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4311451 No.4311451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every book reads like its written by a highschooler, but with dwarves and elves and magic out of nowhere. Pacing is shit, its just a long ass journey, no matter what book, with romance and "how I feel" with some random encounters here and there.

And don't start with the Mary Sue bullshit.

>> No.4311482

Whoever wrote the Dragonlance books. Fucking dreadful.

Also when Stephen King's attempts at fantasy are pretty terrible with that whole Dark Tower universe and the books that are contained in it.

>> No.4311491

You would think that the DnD setting would spawn more interesting literature considering the ultra-magical setting and sub-planes.

Not just a group of really hot people in armor killing goblins and fucking each other.

>> No.4311494

Margret Weis and Tracey Hickman.

The cancer that is killing fantasy.

>> No.4311505

Some of the Warhammer books are okay. I used to really like the Gotrek and Feelix books but they got reeeeeaaallly bad when the author changed, and they're just generic cliche fantasy stuff in the first place.

>> No.4311520

I'm not sure if Game Workshop will ever find the same caliber of author for the pure fantasy setting like they did for the Horace Heresy.

>> No.4311530

I can definitely agree with that. There are a lot of really good 40k books. I wish they would at least make an attempt to make more Fantasy books though. I like the setting more

>> No.4311655

I don't read that much fantasy, but Terry Goodkind is fucking disgusting. Also, I once tried to read the Shanarra series by Terry Brooks, and it was just 100% "I desperately want to write the next Lord of the Rings, but I don't know how."

My conclusion is that if your name is Terry, you should not write fantasy books.

>> No.4311661

... Pratchett?

>> No.4311667

I guess I forgot about him.

>> No.4311668

I thoroughly enjoy the 40k books but Jesus Christ a select few of them are unimaginably bad.

>> No.4311671

too soon

>> No.4311672

Mercedes Lackey is really dreadful.

>> No.4311735
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That's not cool anon.

>> No.4311955
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>Googled the name
HAHA, hell no. I don't even have to read her books to know she's shit.

You can generally tell what is shit fem-fantasy by the cover, if its some lone photographed figure in-front of gobbilty-shit or fire,and that is really sad but true.

>> No.4311983

Brandon Sanderson and his shit way of naming everyone and everything.

>> No.4312023

got 200 pages into The Way of Kings and then I put it in the closet, not deserving of a place on my tiny bookshelf. It single-handedly killed fantasy for me

>> No.4312061

You guys think Fantasy has hit a plateu not unlike what happened to Science Fiction?

I personally think we need New Wave for fantasy, because you know what to expect in every fantasy book, and the next ten 300 page pulp books shitted out by TOR are all going to be the same.

>> No.4312062

Care to tell me why? I'm just curious, I've been reading Mistborn and want to know if it's worth continuing.

>> No.4312088

I think fantasy has been hitting a plateau for quite a while.

You occasionally get guys that try to do something a little different, but even the ones that manage to get some mainstream recognition (China Mieville comes to mind) don't really have any impact on the genre as a whole. Meanwhile the only stuff that really blows up (Harry Potter, Twilight, etc) is either shit or just doesn't have much new to say.

>> No.4312159

That's because Mieville is essentially telling the same kinds of stories, but with tentacles instead of goblins.

>> No.4312179

Fair point. Though at this junction even small differences stand out.

>> No.4312234
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>> No.4313207
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>Their legacies are magic— and danger.

>> No.4313254
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Not sure about it.
Anyone read this book?
I was expecting some kind of generic bad guy story and I got a frikken medieval post world war story.
Yes, it's Tolkien's universe but with a huge change of perspective. Makes the original story look like a tale they told you as a kid to justify how twisted your nation is.

>> No.4313296
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Since this is the current fantasy general, would you read an urban fantasy story with a fully female main cast?

>> No.4313576

That sounds like half of the teen fic isle of Books-A-Million.

>> No.4313580

Depends if it sounded good.

>> No.4313588

Published fan fiction?

>> No.4313605

I checked out a teen fantasy book by Patterson.
I felt raped.

