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/lit/ - Literature

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4332228 No.4332228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/, post your bookshelves!


>> No.4332229
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sorry about the quality, laptop webcam

>> No.4332232
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>> No.4332233
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>> No.4332235
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aaaaaaand 5/5

>> No.4332266


How is Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel? I bought it yesterday very cheap and i've been interested in a while, give me a moment and i'll post mine.

>> No.4332269
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>tfw bookshelf has been taken over by academia

>> No.4332276

I actually haven't been able to make it through that one yet. It's pretty dry and every time I try to read it a get distracted by something else.

>> No.4332277

Is it really that much effort to nail up some boards of plywood to a wall or something? Why are your books all stacked up like that? It seems like a pain in the ass to deal with if you have to grab a book not at the top.

>> No.4332284

yeah, I've been wanting to get some shelves for a while, but I haven't been able to find anything appropriate. I think I'm going to end up just building some.

>> No.4332291

>here are some books i have but never read

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.4332295

Sometimes I wish I'd never read them.

I've taught politics for over a decade buddy (with a focus on the early Soviet Union)

>> No.4332304

god damn, not only did lenin lead the sfsr, he wrote like a motherfucker. and you betas can't even finish a short story,

>> No.4332305
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Here's the first part(i've got more to come) from here i've actually read A Brief History of Time, Dracula and Pynchon's Vineland the rest i've not read yet but i'll be starting Something Wicked this way comes once i'm done with All Quiet on the Western Front.


Know of any good history books on Latvia and the Soviet Union? Most of my family from my dad's side are from there and i'm very interested in that subject.

>> No.4332308


If anybody wants a shout out because of my piss poor laptop camera quality just ask what book you want to know the name of and i'll tell.

>> No.4332323

you're not a marxist are you?

>> No.4332330

Getting to the root of what you mean y that would required a lengthy discourse I'm not currently prepared to contribute towards, although I can say that in short, no, I'm not what is commonly described as a "Marxist"

I'm a Trotskyist at times, though never a Marxist

>> No.4332349
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Here's my other bookshelf, the top shelf is mostly reserved for my backlog which i've not read yet.

There's also an edition of David Copperfield from 1930 on there which I bought from a charity shop.

There's some of my second shelf in that photo but i've read everything on that one and below it.

>> No.4332360

Marxists don't actually follow Marx

>> No.4332381

Why would Marxists follow Marx?

>> No.4332453
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>> No.4332485

>"guys really I'm not a pig headed Marxist. I just by some chance only read Marxist literature.

>> No.4332495
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>> No.4332511
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can't read many of the titles but whatever
this is just what i got at uni

>> No.4332514

Which one you like the most.

>> No.4332624

Is the portable Beat Reader for class or pleasure?
Is it any good/ worth getting?

>> No.4332638

At first I thought you stacked your books upside down and I was ready to rage, but then I saw it was just the picture

>> No.4332654
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>> No.4332656
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>> No.4332658
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>> No.4332667
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>> No.4332674
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>> No.4332679
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>> No.4332684
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>> No.4332691
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>> No.4332697
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>tfw I try REALLY hard to keep my books mint condition

makes it look like I don't read much.

>inb4 *tips fedora*

>> No.4332705

My bookshelves are too impressive for this thread.

>> No.4332776

>tfw you wanted to take a pic of the library books you took out but realized this thread is just a circle jerk to show off cultural capital

>> No.4332785


>> No.4332809

Pick up a copy of Broca's Brain by Sagan, it's fantastic. Your library looks a lot like mine will probably look like in about two years. Incredibly jealous that you've got Feynman's Lectures on Physics, but I've heard iffy things about that printing of it. How is it?

>> No.4332816

Those Feynman books must have cost you a pretty penny

>> No.4332830
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>> No.4333316
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>photographing children

>> No.4333561

just pleasure and not rly, just get whatever beat novels sound interesting then read about them on wikipedia

>> No.4333653

Oh well i already bought it.
Hubert Selby Jr. is my favorite author. any good info or history on him?

