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4375577 No.4375577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright plebs. I just finished Glamorama, which means I've now read all of Bret Easton Ellis. I've gotta say, the Glam Jam was a masterpiece. I'm gonna spoil this shit now so be warned.

Victor Ward from Cambden cycle is a famous model living and partying hard in new york. The mysterious puppet master F. Fred Palakon sends him to Europe to find Jamie Fields, one of his class mates from his college days. Along the way his life is filmed constantly and he keeps meeting people and crew who are working on the project he's now in: what appears to be a reality show about himself. However shit starts getting real and people start getting killed, which causes Victor's reality to disintegrate. He meets "Bobby" a washed out supermodel and apparently the inventor of the six-pack. Bobby is also leading what appears to be an international terrorist network and is apparently planning to frame up Victor for everything. The american film crew that was following Victor around is blown up in a hotel bombing and replaced by a French crew. Victor meets people at parties who tell him that he's been in New York this entire time, which Victor believes is impossible.

Bobby's crime spree continues unabated although everything is being filmed by the French crew. The crime spree climaxes with the torture and execution of the French premier's son and the bombing of a 747 airplane.

>> No.4375582
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Leading up to this, Victor has a few meetings with F. Fred Palakon who gives him cryptic messages and tells him that they're "investigating" his situation. Victor reveals that his father is a senior US senator likely planning a bid for the White House.

Eventually everyone Victor knew in Paris is murdered including Jamie Fields, and his ex-GF from the States, the supermodel Chloe. Before Jamie dies she tells Victor that "I'm not really Jamie".

The French "Film crew" director shows Victor a video which portrays Bobby meeting with F. Fred Palakon, demonstrating that they're all working together for some reason.

The "film crew" arms Victor and races him to the airport to stop the airplane bombing where Victor kills Bobby in a crazy gun-kata battle, the deciding factor of which is when one of the grips tosses Victor a clip.

At this point the story transitions to "Victor" in New York, who is living a new clean life as a law student. He meets with someone named "Eva" who is pretending to be Lauren Hyde from Cambden.

"Victor" is attacked in his hotel room by masked men and he easily kills them with a silenced pistol.

The reviewers I read completely missed the significance of this part of the book.

Meanwhile in Milan the real Victor Ward is led from one safe house to another, where his minders are eventually killed off. The "film director" tells him that they're working on production issues.
Victor calls his sister back in New York but ends up on the phone with his double there and disconnects.

The story ends.

So, what really happened lit?
The way I see it, Victor was moved out of country by Palakon who works for the US government and protects the president. He's backed by the Japanese who are inside the situation as well. They hired Bobby to do a series of bombings and shit like 9/11 as an inside job to scare the population to get "Senator Johnson" elected who is probably a hard-liner.

The "Film crew" sent to protect Victor was a group of security. Bobby gets out of hand when he realizes he's got the President elect's son on his hands so he plans to frame him for a bunch of shit which get's him stabbed in the back by Palakon.

Meanwhile, Victor and some of his more notable friends are replaced by trained doubles. The real Victor is disappeared in Italy.

This book is now being made into a movie, which will come out next-year probably.

>> No.4376272
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>> No.4376288


>> No.4376312

>Bret Easton Ellis
thread hidden

>> No.4376323

Should have saged that post as well.

>> No.4376345
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what the fuck is wrong with you people?

captcha: bleed getbod

>> No.4376370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4376392
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