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/lit/ - Literature

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4342903 No.4342903 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. Can we have a thread about Nietzsche, the meaning behind his work, and how it was misappropriated in various ways? Also, I've been reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra - can we talk about it? I'd like to be able to appreciate it better.

>> No.4342905

No one here will be able to help you.

>> No.4342911
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Nietzsche threads on /lit/ are unbearable. Please stop making them.

>> No.4342912

How come?

>> No.4342918

There's no mystery why this board loves Nietzsche. He essentially called bullshit on all the philosophy of the day, disparaged his colleagues, and offered no substance of his own, only criticizing and questioning the work of others. Don't think he didn't do this elegantly or in a valid way, he hit pretty much every philosophical nail on the head. People misappropriate his work by trying to use it to do the same thing he was against, trying to create utopias and "systems" to "fix"mankind. The whole point of his work was to move away from that Kant mindset and return philosophy to receiving value from contemplation.

>> No.4342938

And what was the Kant mindset he wanted to get away from?

>> No.4342943

Perhaps he didn't believe in "fixing" mankind, but he certainly believed in transcending it.

>> No.4342948

Nobody makes tree metaphor better than nietzsche.

>> No.4342947

the categorial imperative and such

>> No.4342973

I took a Nietzsche course this year, and my prof had a super hard on for the connection with Nazism.

I always thought it was a bit bullshit. Though it's clear the Nazi's read Nietzsche and took his idea of the Ubermensh to the extreme, pretty unfair to call Nietzsche a Nazi.

>> No.4342979

Wait, you had a professor who actually thought Nietzsche was a Nazi?

>> No.4342982

Tree metaphor?

>> No.4342987


He was anti-governement and clearly insulting antisemitism so calling him a Nazi is retarded as fuck

>> No.4342994
File: 116 KB, 855x448, Sssh, I smell ubermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4342996


nazis did nothing wrong.

>> No.4342997


Not only does he make the most awesome tree matphor, he's also hilarious whenever he talks about germany.

"But German cooking in general — what all does it not have
on its conscience! Soup before the meal (Venetian cookbooks of the
sixteenth century still called it alla tedesca); over-cooked meat, greasy
and mealy vegetables, the degeneration of pastries into paperweights!
Add to this the downright bestial post-prandial drinking habits of the
ancient and by no means merely the ancient Germans, then you can
understand the origin of the German intellect — in distressed
intestines...German intellect is indigestion, it gets finished with

"To think German, to feel German — I can do anything,
but that is beyond my powers..."

>> No.4343018

no one is saying the opposite

>> No.4343026


You shouldn't start with Zarathustra , it's hard as hell , you need to read Beyond Good & Evil , Human too Human and On the Genealogy of Morality first

>> No.4343039

Alright, thanks. Which of those should I start with?

>> No.4343054


>> No.4343060

ive read beyond good and evil six/seven times, geneology about four, twilight of the idols twice, gay science about five, ecce homo about four, and ive read kaufman's book philosopher psychologist antichrist.....and i still cant tell what the fuck is going on in zarathustra

>> No.4343065

Beyond Good and Evil should be the official 4chan book. Synopsis-
Part One - every other philosopher is a fucking moron
Part Two - people in general are too stupid to know what's good for them
Part Six- women have been cooking for thousands of years and still haven't figured it out, clearly they aren't equipped for a man's job
Part Eight - anyone who listens to music I don't like is a pleb

Those are the highlights, someone else can fill in the rest.

>> No.4343074

Alright, thanks. Are they a lot easier to understand?

>> No.4343080

yes and you will greatly benefit from multiple readings

>> No.4343097

>not cunt

>> No.4343119

You need to read him in his historical context to truly understand what his philosophy is about and how it translates when applied to the real world. This is the most convincing, most well documented essay I've read so far on the subject.


>> No.4343132

Thanks, I'm reading it now

>> No.4343190

Holy shit I didn't realize it until now

>> No.4343218

He kinda wanted to fix mankind but definately not with a system.

>> No.4343279

The tree with it's roots stuck in the mud.

>> No.4343364


He didn't really want to fix mankind since he didn't have faith in mankind as a whole but only on a few individuals who are able to melt cultural values to found their own .

>> No.4344155

>and i still cant tell what the fuck is going on in zarathustra
Isn't it just about a Persian dude teaching a bunch of people how to overcome man and stop with the herd mentality and walking around the forest thinking?