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4337939 No.4337939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4337951
File: 21 KB, 400x289, genius taking an online iq test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course I'm a genius

this super duper quiz on the internet told me so

>> No.4337976
File: 67 KB, 577x293, meaningless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've taken the iqtest.dk test 3 or 4 times, roughly averaging 119.

i'll take it.

it should be noted that aforementioned test is based off of the "raven's advanced progress matrices" test, and it doesn't measure verbal acuity. verbally i'm retarded so i'd estimate my IQ to be around 115 or even lower. oh well.

agreed. IQ has absolutely no correlation with the ambiguous concept of "intelligence". therefore it has no predictive value.

>> No.4337983

You can look in the archives for the last time we did this. I remember getting the highest or second highest and feeling real proud of myself before I remembered that /lit/ was filled with a lot of tryhard pseudointellectuals and the only ones who would even care about this are the ones autistic enough to sit through this test just to show off their epeen

>> No.4337989
File: 271 KB, 1409x1325, nurutu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4337993

Ew, Mensa members. What a shitty group.

>> No.4337995


yea how dare they raise their self-esteems by finding a commonality with a group of people.

>> No.4337998

absolutely disgusting

>> No.4337999

>that rorschach quote


>> No.4338001


not that a person with a high IQ saying something stupid is proof of anything, but that guy has to be trolling.

>> No.4338004

They don't need to raise their self esteem by feeling more superior than 98% of the population.

>> No.4338008

it's an easy way to do it. why shouldn't they?

>> No.4338013

I don't know... the whole Mensa thing just doesn't vibe with me. As well as obsession over IQ.

>> No.4338018

oops, I meant to reply to >>4338008

>> No.4338019

Sadly, what he said can be argued to be true, considering that Naruto has a lot of subplots and small stories hanging around the main plot.

But that doesn't really matter because nurutu is still a badly written clusterfuck.

>> No.4338029


i think people like feeling superior to MENSA members, similar to how MENSA members like feeling superior to people with IQ's below 130.
for the former people, it's a "i'm so smart that i recognize IQ doesn't matter" sort of thing.

and i feel superior to those people for pointing out that there's nothing wrong with feeling pride in something like IQ. the cycle continues.

>> No.4338033

I see.

>> No.4338065

why is it in Norwegain? I can barely figure out what's going on.

>> No.4338091


I agree with this. People really just deceive themselves into believing that IQ has zero correlation with intelligence probably do so if they believe their IQ to be low, conversely people with a high score might attribute more value to it than it really has because there are far more facets to intelligence than your ability to distinguish certain patterns, solve spatial reasoning puzzles, and filling in semi-blank words, which is essentially what most IQ tests are.

>> No.4338104

i'm too insecure to take an IQ test. i'm afraid it will reveal what, deep down, i've always known: i'm not as intelligent as i like to think i am

>> No.4338115

I usually get around 135-140 on these things but I feel pretty dumb compared to other people. I can't write for shit, I have to read things twice to really understand them and I have a test in a couple hours which I'm almost definitely going to flunk. I can think of about a billion skills that would be more useful than being able to figure out what pattern is being followed by grayscale geometric shapes.

>> No.4338121

Maybe take up higher level physics. Your intelligence is in lots of demand and you could make a good living doing what you're skilled at.

>> No.4338516

Can someone explain the last one to me, please?

>> No.4338551

Except your professors cannot teach for shit, and most of the students just look up the homework assignment solutions online.

>> No.4338552

It's from the norwegian menspage

>> No.4338556

Got 110. I used to get 124 on a test when I was younger. Meh, I just don't give a shit while taking the test.

>> No.4338579
File: 80 KB, 492x523, goats-car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave up about 1/3 the way thru. Got a 106 by clicking random.

I'm okay with that.

>> No.4338586
File: 53 KB, 641x480, 1369022089369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuggin blebs!!!!

>> No.4338624

>Din IQ ble beregnet til 135 tilsvarende 99.0 prosentil

I'm pretty surprised, considering I haven't slept for two days. Maybe I should join the club, so the next time I'm lying piss-drunk in a gutter I could prove my intelligence with the membership card.

>> No.4338646
File: 117 KB, 498x495, 1361399845650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the test is a little bit easy/generous just to get more Norwegians to apply for Mensa?

I'm only asking because my score is too shitty to post alongside all you geniuses

>> No.4338682

I think they use the same online test worldwide. And it's only kind of a guideline to see whether you even should consider applying to the real Mensa IQ test.

>> No.4338686

>4000 posts in 8 months
That's roughly 16 posts per day.

>> No.4338714

I don't believe that I've ever bothered with an IQ test before. I got 125.

>> No.4338874

123 without finishing last 4
High QI shows how well you can observe and solve solutions, which can come into play with all aspects of problems. But you might consider personal ignorance, lack of knowledge, personal preception of value, memory and many more. That leaves intelligence correlation to QI questionable to some extent.

>> No.4339097

>Din IQ ble beregnet til 123 tilsvarende 93.7 prosentil
Is this good or bad? I can't into Norwegian.

>> No.4339149

its above average but ur still a pleb

>> No.4339158

If you cant understand that sentence you are an idiot

>> No.4339169

Anyone who's ever actually been to a Mensa meeting knows Mensans are the most insufferable fucking pricks in existence. Which is to be expected of people who need a special club specifically to validate their intelligence, I guess.

>> No.4339437


>I'm so smart I immediately resort to swearing and physical aggressiveness