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/lit/ - Literature

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4353024 No.4353024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book are you reading right now?

>> No.4353054

the castle of otranto

>> No.4353072

I'm reading 2 books and a manga at the same time.

The Portrait of the..., Joyce
Meditations, Aurelius
Lone Wolf and Cub

>> No.4353087

The Woman in the Dunes by Kobo Abe (haven't picked it up in a couple weeks though, should finish it up today)
Raymond Carver's complete short stories
Minima Moralia by Adorno
A few Walter Benjamin essays
Started Philosophical Investigations mostly as a laugh, don't expect to fully tackle it until after finals.

>> No.4353093

John Dies at the End and One Hundred Years of Solitude.

>> No.4353094

Pride and prejudice

>> No.4353104

John Keegan's biography of Churchill, for an essay.

>> No.4353105

Promise of Blood

I also read a few comic books each month

>> No.4353106

on heros, hero-worship and the heroic in history by carlyle

>> No.4353136

>John Dies at the End
Watched the movie. Was okay. Entertaining, to say the least.

Anyway, I am currently reading Die Blendung by Elias Canetti.

>> No.4353137

Iz gr8. I want know more about the theme of paralysis Joyce used and its relation(as antithesis?) to modernism.

>> No.4353142

Just finished Saga of the Volsungs. Tomorrow its Ediths Hamiltons Mythology

>> No.4353143

The Kite Runner and Memoirs of a Geisha

>> No.4353162

Malazan, Gardens of the Moon. Most people claim the first book is a huge load of crap compared to the rest of the series but I'm actually enjoying it a lot.

>> No.4353191

The unabridged versions of sylia plath's journals

>> No.4353194

I'm going to try to read All Quiet on the Western Front in german.

>> No.4353201

Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.4353204

>currently reading
Tortilla Flats by Steinbeck
Monster by A. Lee Martinez

>always reading
Moby Dick

>> No.4353205

The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
and in the mornings I read a bit of based Stirner's The Ego and Its Own

>> No.4353209

The Pale King by David Foster Wallace. It's very dense but very good as well.

>> No.4353210

the godfather

>> No.4353232

Mo Yan. I'm kind of skimming through the florid muh red sorghum prose since it's due soon.

>> No.4353235


Why wouldn't you just read the superior journals of Virginia Woolf or Anais Nin?

>> No.4353245

Candide. I really didn't expect it to actually be funny.

>> No.4353247

it won't be anymore once you're about half way through and the same derivative "outrageously shitty things happen lol!" schtick is still going strong

>> No.4353271

Harry Potter & prisoner of azkaban :)

>> No.4353276

In Search of England by H.V. Morton. I think I shall track down his other books after I am done with this one.

>> No.4353278

Hunger and The Long Ships

>> No.4353287

I can't find the audiobook for The Emperor's Blades

so nothing

>> No.4353320

Nigger for life

>> No.4353327

>tfw i just saw the actual video of OP pic
How does that even exists, what can philosophy say to that?

>> No.4353333

my dude.

I'm reading it too. What tale are you on?

>> No.4353344

I just finished LA Confidential which was fucking amazing, I gotta check out more of that guy's shit. In the meantime I've started I, Claudius, seems interesting enough.

>> No.4353373

If you're interested in further Joyce, check out the biography by Bowker.

>> No.4353374

To Kill a Mockingbird

I think I should've read it when I was a teenager, because it has no appeal as it is right now

>> No.4353379

The Twenty Seventh City

>> No.4353382

Hate to disappoint but
Finals wk. So I read 1 tale a day. I'm on the 4th one. After the Race.
Are they all about kids?

I like An Encounter the best. Reminds me of the Elijah chapter(s) in Moby-Dick.

Also, I just finished Hemingway's Men without Women. It's interesting to compare (loosely) the two, namely the young-adult romance theme.

>> No.4353388

I thought it was interesting. I almost didn't believe him when he claimed that he initially set out on his career intended to write plot-heavy works in the mold of Dostoevsky, but Twenty-Seventh City certainly fits. His artistic progression is also very clear.

