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/lit/ - Literature

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4389311 No.4389311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again, /lit/.

>The Long Ships
>Glass Bead Game
>The Decline of the West
>Storm of Steel
>Growth of the Soil
>Michael Kohlhaas

Least favorite:
>Conan the Warrior

>> No.4389460
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pleb signing in

>The Enchantress of Florence
>Both Byzantium books
>The Lions of Al-Rassan
>Captain Alatriste

Least favourites:
>Dragon Haven
>Song of Susannah

>> No.4389487

how was the time machine did it, op?

>> No.4389495


Fantastic. Swartzwelder's amazing.

>> No.4389506

cool. i'll check it out sometime. i'd totally forgotten he wrote books.

i don't have time to make a graphic before bed, but if this thread's around tomorrow, i'll post one so everybody can make fun of me.

>> No.4389509
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OP, have you read Siddhartha and/or Steppenwdlf by Hesse? If so, how do they compare to TGBG?

>> No.4389520

Yeah, they're fairly short. Definitely worth the read.

>i'll post one so everybody can make fun of me.
Awesome. Looking forward to calling you a faggot pleb.

>> No.4389524

No, I haven't.

I've heard that TGBG is one of his best works, if not his best. It's evidently a more mature novel.

>> No.4389585
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>A Movable Feast
>Boule De Suif - H.N.P Sloman translation
>The Ginger Man
>Notes from the Underground
>The Age of Reason
>The Plauge

Didn't care for:
>Beule De Suif - Andrew R. McAndrew translation
>Death in Venice
>A Farewell to Arms

>> No.4390261

i found that an incredibly underwhelming novella. not sure why it's been hyped.

>> No.4390670
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Favorites: Escape from Camp 14, Outer Dark, The Cement Garden

Disliked: Seize the Day

Currently halfway through a big ass Wodehouse collection of Wooster & Jeeves short stories, The Pale King, and Camus' Exile and Kingdom.

>> No.4390676


>19 books read in 2013

lol why are you here?

>> No.4390688


Busy studying and doing other stuff.

>> No.4390702
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>> No.4390721

Cement Garden is mad underread

>> No.4390723

no, it's actually bad

>> No.4390745

Life and Fate
Memoirs of Hadrian
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea
5. The Devil in the Flesh
Billy Budd
The Little Stranger
Mrs. Dalloway
Inherent Vice
10. Harlot’s Ghost
Spring Snow
You Can’t Win
The Wasp Factory
The Coming of the Third Reich
15. Growth of the Soil
Bring Up the Bodies
20. The Road (Jack London)
Riding Toward Everywhere
The Sound of Waves
Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire
Israel Potter
25. A Hero of Our Time
The Woman Upstairs
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

Favorites this year
Memoirs of Hadrian
Mrs. Dalloway
A Hero of Our Time

Least Favorite
The Wasp Factory
The Sound of Waves
Inherent Vice

>> No.4390752

I only read 10 this year and yet I'm here.
I even misquoted a fallacy yesterday, and it was a discussion where I fedoracored all out.

Yet I'm still here. U mad?

>> No.4390760


I used to get mad when people had shitty taste
Happy holidays you pleb fuck

>> No.4390943


OP here.

I was underwhelmed by The Wasp Factory, too. Wasn't the worst book I read this year, but it was definitely near the bottom.

>> No.4390981

>Darkroom of Damocles
>Catcher in the Rye
>The Corrections
>No Longer Human
>The Sunset Limited

Least favorite:
>Our Oriental Heritage
>In the Miso Soup

>> No.4390987

A Farewell To Arms kept me from reading Hemingway for a while, now I'm reading The Sun Also Rises and it's great.

>> No.4390994
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Forgot the image like a fucking idiot.

>> No.4391034
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Apologies for my plebeian ways.

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>White Noise
>Goodbye, Columbus & Five Short Stories

Hate myself for reading:
>Exquisite Corpse
>Will Grayson, Will Grayson
>Consider Phlebas

what did you think of Broken Angels? Altered Carbon was competent enough for what it was but BA was just a clusterfuck

>> No.4391067

Voyage in the Dark

Trilogy (HD)

But I just started reading One Hundred Years of Solitude and I'm already loving it.

>> No.4391559

They are both amazing books. If you haven't read For Whom the Bell Tolls I definitely would.

>> No.4392863

>what did you think of Broken Angels? Altered Carbon was competent enough for what it was but BA was just a clusterfuck

Not as good as Altered Carbon. The plot was meandering, side characters were boring, and I wasn't a fan of all the alien stuff. The slaughter of the Wedge at the end was really interesting though.

>> No.4393274
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My apologies for being a filthy pleb, I'm still working on my gigantic backlog. Currently reading Maupassant's short stories and the Confederacy of Dunces. After that I plan reading Lord Jim and Nausea

>> No.4393375
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A lot of light reading but oh well.

>> No.4393455

College student here so catching up by reading classics etc.

The Strangers in the House - Simenon
Going to the Dogs - Kastner
A Single Man - Isherwood
The Songs of Maldoror - Lautremont
Against Nature - Huysmans
Miracle of the Rose - Genet
Sade My Neighbour - Klossowski
The Book of Disquiet - Pessoa
Complete Poems - Mallarme
Our Lady of the Flowers - Genet
The Sadeian Woman - Carter
Paris Peasant - Aragon
Memoirs of my Nervous Illness - Schreber
The Maids - Genet
Most Radical Gesture - Plant
The Theatre and its Double - Artaud
Aesthetics and Politics - Adorno et al
The Birth of Tragedy - Nietzsche
The Writing of the Disaster - Blanchot
Prisoner of Love - Genet
The Glass Delusion - Curtis
Les Biaboliques - d'Aurevilly
Georges Bataille - Richardson
Farewell to an Icea - Clark
Saints and Strangers - Carter
Venus as a Boy - Sutherland
Candide and Related - Voltaire
Literature Politics and Culture in Postwar Britain - Sinfield
Unspeakable Confessions - Dali
Chanson Dada - Tzara
Wilde's Last Stand - Hoare
Dedalus Book of Russian Decadence - Lodge
20th Century French Poems - Romer
Waiting for Godot - Beckett
Divine Decadence - Mizejewski
Invitation to a Beheading - Nabokov
A Doll's House - Ibsen
Selected Poems - Cendrars
Marquis de Sade - Thomas
A Tree of Night - Capote
Funeral Rites - Genet
The Engagement - Simenon
Modernist Short Story - Head
Fear of Dreaming - Carroll
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Capote
Fear and Trembling - Kierkegaard
Resident Alien - Crisp
Christopher and his Kind - Isherwood
The Birthday Party - Pinter
Les Amours Jaunes - Corbiere
The Complete Poems - Bishop
The Temple - Herbert
Auden and Isherwood - Page
Hated of Capitalism - Kraus
Heartsnatcher - Vian