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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 660x446, canadian-comfy-guy-YlbcUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4350712 No.4350712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ the comfiest board even with all the arguing going on?

>> No.4350718

feel when cold inside house and wrapped up in blanket on couch with laptop browsing /lit/. it's a good feel.

>> No.4350728
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Our thread last the longest. Or at least long enough. Like a good book, that's why it's so easy to quit reading and post on /lit/ all the tiem,

>> No.4350736
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Well, it's a slow board

>> No.4350746

Because you come across stuff like this

Things here can really change you

>> No.4350758
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I know that feel.

>> No.4350822
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>tfw I am a robot and will never love anything that much

>> No.4350835

beep boop 100011101
feel identified

>> No.4350865

is there something wrong with us? i feel no connection to anyone or anything.

the only emotion I feel is the strong desire to love and a sadness from never knowing any love. people love me and it doesn't penetrate. when i try to love someone, it's totally insincere.

>> No.4350876
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i love my bird

>> No.4350885

sincerity is sort of scary

>> No.4350891

get a puppy

>> No.4350897
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I have no one either, the same desire to love and sadness for not having any. Had anxiety fits over it.
I guess I learned to love myself. Came around to my older inclinations towards epicureanism (which I didn't even know about at the time) and now love sincerely. Still alone, witness to awful things in this world, know there's no point to it, but what we make of it. So I get through the day caring. ...which leads me to this post. Been there.

>> No.4350924
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Holy shit that feel. I watch tons of romance films to try and get that feel. When I watch/read a great romance I think there is nothing more I could want in this world. Then it hits me that I am a robot that can't live with people. I just push people when they try to get close. I want to be alone, but at the same time I wish I was in a romance film

>> No.4350927

yer an autist harry

>> No.4350929

>tfw my dog whose I've owned since i was 6, who lies beside me at the computer even when the whole family is in the other room, is getting old.

>> No.4350930


>> No.4350943


Sounds like you're just a sexually frustrated introvert.

>> No.4351058

I hate to be the one to say this, but love is mostly dead. People in the west are insufferable and selfish. As Tacitus claimed the riches and power shown the true nature of the emperors, the riches of the developed nations bring out our true character, the animal in us all.

Love was for when most civilians lived the same types of lives. Individuality has changed the face of the west.

>tfw you will never have love like in Farewell to Arms.
>tfw no one will just like you for you.

>> No.4351065
File: 414 KB, 1000x1339, Accepting change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are to be laughed at. Not for your thoughts on greed and selfishness, but for your complete defeatism. As if the world were this way and could never change, and is in fact not changing as we speak. So funny.
And the Hemingway reference!

>> No.4351073

I'm speaking of the moment. Obviously times change.

You project a lot.Do you ever do anything aside from post on this board. What you have to say is hardly ever interesting.

>> No.4351088
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I can tell you've never thought of anything interesting either. Sad sad boy. I was out reading today, but its a slow board of course.

>I hate to be the one to say this, but love is mostly dead.
Ah, I missed the "mostly" part. Such an optimist.

>> No.4351096

>Projecting your thoughts on an anon while being a notoriously annoying trip loser
>Implying the ideal of love isn't a thing of the past for the most part
>not realizing the realities in which you live in.

>> No.4351103

You can't be robot because robots can't read captchas

>> No.4351137

It's easy to romanticize something you've never experienced.

Even easier if that something is unattainable, i.e. life in a past era.

>> No.4351139

OMFG sauce on that Livy??? Am writing paper, and this would be a big help.

>> No.4352037

Well there is no point in romanticizing anything we know already.

>> No.4352039

Because most people are acting semi-civil and semi-intellectually.

>> No.4352068

I enjoyed that. Thank you.

>> No.4352078

oh god I actually got misty eyed at the end

fuck you, /lit/, fuck you for making me feel ;_;

>> No.4352093

i'm crying like a little bitch

>> No.4352117

I get emotional about everything, but that really sort of means I can't stay true to just one person.

I find myself on the bus and I'll turn over and see a young couple, sitting together, a furtive smile on the girl as her hand cradles that of her boyfriend's, or I'll be rushing across the Midwest on a train and to the left of me is this old man and I start talking to him and he eventually tells me "My brother died last week" and then a couple of hours later I'll hear him singing some real old folk song as he stares out into the vast night, or maybe I'll just be outside in the early morning, walking alone, and I'll see, in the midst of the dark world, a number of ducks sitting in a pool made by the recent storm, each duck awake, keeping some sort of silent vigil, and I'll tear up.
But I get so damn emotional about just about everything that I couldn't be asked to stay true to just one person... I just can't. I have to be able to get up at any time of day and just leave. Be totally alone. No one calling me wondering where I am, no one worrying themselves sick when I'm gone for weeks without word, no one at all. I love a lot of stuff but it's the most impermanent of loves, so thats why I guess it's so powerful.

>> No.4352115


Lel, you're just afraid people won't love or accept you and that they'll reject you so you've put up this huge defensive wall that allows you to reject them first by 'being unable to feel'.

>> No.4352182


I do the acceptance thing and I'll admit to it.