Currently reading Speak, Memory

>> No.4353391
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Just finished re-reading Miyamoto Musashi and am now reading some short stories by Anton Chekov. 'Le Chants de Maldoror' should be also arriving by post any day now

>> No.4353423

Yea, I'm surprised by the traditional story-telling in the book. Sure it switches perspectives a lot but there seems to be a basic, no-frills narrative core. It's not the most engaging book, and it's obvious that he has become a much better writer. But I figured I would read this just for the hell of it.

>> No.4353434

The Republic of Theives. And it's bloody awful. I hope Scott Lynch dies in a fire.

>> No.4353443



>> No.4353467

I mostly listen to audio books these days.

Started listening to the Mistborn series because someone on here said it was good. It sounded real cliche but figured it would be good for white noise while driving

It's a lot better then I thought it would be.

>> No.4353684

does lone wolf and cub ever develop a plot?

anyway, i'm reading hundred years of solitude. nearly finished. great book so far.

>> No.4353711
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I really enjoyed both those books. Good reads.

I'm reading "The Song of Achilles," which is both a love story (Patroclus and Achilles, so it's canonical) and the story of The Iliad through Patroclus' POV. I'm really enjoying it. The author knows her Greek mythology and the prose is really delightful, and the romance between Achilles and Patroclus is great--it sort of builds up, and when they get together it feels really natural and heartbreaking, since you know how it turns out.

And I love that it doesn't dismiss or marginalize the gods. That was my beef with the Troy film. So yeah, if you like Greek heroes I would recommend "The Song of Achilles."

>> No.4353762

>does lone wolf and cub ever develop a plot?

Towards the end, yeah. It gets a bit ridiculous though with Ito cutting down entire armies and killing assassins in his sleep without waking up.

>> No.4353770

that siggity sounds extremely giggity gay, and not in a cool wiggity way

>> No.4353807

Almost done Parade's End by Ford Madox Ford.

It should be mandatory reading for every dumbshit Republican in this country. Dense expository of how those who actually embody traditional values are ground to those by those purport to uphold them.

>> No.4353845
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only nerds will get this

>> No.4353846

Yeah it's sort of gay, and if you aren't comfortable with homo stuff I wouldn't recommend it.

Nothing graphically sexual, though. It's more vague and poetic, which fits with the Homeric model, I think.

>> No.4353857

>It should be mandatory reading for every dumbshit Republican in this country.

Why do Americans turn into such obnoxious idiots the second they begin talk about politics?

>> No.4353895

Yeah man, appreciate the concern, but try to find better ways to argue politics without immediately resorting to scathing partisanship and entrenching deeper your own views.

>> No.4353897


I get it but your shitty comment spoiled the feeling of eliteness I would've felt

>> No.4353916
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proudly one of them

>> No.4353941


How is Lone Wolf and Cub? I might start it and take a break from The World God Only Knows before it develops into its Namek arc.

i'm almost done with Something Wicked This Way Comes after that it's either Valerie and her Week of Wonders or Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel for me.

>> No.4353945

laughed hard

captcha: utteor companions

>> No.4353949

"Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell" is INCREDIBLE

Seriously man it's great, best historical fiction/fantasy combo novel ever

>> No.4353973

Knowing about Thomas Nagel makes one a nerd? Try someone with a passing interest in philosophy.

>> No.4353988

A History of Indiana From 1850 to the Present
by Logan Esarey, Ph.D.

>> No.4354017

Noted! thx!

>> No.4354065

House of Hades-Heroes of Olympous Series-Rick Riordan
Looking for adventure books with magic. Open or any type. Hell even just adventure but I prefer series

>> No.4354084

The Interpretation of Dreams by Freud
Its amazing, makes perfect sense and it can be applied seemingly anywhere. Wondering where to go next, if anyone can help

>> No.4354116

All 3 Gormenghast books melded into one giant book.

What am I in for?

>> No.4354141
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This and skimming thru stacks of Flipside fanzines i got at a garage sale for $23

>> No.4354150
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/lit/ as fuck

>> No.4354165

the running man

>> No.4354166

I read that. (My rural library was as shitty as my tastes) Part of a computer game I think.
I remember learning about "the singularity" or something.

