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/lit/ - Literature

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4325217 No.4325217[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite jewish author and why is it Philip Roth ?

>> No.4325221

Who is Philip Roth and why is he your favourite jew?

>> No.4325237
File: 28 KB, 300x435, michael_chabon_narrowweb__300x435,0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>every novel has something to do with gays
>his last novel had an underage homosexual interracial love aspect to it
>supports Obama

Roth needs to step his shit up, Chabon's basically making him look like a Goy.

>> No.4325270

Chabon looks like a lizard. I mean we all know that Jews are reptilians but Chabon's disguise is just terrible.

>> No.4325303
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that guy that wrote the Bible

>> No.4325313

>le beret visage

>> No.4325317


>> No.4325325

"Who is your favorite jewish author and why is it Paul Auster?"

>> No.4325516
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>> No.4325522

I refuse to read books written by Jews.

>> No.4325525

I liked Cynthia Ozicks "The Pagan Rabbi" a lot, but I don't know enough of her and other writers to contribute anything more profound than "I like ... a lot."

>> No.4325528


Bibel and Beelzebub Singer are alright.

>> No.4325534

I have no idea which religion do my favorite authors practice, and I don't care. I let their work speak for them and ignore their lives.

>> No.4325539

obviously kafka

>> No.4325549


unless they're catholic, of course. I've yet to read a bad book written by a catholic.

>> No.4325550

but 4chan is a text

>> No.4325555

wow, so high minded of you. above it all. those petty plebs

>> No.4325558

Catholics are more creative than Protestants because they don't spend all their time in churches that look like tool sheds.

>> No.4325561

seriously, how can you know whether a book is good or bad, if you judge by the author's religion?

>> No.4325564

what are you even talking about? where are you getting these assertions from you retard

>> No.4325568
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Berenstain based

>> No.4325580

Oh, so instead of answering my questions, you go for insults. How typically internetish.

What I'm saying is that I've read many a books, and have decided that they're good or bad based on the writing and plot. I never looked at what the author was doing. Was it a drunkard or always sober, was it judeo-christian or muslim was it a woman or a man, ...

I read books for the sake of books. For the message and for the way it is conveyed. Not for the author. And honestly if you read books only because the author was sth sth, then you probably don't know shit about literature.

Hate me as much as you want, you know I'm right.

>> No.4325584

such noble principles

>> No.4325646

John Updike

>> No.4325649
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I bet you thought that sounded smart.

>> No.4325662

It's good to have a basic understanding of the author, to see how that might inform the work.

>> No.4325671
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>not Malamud
>i shiggy diggy

>> No.4325697
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>not Bellow

>> No.4325702
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>> No.4325706

I was shocked by how much I enjoyed Adam Levin's The Instructions considering that it's the Jewiest book conceivable and I'm in no way Jewish. Highly recommended, but I haven't read enough by other Jews to have an opinion on who's the best.

>> No.4325726

He lays that WASP shit on way too thick to be an actual WASP.

Updike confirmed for Jew trying to make us hate WASPS.

>> No.4325737

Do you also decide on the validity special relativity on the grounds of what life Einstein led?

Ultimate pleb.

>> No.4325766

Mailer. Even if he secretly wanted to be an Irishman.

>> No.4325777

Paul Auster. New York trilogy is great.

>> No.4325779


As a WASP, I've liked Cheever better.

Most Jews I know love Updike.

I agree: something amiss.

>> No.4325782

*I've always liked

>> No.4325830
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Off the top of my head, Hannah Arendt.

>> No.4325882
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Do you decide on the validity of National Socialism based on the life that Hitler lead?


>> No.4325889
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>trolling on /lit/

I thought we were at least a little better than that

>> No.4325934

I'm not even trolling. I'm tired of these fags who doesn't see a work of literature as a ding an sich, not doing pseudo-scientific speculations on the authors intentions behind, the important question is how do you, yourself, understand these words. Historicity only has its merit to acquire a deeper understanding of otherwise extinct contexts cultural practices described in the literature.

This is, of course, only the case when reading fiction and not non-fiction.

>> No.4325953

>muh irrelevant authorial intent

No one gives a shit, man. This thread is about favorite Jewish authors, not you trying to appear superior or authentic or whatever you're trying to do.

>> No.4325963

Ecclesiastes guy.

>> No.4325968

All Jewish authors are shit, they just whine about shit and it's all retarded.

>> No.4325979

Why can't they be more like the African and African-American writers?

>> No.4325997

Good question.

Of course, for me (and anyone with any taste), the be all end all of literature is Tao Lin

>> No.4326008

Never heard of him, although I don't have any taste so it's not surprising.

>> No.4326010

I post whatever I want, I consider my posts to be autonomous pieces of art. I couldn't give a shit about your fascist notions of proper posting culture and my intentions.

>> No.4326025
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i respect u

>> No.4326053
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>> No.4326092


>> No.4326107
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>As if

>> No.4326117

Stop impersonating me you hook-nosed Jew-bag.

>> No.4326128

Shakespeare was Arab.

>> No.4326346

>Tfw no qt13.14 Kafka to snuggle up with

>> No.4326376


Which one of you is Sarah? I'd like to speak to Sarah again.

>> No.4326466

Adolf Hitler

>> No.4326489


Damn, Kafka was legitimately one of the handsomest classic authors to have ever lived. I bet he had mad game.

>> No.4326501

He looks thirteen.

>> No.4326498

I think one of the impostors is from England, and does a fair impression, but there's one on now who started this whole Sarah thing... I'm not one to share this kind of detail...

Neither of those two above are mine though.
Sorry about all this /lit/

>> No.4326505


We were several people there in the tinychat stream when you shared that detail.

>> No.4326548

You couldn't deal with encountering such a tiny forehead irl.

>> No.4326647
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I haven't been in a chatroom in centuries!

Are you my little English shadow?

>> No.4326727

He was impotent.

>> No.4326998

but I like Bellow. henry roth is also very very good, though

>> No.4327018

No, just a furry.

>> No.4327026

Walter Kaufmann, although he is only of Jewish descent.

>> No.4327040


>> No.4327047
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>mad game

Read his biography. No, fuck that, read any of his stories.

>> No.4328124

Being Jewish isn't just a religion. It's an ethnicity, culture and way of life. Stop making it out like being Jewish means absolutely nothing to their work, as if a culture spanning thousands of years is inconsequential.

>> No.4328127

oh boy

>> No.4328129


>> No.4328134
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Stanley Elkin, I've never read Roth.

>> No.4328138

Really loved "Between Past and Future"

>> No.4328152
File: 77 KB, 550x452, I-will-eat-your-soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so cute