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/lit/ - Literature

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4357995 No.4357995 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw talking to people is becoming agonizing because most of them are illogical idiots

>> No.4357999

Get that fedora of your head you dimwit - you're not the precious little snowflake you make yourself to be; chances are, you're the biggest idiot

>> No.4358003


What are you basing that on? I know you want to be a contrarian for the sake of it, but you don't know me.

>> No.4358007

Do you know most people? No you don't. Stop thinking yourself to be superior - you're not. People live happy life's and don't give two shits about what you think of them. What I'm trying to say is: You're the problem, not people. People are fine

>> No.4358008

>tfw i dont talk to people
>tfw all i want to do is talk about academic subjects all day while everyone talks about duck dynasty..

>> No.4358012


You sound quite angry, almost as though you're taking this personally. Again, you don't actually know anything about me, and don't have any grounds to contradict what I'm saying. You're saying that I'm necessarily the problem without knowing anything about me. That's quite strange.

>> No.4358013

You don't know other people either and yet you judge them by their words, just like the anon did to you.

>> No.4358014


No, I'm just talking about the people I do know. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

>> No.4358016
File: 839 KB, 1600x4800, I don't even know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did that joke go?
When you leave the house and meet an asshole it means you met an asshole.
If you leave the house and only meet assholes it means you're the asshole.

>> No.4358017

the problem is you being a total asshole. Case closed

>> No.4358018

>tfw can't into conversation

>> No.4358019

You don't know them.

>> No.4358021

>dat pic

I vant zis in my belli

>> No.4358023


It's a nice joke but it isn't really valid.

I know it's the cool thing on 4chan to be little contrarians and attack the OP in a knee-jerk sort of way, but just consider the possibility that I'm being honest, here.

>> No.4358027

I'm basing my statements on what you've given me, which is a picture of a spineless idiot who's projecting his social anxiety and self-hatred onto other people instead of actually dealing with the problem. You sound like someone who would blame the world for not living up his own Weltanschauung. People and the world isn't your little playground

>> No.4358028


Yes I do. I'm sorry if reality doesn't fit the assumptions you want to make about me.


Oh really. And you know this how? How can you call me an asshole when you don't even know me?

>> No.4358029

>be colossal dick
>be oblivious to that

wow, how fresh and exciting, never seen that kinda guy before.

>> No.4358030

your egotism is a coping mechanism for your self-loathing, baby

>> No.4358031


I don't know where you're getting this from. None of that is in anything I have said. Maybe you are in fact projecting.


>be colossal dick

What are you basing this on?

>> No.4358036


You don't know me though. I don't know why the default answer is "OP must be an asshole". There's no reason to assume that.

>> No.4358038
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>I'm a speshul little snowflaek
>no one understands me!
I swear, if this ain't bait...

>> No.4358040

You are not really listening. You don't know them.

>> No.4358042

Because 4chan, you fuckwit. Go to reddit if you want to interact with people who pretend to give a shit about what you have to say.

>> No.4358043


Good point. All I'm getting here are personal attacks with no basis, so I guess I'll leave.


>> No.4358044

Pls delete thread before you leave.

>> No.4358048

Tying intellectual things together with mundane things will help you and those around you. Similar to the way Zizek relates his work to pop culture artifacts.

>> No.4358049

I feel you, OP.

But that's just how humans are. I think it helps if you ask why they act in ways they do, instead of just hating them.

You'll probably realize they're trying to avoid some pain in what they perceive as the simplest possible way.

>> No.4358050

Listen, I'm trying to help you, I really am. I can see where you're coming from, I once loathed people and thought they were idiots - then I realized, that I was the problem. It's all right to talk about sports once in a while. You don't become an instant idiot because of illogical talks - logics only a tool, not a way of living. Live is illogical, that's the whole point.

Also, stop saying
>You don't know me
This is an anonymous board, of course we don't know you, that's the point - but you've created a whole topic to celebrate your own intelligence and superiority.

