gays to not be completely immune to criticism in the media, want literature and plays to reflect more stable societal values such as monogamy and a lack of promiscuity, and who realize the very serious problems that come with viewing everything in an oppressor/oppressed paradigm.

I tend to lean right on a lot of things but "hurrf durf feggitz and joos, get in the kitchen fukin cunt" really, honestly and truly sets anything the right has to say about racial realism/affirmative action/feminism back farther than any actual argumentation from the left.

The right simply destroys itself.

>> No.4400369

>writing books
pick uno

>> No.4400371
File: 6 KB, 168x200, 1376719019394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>theyre overlooked because theyre garbage.
I can only assume then that you have indeed read all the black literature that is available because I refuse to believe someone as smart as you would pull assumptions out of your asshole.

>are you saying only people with a different skin color can be unconventional? im pretty sure that most counter cultures are created by the majority group too.

Why is it so hard to accept that people of different cultures may have different and yes, even significantly profound, viewpoints that are not always readily and aptly expressed by the white majority? Why is it so hard for you to wrap your mind around the fact that different cultures and backgrounds may breed different writing styles and techniques?

I'm honestly not very well-verse in black lit but, at the same time, I refuse to believe that an entire race of people have failed to write anything significant or groundbreaking. I'm not arrogant enough to turn my nose up to an entire group of people.

Why don't you give it a shot? Do some research and see if you can find a worthy black book. I'm more than sure they're out there. This is exactly what I'm going to do when I finish reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
>MFW I'm reading a book by dead white-man extraordinaire.


>> No.4400376
File: 55 KB, 620x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le funny reaction pics.
Please sir/madame, tell us how we're going to beat those evil fascist white men that are oppressing us!!!!111

>> No.4400378


>The word "nigger" is controversial
>Many of these books have the word "nigger" in it
>Parents don't want their children's sensibilities exposed to the word "nigger"
By the rules of being a double-plus-good bureaucrat in the 21st Century books with the word "nigger" are subject to objection, even if it is used in 'the good way.'

>> No.4400386

>Bring technology, superior western philosophy, and everything in general humans come to know today and progress natives to the stars
>The horrors of what they did! 1.6% of American families owned slaves at it's height even though white slaves were regularly traded through Asia Minor, there being more slaves in Africa than there was anywhere outside and slaves being taken care of much better in European lands than their own domestic lands.

>Height isn't different from race.

/Lit/ is such an intellectual board! So prone to intelligent debate, a hive for creative thinking and it definitely isn't an echo-chamber where people 'hide' each others comments and report for opposing world views. Wait to be reminiscent of reddit, /lit/! This board has been successfully shitted on since I first came here, unrightfully so.

>> No.4400391

>1.6% of American families owned slaves
That's a pretty significant amount, don't get why people use this argument

>> No.4400393

No one fucking organizes raids on this board. Some people from /pol/ leak, yes, but it's also a place where right wing thinkers also migrate to because they enjoy literature. Jesus, get out of the liberal echo-chamber for two seconds.

>> No.4400396


In a similar vein this is a very interesting piece.


>> No.4400397

>global warming was taught as a fact.

It is.

>> No.4400398



>> No.4400404
File: 176 KB, 1064x536, 1387908149746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it is then why is it illegal to say its not? that reminds me of another thing people claim is "fact" which really isnt... hmmm...

>> No.4400406

Well, the earth is warming. Whether or not humans are affecting it, and, if they are, the degree to which they are affecting it as well as the feasibility/practicality of the remedies in the current era of globalization are the real questions being asked.

>> No.4400407

>why is it illegal to say its not?

It isn't.

>> No.4400408

1.6% of American families including blacks is pretty low. Blacks and modern liberals often have the mentality that 30% or greater owned slaves, when this is not the case. The elite owned many. The only people outside the elite that owned slaves were reserved farmers who saved up hundreds upon hundreds to buy them, and this was a very little amount.

