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4369663 No.4369663 [Reply] [Original]

>some girl on facebook asks for book recommendations, says she just "finished my bucket list of books" and she wants more books to read
>off the top of my head recommend gravity's rainbow, cryptonomicon, book of five rings, machiavelli's the prince, divine comedy, fountainhead, brother's karamazov, godel escher and bach, odyssey, elegant universe
>other people recommend her some nigerian book and the new JK Rowling, she says she'll check those out and completely ignores my post

>> No.4369666

Good that she ignored your suggestion. The bulk of what you listed is not good reading, just shit people brag about reading.

>> No.4369667

>some nigerian book

Things Fall Apart?

That's actually a really good book. Better than the Fountainhead and the pop history of GEB, that's for sure.

It's also got a lot of parallels with the Odyssey, so there's that.

>> No.4369668

>tfw Book of Five Rings is a legit good book if you know how to read it

>> No.4369670

>the fountainhead

She's 100 percent right to ignore you

>> No.4369671

purple hibiscus

>> No.4369673

you should just assume all women are retards next time and not engage them intellectually. works pretty well.

>> No.4369675

at least i didn't recommend atlas shrugged.

i thought fountainhead was an alright book but atlas shrugged was just retarded.

>> No.4369678


Shitty Ayn Rand in the recommendation. Would have completely ignored, too. Also deleted, blocked and talked behind back.

>> No.4369684

~a virgin

>> No.4369690

>girl asks for recommendations
>you throw a hodgepodge of book names her way without figuring out what she likes and how you could provide her with a bridge to work that seems inaccessible to her now

And your taste is awful, by the way, minus the Pynchon and Dosty.

>> No.4369687

You shouldn't virgin-shame. It contributes to Rape Culture.

>> No.4369689

I've never read it, but the Wikipedia plot summary sounds interesting enough that I might check it out. I'd at least wager it's better than the fucking Fountainhead.

>> No.4369692

you know, with all the hate rand gets I almost feel like reading fountainhead again. read fountainhead first then atlas shrugged when I was 16 or so. I remember Atlas Shrugged being heavy handed as fuck and just retarded at times, but Fountainhead was a fairly engaging story that I actually enjoyed, even if I didn't fully agree with rand's point of view.

Now I wonder if it was actually shit but I was too 16 to realize it.

>> No.4369693

yeah fountainhead + machiavelli = fedora2themax man

you can't just recommend people shit like that, try recommending them things that at least htey would maybe like, she's obviously a plen so just tell her to read some fun but actually good lit or don't give a shit

>> No.4369699

why is machiavelli fedoracore? i can understand anything by rand being automatically labelled such

>> No.4369707

It's frightening how internalized some of you let this fedora thing get for you. It's like you feel an actual pang of guilt when something you like is associated with the word.

>> No.4369710
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The label "fedoracore" or its tipping has gotten muddled and stupid. It's best not to care really. "pleb" has gotten worn down a bit so the kids are looking for that new thing.

Maybe he meant the pairing of Machiavelli and Rand was a bad thing. Because I was going to tell the OP, You can't put Rand in there and expect any respect. You're tarnishing the other titles.

>> No.4369713

>end justifies the means

How does philosophy as chauvanist and carnivorous as Macchiavellis not occur to you as fedora core? It should be like the third thing they read, after atlas shrugged and v for vendetta

>> No.4369716

yes I meant just off the top of the head recos coming up with machiavelli and rand just screams... well unsavory things for me- pseudo-intellectualism, etc.

If someone were to ask important philosophy books that have been written that would be one thing. just sounds like OP recommended this shit out of just being asked to recommend like pleasurable books which just, to me, sounds autisitc

>> No.4369722


Only in politics, bru. Its part of a long tradition of realism.

>> No.4369727


Machiavelli, like fedoras, has been co-opted by a certain type of weirdo loser who wants all of the benefits and prestige of appearing intelligent, learned, and cultured with none of the attending effort.

