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File: 10 KB, 512x1134, bookmark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4306695 No.4306695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your bookmark, /lit/?

And I'm also wondering if there's such a thing as "deluxe bookmarks", aka high quality ones made from fancy materials and whatnot. Sounds pretty pretentious, but I'm just curious.

>> No.4306720

right now it's a ticket stub from Twelve Years a Slave, in another one it's literature for a trip I'm going on and in another one there's a wooden bookmark my friend bought me in Peru

these are just the ones that are kind of interesting, there are a lot of notecards and sticky notes

>> No.4306729

My girlfriend made me my favorite bookmark. She made it out of duct tape attached to a strong piece of paper, the paper has a quote from Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself." It's one of my favorite poems, and one of my favorite quotes, written in her hand writing, with designs up and down the paper side. There's also a metal tag at one end with some of her signature wire-work. I like it a lot.

>> No.4306732

>What's your bookmark, /lit/?
Anything that i don't really need for something else, can fit comfortably in a book and have near me the moment I need a bookmark.
I also have 2 or 3 "actual" bookmarks. One I got as a gift, together with a book, I don't use it because it's kind of ugly, but will if I run out. Another is basically a hyerogliph table I got at a museum when I was a tiny wee kid. Last one I got for free with a book. I cut it in half and it became two bookmarks.

>> No.4306731

Dog ears and an i-Phone user manual.

>> No.4306776
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plain white index card masterrace reporting in

>> No.4306804
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>> No.4306814

>not using multiple bookmarks for footnotes

>> No.4306817

A School of Athens bookmark I got from the Vatican Museum.

>> No.4306821

I don't use one, I just flip to what I remember last. If I wasn't paying enough attention to a part and I don't remember, I get "caught up" so the next parts make sense.

>> No.4306826

one from a bookstore in Zurich to remind me of days I spent abroad

>> No.4306839

Who /rememberthepage/ here?

>> No.4306846

I use those cards you get at restaurants. Free but not boring.

>> No.4306855

>not using index cards with lines and binder holes

>> No.4306861

I've always just remembered my page number. I'm usually terrible at remembering things like figures and addresses but I can always remember the page number I'm up to in a book, even if I haven't read it in months.

>> No.4306865

Any deck of playing cards that is missing a card instantly becomes a new deck of bookmarks

>> No.4306869

>reading 51 books at a time

>> No.4306871

My socks.

>> No.4306889

I use bank notes from countries I've been too. Brand new unfolded bills if possible.
I still use a Cambodian bill from around 2006

>> No.4306902

I leave the book open face down when I'm not reading it, don't see why anyone would need to close it, I guess you live in tiny compartments and need the extra 2 sq inches of living space

>> No.4306912

I've never seen anyone fold the top of a paper to that extent.

>> No.4306934

I use either the ones my library gives out to advertise or an MTG card, like a land. I like my bookmarks flat, no tassles, and disposable.

>> No.4306949

Why the hell does anyone need a bookmark? If you're reading the book you know where you left off.

>> No.4307022

This is right, except when you're reading over twenty books at once, one tends to forget.

>> No.4307047
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Papyrus master race reporting in.

>> No.4307056


Same here. I try to memorize pages, too. If I don't really get caught up on the page I restart the chapter.

>> No.4307057

I use torn pieces of paper or toilet paper or even pennies. IDGAF.

>> No.4307064


Yeah, I've done that too at time... First object that is at hand, really.

>> No.4307170

I used to use a torn piece of notebook paper, but my university gave us all bookmarks with our planners so now I'm using that

>> No.4307206

I had a twenty in my pocket and stuck it in my book.
But I do not use a bookmark. I always remember my page.

>> No.4307244

i get my bf to remember for me. hes a math major :)

>> No.4307261

blank paper (useful for notes as well), guitar picks, razorblades, receipts, my supercuts loyalty card, unsent love letters

>> No.4307264

a strip of paper torn from a notebook.

>> No.4307276


Assuming most people on here aren't e book fags.

I just do what this anon does.


Sometimes I use the receipt from the library for a book mark.

>> No.4307279


Where the fuck do you even buy bookmarks?

>book stores

Those aren't around any more.


yeah no.

>> No.4307284

>tfw everyone does the torn note book paper thing

At least I'm not the only one who does that.

>> No.4307301

Sorry my friend,
But the mulitcolored index card pack is the masterrace

>> No.4307321


>> No.4307379
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The one on the left.

>inb4 Eragon

I don't care, I like it.

>> No.4307389

I actually got the papyrus ones at an art museum.

>> No.4307405

I use something i made myself by cutting small squares and i wrote lyrics on each side.

>> No.4307439
File: 832 KB, 931x628, High Class Bookmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feast your eyes on pure class, gentlemen.

>> No.4307481

This causes thoughts of murder or varrious way to rob you.

>> No.4307488

My nigga, I write on my cuz I like lists. Right nwo I have all my logins for the places I've applied to

>> No.4307490

Learn to spell first, though.

>> No.4307497

I do. I never use book marks. Never felt the need to.

>> No.4307545

I use them to take notes. More in nonfiction than in fiction, but it's nice to have the option.
I want to write across the smaller dimension, which would be perpendicular to the printed lines.