>> No.4400410

you actually think this? A link to this thread is on /pol/ with like 100+ replies

>> No.4400412

Consider the fact that shitloads of white immigrants came AFTER the civil war.

>> No.4400415

Pretty sure that was made by /lit/.

/lit/ was the shitposters all along.

>> No.4400418

Paranoia at it's finest, the modern liberal. Holy shit.

There's a difference between the classicals and the moderns of the left. From what I've seen in the world's current political climate, the modern liberal is nothing like based Voltaire and has very little resemblance to heroes of the past.

What? The thread someone made saying "stop raiding us" to which no one knew what the fuck he was talking about?

>> No.4400420

Well the thread went to shit quick.

>> No.4400423

>Paranoia at it's finest, the modern liberal. Holy shit.

Total inability to detect sarcasm at its finest, the modern 4channer. Holy shit.

>> No.4400424
File: 69 KB, 1425x625, Modern_incidence_of_slavery[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh oppression

>> No.4400426

>Blacks and modern liberals often have the mentality that 30% or greater owned slaves, when this is not the case.

link me to a survey of people saying they think the percentage is that high

and yeah 1.6% is a big portion of highly wealthy Americans owning slaves, how the fuck is that not historically significant? it doesn't matter if people think the number was higher, you're throwing that statistic around like it's supposed to blow our minds

>> No.4400430

What is HBD?

>> No.4400432

>Sarcasm through text

>> No.4400437

>The thread someone made saying "stop raiding us"

>actually thinking someone from /lit/ made that thread

no anon you are paranoid

>> No.4400443

>The thread someone made saying "stop raiding us"
>actually thinking someone from /lit/ made that thread

Yes, that's the logical conclusion.

>> No.4400444


Human Biodiversity, a.k.a Race Realism.


>> No.4400446
File: 482 KB, 814x972, blackoppression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the fuck is that not historically significant?
because a small amount of people owned slaves, some of them were actually free black men in fact, most whites in america came after slavery, theyre claiming whites globally owe them something when in fact whites made their lives better and were the ONLY ones on the planet trying to create freedom, whites and blacks both were indentured servants working towards land and freedom which is a better deal than youll get today working at walmart, and slavery in america was created by a black man to begin with. i can go on forever with these factoids.

>> No.4400447


I'm so impressed by your intelligent response to that criticism.

>> No.4400448

>being a /pol/ degenerate unable to comprehend symbols adequately to post on /lit/

Get out scum.

>> No.4400450
File: 89 KB, 431x538, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gay Indian writing about a teenage lesbian Beur four thousand years in the future
>tfw I still see fragments of my own personality in her
H-help, guys.

>> No.4400452

>White twenty-somethings defending niggers swarming into white schools, being disruptive, failing or being forced through two years of college on the tax payer dime to get a 1.3 GPA
>"At least it felt right at the time"

Wow /lit/ is a shithole. I hope you faggots live to see our "multicultural utopia" in fifty years. I really do. At least the Asians will remove nog from Africa and actually fucking use it for something but they have no human empathy.

>> No.4400454

So the nigger blogger is racist? Lol. Does he hate himself?

>> No.4400455

Go ask anybody you know how many slaves they think whites owned. I'm sure it's above 1.6% and that is because of propaganda.

1.6% is fucking nothing compared to other countries, this is something that African-Americans hype up to be the great cataclysm that gives them the inability to learn on normal standards with middle class white kids 150 years later.

>> No.4400457
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I don't think you know what you're saying anymore.

>> No.4400462
File: 87 KB, 466x423, i'm too gay for this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what semiotics are
Holy shit, >>>/pol/. Nobody here is shit-stupid enough to actually fall for your /v/-tier tactics.

>> No.4400465


>Of all 1,515,605 free families in the fifteen slave states in 1860, nearly 400,000 held slaves (roughly one in four, or 25%),[3] amounting to 8% of all American families.[4]


>The United States Census of 1860 was the eighth Census conducted in the United States. It determined the population of the United States to be 31,443,321, an increase of 35.4 percent over the 23,191,875 persons enumerated during the 1850 Census. The total population included 3,953,761 slaves, representing 12.7% of the total population.