A person who seriously recommends you to read The Prince when you ask for general book recommendations cannot be serious. They do so to look intelligent, to inflate their ego, not to provide a worthwhile suggestion.

>> No.4369736

So basically, you're implying that no one can actually enjoy reading The Prince because you believe everyone who reads The Prince is a pseudo-intellectual/fedora wearing autist?

sounds like rationality to me.

>> No.4369743

do spoilers work on /lit/?

>> No.4369747

The Prince is not a book that you say "hey, have you heard of this book called The Prince? You should check it out!" Anyone who it would actually interest has already heard of it, and if they want to read it, they will. A person recommending it isn't saying, "you should read this book," they're saying "look at me, I read this book"

>> No.4369749


Congratulations on alienating a woman by recommending 85% fedoracore books, OP.

>> No.4369759

>the only possible way to read and understand a book is to accept it an apply it in your life

Are you fucking stupid? Reading Machiavelli really puts you into the mindset of psychopathy and what being a ruler really means. It can show you just how inhuman they are. Maybe you're just a dumbass because you take the philosophy as literal advice, instead of as an exposé of rulers in general.

>> No.4369761
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OP here, actually the girl liked my comment now and thanked me.

I guess this point of view makes more sense, but somehow I can't help but think that anybody who was interested in a topic and read a book about it they found interesting would try to recommend it to people.

I don't know, the whole idea of actually being a pretentious asshole based on what books you found interesting to read or recommend to other people just seems infantile to me. I remember at one point I was carrying around copies of the iliad and odyssey around and sometimes when someone saw me reading it or holding it or something, they would come up to me and say, 'wow, you must be very smart to read such a difficult book.' Which seemed really weird to me that someone would point that out. I just really enjoyed reading the books.

This was exactly why I liked reading it. It is nearly psychopathic thinking, but when you look at it and consider the behaviour of various rulers throughout time, the best ones often times acted in line with the kind of thinking that's in that book. I don't think follow Rand's Objectivism or agree with it all, I don't want to be a ruler, I just found these books interesting for what they were worth.

Some people just act like if you take the time to read a book and consider it a decent read that you have to actually believe what's written in the book or something or want to be like the characters. It's silly.

>> No.4369771


>I guess this point of view makes more sense, but somehow I can't help but think that anybody who was interested in a topic and read a book about it they found interesting would try to recommend it to people.

Do you think that this girl would be interested in learning about the theory behind power-politics?

>> No.4369776

I think those people are called "simpletons": their appreciation of a book is extremely shallow and they are not capable of looking at a book from a different frame. A good reader can read Ayn Rand and enjoy the experience because it will give them understanding about her philosophy and will give them more ammo against idiots who actually appreciate her work.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
- Aristotle

I think this quote is applicable.

>> No.4369777

No, I agree that OP'a recommendations were poorly suited. Next time recommend East of Eden or The Sun Also Rises

>> No.4369782


>recommending Hemminnggwwayy to a girl

Would you recommend Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants to a guy?

>> No.4369783

Fountainhead is decent. Not something which will be a classic, but it is good. It is one of those books which is entirely overrated by those that agree with it and entirely underrated by those that disagree.
She does a good job of engaging the reader in the success of Roark and his relationship with Dominque. The side plots are heavy handed though.

>> No.4369790

Just tell her it has a bunch of drama and people talking, without being explicit. Hemingway is still better than most of OP's suggestions.

>> No.4369794

I don't know, she's always struck me as pretty smart. She's a med school student, been involved in activism stuff. Don't know her that well but she's a high school friend, no idea what she's into so I just suggested stuff I like.

>"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle

Thanks for finding a quote that summarizes my thoughts succinctly.