>> No.4358053

didn't say 'asshole'. didn't say i know you--i don't. it's just that, commonly, and i'm speaking from experience, that the need to feel 'greater than' stems from insecurity in the fact that you really aren't. is everyone else an idiot or are you simply scared that they're not? and that even though you may be intelligent, have you considered the fact might be that this intelligence really isn't valuable to anyone but yourself?

>> No.4358056

if you wanted a misanthropic circlejerk, it's probably better that you do.

>> No.4358062

tlaking to chairs is worse: they just sit there all smug and solid, like they know that you'll have to sit down eventually, and then they win. And it's not like they don't sit too, no, they sit all the time, fuck it's basically all they do. Sitting is what chairs are about. No matter how good you get at it, no matter how much you practice, you'll never be anywhere near as good at sittting as a chair, and they know it. So you give in and sit down, and then you remember something you need to do, take a piss maybe, and the chair is all like:" hey, bro, you done already? you call that sitting? man lots of guys sit for hours. those are guys you can respect. but fuck it, go on, do whatever you do. I'll just take care of myself, like i always have to. I don't even know why i need you around. I can sit all day by myself. you can sit for what? ten minutes? why do you even waste my time?" And you make up your mind not to sit: not to give that fucking chair the satisfaction, so you stand and you lean, and you pace back and forth, you nap on the couch, but every time you pass it, it just pretends to ignore you, cause it knows. and it's right, see? you get to where you need it, and it preens, it struts. That bare seat, that stright back those elegant, soft arms... so of course you go to it, you sit again. and you try to stay, try to keep it up as long as you can, but of course you're done way too early and this time the chair doesn't say a thing. but you know it knows. sometimes i wish i was at the bus stop. or something. the seating there is very comfortable and accommodating and non judgmental. i think it appreciates it when you're in and out fast, cause that's its job. But they're all a bunch of benches down there, and as soon have some wino sitting on them as you....

>> No.4358064

>>4358049 here

Oh and, just to be clear, I'm not saying you should be passive about it.
The 'acceptance' part is for your own sake.

If you want to change people, go ahead. Change the world. Become a religious leader or whatever... if you have a good plan I'll support you.

>> No.4358069

delete thread already, not even close to literature

>> No.4358071


this is the worst fucking attitude on /lit/ and shouldn't be as prevalent as it is


>ad populum

just proving OP's point about being illogical

>> No.4358072

OP's post is a quote from a book.

Shows how much you don't read.

>> No.4358073
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>that feel

>> No.4358076

I thought you were leaving, OP? Maybe you just shouldn't talk to other people. Would that be such a bad thing?

>> No.4358087

10/10 thread guys if you were to publish a "personal trainer yelling at you telling you you're not a special snowflake and that you need to man up" style self help guidebook i think i might just be persuaded enough to follow it- provided you break it up into list format

>> No.4358089

>just proving OP's point about being illogical

>> No.4358090


I think the manner of which people are self-centred is perhaps the biggest alienating factor. It becomes clear talking to some people that they don't have an interest in the wider world beyond themselves and their own direct needs. Talking to those people is difficult it's true, not because they are illogical but because they are naive as all hell.

I will account for the manner in which I place so much faith in things that don't directly concern me and that as such I must look foolish to them. I feel happy knowing they probably haven't spent too much time analysing the situation, identifying the indirect relations. Though, I've even met people who think analysing situations is some kind of problem to life. That strikes me as strange.

>> No.4358097

Op, you are illogical and probably an idiot too. So stop thinking you're superior.

>> No.4358102

reading that also leads me to this conclusion:

>> No.4358103

>implying being illogical is always a bad thing
hello mr no-fun, mr spock, I hope you enjoy having that giant stick up your ass

>> No.4358116

>The /lit/ guide to not being an asshole
Would sell as fuck to the /fit/ crowd

>> No.4358118

this is a 18+ only site, kid

>> No.4358125

Hey OP you wonderful intellectually superior wunderkind. By which standards do you deem the idiots weltanschuung illogical? I really want to know, pls.