>> No.4313759
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Posted here.

I still have to figure out if I should attempt writing it or getting a drawfriend to draw it as a comic.
Sounds like the kind of story that would benefit from pretty pictures.

>> No.4313815

Uuuugh, this got an HBO special?

All of my normal fag friends are telling me to read it.

>> No.4313823

It's moderately entertaining. And there's nothing wrong with entertaining. Whether you read it is up to you of course.

>> No.4313829

How often does R.R. Martin talk about ass fluids?

>> No.4313835

Occasionally? I don't know, how do you describe the frequency of something like that?

He does do the shock and horror obscenity thing a bit, you know, but what can you do, it's pulp.

>> No.4313842

Is that what this book really was before it hit big?

Just, the soft back shit that gets piled up in book stores? Was this book once the bargain bin trash you see in walmart?

>> No.4313849

It was well-done, very popular and well-selling pulp. Pulp doesn't mean bad quality, or bargain-bin, you know - not in this day and age. It is a state of mind. Your conception of what pulp is differs from mine.

>> No.4313862


Honestly, I'm open to any new interpretation. I used to think that "pulp" just meant the Susan Collins, and the romance authors that create mountains on the shelves where I work.

>> No.4313879

my dad got this book "magic's pawn" by her because one of his friends said it was one of his favorites.

the first 50 pages were pretty much typical fanfiction mary sue crap. the protagonists dad was like, SO mean; the protagonist wanted to be a bard and didn't want to grow up to be a boring old duke like everyone else wants him to (boohoo); and the protagonist didn't do anything ever, everything happened to him.

then, he goes off to magic school or something. at this point the story goes from bad to worse. the protagonist is really depressed for some reason, but he meets a boy. the boy and the protagonist fall in love (the protagonist is also a boy). at this point we discover that magical powers are fueled by gay sex.

later on the boy he fell in love with gets really mad at some rival noble family because they assassinated his brother (he had a mind control with his brother so he knew they did it. it does not confirm or deny whether this is because of incest).

>> No.4313892

then his lover uses his powers to teleport to the antagonist family's party. he massacres them in a scene reminiscent of columbine and the book tries to make you feel sorry for him. then the school headmaster gandalf comes and tries to stop him, but his lover's gay lust is too powerful to be contained. his lover angsts too hard and commits suicide by jumping off of a building and dying.

after this the protagonist replaces his lover with a unicorn. i stopped reading it around there

>> No.4313903

>butt sex wizards from the lands of blahblah

This shit gets published?

>> No.4313922

>magical powers are fueled by gay sex
>magical school shooting
>homolust is too powerful for vastly more experienced wizards to contain
>gay lover kills himself
>gets replaced with a unicorn
Good God. Now I want to read this out of sheer hilarity.

>> No.4314175
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In any ficticious setting.

Would you guys prefer a book that uses, common nomenclature, other languages, or completely made up Words?
In order to convey objects, names, or beings?

Here are three examples:

1. Common wording
>From a damp cave, the angry screechings of Goblins could be heard.
2.Other languages - Hindi
>From the damp cave, the angry screechings of Bhūta could be heard.
3. Some name I made up
>From the damp cave, the angry screechings of Grocklin could be heard.

>> No.4314189

Don't just make up words that you think sound cool. Why are they named what they're named? Does every race have different names for each other?

>> No.4314470

depends on whether you can do good world building ... if you're just haemorrhaging out random words then stay vanilla !

>> No.4314497

what do you guys think about tad williams? i red Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn when i was a teen and i really liked it, despite its many flaws. did he write anything else worth reading?

>> No.4314504

There's a super-long diatribe on naming in fantasy settings in Stephenson's REAMDE, when autistic fantasy author A goes on a rant about autistic fantasy author B's naming system

It's fun

>> No.4314513

In those examples I prefer the Hindi one.
Example 1 is unimaginative. Goblins? Is this a second rate children's book? Goblins are overdone.
Example 3 is just as bad, because they're just goblins by another name. Renaming something doesn't make it original.

