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4387604 No.4387604 [Reply] [Original]

What are your opinions on Dubliners by James Joyce?

It seems everyone liked Ulysses.

>> No.4387659

I read A Portrait over the summer and I picked up an old copy of Dubliners for $2 at a used book shop. I don't enjoy reading short story collections like a would read a novel so I'm probably going to read one or two of them in between books I read. Which stories do you think are the best?

>> No.4387663

The Dead, A Little Cloud and Araby are the best.

>> No.4387672

No love for A Painful Case?

>> No.4387675

Is Araby the one where they play war or something?

>> No.4387680

That one's my favorite. I still have to read The Dead. I plan on reading A Portrait of the Artist afterwards, is there anything else I should read before Ulysses?

>> No.4387682

Dubliners is amateur, Portrait is a failure, Ulysses is tryhard, and Wake is masturbation.

Dubliners could have been written by a particularly clever College/University undergraduate. It's nothing special.
Flaubert is his superior, read this instead http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/10458/pg10458.html

>> No.4387692

>At night, in winter, when the snow-flakes fall slowly from heaven like great white tears, I raise my voice; its resonance thrills the cypress trees and makes them bud anew.

Flaubert is shit. Technically proficient, but lacking in every other department. Sentimental Education is shit; Madame Bovary is shit; his short stories are worse.

>> No.4387721

No, just Dubliners and the portrait.

>> No.4387737

>Technically proficient, but lacking in every other department.

I see where you are coming from but I disagree. Flaubert did have a mind, not just a pen. And what you say goes quadruple for Joyce. His entire career is about refining a technique, losing sight of true poetry.

>> No.4387760

and your opinion is shit

>> No.4387854

Hated it

>> No.4388239 [DELETED] 

Look at all the societies that have put Marxist doctrine to action. Look at how miserable and oppressive they are. How can you honestly look at those rotten fruits and still think that the Marx-tree is healthy?

>> No.4388491

I've only read A Painful Case and the Boarding House as part of a college class, but it stirred my interest so it's been added to my backlog. I quite liked them.

>> No.4388507

Ulysses is undoubtedly his masterpiece but I enjoyed Dubliners more (maybe that's just my prejudice in favor of short stories). He has that Chekhovian "domestic drama" vibe in some but also a more potent sense of the oceanic in others. It never drags and even in the longest story, "The Dead," I was interested throughout and moved to tears by the end. A lot has been said about Dubliners obviously but that was just my sense of it.

>> No.4388585

my favourites were An Encounter, Clay, and The Dead

Clay was pretty chilling once I realised what the implication of the title was

>> No.4389516

I liked Counterparts, am I alone in this?