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/lit/ - Literature

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4389386 No.4389386 [Reply] [Original]

Shit you do to books thread.

Post some strange or reprehensible things you do to books.

I'll start, pic related. I do this to every paperback and I also bend them all the way open until a crease forms in the spine so they stay open more easily.

>> No.4389395 [DELETED] 

I wipe my ass with them. Is that what you want to hear, OP?

>> No.4389399

I do the spine thing, OP. But Dog-earing is unforgivable in my book.


>> No.4389407

I don't really understand people who obsess about keeping their books perfect. Bending the spine or folding a page doesn't change the content of the book.

>> No.4389409


you make me sick OP

>> No.4389414

I used to leave paperbacks in my car and the heat would soften the glue and large sections of pages would fall out. A page would come out while I was reading it sometimes.

>> No.4389428

Holy shit, I did that too.

>> No.4389431
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I've folded a few times, to denote where the book starts and ends. Sometimes those forwards and indexes are half the book. But I never do like in the OP, about 1/5 of that.

Spine cracking? Heck no. I'm as gentle as possible with those. My Silmarillion copy is a hand-me-down with horrible damage like that.

>> No.4389437

>muh...muh...muh.. materialism1!!!!!

You are all faggots. The books don't matter. The ideas contained within are all that matters.

If all you're doing is cultivating a pretty bookshelf, you've already lost.

>> No.4389439

You are a shitty faggot.

>> No.4389441

/lit/ doesn't read books, they collect them based on reputation and then judge others on the reputation of their books/quality of their collections

>> No.4389446


>not wanting your books to actually last

I'll buy used books with bent spines and dog eared pages all the time, but I don't purposely try to do that with the new books I buy.

>> No.4389453

You are a joke to me.

Books only last in the ideas and actions of men. Not on a shelf at home.

>> No.4389456

You know, I used to think this was a joke, but after seeing the "how many books have you read this year?" thread, I'm starting to believe it.

>> No.4389468

Believe it, boy.

/lit/ is a fat guy buying a complete home gym. No matter how much exercise equipment they have in their homes, they're still disgusting fatbodies.

>> No.4389470
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but where does all the heavy literature talk come from? wikipedia?

>> No.4389473
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Hey boys, wanna talk about rare books?

>> No.4389480
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>A shitty faggot
>Bad at faggotry
Sorry. I'll try to do worse in the future

>> No.4389491

she's a qt

>> No.4389502

I want to spend all night talking to her about books even though she does it all day and would probably be annoyed

>> No.4389505

You can tell the rare people who know what the fuck they're talking about. There's usually 1 per thread.

>> No.4389566

Is she related to Mittens?

>> No.4389590


>> No.4389600

>folding dog ears on book to keep place
>not reading the book in its entirety in one sitting

Fucking pleb

>> No.4389604

mitt romney

>> No.4389626

Same here, OP. I dogear to keep my place and if the author says something that I find particularly interesting then I will dogear that page so I can come back to it later. If I'm reading a heavy text then I will underline important sentences with a black pen and occasionally highlight and annotate.

I buy books that are usually very cheap and almost always paperback; I only purchase hardcovers from used book stores. If the book is of particularly high quality then I will not mark it, but that is relatively rare.

>> No.4389628

in my case its not as a bookmarker but to help me find passages i particularly enjoy

>> No.4389639

fold the corners to keep my place
I eat a breakfast of 2 chocolate covered donuts in the morning on my way to work. I place them on a pastry plastic sheet on my passenger seat, incidentally this is also where I put which ever book I am currently reading. Every book I own have a chocolate smudge or 2 on the edges.

>> No.4389640

I do all of this myself.

>> No.4389648
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>> No.4389657

I never did anything to keep my place in books, so every time I picked one back up I'd flip through vaguely what I last remembered.

Sometimes I'd read while drinking soup and occasionally a few drops would splash on the page. I don't stop, though.

>> No.4389671

Why the fuck would you dog ear a book? You can't find a scrap of paper to stuff between two pages? Not even toilet paper? Are you doing it because someone once told you not to and now you're showing them?

>> No.4389678
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i read them

>> No.4389696

Use OTHER fucking bookmarks.

What the fuck.

>> No.4389699


>getting this freaked out about bleached wood pulp and synthetic ink

>> No.4389733

not book book related but

>have at least 3 notebooks/journals in use at one time
>not just taking notes for class but rather
>taking notes of inspiration, ideas, stuff people mention me, cross references, to do lists, etc
>people think i'm cray but then they stress themselves because they can't remember something they searched up a week ago at the library
>people think i'm cray because i have actual interest in my field and research rigorously, document articles and books I liked so i can cite them for future use
>people think i'm cray but then they try to sit down and make to do lists in word/excel and they get mentally blocked when i just write down whatever comes to me in the exact moment in my small planner
>people think i'm cray but then they are the ones rote memorizing for short term success before they can "forget all they learned and move on"

>> No.4389778

Bend the spines, dog ear them, leave them lying around on the floor, smoke, eat and drink while reading them and don't give a fuck if I spill anything on the paper or leave dirty finger marks and shit.

Sometimes I even tear off small bits of a page corner to eat.

Generally you can tell how much I love a book by how battered it is.

>> No.4389798

I had to staple my copy of paradise lost together

>> No.4389806

used books I buy always have fucking notes, in pen, on all the pages

>> No.4389818

I used to be like you before I started using evernote.

>> No.4391893
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>not loving your books thoroughly
do you even read?

>> No.4391942


>kill me, it hurts to live...

>> No.4392023


>> No.4394099


Maybe so, but whats wrong with wanting to keep a good clean copy of a book you purchased out of love? This may incite criticism but you don't find people making dog ears or bending the spin of a bible now, do you?

>> No.4394246

I do nothing reprehensible to books which itself is the most reprehensible thing I can do.

>> No.4395005



>> No.4395119


I refuse to think anyone old enough to be using the internet is this stupid.

>> No.4395158

if one day everyone dies and aliens land on the planet, i want them to know i had good taste and took care of my possessions that they cannot read.

>> No.4395171

i like to dip all of my books in a bowl of water until they are thoroughly soaked, whereupon i let them dry in the sun for a few days until the pages are starchy and deformed. every book on my bookshelf is like this. i especially like leaving open pages of notes written in various colors of ink in the books while i soak them so that once the pages dry, there are variegated smudges that bled through.

>> No.4395187

i wouldn't do that but it isn't something bad either...
i like to take care of my books so i can read them again later

>> No.4395241

once left a book in my backpack with a burrito in tin foil and the entire bottom of the book was stained with burrito juice.

>> No.4395263

i spilt tea all over my copy of east of eden and it made it look so beautiful i never put it back in my bookshelf

but i would never dog ear a book

>> No.4395276

If the pages haven't been cut I either read it in a newer edition or don't read it at all.

>> No.4395278

I do both of those all the time with paperbacks. I think it's silly to avoid convenience and comfort in reading in an attempt to preserve the life of something which is going to rapidly decay on its own accord.

Fucking paper, man. People make it like it's supposed to be gone tomorrow.

>> No.4395281

I like to write things on the pages in pen.

>> No.4395307

got carried away and underlined 3/4 of a book sometimes in college

>> No.4395317

I underline any words I'm unable to recognize or get a good grasp of the meaning from the context of the sentence it's in.

>> No.4396154

I write them down in my notepad