Example 2, on the other hand sounds as though it's not about goblins but Indian mythology, which is less overdone. That might just be my ethnocentrism but I think there's more scope for originality with Bhūta than goblins. They're not exactly the same thing, and I'd hope the story example 2 is in wouldn't treat them as such.
That said if the name is the only thing that's changed then it's a moot point.

>> No.4314516

Interested in where this discussion is going.
I've been world building for a few years, working on the same thing and have various races with made up names. The races are all fairly different and of my own original creation except one which is SOMEWHAT based of elves. They have their own history and such and really only resemble elves because of their pointed ears. Does making up my own names in this case seem shitty and edgy or does it fit since they aren't just for example, Goblins with a different name?

>> No.4314535

Everything you just described sounds unimaginative and like a generic high fantasy setting. Warhammer elves, Skyrim elves and Tolkein's elves all have their own histories and even different names than "elves" for their species, they're still elves. It's not a question of simply renaming them, you have to do something entirely different with them.
Tolkein and other high fantasy bases their races on a number of mainly European myths. What I imagined would make the story with Bhūta in worthwhile is that it would be based on Hindi myths instead. And not just a shallow understanding of them. Spend half a decade minimum researching another culture then make something new based on it.
Sorry but the fact you have a fantasy world with a number of races in at all is tellingly generic in itself.

Or carry on with what you're doing for your own enjoyment, but don't think you can do anything that hasn't already been done with it.

>> No.4314545

Really, really appreciate the honesty. I haven't been working at it very long and agree it is something that anyone can do. It is generic but I am attempting to make it interesting nonetheless.
Thanks for the suggestions as it's what I was after. I'll definitely look into myths and anything else I can find for inspiration. I'm not looking to publish this since I'm not a great writer, but more enjoy creating things for myself.

>> No.4314548

Why limit fantasy to Medieval or Tolkien like standard swords and sorcery in the first place?

>> No.4314554

>I'm not looking to publish this since I'm not a great writer, but more enjoy creating things for myself.
Then you may as well carry on and ignore everything I've said. No need to worry about what other people think of it.

>It is generic but I am attempting to make it interesting nonetheless.
The best way to do that would probably be to start from scratch after you've read more widely. It does sound like your (narrative) world view is almost exclusively informed by high fantasy at the moment, when it's just one of an infinite number of ways to create a world.

>> No.4314557

There's actually no swords and very little magic, if even that. Think more primitive and living off the land. It's hard to describe because I have a terrible vocabulary. Happy to answer questions though, if you're interested.

I have notebooks filled with scribblings and notes rather than anything written out with effort so that won't be too hard to do.

>> No.4314617

I usually quite like Robin Hobb, but I just got round to reading her Soldier Son trilogy and it's pretty grim. First is quite enjoyable, then the protagonist becomes morbidly obese due to magic and spends the next book crying about how fat he is and having people be mean to him because he is so very fat. In a thrilling change of pace, he waddles off into the forest in the third book where people think he's amazing for being a really fat wizard whose magic is fuelled by his fatness, so he chiefly spends that novel having designated 'feeders' make him even fatter when he isn't too busy feeling sorry for himself. It's a bit weird and fetishistic and also makes you really fucking hungry.

>> No.4315474
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Christopher Paolini is one of those guys that gets more shitty with every year.

While his First book, eragon was ok, especially for something written by a 16 yo, rest of his books were just fucking abominations.
I only went over them since i had them in audiobook form when i was visiting my grandmother, for a week and she lives in middle of a forest.

But fuck me every one of the 4 menages to be worse than the previous one.

All his problems he sums up in an interview on the third book. "i didnt read any books in 2 years"
Yeah, i guess once you are good you have nothing to learn, what a faggot.

>> No.4315498

>then the protagonist becomes morbidly obese


Having read the Farseer, Liveship and Fool's trilogies I think that Hobb is probably my favourite fantasy author. I tried reading the rain wilds one, read the first book in its entirety even, but it was so dreadfully dull I decided to leave it at that.

I don't know what happened. She created some great characters in her early books, Fitz, the Fool, Kennet especially. I think that her style - character focused, not terribly reliant on action - suffers heavily when said characters are poorly constructed and uninteresting.

