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/lit/ - Literature

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4303731 No.4303731 [Reply] [Original]

Hunter S Thompson, Bukowski, Hemingway, Irvine Welsh.
What style would these authors go by, if any?
Or am I just obsessed with winos?
More authors like this would be appreciated.

>> No.4303750


>inb4 i'm not american

I would say american journalistic style.
Both thompson and Hemingway were journalist/correspondant, travelling and and covering different kind of event

I don't really know about Bukowski and Welsh (i had saw Trainspotting and Irvine Welsh's Ecstasy) but i know Thompson was really inspired by The Beat generation (Bukowsky and Kerouac especially).

The point is the four had work with/about addiction (Hemingway,Thompson,Bukowski were hardcore alcoholic) and they had travel a lot, so they're also dealing with popsociety and cultural specificity across world/places/events

I think their work is occulted by their sulfurous reputation and by kids saying "this is too cool it deals about drugs", which is the same with beat generation writers, despite in fact they're dealing with human aspect of things

Some authors will be
-The Beat generation (Ginsberg,Kerouac,Burroughs)
-Frederic Beigbeder
-Some books of Dostoievsky

>> No.4303762 [DELETED] 
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What are some good ideas, images or tensions you can get from the poem?

>> No.4303787

Why'd you group these writers together? What's the point?

>> No.4303807


If you like HST's bizarre style, try Pynchon. Some of his works have a similar vibe. Guess you could also name Burroughs here, he's much more non-linear tough.

>> No.4304113

>general depravity thread

>> No.4304135

Selby Jr.

>> No.4304230

I dunno, transgressive literature?

>> No.4304452

John and Dan Fante if you don't already know them. John had a huge influence on Bukowski.

>> No.4304470

Frédéric Beigbeder

>> No.4304560

"My dick speaks the following."

>> No.4304797

>Frédéric Beigbeder
>an author
France knows him mainly because he knows how to seem cool on TV. No one reads his edgy books that are mostly him trying to make us believe he knows about literature and its history; it's just not worth it.

I'm honesty surprised no one mentionned Céline yet, since Bukowski was inspired by his work.

>> No.4305249

>ctrl+f 'gonzo'
>no results
hunter s. thompson is gonzo journalism
kerouac is a typist
hubert selby is a genius but uses 'and' too much