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/lit/ - Literature

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4364326 No.4364326[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you can't recommend any books to your friends because your taste is too intellectual and complex

>> No.4364335

Don't worry. You're probably a cunt with shit taste anyways.

>> No.4364346

whenever i recommend books or mention a book i read that is relevant to the conversation i always wonder if i look like a pretentious douchebag even though i'm earnest :(

>> No.4364349

>tfw you've licked a cunt with shit taste
>tfw you should have bailed immediately
>tfw you married her

>> No.4364355

>being afraid to talk about books with your friends
Yeah you don't have friends

>> No.4364357

I know thy feel.

>> No.4364356



>> No.4364358

>tfw you're casual as fuck and it still happens

>> No.4364359

>Taste is too intellectual and complex
>Posting a photo of a show made for 13 year old boys
>Not understanding that complex and intellectual are relative to the person and don't make a piece any better simply for having them


>> No.4364369

>having friends

all these normalfag plebs around me

>> No.4364376
File: 64 KB, 304x381, feelevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon I heard you like to read. What do you like to read?
>Who is that?
>Some Russian that died like 100 years ago
>sounds lame

>Anon I heard you like to watch. What do you like to watch?
>Who is that?
>Some dead Swede that made good movies 50 years ago
>sounds lame

>> No.4364378

They're right.

>> No.4364382
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>> No.4364400
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>> No.4364407

lame pleb taste.
>tfw your friends are more patrician than you

>> No.4364412



but that scene is great

>> No.4364417

I don't think it's terrible since it is first season before it became pandering to the Simpson audience

>> No.4364423

>describe them using indifferent-sounding, fairly uninformative one-line descriptions
>complain of feels when they aren't enticed by the descriptions

>> No.4364426

It's because they call you pretentious pretentiously, I find it hapens a lot.

>> No.4364428

If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. Or you're a delusional prick.

>> No.4364434


false dichotomy. sheesh!

>> No.4364439
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>mfw this post

>> No.4364474

>You said earlier that you like to read--have you read the Hunger Games? They're really good.

Why do people do this? After all, nobody goes, "Oh, you like films? Did you see Transformers 6? The explosions are awesome."

>> No.4364500

>After all, nobody goes, "Oh, you like films? Did you see Transformers 6? The explosions are awesome."

except 98% of people actually say this.

>> No.4364503

Hmm. Okay. I guess I just never heard anyone say it.

>> No.4364569

>tfw I have a recurring dream where I am forced to eat out an overweight girl with a pussy that smells and tastes like rotten cabbage

>> No.4364595

I think it's more "oh, you like reading? That's something that could make for an interesting conversation. Let me try to find some common ground." Shit taste or not, it makes sense. You like reading, they're talking about reading.

>> No.4364603

My Infinite Jest copy had lived in 6 of my friends houses. Never to be read. I sell it quite well but all my friends think they are hot stuff because they own more books than most where in reality they read Pratchett Martin and one or two light classics every year.

I lend Confederacy Of Dunces now.

Also, I love to offer Finnegans Wake.

My gf in the other hand reads in French English and German and was a compulsive reader when she was younger. She only has time to read philosophy now. I love my gf.

>> No.4364614

i recommend them entry level stuff that is still good
i can still have a great conversation with someone who's reading 1984 for the first time

>> No.4364630

>tfw never eaten out a girl

>> No.4364633
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it's gross, i wouldn't recommend it

>> No.4364674

>not knowing Dostoevsky or Bergman

fucking plebs

>> No.4364675

gay propoganda please leave

>> No.4364699

Is she actually fluent in those three languages or is she just able to "read" in them in the context of narrowly focused academic work?

>> No.4364706

>tfw someone told me they enjoyed entry level lit by saying "Oh I like books, but you probably haven't heard of what I've read"
>oh, really? You're probably right, I don't read much, who do you read?
>Oh, Joyce, Dostoyevsky, Bulkagov, the list could go on.
>I think I recognise those names, I dunno, maybe you're right.
Why do they first tell me I wont know the writers, then proceed to try and big their ego by mentioning 'high brow' lit. If I don't know, I'm not impressed.

>tfw he asks me my favourite book and I answer either Ulysses, Notes from Underground or The Master and Margarita

>> No.4364708

>be drinking with friends
>tell one he reminds me of a Hemingway character
>he says thank you
>MFW he is an alcoholic lit major

>> No.4364710

Yeah it just tastes like shit and you don't feel good for it. So don't.

>> No.4364711

He's a delusional prick

>> No.4364760


Fluent in French and German (well she's half French half Austrian...), can read anything in English but mediocre at speaking it.

