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/lit/ - Literature

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4397126 No.4397126 [Reply] [Original]

Do you why the fell apart?
Hyper sexualizatin.

Western culture is ridiculously sexualized. From clothing to our teen literature

>> No.4397285

Sexualizarion is only a consequence, not a cause. Widespread female birth control let it happen.

>> No.4397297

All these things are symptom

Including birth control and sexual liberation

>> No.4397311

Whats the problem?

>> No.4397318
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>> No.4397329

Sexualizarion is my favorite Tolkien book.

>> No.4397340

I often wonder the same thing myself. My stomach turns when people from the nordic countries tell me how sexual relations there have become like "butting heads". It disgusts me that there are women more frank and open with their sexuality than I am. But at the same time, I think a world where a person can have sex as much as they want is better, from a human perspective, than a world where they can only have it after marriage.
I can't imagine a world of ideal sexual relations. Every solution seems an ignoble compromise.

>> No.4397369

> My stomach turns when people from the nordic countries tell me how sexual relations there have become like "butting heads". It disgusts me that there are women more frank and open with their sexuality than I am.

>> No.4397380

That now we have a lot of songs od edgy teenagers about fucking anyone they want and partying all night.
If 30's were the new 20's, now 40's will be the new 20's if people in their early twenties keep behaving like fucking idiots.

>> No.4397385

then why haven't i gotten laid yet

>> No.4397386

i stopped masturbating


im very happy now

>> No.4397464

sexual opression of both genders leads to psychological issues,i can guarantee it (i grew in a catholic family).

the sexual liberation itself is not bad,but we have to educate everybody to find the limit between enjoying their sexuality and letting themselves being used to be marketed,humiliated and stuff like that.

>> No.4397676

Why does it have to be either? We can have people having sex before marriage without the culture itself being over-sexual

>> No.4397718

Obviously the solution is to get more people hooked on anime and 4chan.

>> No.4397734

People in every age bemoaned their age as being degenerate and worse than every other age. You are just repeating what countless other humans have already done.

>> No.4397740

the real problem is everybody knows Fountain but nobody knows Large Glass

anyway sexual liberation is a result of the medicalization of society which is caused by scientism or something

>> No.4397748


A sound plan. The amount of sex I have seems to be inversely proportional to my time spent on 4chan.

>> No.4397792


>> No.4397802

We have measurably gotten worse though

>> No.4397942

Although the western world has become more "sexualized" in terms of representation in the media and the like, but studies have shown that the actual majority don't fit the norm of a over active sexual culture. Having only 1 partner in a course of a year is the norm. There is a disconnect between what our media and art depicts compared to with what is actually happening. Shows like Seinfeld which every character having a new date every week is not representational. George Constanza gets a date every week, this should be obviously seen as fictitious.

>> No.4397981

No its objectively better than ever in health, wealth, education and relative liberty.

>> No.4397997

>Do you why the fell apart?

>> No.4398006


I'm pretty sure that the neither the Victorians, the Tudors, the Merovingians nor the Romans had twitter, 4chan, tumblr or facebook, so we are demonstrably worse.

>> No.4398026

>like this if you are born in the wrong generation

>> No.4398030

no, the human condition is worse than ever
health?, vanity, people still die, there has never been so many mentally ill people as there is now, there has never been as many people as there has been today, in the future masses of billions of starving souls will devour each other
wealth?, vanity, people are still not satisfied with what they posses, a great wealth means a great consumption, the earth is being consumed
education?, vanity, education is no longer construction of men but instrumentalization, men are becoming predesigned tolos, they dont care about any education which wont give them functionality
relative liberty?, vanity, liberty to have as much pleasure as you need to be sedated, liberty to be miserable

>> No.4398031

I think the problem is that people don't read the bible anymore. All those sex stories were a great way to fap off and release some of the sexual tension that comes from repression. Without it, people are just can't help themselves. Personally, I always go to the David and Bathseba part when I'm getting antsy

>> No.4398034


Except cancer rates are skyrocketing, people are becoming fatter and are becoming increasingly hooked on prescribed (or even illegal) drugs. This is hardly a positive trade-off for living on average 20 years longer than a century ago.

