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432415 No.432415 [Reply] [Original]

I just started reading The Divine Comedy.

Thoughts about it?

>> No.432428

I didn't find it very funny.

>> No.432425

The game was better

>> No.432434
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I like this better.

>> No.432482

That's next on my list. how is it?

>> No.432488


You know the text of that version is exactly the same? They only changed the covers..

The Divine Comedy rocks OP. Before starting though, I highly suggest reading Borges' "Nine Dantesque Essays" (they can be found in "The Complete Library"), they will add a lot to your reading.

>> No.432539


>>Pretty much tricking kids into reading the classics.


>> No.432558

Yo, I'm studying this for undergrad. Shit's hardcore. Go for the Charles S. Singleton translation if your library has it--the commentary is kickass; otherwise, the Sinclair is pretty good.

>> No.432575

nope, it's just marketing to promote the game.

>> No.432610

The anime of the game of the book was even better.

(This actually exists)

>> No.432616

That's my favorite translation.

>> No.432627
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>> No.432673

link to info or it did not happen
And i hope it's nod Devil may cry because it does not count.

>> No.432681


>> No.432688



What unscrupulous fuckers. Writing a book to cash in on a film's success is one thing but lowering the goals to a game?
Low, capitalist opportunist tool.

>> No.432705


adamemmar (1 week ago) Show Hide
>Marked as spam
>Reply | Spam
>anime is for adults! this one is anime alot of blood and death


>> No.432719


Worst troll since some other anon said Heart of Darkness was set in Vietnam

>> No.432732
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>> No.432744


i lol'd

>> No.432796

Reading those comments was like being stabbed in the heart.
"i watched this movie it was epic im going to buy both the game and movie as soon as possible "

>> No.432837

Oh shit, i'm... And all this for the game...

>> No.433278

I enjoyed The Divine Comedy. I liked that famous guy's (I can't believe I can't recall his name right now) artworks as well. The only thing that bugged, since I can't speak Italian, was reading lyric poetry whose rhyme I couldn't enjoy. The content made it worthwhile, nevertheless.

>> No.433296

Definitely one of the peaks of world literature. Even though a lot of it is out of date now, the way it is biography, allegory, religious treatise, scientific treatise, philisophical treatise, surreal, epic, poetic, it is undeniably great. There are still huge parts of it I turn my nose up at but even those parts can't detract from its magnificence.

>> No.433298

If it's like the OP cover, that looks reminiscent of William Blake or Gustave Dore. I know Dore did the engravings for an edition of The Divine Comedy...