>> No.4315689

I'm the same guy that posted this question.

How alien can you make races before you break the barrier of Sci-Fi?

>> No.4316145

Peter V. Brett, for ruining a potentially good book series. Does anyone know if he suffered from a stroke or something between his first and second book?

Atleast shit like Eragon or Sword of Truth was never good, you know what to expect when you open a novel written by Terry fucking Goodkind.

>> No.4316153


They have to be fantastical.

>> No.4316204

If they come from outer space, or are time travelers from the future, and they use advanced technology that doesn't involve magic

>> No.4316224

Elder Scrolls high elf elites partition a part of their brain to form a magical psychic internet, they practice eugenics, they travel in space on space ships (the cosmology is different enough that it isn't quite space, but it serves the same purpose), and they developed the scientific method. Fantasy shit can get pretty damn science fiction, and remain science fiction.

>> No.4316227

*and remain fantasy.

>> No.4317256

Would twisting the usual high fantasy setting beyond recognition work to make a fantasy story at least interesting?

I thought of this
>current fantastical creatures(elves, unicorns, ogres, etc) are on their way to extinction after they reached an evolutionary/developmental roof
>humans are destined to the same but millions of years into the future
>current fantastical creatures often meddle into human affairs out of boredom or honest concern
>dinosaurs are referred in the same tone and terms as titans
>dragons are despised by all fantastical creatures for being regarded as a caricature of the dinosaur ancestors
>wizards aren't demigods but just humans who reverse-engineered the advancements of fantastical creatures or who researched enough into nature to be able to create phenomena

Yes? No?

>> No.4317710

anyone have some good tips on writing good fantasy.

I really like the pontienal but, there's so many chances of messing up.

>> No.4317732

Read enough books so you can separate the shit from the good.

Write your story with fantastial elements that mean more than just "yea, thats cool"

there you go

>> No.4317826

Stan Nicholls.

>> No.4317856
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>still substitute DnD races for real people races

but then again, whenever black people do pop up in fantasy, they're laughably badly written anyway, so it's probably for the best

>> No.4317916

I like the WH40K books. Don't know much outside HH but even that series is frustrating. It keeps going back or telling parallel stories. What books are the actual series conclusion?

>> No.4317919

I'd like to see some fantasy based on other mythologies, like Indian, African and south american...

Why does everything have to be muh Tolkien anglo saxon nordic myth influenced

>> No.4317940

Because white people are running out of ideas

>> No.4317952

I have developed a low-fantasy world that is based almost totally on non-European history and cultures, though I have garbled everything together so that none of the cultures or countries have a real world analogue. I have written probably over 500 pages of essays and treatises, diaries, half of a novelette, letters, short stories, religious exegeses, poetry (both epic and lyrical), myths in the form of oral recitation, parts of religious texts, grammars and primers for five different fictional languages and fonts for two of those languages, and tons of maps and diagrams. Most of the stuff I got from Europe was like Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Russia, stuff like that, and nothing from that Nordic garbage.

I'm thinking about writing a novel or a series sometime soon, maybe, just so all of this shit doesn't go to waste.

>> No.4317963

Sounds interesting.

Can you give us some small synopsis of your setting?

>> No.4318081

Slightly before their ascention to godhood, like Lovecraftian Elder Gods who are not gods actually but still close there.

>> No.4318113

Knight + Spaceship = ?
Astronaut + Sword =?
Wizard + Energy Rifle=?
Scientist + Spell-book =?

>> No.4318120

You've described a Star Wars just now.

>> No.4318162

Seconding this. Just by the sheer volume of work you've put into your world building, I'm feeling optimistic about it.

Having said that I'm also morbidly curious to see if it's not just the nonsensical ramblings of an autistic savant.

>> No.4318180

Is there any kind of fantasy novel that doesn't take the standard sword and sorcery as major plot point. Something like literature set in a fantasy scenery?

The concept of multiple races for instance could led to some really interesting psychological actions in such a book.

