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4314357 No.4314357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In the era of Science, why do people specialize in philosophy and humanities?

Science is like Magic, we literally have schools that train you to be a Wizard, yet people decline because it's too hard.

Can science fiction inspire a generation??

>> No.4314360


Science is Philosophy OP.

You're saying we should delve into fiction to be inspired by reality. You are one mixed up fellow. Go outside.

>> No.4314361

Science is meaningless without philosophy, kid.


>> No.4314364


the two are mutually inclusive

>> No.4314369

When asked, "Why science?" the scientist can't explain why it's better to spend one's time doing science rather than practicing becoming a tap dancer

>> No.4314374

neither can the philosopher to be fair

>> No.4314375


>> No.4314378

>Four STEM majors walk into a bar
>T, E and M order drinks
>S can't afford shit
>As he leaves, a crowd of humanities come in and order cocktails

It should really be called TEM.

>> No.4314382


Yes it can.

>> No.4314384


>> No.4314385


Is this thread working out like OP had hoped?

Why didn't you just start a sci-fi general?

>> No.4314387

>Four STEM majors walk into a bar
>T and E immediately starts laughing about S and M's long time career prospects
>"I hope you're going to med school" said to the biology major
>"I hope you double majored in finance or are getting a MBA" said to the M
>The physics major starts stuttering as T and E laugh it out and joke around about how they can't wait until they turn 30 and "bitches be lining up the block for my 90k salary and upward career prospects"

>> No.4314393
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Why do you hate science fiction, why not have an IQ?

>> No.4314401


I don't but thanks I think I'll have one IQ.

>> No.4314402
File: 44 KB, 562x855, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Choose your destiny.

>> No.4314416


I like the disclaimer, paraphrased: These are IQ's with no sources for the stats, they also imply nothing. Read some William Gibson or something.

>> No.4314424

Gee I wonder if it's because the IQ test are based around physics, mathematics and economics in a first world country

>> No.4314435


>Grey Hounds are faster than Chihuahas because of social inequality and wealth

>> No.4314443


>Airplanes are faster than birds because of social inequality and wealth.

>> No.4314446


>implying speed is not a social construct

>> No.4314455


Velocity exists and is objective. It is not subject to truth values.

>> No.4314463

>Velocity exists and is objective

'Objective' is also a social construct.

> It is not subject to truth values.

So you're saying it isn't subject to being true nor false.

>> No.4314467


It simply exists whether we assign values to it or not. It is a phenomenon.

>> No.4314469

Define exist.

>> No.4314472


Velocity is relative to an observer or frame of reference. It stops existing at various subjective angles.

>> No.4314476


Exist is a word assigned a subjective meaning. If you want to deconstruct this any further I'm afraid we won't be able to communicate very well.

>> No.4314483


>what is a phenomenon.

When it stops being observable it ceases to exist*.

>> No.4314492

>When it stops being observable it ceases to exist*.

>Its only observable relative to a subjectivity

Ya its a social construct.

>> No.4314499

>Velocity exists and is objective. It is not subject to truth values.

>> No.4314660

>Four stem majors walk into a bar
>An english major asks what they'll be having tonight
>E sucks everyone's dicks
>M pours two cups
>A policeman finds a dead whore in S's trunk and arrests himself for murder
>T tries awkardly to pick up girls by talking about video games

>> No.4314702

Why is it even called STEM? Aren't technology and engineering usually under one college?

>> No.4314705

>Science is like Magic, we literally have schools that train you to be a Wizard, yet people decline because it's too hard.
That's the problem, OP. You can't change IQ - there are probably millions who want to be astronauts, doctors and scientists, they just don't have the skills and talent for it.

>> No.4314708

Fuck Postmodernism, the ultimate way of thought for being an edgy fucktard

>> No.4314710

But everyone knows that IQ is only one of the numerous variables that determines success.

>> No.4314711
File: 1001 KB, 955x957, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4314717

Jusct cause my mother gave birth to me does not mean I am my mother.

>> No.4314718
File: 55 KB, 800x600, Kelli-Garner-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poets make discovery
>Science confirms it 100 years later
>'We already knew that, dorks' -poets

Thank me later

>> No.4314720

>why do people specialize in philosophy and humanities?
context, perspective
creative, artistic reasons

anyways, the point of science is only for knowledge, and only knowledge

the most employable people i know, are programmers/developers who know jack shit about the anything that's not within their IDE, let alone the world

anyways a bait thread

>> No.4314722

So philosophy is also useless without science?