Yeah, once I let go of actually trying to work out in my mind whether the Objectivist philosophies in her novel actually make sense, and just decided that they didn't make sense to me but I could still read Rand's book about it, I found myself just enjoying the story more than anything else. Also I ended up studying civil engineering, so maybe that's part of why I like it. Anything to do with putting up buildings is interesting to me (yes I know it's not interesting to anyone else).

>> No.4369802

Also we must consider that OP is already branded as "that guy" in the eyes of the girl, and the fact that he's putting effort into a book recommendation to impress a girl on Facebook, which is really fucking weird, because it implies he has nothing better to do that sit there and list a whole bunch of recommendations to a girl he likes on Facebook.

TL;DR OP is creepy, girl is passive about it, she avoids his weird Facebook comments, he rages and calls her a plebe because he's a weird fucker like that.

>> No.4369815

i don't have any intention to impress this girl. she's pretty ugly. i just recommended her books that I like and thought it was odd that she'd just ignore it and reply to the rowling guy. And then she thanked me later on anyways, so I don't care now.

>> No.4369818

SftTP is not Hemmingway for girls.
Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice or A tree grows in Brooklyn maybe.
Cmon try to be a little more systematic with your juxtapositions.

>> No.4369825

You guys on /lit/ are supposed to be guys that know their books and are actually getting faggy at Op's post? You guys should really think about the things you read and let them go through your soul instead of bragging about them in 4chan and then getting all insecure in public, god dammit.

>> No.4369827

>says she just "finished my bucket list of books"
I wish I could utter these words so badly.

>> No.4369831

>recommending Gravity's Rainbow to a grill
'She turns. "Hold up my fur." He obeys. "Be careful. Don't touch my skin." Earlier in this game she was nervous, constipated, wondering if this was anything like male impotence. But thoughtful Pointsman, anticipating this, has been sending laxative pills with her meals. Now her intestines whine softly, and she feels shit begin to slide down and out. He kneels with his arms up holding the rich cape. A dark turd appears out the crevice, out of the absolute darkness between her white buttocks. He spreads his knees, awkwardly, until he can feel the leather of her boots. He leans forward to surround the hot turd with his lips, sucking on it tenderly, licking along its lower side… he is thinking, he's sorry, he can't help it, thinking of a Negro's penis, yes he knows it abrogates part of the conditions set, but it will not be denied, the image of a brute African who will make him behave… The stink of shit floods his nose, gathering him, surrounding. It is the smell of Passchendaele, of the Salient. Mixed with the mud, and the putrefaction of corpses, it was the sovereign smell of their first meeting, and her emblem. The turd slides into his mouth, down to his gullet. He gags, but bravely clamps his teeth shut. Bread that would only have floated in porcelain waters somewhere, unseen, untasted-risen now and baked in the bitter intestinal Oven to bread we know, bread that's light as domestic comfort, secret as death in bed… Spasms in his throat continue. The pain is terrible. With his tongue he mashes shit against the roof of his mouth and begins to chew, thickly now, the only sound in the room…'

>> No.4369838

you never will

>> No.4369857
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I know this fact very well

>> No.4369859

Recommend people books that you think they'll like, you fucking dickwads

>> No.4369892

It provides them with certain elements of their frame of mind, is what I'm saying. You should probably stop projecting

>> No.4369939

Yeah worse (better?) yet you'll reel in a scat lover.

>> No.4369999

>everything a man does is to impress women
>OP is creepy for recommend books of intellectual merit.

I mean if you are so obsessed with appearing relevant and contemporary that you are willing to associate the Dostoyevsky and Dante with fedoraism then twilightforums.com maybe suit you better.

I really don't understand why you are here.

>> No.4370006

This so much, applies for 99% of 4chan

>> No.4370050

that's pretty embarrassing OP. lucky for you the people who read your post probably aren't actually aware of half of those books, so they won't realize how much of a tool you are for recommending them.

>> No.4370052

If any of these men were put in OPs position you can be certain that they would suck status quo teet, recommend john green and Stieg Larsson, and then go on to tell themselves that talking about any book older than 50 years outside of specialized forums and English class is simply outing yourself as an autistic faggot.