>> No.4318186


Oh, mang, I can't tell you how excited I was when I started reading Soldier Son. Essentially a post-Crimean War Imperial Russia with Manifest Destiny - shit's gonna be great, yo! Then it's mostly just prairies and forests of boring instead of Imperial capitols and War and Intrigue and Socialists and upheaval.

She's just fucking boring and makes bizarre choices with the narrative and overarching story.
Also, why the fuck does it take three books to tell a tale of a soldier-boy, who got fat and went native, then came back without a scratch or learning anything or affecting anyone.

>> No.4318196

This sounds like an awful lot of work, though. I don't think you can demand this much of "fantasy" authors.

That said, Pratchett's newer (old too, but to a lesser extent - the humour come first in his earlier works) books are all about regular people trying to lead normal lives and make reasonable choices in a world which just happens to be a Disc and where gods have a sense of humour. Pratchett's humanist to the core.

>> No.4318198


>> No.4318211

Gene Wolfe, Bakker, GRRM, Locke Lamora guy

srsly you guys need to actually read more fantasy

>> No.4318220

I'm struggling with Gene.

I just got through the first book of the New Sun, and its sort of disjointed when you get to the second book. He doesn't explain how he got separated from his group or anything.

>> No.4318224
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>Not enjoying sword and sorcery
HEY HEY, there are some classics out there man. I honestly don't think there is enough good SnS out there.

Check your Vance,Leiber and Moorcock.

>> No.4318225

I think he just got separated during the rushing crowds and ended up with Jonas.

but wait till you begin the 4th book.

kinda spoiler
It'll be one of the most fucked up jumps in time and scenario you'll ever see in fantasy literature

>> No.4318227

No wait, its actually the third book.

>> No.4318232

GRRM better stand for something else than what I think it stands for. I've only read the first book, but there he was just borderline lol-random and so-shocking.

>reading fantasy
I don't think so, Timothy.

>> No.4318235

showfag pls go

>> No.4318239

Pleb tier

>> No.4318261


Urban fantasy is pretty female-protagonist heavy, so even though an all-female cast might be a shade out of the norm, you'd be knee-deep in the current urban fantasy trend, especially if there's romantic elements because of the authorial crossover with "Paranormal Romance" and "Urban Fantasy." There's an awful lot of Urban Fantasy books in the market that fence-ride between those genres.

Would I read it? If it was good. Would it be salable or marketable to the urban fantasy market? Definitely. Even though the ratios are evening out, the last time I read anything about reader AND author trends was that women were the primary creators and consumers of urban fantasy.


If you want a working definition of pulp in regards to genre fiction, look at the 20s, 30s, and 40s in science fiction and fantasy. Lovecraft, Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, writers like that. People who sent in stories to Argosy, Weird Tales, and magazines like that.

That's what most people refer to pulp because that's the term used for those magazines and the writers therein. Sword and sandal is a fantasy genre directly derivative of the writings of authors like REH (author of the Conan stories).

>> No.4318267

>current fantastical creatures(elves, unicorns, ogres, etc) are on their way to extinction after they reached an evolutionary/developmental roof

You lost me there. It seems like a poorly thought out concept made with little knowledge on evolution.

>> No.4318399

Eh. It's kind of a draft but they are still going to disappear.
Think of a transition between a fantasy setting and current times; they disappear but remain in people's myths and legends.

>> No.4318450

>borderline lol-random and so-shocking

the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4318495


Tailchaser's Song is really good in my opinion.

>> No.4318510

Oh, forgot to add that it would be kind of a cyclic system.
Ancients beasts are the myths of fantastical creatures, fantastical creatures are the myths of humans, humans become the myths of post-humans.

Now that I think of it, I should just come up with a reason as to why they'd be dying.
Something along the lines of fighting humans and losing constantly or becoming unfit to survive in the current environment.

>> No.4318924

That book had no conflict, no interesting phenomena. Literally anything he touched upon that may have been interesting, he ruined.

And he has no fucking clue how to write characters, not a single fucking person had a personality. It all came down to their alignment, which he tries to change at the end of the series with some rambling bullshit about how the bad guy might not have been totally bad.