>> No.4358129


>> No.4358135

I stand corrected mate, sorry I didn't proofread, I know this is /lit/.

>> No.4358136

I'm fairly sire that the majority of people also think like this.

>> No.4358141

>the /fit/ crowd

People who only leave their basements for the gym and grocery shopping, then cry at night because they don't have girlfriends? I don't think they need to worry about being assholes.

>> No.4358151

You're right, I forgot that /fit/ is actually a pretty nice guy. I should have written /lit/, not /fit/

>> No.4358323

Oh, I love this....

>> No.4358347

You suffer from a poverty of the soul because you have substituted the need for logic and depth with the essential need for human connection. Regardless of the content of speech the presence of others is a healing presence.

>> No.4358386

yeah i usually keep the conversation about the weather

>> No.4358417

So, what if, like, you know, people don't want to be around you. Actuall, that raises another question, people who see others in pain and remain indiferent are considered to be immoral or even evil. Thus, should we consider persons who are indiferent to lonely (loneliness is not a choice, solitude is) people to be evil?

>> No.4358444


yes. most people lack very basic empathy skills.

>> No.4358447
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>they start talking about sex and relationships

>> No.4358467
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>> No.4358499

I'm holier than all of thou as I refuse to contribute to this shit show and bring me down to you sheoples' levels. If you dont understand people and people's relationship with logic by the age of 20 you never will.

>> No.4358576

Easiest thing would be not to talk to people. You might feel lonely at first, but do it in stages and you'll learn not to crave company.

>> No.4358583


>> No.4358588

That's because you're too dumb to be a Pyrrhonist, OP.

>> No.4358593

more like most of them dont understand simple sociology. it should be required in high school.

>> No.4358598

this, and additionally, you dislike in other people the things you recognize about yourself

>> No.4358626

You sound not well read enough, OP. You need to relativise all your shit and explore the basis of the knowledge and insight that you use to consider yourself superior. You'll find out that you don't know shit and then you'll make peace with the world. And maybe try to become an authentic little peasant or at least dream about it like Witty, Heidi, Freddy etc.

>> No.4358633


>this pathetic strawman

>> No.4358642

I would have thought, that /lit/, of all boards, would know a thing about logical fallacies. You are a discredit to the board. Please, show me how I mischaracterized someone's argument in an attempt to make it easier to attack.

>> No.4358828

delusions of superiority are so common nowadays

>> No.4359298

>get on with everybody in the office I work in
>can hold conversations with everyone on all kinds of topics
>they all like me
>they all tell me I'm really smart
>talk to my boss one time about the concept of noir fiction across books, TV and film.
>he says I'm probably the most intelligent guy he's had in the office and I should be working somewhere better
>outside of the office I've got no friends, haven't had a gf in 6 years, live with my parents and spend most of my time lying in bed thinking about death

How can I get a delusion of grandeur like you guys? I think it would really help.

>> No.4359305
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>> No.4359316

Start succeeding at stuff. the best way to make yourself feel better is to observe improvement. incremental is best, but also, never overlook the importance of failure. you have to try stuff to see whether it will work or not, and if you don't let yourself fail at things, the fear of failure will paralyze you. And of course deciding what you really want, and not just what you think you want, or should want, is the first thing to do.

>> No.4359357

I'm an illogical idiot and I'm proud of it (kinda).

>> No.4359365

>tfw talking to people is enjoyable because i'm smart enough to figure out how to choose who i talk to

>> No.4359390
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No wonder /lit/ is such an underpopulated shithole.

>> No.4359426

>not also realizing that you are just as much as an illogical, absurd idiot

You don't get the pleasure of commenting on the horse races just because your horse is a piece of shit.

