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/lit/ - Literature

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4355358 No.4355358 [Reply] [Original]

How do people justify charging money for their literature? If you're creating a barrier between you and your reader, that means you care less about the message and more about the shekels. don't see "muh food" either. there's other ways to get money to pay for food.

pic somewhat relate

>> No.4355373

>don't see "muh food" either. there's other ways to get money to pay for food.

Do you have any idea how many hours it can take to write a novel?

>> No.4355379

I don't really care and don't think it's important. True art requires sacrifice. Back in the old day people were risking their lives and health to paint on church ceilings.

>> No.4355393

Yea but not for free

>> No.4355397

Yeah I guess that was kind of a shitty example then

>> No.4355400

They were paid a lot for it. It's always been a job.

But your intellect is the measure of which art is true and which is false, so I can see how such trivial stuff is irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.4355401

I'd rather my artists get enough of a stipend that his art won't have to suffer by having to work some shitty job just to eat.

>> No.4355408

i need to move to a country that offers social welfare with little requirements

>> No.4355412


How long does it take to gain citizenship in Switzerland?

>> No.4355422

Nevermind, just looked it up.

>12 Years a wage slave

>> No.4355431

They were nearly always paid or already rich as fuck.
Nearly all of the art we have came out of the free time of aristocrats.

>> No.4355439

who has the meta comic that explains how one side gets more eloquent and other descends into frustration and madness?

>> No.4355475


1) Literature is a product. It is intellectual property.

2) When someone pays for a book, they pay for much more than just the ink and paper, they pay for your intellectual property.

3) They receive a good which provides them entertainment and other intangible benefits. You receive their money.

End transaction. End thread.

Seriously I swear /lit/ is getting dumber and dumber everyday

>> No.4355486

>"3D" women
that picture is never related, you should feel bad for posting it

>> No.4355500

It's a business and an art. It's how the writer can distribute his work.

>> No.4355504
File: 34 KB, 800x472, 28mohl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wage slave detected

>> No.4355516

I'm currently reading The Communist Manifesto while eating at Mcdonalds. Is this hypocritical?

>> No.4355525

>lift weights on the dole
good luck with that unless you're on a permacut

>> No.4355985

It's actually been shown that charging for goods and services makes people value it more, i.e. don't charge for a book, people will use it for making paper airplanes and shit.

>> No.4355998


>> No.4356014

Writers trade their time to write. They trade the time they would normally use for subsistence, which needs to be replaced.

>> No.4356023

Not all writers want to send a message. If you are writing propaganda, you shouldn't charge for it. But most written material has the objective of entretaining, and entretainers deserve to get paid.

>> No.4356031

>reading for any other reason aside from intellectual stimulation

full pleb

>> No.4356048

>thinks reading fiction is intellectually stimulating
lel. how's it being 8?

>> No.4356051

>Wanting monetary compensation for hard work makes you a Jew.

/pol/ pls

>> No.4356052
File: 154 KB, 449x449, 138033935963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope this picture was created with only the intention to epikly trole ppl. this image looks like it was created by someone equally as frustrated as the person on the right. nobody should be arguing points through fallacious propoganda. besides, how could that philosophy work if everyone was a 16 year old hedonistic baby?

>> No.4356059

is this b8

>> No.4356081

Nobody on /pol/ believes that though from what I've seen (they all seem to be ardent capitalists), please stop using /pol/ as some kind of shitposting bogey-man, it's stupid and annoying.

>> No.4356087

>dat propaganda
>"let me show everyone who disagrees with me as retarded and very angry while the representative of my opinion is clear, logical, and perfectly calm"
I can't imagine this succeeds in getting anyone butthurt at all, it's too over the top in its deliberate trolling.

>> No.4356100

I'm pretty sure that's intentional. Considering how he turns into perfect Aryan master race at the end, I don't understand how anyone could not get the joke.

>> No.4356109

shieeet, consider me meta-trolled then I guess.

>> No.4356110

How else could an artist distribute his work on such a grand scale, if not by selling it to publishing companies? Christ, it's like you live in a fantasy world where everything is weighted by relative subjective value.

>> No.4356125

Invalid point. lrn2 simple if-then statements you dipshit. that, or continue to develop your argument past the point of baseless opinion.

>> No.4356270

You haven't addressed a single thing op said.

>> No.4356301

It's called a library

>> No.4356303

Are you suggesting we overthrow capitalism and install a dictatorship of the proletariat so that we may walk the road to glorious communism?

I agree.

>> No.4356319

Equals trade value for value. Man is not a sacrificial animal who is only moral when he gives to others, and artists certainly aren't either.