>> No.4400467

/lit/ shitposted on /pol/

/pol/ actually is here now, and you brought it upon yourself

>> No.4400474


No one from /lit/ actually uses that "shitlord/check ur privilege" style tumblr/srs lingo. It was a thread started by someone from /pol/ to laugh at /lit/.

>> No.4400475

Wow I guess these liberal intellectuals over really are more mature and wise!

I'm definitely going to be sticking around this place.

>> No.4400476

>a country built on slavery!
>without slaves America would be nothing, much like all of Europe
>oh wait

>> No.4400478


the figure saying the percentage is that low is from the Barnes Review, a white nationalist magazine

>> No.4400481


You can hardly think it's coincidental that America became so much more powerful and wealthy than Europe.

>> No.4400483

>counting the non slave states

you people are so fucking dumb

Between 12% (Maryland) and 49% (Mississippi) of families owned slaves.








TEXAS 28,00%


FLORIDA 34,00%

ALABAMA 35,00%

GEORGIA 37,00%



>> No.4400484
File: 120 KB, 533x800, 1360904703885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ diplomat here. Please excuse the reactionary vocal minority from /pol/ who are here kneejerking over >>>/pol/24595802 . They are not representative of the entire board. They will surely lose interest soon and return to the pit of /pol/arization from whence they came.

>> No.4400490

That was such a funny book, my sides ached from cover to cover

>> No.4400491
File: 27 KB, 645x155, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you blatantly lying?

>> No.4400492

>What is letters?

GTFO now

>> No.4400493


A coincidence? With all that white and Jewish immigration and two world wars that devastated Europe? Of course not.

>> No.4400494

>Of the 27 million whites counted in the 1860 census, 8 million lived in the slave owning states of the South. Of these, 385,000 owned slaves. Statistically, 4.8% of all Southern whites owned slaves.

>When factored by the entire population, 1.4% of all United States whites were slave owners.

Suite101: |The 1860 Census and Slavery in the United States: Interpreting Census Data and Research Institute on Pre-Civil War Slavery |

>> No.4400496

That /lit/ shitposting thread got deleted. good.

>> No.4400502


Of the 27 million whites counted in the 1860 census, 8 million lived in the slave owning states of the South. Of these, 385,000 owned slaves. Statistically, 4.8% of all Southern whites owned slaves. When factored by the entire population, 1.4% of all United States whites were slave owners. The Gone With the Wind notion that most Southerners owned large numbers of slaves and lived in huge plantations is a myth.

Deep South states held the most slaves and this is where most of the larger plantations existed. Mississippi’s slave population stood at 55% out of a total population of 791,305. South Carolina’s slave population represented 57% of the total population. These percentages decrease with upper South states like Virginia (31%), Tennessee (25%), and Kentucky (20%). Border States like Maryland accounted for the lowest numbers (13%).

In 1860, there were 4.5 million blacks in the United States, 4 million living in the South. Of those, 261,988 were free blacks living in the South, usually in urban centers like New Orleans that accounted for 10,689 free blacks. Restrictions on free blacks were severe, however. They could not move from one state to another and in 1859 the Arkansas legislature, for example, passed a law ordering sheriffs to force freedmen out of the state. The Arkansas slave population was at 26%.

Free Blacks That Owned Slaves in the Pre-Civil War South

According to Duke University’s Emeritus Professor, John Hope Franklin, in New Orleans over 3000 free blacks owned slaves themselves (or 28% of the black population). In Louisiana, 6 blacks owned 65 or more slaves while in Charleston, SC, 125 blacks owned slaves, 6 owning ten or more. In North Carolina there were 69 black slave owners.

Statistically, this represents a fraction of all slave holders and many theories can be ventured to explain the phenomenon. In some cases, free blacks with financial means used the system to buy the freedom of family and friends, perhaps through the slave system, thus adding to statistical data that usually paints a sterile picture and leaves interpretations to the historian. It would be grossly negligent to use such statistics to justify slavery by intimating that free blacks supported the evil institution.

