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4356927 No.4356927 [Reply] [Original]

Social media only furthers the degeneration of language by allowing people to blindly follow this garbage.

Over half of these aren't microaggressions. These people make me hate language. They just ruin everything with their generalizing to fit in.

It's like when you are in a class room and students are answering question, and the teacher just goes "ok" to your answer and call on someone else, not saying you are wrong., even if you answer was generally stupid.

It really hurts my feelings that people do not understand the meaning of words or use of language.


>> No.4356960


Also, isn't microaggression just a fancy word for "something slightly annoying"?

Is that what we're supposed to be crusading against now?

I swear the libtards these days are getting as bad as the most fag-hating funeral-picketing fundies.

>> No.4356996

most of these are dumb shit that white people say i've heard first hand

the fact that you can't understand how stupid you sound when you say that and you get butthurt that people find it stupid is pretty hilarious.

>> No.4357020

if we arent crusading against something then we will find something to crusade against because we depend on our victim complex to control the narrative

>> No.4357027

>impying niggers don't say equally dumb shit

>> No.4357031

why are all of those girls so ugly?
oh right, feminists
jk,they are just not wearing makeup
because you know

>> No.4357049

every demographic says dumb shit, if white people say something dumb maybe, MAYBE it is caused by something else than a interior klansmen spirit asking for a second holocaust that will be fulfilled unless you like this comment and vote our party in this election shitlord

>> No.4357050

>dumbass cracker detected

>> No.4357051

we already had this thread you failed abortion

>> No.4357058

>Implying all types of people don't have ignorant opinions
>implying minorities aren't minor ethnic groups in comparison to whites

It is more complex then blaming white people for saying stupif shit. If 1/5 whites are dumb that means that there are more dumb whites than all of the blacks in America. People do not understand statistical analysis of facts and often like here you have minorities or people claiming to be offended or oppressed, simply not understanding the reality of situations

People who are told they are stereotypes against, look for stereotypes and even the most subtle innocent things to cast down and make a huge deal out of. Instead of just acting like a normal person and politely correcting someone. explaining, or simply being honest with them, they come on the internet and whine about microagression.

In the end is pathetic and damaging to their own causes. I revel in the day that non whites are the majority and I can blame them for everything for shits and giggles.

>> No.4357061

Language is a living object. It changes and adapts.

This seems like its next evolutionary step, to condense when convenient because the world moves at a quicker pace.

You'll get over it and probably be dead before the full effect of its changes has taken hold. Sorry, but there's no use in being pedantic.

>> No.4357064

Go through and count how many times you confused a symbol for a theoretical concept.

A lot of your symbols aren't very good. if you can't even create suitable symbolic devices to express the degeneration of language you've achieved nothing but self reflection and failed to move beyond the language of the individual

>> No.4357073

lel, act like a normal person being a white one that never has faced racism or these types of microaggressions, right? kek

>> No.4357074

Would you like literal grammar nazis to ban speech you don't approve of? If not this is a pointless thread other then you stating your preference for a certain grammatical prescription over another one

>> No.4357094

>implying whites aren't stereotyped against
>that they aren't dealing with their own problems
Should I go on? You are the people I speak of, thinking that the color of your skin is the absolute factor in your struggles in life and the amount of discrimination you face.

>> No.4357134


What a bunch of oversensitive cunts.

>> No.4357137

and what do the stereotypes white people face have to do with their skin colour? nothing
you're the type of white person who likes to ignore race completely and pretend it doesn't exist and it's all just a class struggle man.

>> No.4357339

You are doing it right now. You are pretending that people, including other whites, don't judge whites on their skin color. Problems in first world nations are also very relevant. They are the same problems other groups will inherit as they rise out of poverty. It only appears as thought we are stupid and have trivial problems because we are the only one who can financially have them.

Racism attitudes towards whites are largely ignored because people often perceive whites as "in power" etc, but in reality capitalist and corruption represent no one, and favor no one today.

Sure in the past maybe 20 or 30 years ago for example there were issues with property and loans not being given to blacks, but no longer. The complaints of today are of obscure manner, often citing anger at poor experience rather than legitimate hate. We call sometimes what is a situational bias, racism, hate. That is a poor judgement.

Stereotypes are a part of humanity. You cannot assume everyone is a good person and you cannot assume that race means anything. However what you can do it protect yourself in situations that are statistically dangerous.

For example if you live in the hood and crime is high, you might want to avoid non whites. This is merely precautionary, not racist. People allow emotional and overly politically correct opinions blind them to rationality.in some circumstances.

How often do people flee and freak out at the sight of a large weapon? Now ask yourself, compared to side arms, how often are people killed by assault rifles. I'm more likely to avoid the black man with a pistol, than a white man with an assault rife.If I must choose one of the two, I choose the situation in which i am more likely to survive or come out of the situation unhamered

>> No.4357382

lol get mad prescriptivist faggots

>> No.4357437

most of those aren't racist and are simple questions posed by ignorant persons. some of them aren't racist but extremely douchebaggy. a few are actually racist/mean, the rest are just awkward communications

am i not allowed to ask an asian person what country their family is from? how is that racist? what if im sincerely curious?

lol @ #17
>not all latinos have the last name "Garcia"!!
>last name is rodriguez
looooool this guy should get a sense of humor. im polish and my whole life people have called me "Kowalski" or anything else ending in 'ski', by accident. no one has ever done it on purpose, they were just being retarded.

>> No.4357488

I see eye to eye with you on that. There are many harmless stereotypes simply that are making light of the situation.

For example I look Polish and strangers in my neighborhood often speak to me in Polish, assuming I know that language. Am I to be offended that to them I appear Polish?

I have a lot of experience with ski's as you might notice, considering my neighborhood is Polish.

It is really disappointing how uptight and stuck up people have become, that simply asking a question that is mildly ignorant or uniformed is racist or offensive. As an American I find our the whole political correctness culture and offense at everything to be rather funny. After all Americans, especially liberals and New Yorkers are considered some of the most rude people around

>> No.4357489

this please

the fact that you're speaking fucking english and not latin or west germanic is because of the 'degeneration' of language

>> No.4357540
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>Implying Latin is superior to English.

>Inb4 but muh Latin origins.
>muh romanticized academia