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4375859 No.4375859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, let's have a thread on the man.

Read Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and loved it, and am currently reading The Rum Diary, which is alright.

What have you read by him, and what's your view on his stances and other politcal stuff?

>> No.4376153

just read fear and loathing, thought it was all right in terms of entertainment, felt it was extremely ego centric, not in the prose but in the characters and not in a good way (think catcher in the rye)

picked up a lot near the end though

>> No.4376178

Fear and Loathing On The Campaign Trail was pretty awesome.

>> No.4376192

>extremely ego centric, not in the prose but in the characters

This is the essence of Gonzo journalism, and its ethos that the observer can't be seprarated from the observed.

Which eventually became New Journalism. Hunter did it first and best.

Also OP, read The Proud Highway. It's his letters to all sorts of people, including JFK with whom he was on friendly terms.

>> No.4376211

always thought of him as a little bit of a pretentious fuckwad.
that being sad the man was extremely mad and was always doing something politcally to try to rile people up. He also hated nixon so bonus points for him.
That being said, this man is my idle with Fear and Loathing being one of my top 5 favorite books

>> No.4376212

i guess i get it but dont like it. its a story sorta about them in which they make eveything written revolve aroud them and reveal their thoughts that show they believe that even more which hasnt happened revolves around them.

>> No.4376399
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>> No.4376406

Excuse my ignorance, but Thompson was described to me more or less as a Beat who was both too late and too edgy to really be called one. The description gauges my interest but I don't know how accurate the words are.

>> No.4376427

I read the Rum Diary this summer. There isn't any reason to read it unless you're looking for mild entertainment.

>> No.4376430 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4376434

https://anonfiles-----com/file/ 985c769ab746ed4e87c312365ae0ed1d

7 Hunter S. Thomspon epubs.


>> No.4376540

New Journalism became a plague after Thompson did it. Everything after was (and remains to be) formulaic and squandering of talent.

What he lacked in technical skill, he made up for in soulful presence, artistic merit and creativity, and sprawling monologues.

>> No.4376549

file does not exist

>> No.4377268


>> No.4377531
File: 17 KB, 280x150, Fear&LoathingHack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wasn't a beat because he actually pursued employment rather than trying to sponge off others.

>> No.4377542

New the most BEILLIANT woman, she is still wasting her genius on that....fuuuuu

>> No.4377721

You mean the guy who tried to model his life after Hemingway?

>> No.4377882

they were similar, but i don't exactly see how he imitated him, hmm

want to explain?

>> No.4378176

He was certainly influenced by the prose style, drawing from Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Henry Miller.
Thompson would sit at his typewriter re-writing pages of the Great Gatsby to try and emulate the style.
People take HST too seriously, he's a fun writer and people just tend to over debate the man.

>> No.4378532

Thompson hated on the road.

>> No.4378716

Fun writer to read. I just finished Fear and Loathing in America, a collection of his letters. I like him.

>> No.4378789

No wonder. The Road is fucking terrible.

>> No.4379998

his prose was not nearly as good as the great gatsby's, poor guy

then again i doubt he cares what i think