Alfred H. Kelly and Winfred A. Harbison, The American Constitution: Its Origins & Development (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1976)

Frederick Merk, History of the Westward Movement (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978)

Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States (available on-line)

The 1860 Census

>> No.4400503


The US was a global power before WWI, that's why we were able to leverage the world wars to become a superpower.

>> No.4400504

Walter Williams

Man this thread is something. You guys are a buncha soft-skinned babies with the ideological strength of a small flower.


>> No.4400508

The letters are normal. Am I supposed to see something in the letters?

>> No.4400510


I really think /pol/ must be autistic. They can't tell when someone is being sarcastic or trying to egg them on. No wonder they fall prey to every piece of agitprop they see.

>> No.4400511
File: 42 KB, 604x450, gamersgettingcreepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i act like a pussy people will like me

>> No.4400512


Along with many European countries. The U.S. really got the edge thanks to the Great War, which put it in its current dominant position.

>> No.4400513

It also happens to be true, you white self-defeating idiot. When niggers invent a planetary culture get back to me.

>> No.4400514

wat the Invisible Man is a book about a man that turned fucking invisible you dumb-ass. Sure could be a metaphor for race but really how have you never heard of this?

>> No.4400518
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>> No.4400519


a good portion of free blacks bought slaves with the intention of freeing them

>> No.4400520

>fighting a /lit/ boogeyman conjured by /pol/ cirklejerks

Try to go take a look around at other threads on this board. Who am I kidding get out, you wouldn't be able to put together a cogent quality post about a literary work anyways. You probably don't read.

>> No.4400528

I give up. Read books educate yourself. Language is the darnedest thing. Look up structuralism and semiotics, it probably wouldn't interest you since it says nothing about niggers.

>> No.4400533

/lit/ was so wrecked in this thread it's painful to watch.

>> No.4400535

Semiotics with sarcasm is only detected in case of verbal presence. Arguing about whether a dull statement that could have fallen unisex to both real and unreal is incredibly stupid and doesn't help you at all.

>> No.4400537

>Of the 27 million whites counted in the 1860 census, 8 million lived in the slave owning states of the South. Of these, 385,000 owned slaves. Statistically, 4.8% of all Southern whites owned slaves. When factored by the entire population, 1.4% of all United States whites were slave owners. The Gone With the Wind notion that most Southerners owned large numbers of slaves and lived in huge plantations is a myth.

This is a really misleading rubric. You could use the same logic to say that only a fraction of the American population lives in houses because only a small percentage legally own homes. But of course, homeowners live in homes with their entire family.

Slaves may have legally belonged to one person, but the slave served that person's entire family. 25% of southern families owned slaves.

>> No.4400540

Your doing it wrong, you forgot the context.

>> No.4400543

Stating something doesn't make it so.

>> No.4400546

/lit/s anus will never be the same

>> No.4400547

>Arguing about whether a dull statement that could have fallen unisex to both real and unreal

You are cataclysmically dumb. The sarcasm in the post that started this argument was so obvious that you would need to be honestly delusional to think otherwise. What is wrong with you?

>> No.4400562

A slave does one action at a time and will be working at the same pace regardless if he has more than one person in queue. Just because an old, reserved yeoman farmer had one son and that slave brought drinks to the son on his offtime doesn't make him also legally the slave of that son.

You could make an analogy with that logic that a man with a gun or possession of any object is not truly going to use it 24/7, but that does not mean it is not legally soulbound to him and him only. 1.4% of all American families owned slaves, 4.8% of all Southern whites owned slaves.

Many slave owners didn't trust African-Americans anyways and the wife was almost always a housewife. You seem like you're suggesting they're doing housework so that makes them shared, but this really wasn't the case. They were paid to do the back-breaking work.

>> No.4400568

Subjective, just like your exaggeration.

>> No.4400571


The household receives the services of the slave. It doesn't matter who the slave is "actually" serving.