Wow, we can buy useless shit. So great! Bear in mind that in order to produce this shit we're stripmining the earth for shit which is hard to get rid of.
Also, this affluence has a curious correlation with diminishing birthrates, so that means that the aging populations are having fewer people to support them in later life.

>Progress? — It is true that, to-day, […] nearly everybody can read and write. But what of that? To be able to read and write is an advantage — and a considerable one. But is is not a virtue. It is a tool and a weapon; a means to an end; a very useful thing, no doubt, but not an end in itself. The ultimate value of literacy depends upon the end to which it is used. And to what end is it generally used to-day? It is used for convenience or entertainment; for some advertisement, or some objectionable propaganda, — for money-making or power-grabbing …
>Savitri Devi — The Lightning and the Sun

>relative liberty
lol I like the inclusion of "relative" here. It's almost as if you're in denial about this.

>> No.4398039

false, people in periods of decadence have bemoaned their age as being degenerate
what happened to those societies that were called decadent?

>> No.4398046


Have fun when your browsing history is used against you if you ever run for a position of authority.

>> No.4398048

Awww, how do you measure happiness then? By measuring the nr. of people celebrating Christmas the right way?

All is vanity, we are a vain race get over it, your disdain for vanity IS in fact vanity.

>> No.4398057

>muh cherry picking
>muh pessimism

Smile or die ;)

>> No.4398064


Cool refutation, bro.

>ignore nasty things because the give me sadz :(

>> No.4398076

I don't know why. I guess I like modesty.

>> No.4398082

I don't understand your allusions

>> No.4398094


Rome became oversexualized during the Pax Romana too.

>> No.4398100

No, look lifespans are objectively up, and it's probably getting even better, a much more interesting critique than muh cancer, would be, what is the point of living a long life not worth living? I get the pessimism dude, but you can't argue against facts, a lot of the horrors of negligence of failing to support basic needs have been met by a huge part of humanity over the last century. To the contrary imagine the unemployment if that was enough for us, just to have food clothing and shelter?
Being pessimistic about it is understandable but you could find purpose in doing something about it.

>> No.4398107

It's very clear: the Bible was the main source of pornography in Western culture for thousands of years. Now that culture is degenerating and people don't read it anymore, they don't have anything to release their pent up sexuality on. Hypersexualization is a direct consequence of Western society's loss of faith after the French Revolution and down on today. Modern religions like Marxism and capitalism and so on just don't offer the same sexual release.

>> No.4398120

When I imagine how monasteries of old functioned. I always imagine the monks having sublime sex ERP'ing biblical passages.

>> No.4398122

>mfw when I just read a study saying that premarital sex rates haven't risen or fallen in the last 70 years, people are just openly talk about it more now.

This thread. Please be more desperate to establish yourself as superior to the rest of your generation.

>> No.4398133

>think 70 years means anything
Try 200.

>> No.4398135
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>main source of pornography
>not paganism
you were shitposting before but now you're offensive

>> No.4398138
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>Look at me, Mary Magdalen. I'm soooo repentant. Please, Jesus, take me into your loving arms and wash away my sins. Cleanse them from my body with your godly hands.

>> No.4398140
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> itt, this thread: faggots

>> No.4398145

Please forgive me father. Should I get down on my knees?

>> No.4398146
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fedora fags

>> No.4398151 [DELETED] 

>implying this entire thread isn't shitposting

>> No.4398155

.thinking that the drastically lower mortality rates are nothing to do with health benefits?

>> No.4398158

Sex is the root of all evil.

>> No.4398159

>implying this entire thread isn't shitposting

>> No.4398993

We are living in a degenerate age.

>> No.4399001
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This age has surely reached the highest level of degeneration.

>> No.4399035

Next age will be the highest level of degredation, I'll bet 1 BTC on it

>> No.4399055
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>> No.4399060
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>> No.4399063
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>> No.4399768

>western culture

As opposed to India and Africa where women are raped every single second?