>> No.4354191
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I enjoyed it. Alan Dean Foster has put out somemdecent novelizations. Usually vidya books are really bad, Doom, Gaberial Knight, Diablo etc.

>> No.4354197

I'm reading a confederacy of dunces by John Kennedy Toole. I'm a /lit/ n00b and I'm trying to expand my horizons

>> No.4354202

If you like that, go read Homocult's essays on faggotry and executing the rich through forced outing.

>> No.4354212

Two books, but one is more of a collection.

Oliver Twist, first Dickens book I've every tried.
And goddamn, Dickens is brilliant.

And Archy and Mehitabel. I don't know whether to cry, laugh, or feel hatred in the majority of those poems.

>> No.4354238

american pastoral

this shit is fucked up

>> No.4354324

does anyone know of any books similar to Archy and Mehitabel? not the OP/OC, but I really like that book, but I haven't found anything similar.
any and all recommendations are appreciated.

>> No.4354326

Brave New World

>> No.4354339

I'm """""reading""""" Finnegans Wake. I mean, the prose is fun, but I see little to no anything, really. Just a bunch of words, some real, some not, and only sometimes syntactically correct.
And this took 17 years to write.
Although, beyond all that, I'm having a blast. But I really wish there was a "Dummy's guide to Finnegans Wake"

>> No.4354341

After spending 6 months on "Ulysses," I'm now reading Poe's "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket" as a breather. It's a really fun book so far.

>> No.4354345

Meaning that I finished Ulysses. I finished it. I finished the whole fucking thing is what I mean.

>> No.4354347
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Wait Until Spring, Bandini.

I actually quite like it. Anyone else here read it?

>> No.4354350

Did you read it without any outside guidance?
>tfw took a half-year course in college on Ulysses
I feel like I lost some of the magic.

>> No.4354359

I read a few essays as I went along to keep my head straight, but it was otherwise unguided. I would have loved to take a class on it. No matter how slow I read, a quick re-read of a page would have me finding things that I missed.

>> No.4354364
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>> No.4354365
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The Rings of Saturn - W.G. Sebald

Pretty good - strange too.

>> No.4354369
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>> No.4354376


I bought this some time ago, don't know why I bought this as soon as I opened it I realized I didn't have time for this shit. Is it any good?

>> No.4354384


>reading a great book by a great author
>nigga is posting capsguy but isn't capsguy

I feel so conflicted right now.

>> No.4354518

Lolita. Humbert's descriptions of the little girls make me diamonds.

>> No.4354519

Oh god, anon. I know that feel. Best of luck.

>> No.4354548

100 pages in and so far so good.

It reminds me a bit of Cryptonomicon (except no Waterhouses, Shaftoes, or von Hackelhebers/Enoch Root).

>> No.4354559

I only got halfway through it before I had to return it to the library.

It was OK but no Anathem or Cryptonomicon. Not as entertaining as the Baroque ones either.

>> No.4354593

Camus' The Plague

>> No.4354600


I will start Jonathan Strange tonight since I am almost done with Something Wicked, going to read Valerie and Her Week of Wonders once i'm done with the Bradbury book since it's very short.


i've only read Titus Groan but I loved it, you're in for a treat anon.

>> No.4354608

The Egyptian

goddamn this book is great, lots of feels.

>> No.4354883

Dangerous Visions

>> No.4354895

We're reading the same book.

>> No.4354916

Phaedrus by Plato. It in the same print with Symposium.
Baby's first philosophy.

>> No.4354928

The Aunt's Story, by Patrick White

>> No.4354939
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Pilgrimage to al-Medina and Mecca by Sir Richard Francis Burton.

>> No.4354967

bend sinister

>> No.4354979

>Poe's "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket"

Great book. Wait till you get toward the end, shit gets totally wild.

>> No.4355119

roth should have titled that book DO NOT HAVE KIDS

>> No.4355121
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>> No.4355182

"only nerds will get this" is a meme. The anon who posted it was being self-effacing. I don't get the image.

>> No.4355222

Atlas Shrugged, have been reading this for 2 years now, about 670 pages in.

>> No.4355234
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finishing up Amulet by Bolaño, will probably start on either By Night in Chile or Woes of the True Police Man next. I want to get through everything by him in the next few months.