>> No.4319135

So are there any D&D books that aren't terrible?

>> No.4319211

Salvatore's Transitions trilogy was pretty good in my opinion. Big spoilers: It was refreshing to see the heroes get their asses kicked/lose to the villain in all three books, as opposed to winning every time like in the previous twenty-something books. In each case they were forced to accept that evil had won and simply turn their backs and walk away. Great stuff.

>> No.4319909

I feel like this is sci-fi

>> No.4319914
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David Eddings.

Yeh or neh?

>> No.4319932

Like sci-fi that looks like high fantasy?
Sounds cool.

>> No.4320089
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Like Sword of Shannara

>> No.4320115

>I'm really fucking mad that this fat fantasy writer writes generic, random garbage full of tropes that characterize an entire genre literally stuffed full of generic, random garbage and fantasy tropes.

Cool blog entry, OP.

>> No.4320143

Thanks, fag.

>> No.4320216


Salvatore actually did a good job on Star Wars: Vector Prime, the first New Jedi Order book.

>> No.4320708

>Stephen King's attempts at fantasy are pretty terrible with that whole Dark Tower universe and the books that are contained in it.
1. The first 4 Dark Tower books are good.
2. Eyes of the Dragons is good, if a little black and white.
3. "the books that are contained in it." You realize ALL the books are in it, right?

>> No.4320710

>worst fantasy authors
>nobody has mention Patrick "Self-Insert" Rothfuss yet

>> No.4320713


Whats your problem with him? Leaving aside the self insert, which isnt egregious anyways.

>> No.4320720

>which isnt egregious anyways.
Kvolth is a huge self insert.
It isn't until the second book where he turns it down a bit.
Too bad the second book has terrible pacing
>Oh shit, I need to do something
>Rush through Adem(spelling?)
Also, he tends to use his framing device as an excuse to be pretentiously condescending.

>> No.4320723


Oh, I thought you were talking about chronicler, since he's the writer. Why do you think Kvothe is one? He's "perfect", sure. But he's also a cocky motherfucker who gets his ass handed to him all the time because of it. Agree with you about the second book though.

>> No.4320733

Rothfuss isn't TERRIBLE.
His prose is decent and his characters tend to be distinct.
He's in desperate need of a better editor though.
They gave him too much room on the first book. 650 pages hardcover is a huge amount for someone with only one other published work.
And then Wise Mans Fear went WAY overboard.
I thinks it's like 1100 pages in hardcover?
And you could EASILY cut at least 2-3 hundred pages out of it with no issue.
I honestly don't believe he'll be able to cover the rest in a single book.

>> No.4320734

The audiobooks are really good.

>> No.4320742


I am extremely happy I'm not one of you pretentious twats.

Fucking. Disgusting.

>> No.4320801

>Not full of pretentious twats

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.4320821

find me a literature board without the pretentiousness, neckbeard

>> No.4321451

don't try to incorporate hard science into a book unless you know what you're talking about.
>humans are destined to same
millions of years, eh? Who cares, then?
>meddling in human affairs
This in particular bugs me. I understand, we're humans, we have a natural inclination to make the story about us, our race, nationality, etc. I'm just tired of it. Every other race must yield to the superiority of humanity. Humanity is basically a big fat Mary Sue half of the time. In sci-fi, even though all of the alien races are more advanced or just better in some way, humanity always has that "element". Heart, or courage or whatever you want to call it, that saves the day in the end.

Bleh. Fucking pathetic. Let humanity burn. Jesus Christ, let the fucking tree people or ghosts or someone else have the spotlight for once.

>> No.4321866

>Rothfuss isn't TERRIBLE.

I was going to ignore this thread because people werent retarded with their opinions, and then YOU CAME ALONG.



>> No.4321877

John Vornholi's The Troll King fits what you described, however it is aimed at elementary school-aged kids.

>> No.4321913

Rothfuss is lucky that nerd culture finds him so likeable.

>> No.4321978

The first three installments of A Song of Ice and Fire are actually quite good. GRRM is obviously a lover of history, and he makes the miserableness of the feudal lifestyle palpable.

