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/lit/ - Literature

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436104 No.436104 [Reply] [Original]

How does lit organize their book collection? Do you do it by last name of authors, or by names of books or by genres and subjects? I just put the book on my shelf in no real order.

>> No.436107

goes on shelf in order i read them

>> No.436110

ordered by color

>> No.436111


>> No.436113

I don't have many books, so my bookcase goes

Russian Literature & Comic books

Favourite books

Good books

Okay but probably won't get read again anytime soon books

>> No.436118

My favorite stuff is eye level. My least favorite on the top and bottom shelf. Books by the same author are together.

>> No.436120


Nonfiction alphabetically by subject

Fiction alphabetically by author

>> No.436122

By height, with my favourites first.

>> No.436124

I have no library. I download my books.

>> No.436126

Academic books: by topic and level.

Everything else: alphabetically by last name of author.

>> No.436129

My collection is a mess.

Some parts are alphabetical, some parts of genre divided, some parts are "have read" and "to read", other areas are "newly acquired". It's not very coherent.

>> No.436134

By author, then alpha by title.

If there's a group of books (like Star Wars) written by different writers, alpha by author unless a specific series' chronology takes precedence (Han Solo/Thrawn trilogy)

>> No.436138

things that i have read or looked at recently on top of the pile
things that i haven't read or looked at for ages at the bottom

>> No.436139

Large and hardcover by author

Paper/softback grouped by author

Trade paperback comics by chronology

Tabletop gaming books by game/system by relevance (D&D Players Handbook->DMG->Monster Manual->splat books)

>> No.436149

I don't organize my books. I've got a mini-bookshelf in my room, a large one in the basement & another small one in my brother's room & a medium sized one in my sister's room. Then I've got about 6 - 7 books (usually school related) sprawled across my bed that I kick around at night. I have been meaning to start organizing shit, but the task is just daunting.

>> No.436158

A pile of unread on my bed. No need to organise the rest.

>> No.436193
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This is pretty much my "method". But despite having many hundreds of books, for 99% of them I can go right to the book's location when I need to. I don't know why I do it, but every few days I'll just spend a few minutes "reviewing" the spines, sort of refreshing my memory of what I've read and what I intend to read--and in the meantime I've pretty much memorized the location of everything I have.

>> No.436206

Series (ordered by author)
Weaboo stuff
English pockets (ordered by height, really)
English hardcovers
Dutch pockets (same as the English pockets)
Dutch hardcovers
Non-fiction (ordered by subject)

Only I see a system here.

>> No.436227

Fiction section mostly by author last name. Anthologies, comics, children's books, and game books (D&D) go on the end in sections, but in no particular order.

Nonfiction section is organized based on the Library of Congress system, with a few modifications so that it makes sense to me. Basically, organized by subject matter.

>> No.436243


>Russian Literature & Comic books

What kind of logic possesses you to put these two categories together?

>> No.436247


They're the ones I pull out most often, so they're at the height that's easiest to reach (the shelf is only about 4 or 4 and a half feet tall, so the top shelf is around arm height)

>> No.436253

fiction is everywhere and in piles

>> No.436728

By color.

>> No.436745

My books aren't organised, nor are they a collection.

>> No.436748


i don't know if you are actually telling the truth or not... but i thought i was the only one who did this...

>> No.436751


I do this too.

>> No.436789

by file name?

>> No.436793

Natural history.
Applied science.
History: Sumer to Modern
First date - last date
Poetry: alphabetical by author or editor
Literature: alpha by author
Hiking & mountaineering
Languages: Latin, Greek, German, Italian works
Languages: dictionaries & texts

I like things tidy.

>> No.436809


Interesting: Plath and Rand. A lurid combination. Can;t you see them making desperate, unacknowlegable love in a grey bed/sitting room in the industrial heart of Baltimore?

>> No.436843

By date published.

>> No.436844 [DELETED] 
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> my face when anon stares at my bookshelves too long and starts creating Plath/Rand slashfic.

>> No.436860

one above the other.

>> No.436863

Ah, well. Back to /b/!

>> No.436871

That depends, does Rand like boogers.?

>> No.437242
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>> No.437284

By size. Looks cute.

>> No.437298

I don't.

>> No.437333
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>> No.437711


Genre, then author. Although I'm not as anal regarding sorting by author as I probably should be. I only seem to separate out those authors with several books.

>> No.438921

I don't believe anyone that says they alpha-by-author their books. I've yet to see a picture of anyone's collection that is done as such.

Now, to be a hypocrite; I arrange all my books by author's last name, then order of publication. May make a slight adjustment if it's part of a series. I do this for books, movies, and games.

>> No.439013

By topic AND aize. I have 2 oddly sized bookshelves, one of which has shelves that get increasingly smaller as you go up. So there you are. I try to do it by topic though.

>> No.439028

I do this (what you do). It's a huge pain in the ass whenever I buy a new book- when I get more shelves I'm going to have to start leaving space at the end of rows so that I don't have to shuffle everything each time.

>> No.439038

Textsbooks randomly, then journals randomly, then Comics/Comedy alphabetically, Novels alpha., Poetry books alpha., Refererence alpha., and finally year books, chronologically.

>> No.439049

Oh yeah, all alphabetizing is by author or editor.

>> No.439266

General fiction is alphabetic by author (or editor)'s last name, then by original publication date.

Multi-author series by franchise, then by publication order

Non-fiction by subject, then author.

Then mango, then normal comics, then oversized books that don't fit anywhere else.

>> No.439282

I put them by height..... I know it sounds stupid ,but it makes a nice effect.

>> No.439369
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>> No.439374
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I hide the shitty ones or throw them away.

>> No.439700

I do this. I like the orderly appearance, and no, I'm not obsessive-compulsive.

>> No.439715

I keep mine at the public library.

>> No.439736

by authors last name and then for each author by publication date.

>> No.440263

by pornographic and non-pornographic

its lonely being d.h. lawrence

>> No.440292

My books are scattered around on my floor... in alphabetical order.