I'm living back at my parent's place and I don't want people in my house - even my friends - so I have a big problem with the necessary need to do that which would arise from the sweet embrace of a 1qt gf in my life.

If I wasn't living here I could adjust but right now I don't have the chance to begin that. Sort of sucks outright but such is living in a country where the living standards are decreasing rapidly and holding down a cushy zero-hour contract job.

>> No.4352221

Dogs are such insufferable creatures.

>> No.4352310

holy fuck

>> No.4352777
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>tfw those feelings

>> No.4352801


Are you a woman?

>> No.4354603

You're probably a psychopath/sociopath.

>> No.4354609

Yeah, I'm American too.

>> No.4354640

You don't say, that's why he posted this maybe? Holy shit...

>> No.4354651

luckily, that's quite easy to achieve simply by not giving a toss about how people feel when you treat them like disposable tools.

>> No.4354673

Oh, man. I'm going to have a hard time dealing with my dog's death. Right now he's entering his teenage years and I know he's going to die soon. He can barely make it up and down stairs anymore. One of his legs is so sore that he doesn't even walk on it. (I went to the vet; it's not broken.) Almost all of his time is spent lying down, though I seldom find him asleep. For most of his life he would follow me everywhere I went. Whenever I had to go out of town and he saw me leaving with my suitcase, he would bark at me as if to tell me not to leave. Each day, as I would come home from school or work or wherever, I could see his head in the window as he waited for me to park my car and walk in the door. And each time I entered the door, he would be there to greet me with excitement. Whenever I would read or watch a movie, he would sit next me. And whenever I went to sleep, I would wake up to find him at the foot of my bed. Now the only time he moves is to eat or reposition himself.

I know most of you aren't very sentimental, and neither am I most of the time, but I make an exception for my dog.

>> No.4354683
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>> No.4354703

i can see how it might be harder to find it today with world as it is, but love is still very much around us. as in, i think it would be correct to say that it's still a minority in the west who will never experience love at some point in their life. maybe it rarely lasts, but it's still there for a moment.

i'd also attribute the decline in romantic love more to the increase in work hours and life stress rather than an increase in material goods, but i don't feel strongly enough about that opinion to really argue for it.

>> No.4354706

>your home will never be blanketed in comfy, comfy snow
Any other warm-climaters know this feel?

>> No.4354751


Comfy only exists by sheltering from an outside world intent on killing you. It's lipstick on a pig.

>> No.4354812

Yeah despite taking quite a lot of time to be with and help the people in my life, I've never genuinely cared or worried about them. I've cried for fictional characters, historical figures but never a personal friend or relative.
I've been helping a friend through some intense mental disorder over the whole of last year- the person was terribly lost and was making quite detailed suicide plans, was actually having hallucinations- yet I had no qualms about cutting off contact with pretty much no explanation. I could tell myself it's my depression but truthfully I've had that for years.

>> No.4354821

This is scary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p-1YibE_KQ
But I also find it oddly comfy to listen to.

>> No.4354847


Maybe you guys should stop to idealize an artists conception of love fitted into a fictional narrative constructed to bring out what the artist perceives as "love". Maybe instead you robots should start contemplating your real connections to people around you, because unless you are literally hermits, you have them. Fictional love can be beautiful and something to strive for, but in the end it's fictional. If you strive to "create" real love it will always have the taint of artifice. Instead treasure the spontaneous unveiling of the world and appreciate the people implicated, create your own definition of love based on your own life experience.

In essence be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

>> No.4354851
File: 74 KB, 677x782, 1366701040093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGfguhnvECc when you posted that.
>Feels multiply.

>> No.4354855

This analogy would work if lipstick were more beautiful on pigs than on the usual things that wear lipstick; but, anyway, I think there's an aesthetic aspect as well: snow is beautiful, and if you've a warm, well-stocked domicile in which to observe it, or into which you can retreat after being out and amongst it, then you're experiencing all of its ups and none of its downs. And so it remains beautiful, is my meaning; and so there's something beautiful out your window, is my meaning. I know that I don't feel 'comfy' during intense heats, after I've retreated into the cold, to watch the world cracking open outside, yet that's the same phenomenon as what you've described. I wish I could be in the Northern Hemisphere this Christmas, man.

>> No.4354874 [DELETED] 
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>vocative ending for singular second declension nouns

only the dead can know peace from this plebeianism

>> No.4354885

Ah, Christ; a /lit/ introspection thread. There is nothing more terrifying.

>> No.4354906


I can't love people in a romantic way, it's all just lust or deep friendship. It's not that I can't love though, cause I do seriously fall in love with fictional characters.

But maybe that isn't love for people, maybe I just love dolls, things that can never go against me.

>> No.4354975

>I can't love people in a romantic way, it's all just lust or deep friendship.

How is the synthesis of lust and deep friendship not quintessential love? I think you have fallen into the trap of "there must be more to it" hence be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

>> No.4355029


>> No.4355046

lol that awful

>> No.4355091

>Maybe you guys should stop to idealize an artists conception of love
Did you mean to put the "to" in there? Because the next line is
>Maybe instead you robots should start contemplating your real connections.

I am that artist and I have many subtle levels of love that I feel with or without anyone else's input.