>> No.4399778

Islam is the one way out of western degeneracy!

>> No.4399794

Its not that any place is ever over sexualized, its that they have unhealthy ideas about sexuality. There's a healthy balance of openness and modesty to be had. Very tricky and touchy but it can happen.

>> No.4399801


We've already been degenerated by a middle eastern plague.

>> No.4400709


How must society's norms on sexuality be changed in order for the Western world to better itself?

>> No.4400714

>As opposed to India and Africa where women are raped every single second?
As opposed to Europe and America were women are raped every single second?

>> No.4400717

The overthrow of capitalism

>> No.4400723

>It disgusts me that there are women more frank and open with their sexuality than I am.

4chan in one post

>> No.4400731


Cancer rates are up because life expectancy is up. People aren't dying of TB, plague, syphilis, and other prevantable/treatable illnesses so more people are falling prey to cancer, which is much more prevalent as you get older.

>> No.4400738

What benefits does not masturbating pose?

>> No.4400765

Ignatius knew

>> No.4400840

Time wasted

>> No.4400846

No more than I waste here on 4chan.

>> No.4401200

It's a great show but that was 15 years ago, and now the average rate of unique sexual partners per year is 8504.

>> No.4401448

>everybody knows Fountain but nobody knows Large Glass

This guy, over here (thanks to Anne Carson).

>It disgusts me that there are women more frank and open with their sexuality than I am.

This kind of mentality is laughable, but it's fair to say sexualisation has been overdone a bit.

>> No.4401488

women need to be subservient to men and their hypergamous nature kept in check, it's better for both parties

>> No.4401502

>it's better for both parties

Let them decide for themselves how they want to arrange their relationships.

>> No.4401506

they'll fuck it up

>> No.4401512

If you can find a woman who wants to serve you, fine. But don't expect the state supporting you, it's none of the states business are you saying The Middle East are doing better than the west?

>> No.4401530

>it's none of the states business

as if that was ever a real concern for /lit/

>> No.4401550


>> No.4401559

/lit/ is a board where we discuss books and literature related artifacts. We don't have a consensus on politics and are not of one particular concern or opinion, but a whole variety. This is a board of highly varying opinions on widespread topics since literature discusses highly diverse themes in many different styles and two e/lit/es rarely agrees on anything. That we are also the unofficial philosophy and humanities board only makes this more so.
Welcome if you like to read you will probably enjoy it here for now

>> No.4401576

not sure if srs

/lit/ is about as close to a political consensus as you can get. i can't think of another board that is so easy to pigeon-hole and be right about it.

>> No.4401579

/pol/. Always, always /pol/.

>> No.4401582

Please elaborate, I don't follow.

>> No.4401585


>> No.4401586

there's a much greater age variation on /lit/ than any other board, though I'm not sure about profession. There are NEETs and people who (claim to be) some of the wealthiest people in their country, teachers and students and people who never went to college. Pigeon-holing tells more about you than the people you're targeting.

>> No.4401589

/lit/ is pretty much a leftist circle-jerk where anyone with a different opinion gets told to


kind of upset i have to spell out what you already know because you decided to be a fuckwit

>> No.4401594

how is economic status relevant to this? we're talking about political leanings, please try to follow

>> No.4401602

Do someone who find Finnegans wake pretentious or Infinite Jest literary garbage told to visit /pol/ what are you implying?

>> No.4401604

He thinks when /pol/fags shitpost /pol/shit on /lit/ that /lit/ is being leftist and librul and so obbressve, oh po po /pol/ :(
Report him

>> No.4401607


I don't think that would make women happier. It sure as hell wouldn't make men happier.

What good would that do for society besides helping insecure men feel less insecure?

>> No.4401618

It's like its a surprise that suggesting breaking international conventions and human rights and holocaust denial is seen as offensive by some people. Especially doing it among people who just want to discuss literature or philosophy.

