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4382413 No.4382413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you realized that Milton is a hack and Shakespeare's best play is not Hamlet?

>> No.4382417

Hopefully never, I wouldn't be able to deal with such harsh truths.

>> No.4382415


incorrect. Milton was a genius, you plebian. And agreed, I liked Twelfth Night the most.

>> No.4382421

Lycidas is genius, maybe, but there's nothing worth reading in Paradise Lost.

>> No.4382419

>How old were you when you realized that Milton is a hack

The age when I discovered Blake.

>and Shakespeare's best play is not Hamlet

The age when I discovered King Lear.

>> No.4382426

I was 18 when I realized King Lear was better than Hamlet. But Hamlet's still really incredible.

oh and
>incredibly famous writer is a hack! stupid academics have been fooled for centuries and I have seen through their disguise!

>> No.4382427
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>incorrect. Milton was a genius

He was a hack.

>> No.4382428

Harry Potter and the Narnia series are better than Milton's Paradise Lost.

And I agree, it's obvious that Coriolanus and Antony & Cleopatra are Shakespeare's strongest works.

>> No.4382429

lol yeah dude right on way to speak the truth bro

>> No.4382432


lol such a biting retort like wow bro lol

>> No.4382435

i know right

>> No.4382436

Titus Andronicus is fucking great, also "hack" is one of those words that gets thrown around way too much.

>> No.4382443

>muh dissociation of sensibility

Keep crying. Eliot's criticism of Milton is ridiculous.

>> No.4382442

But Shakespeare didn't write Titus Andronicus.

>> No.4382446

What does he say about Milton?

>> No.4382455

Every version of it I've ever seen or read has his name on it.

>> No.4382464

shakespeare's best work is othello followed by the merchant of venice.. the best comedy is much ado about nothing

>> No.4382465

>assuming shakespeare's plays are comparable
>being this plebian

>> No.4382467

Why? Because he completely crushes your pathetic academic field of "Milton studies?"

Good riddance.

>> No.4382471

You're right. Seeing as how they were written by different people.

>> No.4382480

>one of these people
alright, just spit out the theory you're dying to talk about

>> No.4382490
File: 1.77 MB, 312x234, shiggy diggy dooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a hack

>> No.4382501

Theory? it's pretty much confirmed that Macbeth was heavily revised by Thomas Middleton.

>> No.4382525



Don't you be stepping to da Pound. Nigga have da blood of a poet running through his veins. Nigga even fell through a mirror Cocteau style.

He was a fucking dandy in the underworld and shit.

Nigga gets mad props for his fascism too.

"Now if you know anything whatsoever of modern Europe and Asia, you know that HITLER stands for
putting men over machines. If you don’t know that, you know NOTHING. And beyond that you either
know or do not know that Stalin’s regime considers humanity as NOTHING save raw material. Deliver so
many carloads of human MATERIAL at the consumption point."

>> No.4382592

Milton was a very, very committed and driven man, but he was not a genius.

Hamlet contains some of Shakespeare's finest writing for sure, but in terms of dramatic energy and its construction it's a little uneven.

>> No.4382790

Buy or sell: Hamlet is just as much quintessential proto-post-modernism as Don Quixote

>> No.4382823
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I think neither are hacks

>> No.4382832

I wish my name was spelled Antony. The h is stupid and useless.

Also Milton isn't a 'hack', and Shakespeare's best play is Coriolanus. Hamlet deserves credit for having a Code Geass level of coherence towards the end, though.

>> No.4382902
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>all these plebs itt who don't realize that Rand is the greatest writer of all time

>> No.4383099

>Hamlet deserves credit for having a Code Geass level of coherence towards the end
Never put those two works in the same sentence again, and especially not in that order. That's like saying that God in the Bible is Goku level powerful.

>> No.4383123


The curryniggers beat Yurop to the punch as far as metafiction is concerned by a couple millennia.

>> No.4383139

lock the man up he was clearly insane

>> No.4383151

So, you like violence?

>> No.4384584

ts eliot was never wrong

u mad, harold bloom fags?

>> No.4384645

Have you ever actually read Eliot's criticism of Milton?


It's nonsense.

>> No.4384756

I love The Tempest. Am I a pleb ?

>> No.4384772

Tempest is fantastic for explaining schools of literary criticism to people. It's a good 501 text for new grad students.

>> No.4384843

Hamlet deserves credit for having a Code Geass level of coherence towards the end.

>> No.4386334

just now

>> No.4386574

Eliot mentions at some point that he lets his personal dislike of Milton cloud his criticism.

Milton is easily one the greatest poets in English.

And whoever the shit head is that usually pops into these saying Milton sucks because he doesn't write any jokes into his works, has clearly never read Paradise Lost because in the war in Heaven, the bad angels yell awful puns at the good ones before shooting them with cannons.

>> No.4387081

There aren't any jokes in Paradise Lost and you probably have a terrible sense of humour if you think are.

You can't completely write about the human experience if you can't write jokes.

>> No.4387101


Based off of what?

>> No.4387103

The fact that there are no jokes is one big joke itself, stupid idiot. Paradise Lost = no happiness = no jokes.


>> No.4387120

Eliot, especially in his early stages, was a good poet. A GREAT poet. He wasn't some kind of towering genius though.

As a critic he's an absolute windowlicker and at this stage is mainly good for a wee chuckle: for showing up the stupidity of 20th century academic fads. He's like all those weird Christians on /pol/ consolidated into one guy.

>> No.4387131

John "Strained Seriousness" Milton.

>> No.4387595
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>as a critic he's an absolute windowlicker

This is pretty much the same case with Nabokov. Their opinions are interesting in light of their own works but are a bit too quixotic. It feels silly to say there's a set interpretation they're deviating from, as everything should be up for determination, but after a certain point I don't think it really matters just exactly what species of insect Gregor Samsa was transformed into.