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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 640x480, Photo_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
434413 No.434413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

alright guys. ive got a moleskine notebook and a cool fountain pen, but nothing to write about.

>> No.434417

>fountain pen
>no talent


>> No.434421

3. ???

>> No.434422
File: 19 KB, 640x480, Photo_00003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uploaded the wrong picture, sorry. /b/ is the wrong board to go to for this kind of thing.

>> No.434431

i have no money, or any way to get LSD.

>> No.434440

Your handwriting is atrocious.

>> No.434447
File: 25 KB, 640x480, Photo_00005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look like a hipster's face to you?

>> No.434451

How to look like a douche:
A Hipsters Story

also, put vampires in it too. itll sell millions

>> No.434454

Hipsters are a faceless evil. It's more the pretentious attitude, less the bad haircut.

>> No.434455


>> No.434461

Hey, fuck you too, fatass.

>> No.434468

>ive got a moleskine notebook and a cool fountain pen, but nothing to write about.

You've just described every hipster writer ever.

>> No.434466

haha yeah sure.
5'7" 130 lbs.
thats definitely not fat.

>> No.434465
File: 61 KB, 467x605, 1266985430510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh.... no farming ideas outta be a rule on these forums.

however, Write /lit/ a poem about the rise of rationalism and the iron cage in the context of a futuristc world-state, fool. I pity you already.

>> No.434488

fuck, if it makes a difference to you guys, i'll write it on fucking looseleaf with a bic pen. i just like the way fountain pens write, and moleskines have a lot of paper for easy access. shit, its not a big deal.

>> No.434491

You are definitely a short, fat looking sack of shit.

>> No.434495

It's the fat face. Sorry.

>> No.434526

draw the trollface

>> No.434527

right, because youre much better.

>> No.434531

He didn't post his face on the internet, fat hipster.

>> No.434543


Then maybe you shouldn't have wasted the dough on a cool pen and brand name notebook.

>> No.434548
File: 20 KB, 640x480, Photo_00006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my drawing skills are worse than my writing skills.

>> No.434559

I just realized this is the first camwhoring cunt to show up on /lit/.



>> No.434557

I doubt that.

>> No.434575

camwhoring? im not posting my cock on here, so im not a camwhore. i just posted a question and a timestamp to prove im serious.

>> No.434576


You look like a bitch. You're young and you look to be pampered and no one takes a man ring seriously on anyone under thirty.

Go out into the real world, experience some highs and lows that aren't highschool tier, and THEN maybe you will have something to say.

Until then you're an enormous dick-juggling faggot with a babyface and an empty notebook.

>> No.434593

i dont care what you sy about the ring, i didnt get it to prove anything to anyone else, i got it as an outward symbol of my devotion to Odin.
i may not have experienced the highs, but ive experienced and am experiencing the lows.
you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.434610


>i got it as an outward symbol of my devotion to Odin.


>i may not have experienced the highs, but ive experienced and am experiencing the lows.
you have no idea what you are talking about.


>> No.434616

fuck you. none of that shitty music here.

>> No.434622

Maybe you can fill the notebook with writing exercises to clean up your disgusting handwriting.

>> No.434626

i listen to DEATH, Children of Bodom, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, and other bands like that, not shit like Lincoln Park.

>> No.434627
File: 77 KB, 750x600, 1176725492694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.434639

Sweet Odin ring.

Get out.

>> No.434664


I'm mocking your emo ass attitude about all the lows you've been experiencing because you're an insufferable tool.

Bitches like you is what gives metal a bad name in general. I'm not one of your high school buddies so name dropping bands has no effect on me.

Not to mention Death is the only quality band listed while the rest are complete shit or totally gay for vikings.

>> No.434676


AND you're a pussy AND you have goofy-ass eyebrows.

>> No.434681

i meant it as a contrast to the highs, and the fact that nothing happens worth anything.
and how can you not like Children of Bodom?

>> No.434686
File: 28 KB, 963x682, pholcus-spider2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ONe problem with raping girls is that it doesnt really hurt as much as you want sometimes. So a cool trick is when youve got em naked just throw em on a gravel road. Trust me when youve got your full weight on em and youre fucking them on gravel up on their skin you get a lil screaming going on! After awhile you can flip em over and it hurts just as bad on either side. Then you can just kick their face into the gravel until they die

>> No.434694

Looks like another hipster to me... damn youngins

>> No.434696

good to know.

>> No.434704

I just love indie girls. Like one time i got this one indie girl to come over to my house because i was like i have pot and ill give it to you for free THIS WORKS SO OFTEN anyway ill tell more tricks later. Shes like wheres the weed and im like actually. Instead of weed im just gonna push you into my fish tank. So i push her in and smash her head right in there and of course she gets all cut up with the broken glass and shes all wet so the blood just gets everywhere and they really freak out because the water makes it look way bloodier. So you got like a couple seconds to go ofer to the stereo and really crank up some indie tunes. A great one is modest mouse because its not really indie and she might have even thought about that before i pushed her into the broken glass from the fish tank on the floor and just raped her for hours haha

>> No.434706


Well, duh.

>> No.434710

Cant even believe how cheap it is to do this sort of thing nowadays. I completely bound a woman tying her hands to her feet behind her back and tossed her in the bathtub and then i just filled it with spiders to scare the shit out of her. haha there are so many spiders in this bathtub. And if you thought that was scary wait until i pour the draino down your throat! its right there in the bathroom and theres nothing quite like having your lungs burnt and drowning in bathroom cleaner while spiders are crawling allover your naked bound body. And seriously this didnt even cost me 20 dollars

>> No.434716

probably the simplest and most pleasurably way to murder a woman is with a 10lb sledgehammer. your first hit will usually be to the back, go for lower back if possible. this one is to stun then. the next few hits should be to the legs. hit each leg in the shin several times until you can hear them crack. this will keep them from running away. the femur is much harder to break so this is why you save it until they are immobilized. from here i recommend the feet as a bit of extra insurance and because they are one of the biggest nerve centers in the body so they will feel some of the greatest pain here. take your time here and see if you can hit individual toes with the hammer. If youve got lots of time here a great way to increase the pain experienced by the girl is to count down out loud for each swing. Three... two... one... then slam the hammer down. The anticipation greatly increases the fear. when her legs are completely broken you can move on to the arms of course and then finally the head if shes passed out which although kills her is alot of fun just to feel

>> No.434722

One thing about the human mouth is it is just not designed to chew on living flesh. Youll find that out when you try and gnaw on a girls fingers! Youll be biting and chewing and youll get some blood but those fingers just will not come off. You need some thing sharper but its just not in you to quit so you just keep on gnawing on this girls fingers because these colors dont run. Thats why you were born in america and thats why you are gonna bite off a girls finger if it takes all day

>> No.434727

where do you get the spiders?

>> No.434729
File: 10 KB, 480x360, ashcroft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course you don't. You have a Moleskine.