>> No.4370059

Why would anyone ask for book reccomendations with the full intent of having heard of the books beforehand?

>> No.4370072

Dude, you are so fucking delusional. Go check yourself.

>> No.4370075


Nah, I would try to recommend books I both enjoy personally and think she might too.

>> No.4370081


i don't know. why are you asking? what does that have to do with my post?

>> No.4370098

And then one of her friends is going to recommend the latest craze in female YA literature and you'll look like just as much of an autistic faggot.

>> No.4370101

this post is really embarrassing for the person who posted it

>> No.4370107
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you should have recommended a CLASSY book

>> No.4370112

uh yeah recommending some book to someone makes you look autistic lol right. maybe you should stop projecting

>> No.4370177

i recommended a girl a book once. she told me she loved it, but i suspect she didn't read it. i think she was just trying to impress me because she wanted the D. little did she know i didn't even like the book; i was just testing her. if she had read the book and concurred that it was garbage, only then would i have slipped her the D.

>> No.4370201

i'm more offended that a merzbow fan is stupid enough to think a grill can into brothers karamazov.

>> No.4370215
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>invite grill over to bedroom in parents house
>tell her imma put on some mood music
>look through albums on laptop
>hmm... merzbow - venereology
>this should do the trick

>> No.4370253

just searched this. what in the fucking hell. i really hope this isn't how 'innovative literature' seems to those less well read. god i'm bothered, but i was a classically trained orchestral musician for a while so there's that.

>> No.4370255

looool faggot

>> No.4370270 [DELETED] 

how come brother? you pullin' a fast one? but maybe that's the climate of the music world now: not knowing long-ago's shit. hey maybe if you wanna keep being so intellectual you could read adorno's musical writings. or you couldn't. or you can't.

>> No.4370280

how come brother? you pullin' a fast one? but maybe that's the climate of the music world now: not knowing long-ago's shit. but hey, maybe if you wanna maintain as the intellectual you could take a crack at adorno's musical writings. or you couldn't. or you can't.

>> No.4370281

Hahahahahahahahaha. Yeah, I've read Adorno before. But I'm not a fan of academicists point of view in art. I see beauty wherever the fuck I want, and merzbow is subversive and makes aristocrats cry.

>> No.4370288
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>godel escher and bach
>elegant universe

>classically trained orchestral musician
>hasn't been exposed to music like this before

>> No.4370298

Nuts! Really interesting to see someone so familiar in music theory. It's garbage, dude. Way to reheat by freezer burned musical elitism.

>> No.4370305

>"I don't like it after spending less than a minute on it!!!"
>not a psuedo-intellectual philandering mirror-gazer

pick only one you fucking charlatan

>> No.4370310

Are you joking?

>> No.4370313

Hey, exposure's fine my friend. But you're telling me that you think these old white fucks tootin' along to a background of maladjusted hearing aids down nesting at the symphony hall would ever care to listen to this?

>> No.4370325

There's hardly anything charlatan or pseudo-intellectual about formal, diligent study of the history and theory of music.
But I gotta say, you really think there's some worth in this stuff. Good point, too: I should look more into it. Just a shock, I guess.

>> No.4370338

listen to merzbow to deprogram all that classical training malarky.

>> No.4370342

Fuck off.

>> No.4370345

This is the post where you deflect blame by saying a different book is shitty.

NOT FALLING FOR IT. Fountainhead was terrible.