>> No.4314725

philosophy, or the modern nietzsche circle jerk belongs in the septic tank

>> No.4314726
File: 110 KB, 450x514, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>STEMfags not understanding the principles that underline their field
>trolls being trolls
>muh fallacies

>> No.4314728

what good is it to know that there is a graviton when we live in a society riddled with social problems, we have advanced technology and yet we are very unhappy, so I dislike the scientists blinded by specialisation and prefer a more generalist approach to science, I'd like to do the unthinkable, to use science in order to redisign our whole values and infrostructure so that we are happy, stop polluting the environment, and start using resources efficiently.
I know its possible, just look up The Venus Project, and if you have questions about the transition then look up The Molecularists.

>> No.4314731

Philosophy is dead get over it.
It gave birth to something that overshadows it, now it is a has been irrelevant fuck.

>> No.4314732

Hey I like Nietzsche circle jerking

>> No.4314734

Why do people even care about philosophy now that every philosophy problem is solved?

>> No.4314736

>Can science fiction inspire a generation??

If you're too lazy to get into philosophy and want something accessable and entry level just start listening to The Offspring.

>> No.4314737

>thought is dead deal with it it gave birth to something that overshadows it and I'm gay
I'm not even a humanities fag. I'm just a regretted asspained STEMtard who had to study philosophy on my free time because it's not compulsory on all courses.

>> No.4314743

>I have no idea of what I'm talking about

>> No.4314740

Science is to philosophy as English is to Latin. Its okay to learn latin but if that is the only thing you speak.... then what.

>> No.4314745

Equating philosophy to thought. You need to learn how to think?

>> No.4314747

Science is the new philosophy. Get with the times.

>> No.4314746

>Science is like magic
This is what people who have never studied science actually believe.

>> No.4314749

Tell me about it. Thats how religion came about.

>> No.4314752
File: 24 KB, 495x372, hvzztc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is an abstraction of "nature" or cosmos or god or whatever do you call it just like any other. Religion is an abstraction of "that" too. The problem is that kids are getting fed with shit positivism in schools and adopting it as a new faith.

>> No.4314754
File: 79 KB, 640x589, fuck chechenya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The sun was just as bright when it was Apollo and his carriage as it is now, a huge nuclear oven.

>> No.4314755

What is with this science vs philosophy thing /lit/ and /sci/ has got going , cant you all just get along?

>> No.4314758
File: 49 KB, 450x540, awesome-thread-retards-qDPYqT[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we getting raided by /sci/ and /pol/?
STEM undergrads thinking they are the hot shit.

>> No.4314779

Is there a problem in saying that both are important?

>> No.4314781

No, but people are trying to start drama. Bet they are 21 and under.

>> No.4314812

I bet all the STEM and humanities majors shit flinging right now are undergrads.

>> No.4314845

I always wonder how many of these shit posters are in their first or second year of the program thinking they're a full fledge engineer and everyone is beneath them.

Now I have nothing but respect to the stem people but from my personal experience and general statistics a majority of these "engineers" only engineer their switching to another major to dropping out.

>> No.4315446

STEM fag here

What is the value of philosophy? I like philosophy but sometimes i wonder what the point is. Sure the Greeks and political philosphers have made an impact but what impact has someone like Nietzche or Kant had on society?

>> No.4316200

>mfw biology major obviously goes to med school
>mfw M does get an MBA
>mfw E and T get 90k salary at thirty and end up in oil field position where skilled trades make 200k+.
>mfw E and T's marry one of those "bitches" and ten years later she's sucking skilled trades cock because E and T was never a real man to begin with since they had to wait until they were 30 to get any.
>mfw in the real world E and T are managed by MBA in order to get there egos in check, which is hard because as linear thinkers they are actually fucking retarded when it comes to anything but the theoretical application of there field
>mfw the inflated ego of a as/T with little man syndrome is quite easily deflated as the MD (formerly S) and the MBA (formerly M) ask how E and T like their "future prospects" compared to their own

>> No.4316209

it's amazing how there are so many stem sophomores and then they just peter off with a few exceptions.

>> No.4316448

if there any physics majors reading this, don't worry you can join us humanities in the cult of passion at the expense of a vow of poverty
until you get your phd and become a quant don't leave us pls

>> No.4316456

We're past the era of science, we're in the era of technology.