>> No.4359503

>about the concept of noir fiction across books, TV and film.
>>he says I'm probably the most intelligent guy he's had in the office and I should be working somewhere better
>>outside of the office I've got no friends, haven'
Don't, go do some charity work.
Help the world with your knowledge.
Help the needy, meet new people, even a girlfriend

>> No.4359521

>the concept of noir fiction across books, TV and film
this sounds totally idiotic. they re probably trying to get you to shut up

>> No.4359523

>tfw talking to people is enjoyable because i'm smart enough to figure out how talk to everyone

>> No.4359532

Suck my dick, Op, alongside people like you. Filthy whore.

>> No.4359701

fucking this

>> No.4359711
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>> No.4359792
File: 450 KB, 500x252, RAGEQUIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>they start talking about sex and relationships
I fucking hate that shit.
Talk about something interesting, faggots.

>> No.4359811

How about you start going outside and having sex and relationships

>> No.4359816

I do, I just don't give a fuck about that of others.
Why should I?

>> No.4359820

im ugly

>> No.4359847

Because you care about those people or because they have lulzy stories.

>> No.4359868

>sex and relationships
Yeah. No.

>> No.4359873

You just pretend that you do and then they will listen to your stories.

>> No.4359879

You're insulting that guy without listening to what hes saying.

Your point is that everyone else is an idiot, his point is that you don't really know them, you're retorting by saying that he doesn't really know you.

You are your enemy.

You idiot.

>> No.4359889

What if that's all they talk about?
I've drifted away from some many groups because of this bullshit.

>> No.4359899

destroying people's logical arguments with fallacies is a lot more fun

>> No.4359936


This post just proves OP right? Why would someone do this? Sometimes I can't tell who is the troll anymore.

>> No.4359937

this is one of the most reddit posts i've read

>> No.4359944
File: 763 KB, 500x275, the jews did this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy doesn't like talking with specific types of people
>forum full of reddit-tier faggots jumps on him


>> No.4359945

this is one of the most tumblr posts i've ever seen

>> No.4359981

No. Yes.

>> No.4359991

I see it on both sides of the argument, an example being this "elitist extrovert" persona I have been noticing more often lately, not that it hasnt been productive for most people with this mentality, but I imagine it produces a lot of stress, and the fear of being "cringe worthy".

>> No.4360022

try to be coherent in your next post. i know you have it in you

>> No.4360031

maybe you should try to improve your reading comprehension.

>> No.4360040

How they can be funny? I just get bored by the time the had set up the background to their story, which is most of the time on the first phrase.

>> No.4360051


Thus creating a large group of people where everyone is talking but nobody is really listening. You just invented social media.

>> No.4360069

you cant relate to their story from lack of social experience, just open yourself up and tell them something personal about yourself, thats how you get accepted, not by saying the wrong things. The reason why you dont get accepted is because you avoided the whole thing.

>> No.4360072

It's called human interaction, buddy, and it's been around forever.

>> No.4360078

Maybe you should converse with less boring people or be less of a haughty cunt and relax instead of autistically viewing people as entertainment devices.

Not even trying to be mean, but expressing it like this seems apt in some way.

>> No.4360084

sounds like we both have new ambitions

>> No.4360086

Oh no, I don't expect people to cater to my amusement.
I just don't find that theme interesting, even when I've been involved in it.

For some reason I always forget personal experiences.
Traveling is mostly a waste of money for me because of that.

>> No.4360089


Yes, but that doesn't mean that there aren't those who have no interest in such interaction or that they're wrong in doing so. Maybe in saying it's because everyone is stupid, they're wrong. But not in not wanting that interaction because they don't care for fabricated social rituals.

>> No.4360096

it changes when youre done with school turbonerd

>> No.4360105

>tfw you're the friend every loser on this board wants and would admire
>tfw can't handle the pressure of being admired by clingy losers

>> No.4360117

Yet they whine about it online, which is essentially the same. Le homo hypocritus face.

>> No.4360131


Yeah. It gets worse.


Which, again, is why I said OP was going about it in a shit way

>> No.4360556

>implying a person can be a valid proposition

>> No.4360583

>tfw failed my intro to logic course

fucking quantifiers man

>> No.4360597

*tips fedora*, the thread