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4364425 No.4364425 [Reply] [Original]

Are the His Dark Materials books any good?

>> No.4364470

So this is what The Golden Compass was based off of.

>> No.4364608

If you are 13 they are among the best stuff you can read. Pullman understood that teens where not retarded and wrote literature for them, not bland pulp.

If you're an adult, read them anyway.

>> No.4364799

i have read them when i was 17, and it is still the best books i have ever read.
I have read both Of mice and men, and Stoner, and this is the only book that made me cry

>> No.4364901

I read an another anon's post I liked:
they're kinda like the chronicles of Narnia but for atheists.

>> No.4364915

yeah they're just about the best YA fantasy novels I've ever read. It's a shame they botched the movie.

I read it when I was 14 and I cried like a little bitch.

>> No.4365003

Extremely good. I was 12 when I read them and I cried like a little bitch.

>> No.4365012

Much better-written than Chronicles, though, at least for older kids. I don't think Chronicles have much appeal after the age of about 12.

>> No.4365030

Best books I've ever read. Granted, I probably needed to be 15 for them to have had their effect, but no other book has touched me like they did since.

>> No.4365057

absolutely OP, a whole new perspective on religion, reality and lots of other things

I was 15 when I read the trilogy and I cried like a little bitch (no really I'm serious)

That thing with the bench? left me bawling like a baby

>> No.4365060

Great books, read them in my early teens

The scene where she cuts through into that city where nobody lives scared me.

The scene where she has to go across the water without her daemon made me cry.

>> No.4365064

Read the books when I was younger and loved them.

>> No.4365074

Great YA literature. Close second to A Series of Unfortunate Events, IMO

>> No.4365075 [SPOILER] 
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Praise for Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials:

>"this is the only book that made me cry"

>"I cried like a little bitch" (x3)

>"left me bawling like a baby"

>"the scene (...) made me cry"

I feel you, man

>> No.4365080

Fuckin best books ever

>> No.4365087

Memorable scenes anybody?

>tsw Lyra and her male friend take a bath together in a non-sexual way
>tsw the polar bear fakes an injury and stomps the evil king polar bear
>tsw there's a huge fucking battle with witches flying overhead shooting arrows and guys with full-metal suits shooting muskets

>> No.4365100


Lee Scoresby's death
God's death

>> No.4365218

Hmmm, maybe I should buy these books after all. They sound like they would still be worth reading for the first time at my age.

>> No.4366005

Yes, they're very good. I read them as an adult, and I enjoyed them. The second one is the best.