And why do you capitalise science? Science isn't something godly.

>> No.4316460

Kant heavily influenced science
You should know this as a STEMfag

>> No.4316466

>implying women

I lol'd heartily.

>> No.4316469

>What is the value of philosophy? I like philosophy but sometimes i wonder what the point is.

It has no point to plebeians. Philosophy is written by Patricians for Patricians.

> Sure the Greeks and political philosphers have made an impact but what impact has someone like Nietzche or Kant had on society?

They've had too much impact. More than any scientist.

>> No.4316477

Kants synthetic a priori and his 'Ding an sich' changed science forever. Kant was heavily influenced by Newton and he heavily influenced all scientists ever after him. Nietzsche was more of a philosophy of culture guy, he's basically a wizard who could look into the future of the Western world.

This is ethics aside of course, ethics are always relevant for your life

>> No.4316572

If u like universal human rights and international law u should like Kant.

Also he broke every metaphysical ontological argument for god.

>> No.4316577

You don't know how IQ tests work.

>> No.4316592

>play peekaboo with my toddler
>cease to exist
fuck, how do I get back into reality?

>> No.4316610

We need philosophy more than ever kid. Who is going to discuss bioethics? How ethical it is to choose your son's genes? Who is going to tell us what it means to be human when the distinction between reality and subjectivity (the very founding dichotomy of our humanity) gets blurred by trans-human technology? Mathemathics? Engineers? Don't make me laugh

>> No.4316615


If you're a father and you are this stupid I seriously worry for the child.

>> No.4316617

Of course you do.
Especially new paradigms of thought. Einstein discovered relativity inspired by Heraclitus

>> No.4316623

In the eyes of the toddler you actually ceases to exist.


>> No.4316639

in the eyes of phenomenology how do you make any statements regarding what the toddler can or cannot see
Husserl tries to get around this I think but not very well

>> No.4316655

By observing its actions and merely describing it without putting your own presumptions into the description and create hypothesis based on these descriptions. Until neuroscience steps it up this is the best we can do.

>> No.4316662

Science may resulting in the discovery of nuclear fission and engineering may result in the atomic bomb, but neither of these fields can answer if using either of those is morally acceptable. Neither of those fields can answer what can be done to rich our culture or resolve conflicts. I am an engineer so I value solving practical problems, but I am humble enough to realize that it is not my place to solve the unpractical problems.

>> No.4316671

>Biology major obviously goes to med school
I actually think more physical science students and engineering student get into med school relative to biology at least in terms of percentage of applicant that apply.

>> No.4316729

I did Lit, History, Biology and Chemistry at A-Level and achieved top grades in all four. I'm now doing a Lit degree because I prefer it to the sciences, it's not because the sciences are hard.

>> No.4316746
File: 464 KB, 500x698, tfw dole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't want to be a lab monkey. I'd rather not work at all. A proper education in philosophy and literature is excellent for the loaf life.

>> No.4316752

>Science is Philosophy OP.

Try taking that shit to /sci/ and seeing how far it gets.

>> No.4316754

Magic is becoming so good at philosophizing, you can answer questions like this.

I'm studying in a STEM field and afterwards I'm planning on studying something related to literature or philosophy. Considering theatre because one of the teachers that marked me the most in high school was a major in theatre and a director, but I'll mostly just have to wait and see what I become attracted to. I'll mostly study it leisurely because I have a wealthy supporting family and by then hopefully an engineering degree to fall back on.

>> No.4316751
File: 12 KB, 148x200, neckbeardd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this generation in a nutshell

>> No.4316757

Philosophy literally means love for knowledge. Appreciating science is, in itself, a philosophical posture. One without which, there would be nobody studying or further advancing science, and as a result it'd die fast.

>> No.4316762
File: 36 KB, 600x400, rent_spud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STEMfriends engineer 300k starting and make automatisation happen
>humanities, all too humanities do fuck all
>everybody wins

>> No.4316764

it means love of wisdom, you moist cunny :)

>> No.4316778

it means love of sophism as u know

>> No.4316781

Shut up, farty butt.

>> No.4316785


>> No.4316806

>people decline because it's too hard.
10/10 full-on mad

>> No.4316834

>The Last Unicorn as written by Tom Clancy. jpg

>> No.4316840

>not knowing babbys can only perceive other's existence by following their eyes
top STEM

>> No.4316851
File: 74 KB, 500x284, alan moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows exactly zero things about magic