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4368867 No.4368867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>read book
>sides get dirty
how do i prevent this

>> No.4368869

stop being a dirty person

>> No.4368876
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i knew someone was gonna say this but what do you do when its hot and you're sweating
do you wear gloves when reading

>> No.4368889

>buy a beautiful cloth bound library of america edition of raymond carver's complete stories
>within a few hours of reading I already got water spots on it
>next day get butter chicken curry on it

>> No.4368894

I live in a tropical country, right next to the beach, air humidity is very high, temperatures stay at the 30 degrees celsius mark all around the year and I've never, ever, seen this happen. You're dirty.

>> No.4368902

because if u live there ur accostumed to heat u live like always in summer so ur body got used to it and u dont sweat because technically you don't experience hotness so your argument is invalid

>> No.4368907

homoeostasis is not relative.

>> No.4368950

Stop eating Cheetos while you read.

>> No.4368959

well it might not be but do u sweat? maybe ur books dont get dirty because u dont sweat like i do

>> No.4368961


He may sweat but that alone doesn't get the book dirty. Maybe you should stop smoking (assumption made from op's pic) because tobbaco makes us to secrete nasty shit through sweat.

>> No.4368965
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i dont smoke but im starting to think im a dirty person...

>> No.4368972

i heard of a guy who sweats excessively so he got into the habit of using bandanas

>> No.4369018
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>tfw have loud ass family
>tfw cant concentrate when reading
>tfw music doesn't help

>> No.4369030

Pretty good excuse to get your flaneur on in the outerworld until you find a good place to read.

>> No.4369034
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>read book
>sides get lost

>> No.4369072

what the fuck do you people really go to public parks to read a book?

>> No.4369078

I used to have this problem too, then I realized it was the shitty paper being used in the books.

If you're reading those really cheap editions of the classics like Signet or Bantam Classics, there's something in the paper that reacts to the oils in your fingers.

>> No.4369080


>tfw family would think you're weird for randomly going on walks and getting your flaneur on

>> No.4369090
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Jesus Christ, who thought it was a good idea to publish this?

>> No.4369099

I remember when I used to walk around my town alone.
Thinking about it I don't really know why I did it.

>> No.4369105

It's written by Sasha Grey. At this point, you don't even look at the content and just publish it like this because you know no litterature enthusiast would buy it for the qualities of the book

>> No.4369213

The page edges of my New Revised Standard Version bible turn dark after reading, even though I'm fastidious about keeping my hands clean. Doesn't happen to any other of my books. Is it just the cheap paper?

>> No.4369231

It's the Devil inside you.

>> No.4369238

Well, fuck.

>> No.4369246

i have the same problem but not with all books. some of them always seem to have new marks on them after every read while i can keep others in my bag with pencils and uncapped pens and read while eating finger foods and they're just as clean as the day i bought them.

>> No.4369249

It's fine. If you start sleeping with your arms out from under the covers, keep your elbows off the table at dinner, and start flossing more often you should be back to normal in no time.

>> No.4369261

Samuel and Kings pages are dark, but not Genesis and Exodus. What could this mean???

>> No.4369268

You need to stop asking witches and seers to speak to the dead for you and you need to eat your veggies.

>> No.4369273

So that's what I've been doing wrong. My eyes are open!

>> No.4369282
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I know this doesn't answer your question OP but I truthfully give no fucks about how aesthetically pleasing or immaculately kept the medium that holds the words a book is consisted of. And while I can see why someone would think of those things as important if the book itself has had a significant effect upon their life - I feel like the ideas presented in the book and the prose itself takes utmost precedence. I think that if you really love a work the most meaningful thing one can do in response is to commit it to memory.

>> No.4369293

I totally agree. I completely fucking agree. Fuck these /lit/ threads about "muh most expensive book" or "bookmark threads". Your philosophy is why I bought an e-reader. I really cannot tolerate the philosophy that the shell gives anything to the work.

>> No.4369286

I just buy a used reading copy and nice copy after if I plan on reading the book. That way I help out a local bookstore and if I like the author or plan to recommend the book to anyone I have a nice hardbound edition that the author at least gets a little bit of money from. I hope. I'm not 100% on how authors make money. I like reading, not writing. But I am sure you people can tell me.

>> No.4369294


reading the book twice*

>> No.4369358

Oh my God this is self-published threads level.

>> No.4369435
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Here's an read copy and a yet-to-be-read copy.
They are not copies of the same book.
How do I stop this?

>> No.4369456
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read in a vacuum

>> No.4369458

why does it matter? Do you want your book to look like you haven't read it?
The top one doesn't look that bad.

>> No.4369460

i dont want my book to look like i am a dirty person

>> No.4369465

But the top one doesn't look dirty. It looks read. Do you want to look like a person who buys books and doesn't read them?

>> No.4369470

so is this normal?

>> No.4369477

pretty normal

>> No.4369481


e-readers are objectively superior. I still prefer paper books, though. They're easier for me to focus. And there is some level of personal pride to be able to look upon the books you've read, pull one off your shelf, flip through it, look at your handwritten notes. It's vanity, but w/e

>> No.4369511

its easier to reference things in a real book than an ebook. If i want to look up something i have to go through all these shitty menus hitting all these unsensitive buttons, with a book i just flip the pages. Until ebooks fix that problem ill stick to real books. Also the novelty that you mentioned is nice too. Filling up bookshelves is satisfying.

>> No.4369677 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4369696

um, it definitely can change in different environments.

>> No.4369703

Are there any ebooks that allow you to interact with the text (highlight, write in margins, underline, etc.)? E-books are cool for fiction but kind of useless for something that requires active engagement and dialog.