>> No.4309126

the middle one is the one i have.
they sell those at museums that have ancient egypt stuff.
or they used to, at least.
>book stores aren't around anymore
where do you live? antarctica?

>> No.4309172
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But I make mine out of post-it's

>> No.4309191

bus transfer, library receipt

>> No.4309381
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I use a leather bookmark similar to pic related, but without the writing.

>> No.4309748

The Burrell Collection?

>> No.4309761

I fold an a4 paper into a strip the fold a tiny but at the top to hook onto either side of the page I stopped on

>> No.4309759

Bookmark with Venus de Milo that I got from the Louvre.
Other books get used bookstore bookmarks

>> No.4309762

I bought a book from Value Village one day and when I opened it, out fell a laminated piece of red paper with the words "BE MINE???" written in bold and little hearts surrounding it. After using that for about a month, the glue on the back started to give out and bam! another laminated piece of paper this time half black and half white and it reads "ebony and ivory".
so thats what I've been using

>> No.4309763

If it's a library book I just dogear the page.

I'm not sure if this makes me a terrible person or not.

>> No.4309780
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>> No.4309785

I just tear out the page after I read it.

>> No.4309787

it does

>> No.4309797

I had a wonderful wooden bookmark that I lost, unfortunately. Since then I've just been using a dollar bill.

>> No.4309983

Library receipt or piece of paper torn out of a notebook or legal pad.

>> No.4310012

I had one I got from Rosslyn Chapel, lost it though

>> No.4310016

I use anything. Sometimes it's blank pieces of paper. Others, bookmarks given by the bookstore, usually with a picture of a popular book like Hunger Games of 50 Shades of Grey, though I don't care. Sometimes, I don't mark it at all, I just remember the page.

>> No.4310020

lost it

>> No.4310024

like it's just a chunk of wood you shove into the book?

>> No.4310036

A cardboard tag from some clothe's item. Perfect shape and hard durable cardboard too. LIfe is good right now. For some reason a good bookmark is important for my wellbeing.

>> No.4310062


>> No.4310081

For about two years now, I've been using a small piece of paper with a drawing of a voodoo doll on it
I hope I never lose it

>> No.4310099

Library receipt, always. Reminds me when the book is due and holds my place.

>> No.4310110

Baseball cards. When i was a kid I collected them. Still own my collection. I have an endless supply of worthless no name cards. Perfect bookmarks

>> No.4310136

I've saved up a few of those too including one tag made of denim. Also, I've found that used up holiday giftcards work well too.

>> No.4310157

Did you find it somewhere? Did you draw it? Post pics!

>> No.4310164

Don't libraries in your countries give bookmarks when you buy books? I have a shitload of bookmarks because of this.

>> No.4310163

>used to do that
>check my 2 favourite books, of 400 pages and 710 pages each
>only 5 pages bent in each book
What am I doing with my life?

>> No.4310168
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>> No.4310172
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20 dollar bills. When you're done with the book, spend the money. - Motivation

> tfw college poverty and use same 20 dollar bookmark for multiple books

>> No.4310181

I have been using the same post-it note folded in half for like 2 years

>> No.4310188

A 3 of Hearts. I hope nobody want to play with that deck.

>> No.4310185

money is fucking disgusting though in a literal way

>> No.4310186

>buy books
does not compute

captcha is motheats eh

>> No.4310190

think they shouldve stuck with cyrillic?

>> No.4310212


Oh fuck, i meant bookstores. Guess i have to get some sleep.

>> No.4310319
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I tear the back page in half and then fold the torn slip and use that as a bookmark, then I dogear the pages that I find interesting.

>> No.4310338

youre a monster

>> No.4310347

My bookmarks at the moment are -

A scrap of paper my ex wrote "mwah" on so the words form a heart. There's also a phone number I don't recognise on the back.

A business card for a tattoo parlour

A faded HMV receipt for some choral dvds

Another scrap of paper with a drug dealer's name, number and prices.

>> No.4310354

No I'm not.

>> No.4310365

Ripping the pages of the book is monstrous

>> No.4310384

No it isn't. They're just paper.

>> No.4310558

Dollar bills, business cards, metro cards, and other various things including a page corner fold. Whatever is available.

>> No.4310561
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I laughed.

>> No.4310564

Anything thicker than a piece of paper, or a piece of paper folded into 2 or 3 parts.

>> No.4310565
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>> No.4310592

Bass Drum of Death?????


>> No.4310594

any piece of paper

Right now I'm using the paper that came with the $25 Schnucks gift card I got as a holiday bonus from my work, which is a shitty bonus and it depresses me when I see it. Thinking of changing it now.

>> No.4310653

I usually just remember the page number, but I found this neat little bookmark inside a book at Half-Price, it was a little red plastic thing shaped almost like a guitar pick but folded over on one side like a paper clip, and a space in the middle. You'd slide it onto the page so that you positioned the space to indicate the exact line you'd stopped on. It was ingenious, in its own way.
I finally decided to use it, and the next time I was reading the book I was on the toilet, and I dropped it into my turds on accident. Nothing I could do but flush it down.

>> No.4310924

I wish all books had that thread connected to them which you can use as a bookmarker. If they don't I've just used those coloured pagemarkers you normally use to mark speciffic sections of text books. They leave colouring though when you move them around, so I should probably get a real bookmark.

>> No.4310939

a playing card.