>> No.4370350

Is this the same attitude you share towards literature?

captcha: seriously gesyud

>> No.4370354

>obviously /lit/ is the end all be all on what is acceptable and not acceptable in literature.
>and obviously throwing the chick to the wolves when it comes to literature

>> No.4370374

i like a lot of classical music [in particular, beethoven, chopin, scriabin], but i also like merzbow.

both can exist in the world. merzbow for me is impersonal music informed by the symphony of life. classical music is personal, pulling at high level intellectual heart strings.

at different times i like to hear different things.

sometimes at night during rain with windows open, i like to play merzbow's album "frog".

other times on calm lonely evenings it's beethoven's string quartet #14

>> No.4370387

holy FUCK the amount of fedora faggots in here

ground zero in here

>> No.4370391

i'll check it out, anon, thanks.

>> No.4370400

>godel escher and bach

Fuck you OP. It's a good book, but you didn't read all 800 fucking pages and not remember the goddamn title.

>> No.4370403


didn't meant to quote in that one

Captcha: commended welpmen

>> No.4370412


Atlas Shrugged is crap but The Fountainhead is a legitimate piece of literature.

Ayn Rand must ALWAYS be read as a response to Communism.

>> No.4370413

merzbow is a direct descendent of the classical tradition you fucking morons

>> No.4370419


There are way better responses to Communism. Zamyatin's "We" for one, which Rand shamelessly stole from.

>> No.4370422

1930 is the album people should begin their merzodyssey from the older classical tradition

that album is more methodically composed than other merzbow works. listen to it like a symphony of noises ala the futurist manifesto of noises.

merzbow incorporates other elements though. for example merzbuddha is heavy dubstep influence but with merzbow's unique impersonal japanese noise sound. i remember first hearing it. it was at once familiar and totally alien. like cicadas.

>> No.4370429
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>> No.4370430

music that does not involve conventional melodies or rhythms seems to be interpreted by different parts of the brain. it is impersonal, lacking a discernible human emotive touch. a certain self-expression of the self as assumed individual is absent. i have not seen masami akita discuss this at all but i interpret merzbow as a 'music without self' in the buddhist sense of anatta. i once had a dream of an interview with masami akita, but he was just wires and effect pedals all hooked up in a closed circuit. merzbow is beyond the duality of major/minor emotions. it appeals to the mind like a passing plane, rain, distant sirens, various electronics, insects.

>> No.4370432

nice. saeved.

>> No.4370439

You're right anon, there are better instances, but The Fountainhead is probably more accessible to someone OP is describing.

>> No.4370452
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>girl asks for new y/a / womanlit book to read
>i recommend an obscure weightlifting manual and an untranslated icelandic work
>girl doesn't tell me thank you for the recommendation
I weep for the crurrent generation.

>> No.4370453

How pretentious can you get? Life's too short to fritter it away on such masturbatory drivel.

>> No.4370461

did he have an aneurysm?

>> No.4370462

What the fuck is this?

>> No.4370469

>girl asks for new /lit/
>I reccommend DFW, American Psycho, and Steppenwolf

>> No.4370496

So that's some really bad music if he dies right there

>> No.4370555

>post took less than minute to write
>will have many more minutes left of lifetime

ok dok

>> No.4370622

>not recommending Yates

>> No.4370623

>someone doesn't appreciate the things that i appreciate
>i'd better tell 4chan

>> No.4370650


>> No.4370694


>implying 'the prince' wasn't written under medici duress
>implying discourses isn't the only definitive text on machiavelli's political beliefs


>> No.4370702

>It is nearly psychopathic thinking
It is literally psychopathic thinking. Rand was inspired by a psychopath that butchered a child and threw her body parts out of a moving car at her father. She wrote worshipfully about how his morality did not include other people. All of her vehicle characters were sociopaths, and she wrote defiantly about how a train disaster that killed hundreds was deserved by all passengers.

Here's more insight into her character:


>> No.4370705

The Prince was ignored by the prince it was written for. Machiavelli was hoping for a patronage, but he received nothing.

>> No.4370706

fuck off you pansy
were supposed to pro create
you sniffling shut in

>> No.4370710

you stupid faggot machiavelli was tortured by the medici god damn you're a moron

>> No.4370713

>being this uninformed

Medici wanted to survive, nothing else. Also, he wrote in advice that would end the fucking ruler if Lorenzo tried to implement it.

tldr Machiavelli was the original le master trollz.