But the more the saga goes on--the more magical elements are introduced, the more GRRM falls in love with certain characters, and the more bloated each book successively becomes--the more, conversely, the story strays from everything that made it appealing in the first place.

>> No.4321985

Audiobooks can "fix" a really shitty story by having a really good narrator

>> No.4321991

the way he treats his son like a fucking marketing tool disgusts me, just like his half-assed attempts at "feminism". He obviously neither wants nor understands it, so why does he even bother?

>> No.4322036

>why does he even bother?

You already know the answer to that, there's no reason to ask. Rothfuss' motives are as obvious as he is transparent; he caught onto a modicum of success, and now he's desperate to squeeze it out of every aspect of his life.

>> No.4322038

So...so true.

>> No.4322040

and the fans praise him as their new demigod. Fitting

>> No.4322056

THe king killer triology is just a darkier and grimmier version of Harry Potter

Dude looses family to dark wizards
Learns magic at magic school
Becomes super stronk
Defeats wizards

>> No.4322066

not to mention wordier and somehow more awkward at portraying courtship. Anyone else feeling the creepily possessive "Nice Guy" vibes Qwoghthe sends out?

>> No.4322069

The fact remains that he only has the Kingkiller trilogy in him. He'll exploit it to its fullest extent, sure. He'll write a novel or two more, to mixed reviews. And aside from podcast appearances and collaborations with his internet celebrity friends, that'll be the end of Patrick Rothfuss.

>> No.4322070

No it's not like Harry Potter at all, there's sex and it's very mature, all my friends liked it and they only read books for grown-ups

>> No.4322075
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and we'll all say Amen when it happens and his cancerous DnD podcasts with pic related are over

>> No.4322102

>DnD podcasts.


>> No.4322107

>ghostwriter for pennies on the dollar

>> No.4322880


The thing I hate most about Salvatore is how he writes action scenes. He always gives a play-by-play of every fight, telling you how Drizzt Do'Fuckoff twirls this way and then that way, parries high or low or to the side or with his ass, and then does a double somersault spin attack for major damage.

It's just so goddamn tedious.

>> No.4322895

Avoid the Demon Wars saga.

Its all about some elvish dance the main white guy uses to take down giant after giant after giant.

Spin2Win the book

Did I mention that his village was attacked? Did I mention that his main squeeze in the village escaped?
Did I mention that they met up again and fell in love?

>> No.4322905


I assure you, the mere phrase "Demon Wars saga" would probably scare me off. What kind of insipid, uninspired name for a series is that?

>> No.4323028

>don't try to incorporate hard science into a book unless you know what you're talking about
I do know what I'm talking about, but my redaction butchered it or I wasn't that sound at that moment.
Extinction would remain an important plot point on it.

>millions of years, eh? Who cares, then?
Just to make sure the pattern was there, not like it would actually matter, really.

>I understand, we're humans, we have a natural inclination to make the story about us, our race, nationality, etc. [...] Every other race must yield to the superiority of humanity. Humanity is basically a big fat Mary Sue half of the time. In sci-fi, even though all of the alien races are more advanced or just better in some way, humanity always has that "element". Heart, or courage or whatever you want to call it, that saves the day in the end.
Heart? Courage? lel no.
I'll use economy.

I know that "humans are superior" is a tired narrative by now and that it wouldn't make a story interesting but I'm not aiming to that kind of narrative either.
That's why mythical creatures, who are vastly superior to humans, would meddle in, although in a shallow way like betting on which humans will get married or playing at how many vermin stings a man can take, etc.

If it helps, I considered making wizards obsolete to their world, so they'd have to find new jobs at anything due to magic being a terribly demanding and specialized skill which would render them unable of do anything that's not wizardry.
Any thoughts?

>> No.4323050


Damn son what are you doing

As a side, what is your favorite pratchett book ?

I've started reading them from the start and Jingo is pretty much my favorite at this point ( finishing Lost continent tommorow)

>> No.4323075


If you liked Jingo, you're going to love "Night Watch" and "Thud!"