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4388764 No.4388764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ok guys, i need help. next semester im taking acourse on Dante's Divine Comedy. We are reading Ciardi's translation. i picked up Inferno (Signet Classics edition). I am wondering the best way to read it. Should i actually read the canto summary prior to the actual canto or should i attempt to read the canto first, ensuring no spoilers. or is that not the point. Is the summary before the canto for a reason or is that the editions mistake?
please let me know,

>> No.4388805

no Dante fans?

>> No.4388809

Spoilers will improve your appreciation for the material.

>> No.4388821

thank you good anon. i imagine it is easier that way and that its more about the vision of hell than the joirney itslef, although both are crucial

>> No.4389212

don't worry about the little intro bits.

the ciardi trans. is a pretty good one for starting out. it was my first.

i liked mandelbaum, as well. especially his trans. of purgatorio.

italian is not my strongest language.

>> No.4389217


Dante is [quote]a gnostic swine[/quote], probably, probably. Just making you aware of the possbility.

>> No.4389684
File: 168 KB, 1406x588, amorc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AMORC wants you to think everyone who was ever cool was a Rosicrucian, so you should be aware their propaganda is out there when you hear these rumors.

>> No.4389695

>Not reading the superior Lombardo translation of Inferno

What community college do you go to?

>> No.4389916

>I am wondering the best way to read it.
baked out of your fucking skull

you're in for a treat