>> No.4333666

I need to buy a nice, big bookcase. I have two fat little three shelvers, but books piled up around them. Suggestions for a < 100 mass market case that ain't shit?

>> No.4333700
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I used to do this for like 5 years. It's not that inconvenient but it does mash the spines sideways turning a book into a friggin' rhombus.

>> No.4333730


I was looking at picking that up, but I have other things on my reading list... but I will certainly look into it again!

Yeah, I have slowly collected these books for the past 6 years. Just keep on building, one at a time!

The copy of the feynman lectures uses a really fine kind of paper. Every time I open them I am always afraid they will rip. That is really my only concern though.




Yes, but they were a present.

>> No.4333772

Republicans don't follow Jefferson. Or Lincoln even

>> No.4333874

I don't have a bookshelf. I sell or donate books after I read them. I have a stack of about 5-6 books that I need to return to their owners. Need to re-up this week.

>> No.4333888

Or, for that matter, Eisenhower or Nixon.

>> No.4334061
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>> No.4334073
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>> No.4334082
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>> No.4334184

what the hell is this
i thought to myself "well he likes cocteau, maybe ill check out some of these books i've never heard of" and realized these books were all about pedophilia
10/10 you trolled me i thought it was legitimate

>> No.4334233

>Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism

I bloody hated having to carry that around campus with me, it's so bulky.

>> No.4334237

Is it any good? I've been really curious about it, but can't find a single torrent online, copies on #bookz, or anything anywhere else online.

>> No.4334254

My floating bookshelves. I only have 2 so far, but in my future house's library, all of my books will be floating on the wall like this. Definitely the sexiest bookshelves.

>> No.4334257

Mobile is being a prick, so no pic

>> No.4334297

I would also like to know if it's any good.

>> No.4334307

I certainly enjoyed it, but then again I enjoyed the Approaches to Criticism module and many people in my classes didn't. In addition to having such a large collection of essays, each one has quite a substantial introduction discussing the author, their life, their influences etc. It was only required reading for my first year but it proved useful throughout uni.

I'd say it's definitely worth the £35 price tag if you have an interest in literary theory.

>> No.4334390
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>> No.4334405

I just invented a genre called terror poetry tell me what you think

>> No.4334458

>naming your kindle after yourself

>> No.4334492

>finishing the Inheritance series.

I'm so sorry, friend. It makes me so mad that Arya is the third dragon rider.

>> No.4334497

>David Hamilton

Is that a copy of Lolita at the end?

>> No.4334505

A "Tisch" is a table. A "Tischer" is one who "tisches", i.e. one who tables. Michael, the tabler.

>> No.4334515


he... he didn't get the girl.

Everyone reading vicariously cried, and so did I. ;_;


>> No.4334578 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4334593
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I'm pretty proud of my collection

>> No.4334609
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Here are mine, with a bonus ammo shelf. I really ought to get another entire bookshelf soon.


>> No.4334615
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And here are some misc. stacks and other shelves in the house, with library check-outs. I may have a Shakespeare final I should be studying for.


>> No.4334623

what's with all the asian shit?

>> No.4334625

also, hey OP! I was in the /r9k/ thread with you.

>> No.4334630

If you mean the one just posted, East Asian literature is one of my research areas. Mostly Meiji and Taisho era Japanese lit.

>> No.4334632

defend the manga

>> No.4334638

I read a lot of manga when I was teenager and kept the ones I still enjoy (and the ones I couldn't sell, those are in the side table).

>> No.4334639


>davenport and hughes back to back

funnily enough i've been quite keen on reading these two recently, would they be worth a blind buy from some second hand online place? how did you like them? i'm from convict land so your opinion on that hughes is a need

>> No.4334651

Sorry anon, I haven't started Hughes. Seems like a must-read for someone from Australia though.

But the Davenport is great, I pick through it at random when I get an urge for intelligent essays. You can probably find tons that interest you throughout it, no matter what your arts interests are. He's like a more aristocratic Michael Dirda, but I love both.

