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/lit/ - Literature

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4299518 No.4299518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your recent purchases, /lit/?

I just bought this, absolutely fantastically constructed book.

>> No.4299520

No. No!

>> No.4299534


>> No.4299544

Terribly constructed. Terribly.

>> No.4299545
File: 317 KB, 1600x1200, Odysseus - Hugo Weaving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to this while reading.

[Recent purchase: Julian - Gore Vidal. Highly recommending it]

>> No.4299549

I don't mean the story, which I haven't read yet, I mean the presentation of the book. This version is just nicely made.

Will do, thank you friend.

>> No.4299552

>I don't mean the story, which I haven't read yet, I mean the presentation of the book. This version is just nicely made.

That's precisely what I disagree with.

>> No.4299582

homer would have loved that thing. fucking greeks and their chintz

>> No.4299704

haha nice book op honestly the only b&n classic worth buying is the shakespeare 20 usd for the full shit?
btw i bought portrait of the young man as an artist but i will read it after i finish reading moby dick

>> No.4299734

I like that an ancient Greek story is printed in a book with a blue color.

The Greeks had no conception of the color blue.

>> No.4299741

>The Greeks had no conception of the color blue.

>> No.4299745

Because the sky was more green grey back then and the water was "wine-dark" and they were all blind.

>> No.4299757

Blue is usually the last color to be conceptualized by a given civilization. It wasn't unique to the Greeks.

>> No.4299762

..it's blue because it's the ocean.

>> No.4299776

jajaj u sure trolled me xD

>> No.4299777


Yes they did, they just didn't call it blue.

>> No.4299778

It's only blue if you have a word for blue. Power of language and all that.

>> No.4299785

>It's only blue if you have a word for blue.

Thinking's not your strong suit.

>> No.4299789
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>> No.4299791

this is the most retarded thread.

>> No.4299794

this is called sapir-whorf hypothesis which states that words must exists for ideas to exist. still i doubt the greeks never noticed the color of the ocean

>> No.4299823
File: 8 KB, 257x196, 1morting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odyssey was great, wish i could read the original.

Anyone complaining about colors needs to stop. First of all, Greek colors as much about a "quality" or "feeling" a substance had as much as the actual color. Many languages use one word for more than one color (such as the Japanese "aoi" for green and blue) and the "color" you percieve something like the water in an ocean as has as much to do with culture than your eyes. Does any water really look blue when you stick your head in it? Is fire "red" or is it "scintillating waves of light that vary between blue and red"?

Also, just putting it out there that most people accept that Homer was probably blind.

>> No.4299833


Depends what you mean by blue. Is it a physical property of the object such as its ability to reflect certain wavelengths? Is it the phenomenological character of your perceptual experience? Is it the a brain state? Is it propositional content?

Whatever it is, an actual theory of the relation between color, perception, and language is going to be a fuckton more complex than what you're offering.

>> No.4299835

is silver a color?

>> No.4299838

is argentina white?

>> No.4299841

Sula by Toni Morrison -- read (re-read, actually) the first few pages of The Bluest Eye.... I work mostly with Af. Am. women, and it seems pertinent that I familiarize myself with the mainstream culture. We are living in a "times has changed" era, I get that, but, well, some stories need to be re-animated now and again.... I am not too familiar with Morrison's work, although I am under the impression many of her themes are those related to the history of Af. Am., and with feminism.... Are there other themes in her work you boarders are able to or perhaps fixing to mention here? I don't know.

Fathers & Crows by William T. Vollmann. I have love love loved this man's work. He has transported me into many alien arenas, and, though he writes historically, in a sense, there always seems to be a modern undertone in his work that brings it to life and leaves after-effects.... I find myself thinking back to the Doc Marten's in The Rainbow Stories.... it's like all he was really writing about was style, when he'd written about San. Fran. skinheads, Ancient Monotheists, etc. etc., whatever.... I started this one, and by that I mean got through the table of contents and the first couple pages.... I am intending to read the whole of this 1,000-some-odd page work.

>> No.4299847

Whoops. Meant to reply to this post

>> No.4299879

I read that when I was 11 yo.

#rekt #elitism

>> No.4299880

If you believe this you are a moron.
Btw, the reason the oceans are blue is because the sky is reflected upon it.

>> No.4299900


Did you know scientists discovered that water is actually blue?

>> No.4299904

i discovered that when i was about 5.

>> No.4299907


>implying it is perceptibly blue
>implying you arent an idiot

>> No.4299910

And that hypothesis is complete fucking bullshit and you know it. It's been a joke in linguistics for the past 60 years, jesus crist.

>> No.4299913

Even though the Greeks didn't have a word for blue doesn't mean they couldn't describe things that were blue, the ocean was described as being deep like wine and the sky was bronze because it's bright and almost metallic.

>> No.4299924

what the fuck, the ocean doesn't look like wine and the sky is nowhere near bronze unless it's a certain time of day or there's crazy pollution

>> No.4299931

>implying Greeks didn't take poetic licence with their words.

This thread needs to be ethnically cleaned too many blue tards.

>> No.4299937

do conservatives take poetic license with their words when they call anyone even vaguely liberal a socialist, or are they just being retarded?

>> No.4299942
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I tend to hoard my wishlist for a bit then splurge, recent splurge:
-moravagine by blaise cendrars
-alex ferguson: my biography (gift for christmas)
-stoner by john williams
-slint's spiderland (33 1/3 series)
-speedboat by renata adler
-the real north korea by andrei lankov
-lsd the consciousness expanding drug by david solomon
-the doors of perception by huxley
-heartsnatcher by boris vian
-for whom the bell tolls by hemingway
-the sun also rises by hemingway
-being and nothingness by sartre (started, 60 odd pages in and 80% is going over my head but the 20% I do understand is awesome)

been on a bit of a nonfiction drive lately

>> No.4299943

Did you just ask if politicians are retarded?
The answer is yes.