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437078 No.437078 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, I'm writing a story too, and I hear you know what you're talking about so I have a few questions.

1. Its not a post-apocalyptic story, but in it the world is going to end. What is a semi-believable way the world will end that doesn't make the story TOO sci-fi oriented? Aside from war. I'd like it to be something people didn't do.

2. I am toying around with one of the characters and I can't decide whether or not to make her likeable. Would it be interesting to write in one of the main characters as someone you absolutely hate? Should she have to redeem herself in the end or could she just be a complete bitch the whole way through?

3. One of the characters is a young kid dealing with some extraordinary shit. Is ten a good age? Should I go younger or older? How would a ten year old generally react to something crazy?

4. There are five "main" characters, and I wanted to write a story of their reactions. The best format I can think of right now is sort of like the book Hiroshima, except the chapters are written in the first person. Should I mix up the timeline? Or should I write one chapter for each character and just cycle through them?

5. Should the characters be connected to each other? It is going to be a global thing so I don't know if I want to make them know each other or meet within the story. Maybe I could make just two of them meet so it has more impact than all of them knowing each other.

6. I live in America in the United States, so should I make the characters in the story also live in the United States? Or should I make them live in other countries too? My problem with that would be that I don't know much about culture and everyday life in other countries, so if making all of them American is a bad idea then how would I find out about other countries?

Thanks /lit/ if any of you decide to help me out and answer these.

>> No.437099

Remember that women only exist because of their tits. No woman should have any action in your story without describing the state of the tits.

>> No.437097

sage because of pic

>> No.437107

Waiter, there's a /b/ in my /lit/!

>> No.437108

Wow, that's just so completely wrong I don't even know what to say. HOw could you forget about the ass?

>> No.437111

Looks like someone's looking for a wedgie

>> No.437113
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When I'm done banging your chick

>> No.437120
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poor op no one is answering his questions

>> No.437140


1. Overpopulation has finally hit its limit and there's mass-starvation.

2. Make at least one protagonist likable.

3. Eleven.

4. Dunno. Up to you.

5. It'll be a lot like Heroes or LOST in the sense that they're all connect. If you can pull it off, do it. Otherwise, just avoid it.

6. Wikipedia. Most countries are completely Westernised anyway so not that much of an ish.

>> No.437144

Publishedfag here. Here's my short but honest opinion:

1: World ending is totally over used but if you have to go about it don't use aliens, nukes, the demonic forces from hell or other such shit. The Earths plates sinking into the core of the earth could be cool though. Be origional!

2: There's nothing wrong with a character that people hate. Even if you despise them, they'll stick in the readers memory. Think Jar Jar Binks...

3: Ten is a good age but make sure you don't accidentallymake the character act older than they are. Try looking at Hope from FF13 - a young kid but handled quite well (in b4 sage).

4: If you can handle them all interlinking at seperate situations I would say go for that. Time skipping is a great way to throw the reader off but don't over do it or they'll get bored and put it down.

5: Back to the Star Wars thing, DO NOT link every single character. It makes the whole thing unbelievable.

6: If you want to write it in the US, do that. If not, research somewhere else. When I say research I mean spend a good couple of months reading up and checking shit out so you're comfortable. Remember you don't have to live in France during WW2 to write about it, just as long as you've done enough research.

>> No.437147

1. Earth spins off it's axis, setting a pretty interesting mix of environments
2. Complete bitch all the way through except with bits that make you sympathize with her
3. 12 is perfect age, For the most part emotionally mature but still is a kid
4. One chapter each (my opinion)
5. Maybe one or two characters cross paths but nothing more
6. Have two in the us, two in the uk, and one in south africa and research life in those places

Hope this helps

>> No.437150

I forgot about jar-jar until you brang him up

>> No.437163

OP here. Thanks guys.

One thing about the first question. I want to write about characters' reactions to knowing the world is going to end, so is there a way that it could maybe end quickly while still being believable?

For example, say an asteroid was coming towards the earth and news reporters and world leaders were all talking about it. I don't want to make it about the world ending, but I do want to make it about the characters anticipating the end of the world.

Does that make sense?

Also, thanks, the other advice is very very helpful. :D

>> No.437169

>What is a semi-believable way the world will end that doesn't make the story TOO sci-fi oriented? Aside from war.

NO WAR? That takes all the fun out of it.

NEO impact in the South China Sea.

>> No.437172

1- A massive solar eruption occurs, structural change is felt through the solar system, the earth deviates from its orbit and is eventually lost in space, everything freezes.

2- Justified bitch is acceptable. I would stop halfway reading a story the main character of which is a total bitch.

3- Younger if it is supposed to be a child, older if it is supposed to be a teen. A makes a better holder of paranormal powers.

4- You should choose the character which is the closest to the "action". You can propose diverging views on the same event, expose self-delusions, but I don't think its the kind of story you are writing.

5- Make up your mind.

6- The world ends, most cultural issues are irrelevant. Religious and philosophical views would play an important part, but don't xerox heidegger or the book of revelation.

>> No.437175

I think the earth spinning off it's axis is a good idea. Seasons are changing constantly and people are struggling to stay alive in all these different climates.

>> No.437176


The Earth just spun off it's axis due to the Chile quake. The day's a little shorter. Big whoop.

>> No.437187

By more than that though, we literally are thrusted off our axis.

>> No.437202

OP here. Putting my tripfag on for clarity.

So how fast would the earth freeze if it was thrown into space? I want to make it about the ANTICIPATION of the event, not the actual even itself. I'm not trying to write 2012: The Book or anything. I want characters PREPARING for global catastrophe.

>> No.437205

massive world wide loss of fresh water mixed with pandemic of drug resistant viruses

>> No.437206

Ah, got it. I can't help you there, but to be fair it wouldn't be like 2012.

>> No.437222

I'm trying to avoid the cliche "World ends and we're all running from floods and fires" thing. I want to write about how people would act if they knew they were going to die.

Essentially, its a mass "You have 24 hours to live" scenario.

>> No.437224

>>437172 here
You can make it slowly spiral into outter space. Hire a team of astronomists to do the math.

>> No.437227

Experimental gas from biological warfare leaks and people start killing themselves for no apparent reason other than amusement of death.

>> No.437230

I smell sex orgies!

>> No.437231


And cults! And looting! And RAPE!

>> No.437234



You mean like if someone attached rocket engines to the pole or if Superman pushed the earth backwards to reverse time?

You better read some real science about the recorded axial shifts that Earth has gone through.

And buy a gyroscope.

A worldwide multi-year drought would make for big messiness. Maybe too much messiness.