>> No.4371394

What a pretentious cunt you are. I hope people realize you're the asshole you present yourself to be

>> No.4371400

On my first ever date I recommended the Unabombers Manifesto to the girl I was with.

Suffice to say, that dumb pleb didn't even go on a second date with me, never mind read possibly the most important anarcho-primitivist work ever written.

>> No.4371532

You are a moron.

>> No.4371626
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>people not doing what I tell them to
>fucking plebs tell you what

>> No.4371628

>book of five rings

women just love half-assed sword fighting treatises with vague generic philosophy mixed in

>> No.4371631


>recommending a load of entry level classics

what is the point of you?

not saying the girl isn't a whore with an easy life and cum on her face though

>> No.4371639

Probably because you suggested she read Ayn Rand. She's a sham philosopher

>> No.4371675

>list ten books
>argue exclusively about ayn rand

Gtfo you cancerous fedora faggots

>> No.4371694

>the prince
>divine comedy
Either you're a pretentious fuck or completely unaware that recommending those books makes you look like one.

>> No.4371721

>implying these aren't taught in high schools

>> No.4371760

Really? Where I'm from we only read shit at school.

>> No.4371759

ditto. Those three are just pretty standard classics. Although in Musset's Il ne faut jurer de rien the main character uses The Odyssey to make fun of someone who isn't well-read in an incredibly annoying way. << now that is a pretentious comment, but I'll own it

>> No.4371783

Guess it depends on where you're from and your teacher. I went to a decent public high school and read DC and Odysseyin 9th and 10th grade. Didn't get around to the Prince until more recently, but I bet a lot of people read it in high school or early college

>> No.4371788

Well, most of the rest aren't contentious. Machiavelli, Dante, and Homer are universally respected, if perhaps dull, choices. BK and GR are some of /lit/'s favorite books, in general. I don't think most of /lit/ really knows much about either Elegant Universe or the Book of Five Rings. That leaves The Fountainhead, Cryptonomicon, and GEB to get annoyed over. And what else is /lit/ to do, besides get annoyed over other people's opinions?

>> No.4371792

I like Cryptonomicon.

And whatever you think of The Fountainhead, it is almost certainly Rand's best novel.

>> No.4371795

I'm not from the US. Many people here probably don't even know what those books are. Plus, most books we read in high school are determined by the Ministry of Education or some shit. I only got to reading The Prince when I took Introduction to Political Science in college.

>> No.4371863
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fine literature

>> No.4371865

It's legit to bash on the Fountainhead since it's a hateful classist text that legitimates poor-bashing and has way too much play on the internet given its total lack of intellectual merit. But point taken that I should read the other books (Elegant U, Book of 5 Rings)

>> No.4371868

the US has a very decentralized approach to what books students read in high school, but in the end, the syllabi still end up looking pretty similar with minor variations

>> No.4371880

Oh, I agree, it's awful. Still probably her best work. All I'm saying. Bit of a joke, you know. Bit of humor. Bit of dissonance.

>> No.4371888

I was responding more to the people above than to you. But yeah, lol it's better than Atlas Shrugged. The best parts of that novel are the sex scenes, which are only good as comedy

>> No.4372022

>you stupid faggot machiavelli was tortured by the medici god damn you're a moron

He was tortured for conspiracy against the Medici's but maintained his innocence, so they let him go. There's no evidence they ordered him to write The Prince, and it was published two decades after the torture.

This sounds like bullshit board lore.

>> No.4372040
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>> No.4372369

>book of five rings

my sides, thanks for that OP

>> No.4372496

please OP i just finished cryptonomicon and i want to know what happened to Günter Bischoff

>> No.4373234

Jacked off into a river of gold no doubt.

>> No.4374203

>tfw all those diamonds burned in golgotha