If only the patriarch of the family drives the car, does the rest of the family receive no use from it?

Stop being obtuse to support your particular worldview.

>> No.4400576

I can tell you didn't read what I said beyond the first sentence. The slave was almost never used for housework because that was taken care of by the housewife. Slaves were very expensive, and when you had them you sent them out to do the hard labor. Almost no yeoman farmer families owned more than one or two slaves.

>> No.4400583

>I can tell you didn't read what I said beyond the first sentence.

I can tell you don't know what is meant by serving the household. Do you think just because the slave is doing hard labor out in the fields and not directly waiting on the family, the family receives no benefit from that? The family's livelihood depends on the slave labor.

>> No.4400584

Wait so the half black president is full black and a nigger but Dumas is half black but pretty much white? Wut they are both mixed.

>> No.4400591

What happened here? Is anyone even discussing why the books in OP's list are banned from schools?

>> No.4400592


Like that gets you off the hook, admitting your subjectivity (which means your worldview and accumulated qualitative life experience) is stupid is refreshingly honest for a /pol/ mongrel though.

>> No.4400598

Welcome to /pol/ newfriend.

>> No.4400610

They don't 'depend' on it, but yes they rely on it. They rely on him/her to go outside and do hard labor. Small little accidents like alcohol spills or events like passing out food is not something an expensive slave comes in to do, especially when their status did not permit this. The entire families livelihood is not dependent on him/her enough for the census to record it.

This is an incredibly weak argument and doesn't warrant an entire warping of the federal census's information.

>> No.4400624

Not from /pol/, only browse /a/. I said your samefag opinion telling how very easy the sarcasm was to notice was subjective as it was very short and warranted a better hyperbole. You used 'cataclysmically' wrong, so I responded that you exaggerate yourself in correlation to your own subjective statement.

>> No.4400625

>Pieces of minority art and literature should be studied precisely because they are the minority.

Why? If they have no merit then they have no merit and honestly fuck minorities, they're a minority.

>> No.4400631


You can plug your ears and ignore it all you want, number of households is the best measure of who owned slaves. That's how the fucking census reported it in the first place.

We measure home ownership by percentage of households.
We measure car ownership by percentage of households.
We measure television ownership by percentage of households.
We measure pet ownership by percentage of households.

We measure home ownership by percentage of households.

25% of families in slave-owning states received the services of at least one slave during the height of slavery. 8% of all US families.

>> No.4400637


Whoops, I didn't mean to put home onwership twice. Well, you get the point.

>> No.4400650
File: 56 KB, 361x361, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calls us insecure
>Is a self-hating, intellectually dishonest faggot out of fear of labels and the need to feel accepted with the current media ideology

>> No.4400651

You're stating bad analogies that I've already deconstructed in the past. You can choose to ignore them all you want, just like you did my first post. A home is equally used by all members, cars are more closer to equally used by all members, television is nearly on average equally used by all members, pet ownership (?).

A slave is not. It's a very weak argument and that is the reason it is not historically recognized

>> No.4400652


Also, the census does not say that at all. Census just states how many there are in each state.

>> No.4400678

>You're stating bad analogies that I've already deconstructed in the past.

No, you've just committed a lot of special pleading and gone off on bizarre tangents about how since slaves didn't clean up "alcohol spills" the family somehow doesn't receive the slave's services. On what fucking planet do you live where a slave performing back-breaking work in the field benefits no one but the man whose name is on the purchase slip? The slave labored for the household, the slave brought income to the household.

And the simple fact is if you went house to house in the antebellum south, 1 in 4 of them would have slaves. That's insane.

>the reason it is not historically recognized

Every historical reference will report slave ownership by household first and foremost. You're so far up your own ass here.

>> No.4400712
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>All this bullshit defending something you admittedly have no experience with

Are leftists just really dedicated trolls?

>> No.4400735
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>implying you're not so far to the right that you would think Ronald Reagan was a "leftist".

>> No.4401192


>> No.4401202

Nigger + Stirner = Jaden.