>> No.4401628

>not knowing women are unhappier than ever

lel, once you liberate womyn all it will result in is endless pump and dumping and (increasingly) delusional expectations

inb4 lock

>> No.4401634

Is that why women don't have sex with you? Because they are liberated?

>> No.4401637

prostate cancer

>> No.4402052

Cancer rates are up across all age groups.

>> No.4402060

>they'll fuck it up

translation: no woman will have me

>> No.4402088

What's wrong with modesty?

>> No.4402093

This is kinda true. I'm in my mid-20s and I fuck a LOT of teenage girls (thank you based 4chan), and they're all miserable and lost, in this really subtle way that only seems to exist in the watershed between high school and college.

So many of them are precocious, interesting, nice girls, right as they finish high school, and that's when I end up fucking them. They don't know what the fuck to do anymore, I guess they're scared of starting a new life, and they want validation, direction, guidance. But they don't know where to find it, in my opinion because such things have a huge male slant (this is when "MAN UP AND BUILD A CAREER OR YOU'RE FUCKIN' SHIT M8" kicks in for young men). The only avenue society really offers them is male attention. They have been told by feminism that they're super special and interesting, and I genuinely do detect a desire and capacity for something more in a lot of these girls, but the meat and potatoes of social relations is still that women are the second sex - all they intuitively feel is important is whether men worship and appreciate them.

So they don't really know what to do. There's a kind of weird confusion in their eyes, like they're standing on the precipice of an opportunity for self-definition and lifelong ambition, but the train that usually arrives at that point to pick up men and whisk them away to military service, or careerism, or whatever, just doesn't show up. They don't seem to have any confidence or any interest in conquering the world or competing to be the best at something, like they subconsciously "know" that isn't for them. So they turn back, return to the only thing they know, male attention. They're basically on the prowl for men. What's weird about it is that they often don't just want cock. It's like they're confused about what they even do want, other than a man to be around and to validate them. Some of them take to sluttiness right away, but often it's reluctant or virtually incidental to their just wanting men to be *around*.

Eventually they all become sluts of course. This is the transition period for it. Every single one of the girls I fuck, without fail, goes to college and immediately all that precocity and "spark" I detected before disappears, and they're bragging about how popular they are for sucking dick in their dorm. Really depressing. Reminds me of the scene in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest where he gets lobotomised. Even the girls I don't fuck end up doing it anyway, they're all cuddling with guys within the first month and shit. College life swoops in to pick them up when ambition fails to, and turns them into sluts.

Feminism's got a long way to go tbh.

>> No.4402239

I really like you. Post more.

>> No.4402266


Post some pics or nobody is going to believe your shit.

>> No.4402309

Wow. You are awful.

>> No.4402313

>implying the world isn't awful

>> No.4402314

Man, I'm not sure whether to be depressed or impressed.

>> No.4402321

Where do you meet all these teenage girls anyway, do you prey for them at the entrance of high schools or something?

>> No.4402479

>4chan experiences jealousy

>> No.4402515

once you hit mid 20s they find you, i have numerous 15-17 year olds hitting on me

>> No.4402525

It's not jealousy as I currently have a sweet gf that fulfills nearly everything I hoped for but I'm curious as how he actually gets to contact a bunch of teenage girls.

>> No.4402530

I agree with your analysis, but that you fuck these teenage girls anyway is reprehensible.

>> No.4402534

why? its completely inconsequential all things considered

>> No.4402538

Well, it makes me feel bad, if that's worth anything. At least we'll be gone in a hundred years.

>> No.4402546

I relate to these five words in this context more than anything else I have ever read.

Everything is so far beyond me that I can do nothing but pretend that it's all "awful". But I can't even fool myself. The world is a wonderful place, I just happen to be a broken machine

>> No.4402999

>/lit/ is pretty much a leftist circle-jerk where anyone with a different opinion gets told to
Leftists everywhere whine about people saying things they don't like.
The fact that you see them whining is proof that there are disagreeing opinions here.
So your statement in itself proves that there isn't a real political consensus. Just a few more whiny leftists than most other boards.