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/lit/ - Literature

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4369881 No.4369881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck am I reading? I'm two sections in and this is borderline incomprehensible.

>> No.4369884
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What the fuck am I reading? I'm two sections in and this is borderline incomprehensible.

>> No.4369883

Yeah. It's fantastic.

>> No.4369885
File: 210 KB, 800x782, der_Fünffachnullpunkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i understood it perfectly. you're just ignorant.

>> No.4369903 [DELETED] 

Don't read that edition, OP. Entire phrases are omitted, even in the middle or single words. I still can't figure how or why this shit happens.

>> No.4369908 [DELETED] 

Don't read that edition, OP. Entire phrases are omitted, even in the middle or single words. I still can't figure how or why this shit happens.

>> No.4369916

Don't read that edition, OP. Entire phrases are omitted, even in the middle of single words. I still can't figure how or why this shit happens.

>> No.4369926

>/lit/'s opinion on writing summed up
Pleb taste tier, every fucking one of you.

>> No.4369928

Wtf, that's the edition I have. Care to give some examples so I know you're not bullshitting?

>> No.4369934

It's dependent upon your edition.


>> No.4370045

just quit OP you haven't read enough to get it

>> No.4370173

He's exaggerating. It's only a few passages that are omitted. The book is "incomprehensible" either way.

Keep reading. At least stick with it until part three

>> No.4370179

Oh I plan on it, it's interesting for sure, I just haven't read anything like this before. Pynchon is strange.

>> No.4370186

Have you read Joyce?

>> No.4370194

Have you read Sutter Cane?

>> No.4370197

Dubliners and The Dead. It's been a while though. I don't think it helps that I was just reading Vonnegut and Clarke who use comparatively simple prose.

>> No.4370200

Because it's memelit.

>> No.4370224

Just wondering your experience with odd writing styles. I don't know if Pynchon ever mentioned Joyce as an influence, but it clearly shows.

Pynchon is weird regardless of the writing itself though. You don't even know weird yet

>> No.4370232
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You're right, I was exaggerating. Still irked me enough once I found out to go buy pic related.

It's a fantastic, impressive, and hilarious book. Really rare to find a fun-hearted intellectual with great prose. I hope he lives at least another ten years... wonder if we'll get anything after Bleeding Edge.

>> No.4370240

I had to buy that one too

>tfw originals are $1000+

>> No.4370299

>that filename
feels good to be /lit/erate enough to get reference jokes

>> No.4370326

I've read all of Faulkner, and most of Joyce, but I've got to say Gravity's Rainbow was the most convoluted, over-intellectualized piece of tripe I've ever read. That whole bullshit about the Kenosha Kid? Pynchon jacking himself off to his own "wit" with absolutely no relevance to the plot. And none of the criticisms I've read have helped in the slightest. Either I'm missing something, or GR is the biggest inside joke in the literary community

>> No.4370348

What do you mean by sections? The pseudo-chapter breaks with the holes at the top, or have you just reached "In the Zone"? If the latter, that's around the point where the book loosens up and takes on a more comedic tone, so keep going.

>> No.4370359

what makes you think it 'over-intellectualized'? because honestly i found it to be a break from the obnoxious. who knows though, maybe it made me imagine such things.
>le paranoia theme

>> No.4370355

Pseudo chapter breaks I guess. I'm up to around page 20. Started to think "Man, maybe I'm just retarded" and came on /lit/. Really haven't read anything quite like this before. I mean Joyce can be convoluted, but not THIS convoluted.

>> No.4370410

How fast are you reading it? how many times have you drifted off? how many times have you started thinking about other things? How many things have to not understood and instead of trying to figure them out you have just continued reading.

It's not GR, it's you anon.

>> No.4370414

including you of-course.

>> No.4370416

Fair warning op, the book never gets easier, it actually gets harder. You really need to concentrate, it's not a light read at all.

>> No.4370470

I hope so. The last few books have been comparatively disappointing, but I'm hoping we can get one more Mason & Dixon-style comeback.

>> No.4370535
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>tfw when educated enough to understand Pynchon, minimalist modern art, stream of consciousness poetry, and other great works morons think are "incomprehensible"
I just wish there was a board that you needed to provide proof of a masters or doctorate to post on, seeing these highschool plebs with no understanding of what they are reading, seeing, or hearing is annoying background noise drowning out the 4'33" playing in my head.

>> No.4370608

...I thought you meant you were two sections in. Yeah, you're fucked.

>> No.4370739

Mason & Dixon lover reporting in. Read it three times. How people can say Pynchon is incomprehensible or inane is beyond me. His work is brilliant.

Also, he stays out of the public light and doesn't want to be photographed because he's not very comely.

>> No.4370752

You are reading the Emperor's Clothes.

>> No.4370753
File: 93 KB, 640x964, inthemouthofmadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sutter Cane?

Not even once.

>> No.4370754

/lit/ is basically old pedos from /b/ who worship any author that writes about fucking children, like Pynchon, Nabokov, or Joyce, who loved to suck farts out of a 13-year-old girl.

Not even trolling, all three are verifiable. Pedos just like to give themselves air. They're a vain lot. Psychopaths like them are in it for the bluff. They don't understand the beauty and depths of art, they just pretend they do, and they do so rather badly.

>> No.4370755


And that's the main reason you read or come to /lit/, isn't it?

>> No.4370757


I'd wish for such a board too, but trust me, if this happened, nobody would discuss Pynchon.

I got an MA in literature, in two languages, and Pynchon never came up. Nor did DFW. Maybe these guys are all you discuss in America, but over here in Europe, we don't give a shit, academically speaking.

And I took a ton of American Literature classes: never mentioned Pynchon or DFW.

Pynchon was mostly a fad in the 70's and some neckbeards kept the fascination alive and transmitted to the neckbeards of /lit/, but it's forgettable work.

Nothing will remain of Pynchon in 2 centuries.

>> No.4370758

OP, take comfort in this quite from Pynchon himself:

"I was so fucked up while I was writing it . . . that now I go back over some of those sequences and I can't figure out what I could have meant."

Thomas Pynchon

>> No.4370764
File: 46 KB, 460x288, Zardari1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4370794

Fucking with animals, drinking piss, vomit ect. is really better than being attracted to girl under those magic numbers 18.

>> No.4370805
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b-but what about harry bloom? he just loves ruggles!

>> No.4370809


In the real world (beyond your parents' front door), fucking a 13-year-old makes you a pedo and makes you a candidate to prison and assrape.

Guess you didn't know.

>> No.4370810


It is. Fucking with animals is only legal if the animal does the fuck (thus no rape). Drinking piss or eating shit concerns you and yourself only, so it's your responsibility.

Fucking children is something entirely different, as it involves the will of a minor not deemed responsible in the eyes of the law because they're children.

>> No.4370960

Maybe read a little slower, with less distractions, concentrate a bit more? It's certainly dense but I don't remember it being that impossible that early on, in fact the beginning seemed to have some fairly concrete scenes/images that I still remember quite vividly.

It's also a very fun novel, supremely entertaining, so don't sweat it too much.

>> No.4371003


Understanding Pynchon is not some litmus test for intellectual ability. I myself can read, but not enjoy it over, say, Goethe or Melville

>> No.4371028


If you took any classes on 20th century American lit and Pynchon never came up, you should ask for your tuition back.

>> No.4371086

what authors are mentioned then? I'm curious