"The Geograpgy of the imagination; The symbol of the archaia; Another Odyssey; The house that Jack built; Prehistoric eyes; Whitman; Olson; Zukofsky; Spinoza's tulips; Do you have a poem book on E.E.Cummings?; Seeing Shelley PLain; Persephone's Ezra; The Pound Vortex; Ezra Pound 1885-1972; "Trees"; Jonathan Williams; Ronald Johnson; Poetry's Garden; Where poems come from; Ishmael's double; Louis Agassiz; That faire field of Enna; Charles Ives; Ozymandias; Hopkins: Christ's cumming rimesmith; Joyce's forest of symbols; Mandelstam: The man without contemporaries; Narrative tone and form; Tchelitchew; Jack Yeats the elder; Wittgenstein; Hobbitry; Dictionary; No, but I've read the book; The Anthropology of table manners from Geophagy onward; The indian and his image; Finding; Ralph Eugene Meatyard; Ernst Machs Max Ernst."

is a blob of the essays included, in case you couldn't find it elsewhere. But I'd pick it up regardless, because it seems to be out of print and steadily rising in price now.

>> No.4335225


I absolutely adore this shelf, very interested in Japanese literature at the moment.

My birthday is coming up in a couple days could you recommend me something? So far i've read Spring Snow, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, The Sailor who Fell From Grace with the Sea, A Wild Sheep Chase, Underground, Hardboiled Wonderland at the End of the World and No Longer Human.

i've been interested in Soseki and Tale of Genji currently.

>> No.4335297

haha i can tell this is troll because of how the books are ordered

>> No.4335309

whats up with the ammo

>> No.4335370
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Pic taken after my gf went completely ocd and decided to arrange all my books by colour

>> No.4335405
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If I spent money on a book shelf, I'd have less money to spend on books.

>> No.4335408

whats up with that edition of paradise lost why is it so big

>> No.4335413


>Atlas Shrugged

Yep, you'll do

>> No.4335417
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a good chunk of the edition is comprised of notes relating to each book.

>> No.4335419

What will I do, for?

>> No.4335427

are the notes good i have an annotated book but it's definitions i got it for free anyways so cant complain

>> No.4335445

For the most part I'd say they are fairly good; I didn't buy the book for the notes, though. The Dover Thrift Edition was the least expensive.

I followed the notes for the first couple books, but I read it for pleasure at the time and enjoyed reading it without a companion. Next year I'll be studying it, and I've glanced at the essay questions and they're definitely going to require a more comprehensive understanding of it than just "pretty words, give me more!" I imagine the notes will come in handy then, as the notes get into what a lot of the vague implications are in passages.

>> No.4335912
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I like to own and shoot guns. Guns are right above the shelves.

Definitely get some Soseki and Kawabata in! I would say:

>Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
>Kokoro by Soseki
>Snow Country by Kawabata
>Seven Japanese Tales by Tanizaki

If you get Botchan too, there's a new translation out that you should make sure you get, through One Peace Books. But all those will get you more exposure to the major modern authors. If you end up getting Tale of Genji, try to pick up Ivan Morris' The World of the Shining Prince, especially if you have no extensive knowledge about Heian era Japan. The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon is much more accessible if you want to begin on Heian lit though - it's by a contemporary of Murasaki Shikibu, a diary of observations, ramblings, lists of things she hates and things she likes, etc. It's enjoyable and surprising how much of her gripes still hold true today (people not shutting the door/screen when they come in a room where it was shut, when a baby starts wailing nearby and you're trying to have a conversation, gossipy bitches, etc.). And Ivan Morris' translation of that is recommended.

And because I've just found out it's no longer out of print and there's a new edition, you really should get

>Blue Bamboo: Tales by Dazai Osamu

also! You get to see an entirely new side of Dazai from what No Longer Human presents. There's still cynicism and general misanthropy, but it's mixed in with sarcastic humor and a love of folklore and storytelling.

and here's our chart from the wiki

>> No.4336100
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Most of my books are being moved, but I can post the science and religious shelf.

>> No.4336203


thought it was loeb edition for a sec. This is even better.

>> No.4336225

>I'm pretty proud of my collection

but why?

>> No.4336294

Just rip out everything post 1940s and yeah.

>> No.4336801

What did you think of essays in idleness?