>> No.4364805

>tfw fantasise about it all day everyday

>> No.4364815

>tfw no shy /lit/ beta male to eat you out

>> No.4364825

Send pics and will oblige

>> No.4364831

>tfw really need to sleep in preparation for tomorrow, but can't fall asleep

Fuck everything, man

>> No.4364845

you know, when you use the 'MFW' thing youre supposed to post a reaction face. just a heads up.

>> No.4364850
File: 25 KB, 400x388, hg (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want to help this anon but you can't
>tfw random empathy for an anonymous poster

>> No.4364851

People have used mfw without a reaction image for years.
There's no need to be upset.

>> No.4364865

>TFW your friends think "reading Kerouac is as difficult as reading Chaucer."

>> No.4365005

it is? thematically chaucer is fairly explicit in his parody. once you get used to sounding out words phonetically its easy reading

kerouac is aimless rambling at the worst of times

>> No.4365058

>Known as the bookworm in my family
>Am the only one in this whole family (father's side; mother's side are all mathematics and biology professors but they live on the other side of the Earth) that has passed high school (in postgrad Ivy League now, just to show you the contrast)
>Receive books every Christmas from aunts and uncles
>Always some shitty young adult lit or the Guinness Book of World Records
>Every single year

At least they tried. And now I have a decent collection of the Guinness Book of World Records.

On the other hand
>Have a friend who's into literature
>Talks about literature all the time
>Receive every Christmas a fine selection of books
Can't wait to see what am I getting this year.
Last year I've received about 6 1920s Japanese lit books.

>> No.4365062
File: 47 KB, 500x375, that feel rain heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've eaten a girl out but never had vaginal sex

>> No.4365073

sounds like an accursed feel

>> No.4365136

>mfw you think I was upset

>> No.4365159

Le Intellectual probzzzz xD

Good thing I have le reddit and le 4chinz to talk about my euphoric intellect xD

>> No.4365160


>> No.4365161

jay litt

>> No.4365167

You recieved 6 1920's Japanese books? Wow, that's really neat, you must be a real neat guy and not some high school faggot who thinks he's special because he reads obscure foreign literature.

>> No.4365180

you're lucky i'm not around to turn you into a cuckold, boy.

>> No.4365187

>thinking about things in terms of how "smart" you or somebody else are/is
>beyond age 13

>> No.4365416

They're not that obscure, classic Japanese lit from the 1870s to 1920s. He's into that kind of stuff and he knows quite a lot about it. Soseki, Tanizaki and all, you know.

>> No.4365435

>Why do they first tell me I wont know the writers, then proceed to try and big their ego by mentioning 'high brow' lit. If I don't know, I'm not impressed.
It's just petty people trying to one-up you.
If you haven't heard of these writers, then you become the ignorant party in the conversation.
It's generally people's go-to book to appear intelligent, but that doesn't mean it isn't difficult as fuck

>> No.4365466

>tfw no friends who read to discuss literature with
>tfw can only discuss Dostoevsky with my college tutor and noone else
You do meet people who actually read once you get to uni, r-right?

>> No.4365487

>Tfw my senior year I said "Glutton" during a conversation with my friends.
>tfw they all looked at me funny
>tfw we argued on whether or not it's a common word everyone should know.
They're great guys but damn they can be thick.

>> No.4365495

I meant go-to books when I said entry level.

I tend to prefer being seen as the ignorant one, then watch as they proceed to wank over how cool and intelligent they are.

Is it wrong I get off looking down on people who think they are looking down on me?

>> No.4365499

Well, we certainly know what circle of hell they're going to.

>tfw I mentioned that I wanted to study classics at uni to a guy who does game design
>tfw he didn't know what was
>tfw the look he gave me when I explained it to him
It's like these people don't even realise that there are pleasures beyond pushing buttons

>> No.4365510
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>> No.4365512

>tfw try to recommend friends books by alt-lit authors back in 2006-2009
>fuck off with that shit anon, read some real books like Dostoyevsky etc.. etc...
>tfw now those faggots are reading alt-lit and pretending they were in it from the start just because it's getting circulation in the popular press now.

>> No.4365516

Nah m8, I'm the same. There's a girl in my college who's so incredibly tryhard, but it's so much fun to sit and smirk while she gets everything wrong while trying to be educated
Are we post-elitist?

>> No.4365534

I think we're just might be.

>> No.4365561

I'm sorry Anon...

>> No.4365636

I hope you don't read in English.

>> No.4365651

this is the most beta thing a man can do

>> No.4365661

why do you feel the need to discuss your hobbies with other people?

>> No.4365664

I hate fags like you

>> No.4365687

>Why do you feel the need to have social interaction?

>> No.4365693

>implying social interactions have to cover your hobbies
stop being so selfish