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4298600 No.4298600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else participating in Stoic week?


I think I'm going to give it a go. Been a bit low recently and thinking maybe some of these practices could be helpful. Has anyone else tried incorporating some of this stuff into their daily routine? How did it go?

>> No.4298719
File: 75 KB, 400x291, epistirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel more attracted to Epicureanism.

>> No.4299442

>following the principles of self-control, reason, calm acceptance of fate and indifference to fame and fortune

I find this to be a genuinely excellent way to live life. It's very calming, and coupled with exercise and simple eating, it's a recipe for successful, happy living.

I've been reading Stoic literature and I've been very impressed so far (Marcus Aurelius and Cicero, primarily). I'm actually getting Epictetus' Discourses for Christmas, haha.

>> No.4299515
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Its fine, but there's no such thing as fate.
Epicurean is best imo.

>> No.4299543

What stoics call "fate" really means "the immovable laws of nature," as in "it is the fate of the earth to orbit the sun." Stoicism argues that there are inflexible, permanent laws of nature that govern the universe, and thus there is "fate."

I'm curious though, what draws you to Epicureanism?

>> No.4299584

what is that painting who painted it?

>> No.4299599
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It's sort of zen yet scientific.

Stoicism was obviously what Roddenberry was thinking of when he made up Vulcans, and though I like Spock, I much prefer the pursuit of happiness and tranquility. Co-wroker described my musical tastes as "dramatic" [Listening to Dead Can Dance] That's me, inwardly dramatic.
I was linked to some podcasts on www.historyofphilosophy.net/ and I'll be listening to his thoughts on Stoicism next.

>> No.4299611
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Daniele Crespi, The Suicide of Cato.

>> No.4299619

this is everything wrong with the world

hurr hurr let's do this for a fucking WEEK lol, let's not even pretend to incorporate any of the principles into our daily lives like educated adults or concerned individuals focused on improving the state of the world or anything, lol fuck that shit let's be edgy moronic trendhopping faggots for a couple days to get our school some attention


>> No.4299620

>live like a stoic
>for 7 days

>> No.4299657

thank you

>> No.4300408

Fuck that's pretty

>> No.4300413

I like Epicureanism too, I don't see a contradiction though, you can be eclectic about this stuff, like the Romans were.

>> No.4300503
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the point is to try it out by giving yourself a set number of days, if you like some of this, you can continue

stop being such a contrarian punk

what does epicureanism mean in practice? like, what do you do that qualifies as epicureanism?

>> No.4300518
File: 24 KB, 500x400, epicureanism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does epicureanism mean in practice? like, what do you do that qualifies as epicureanism?
Not her (?), but this is an excellent introduction:


Simply put though, Epicureanism is a materialistic worldview where pleasure is the highest good. This doesn't lead to a crude yoloism but rather a refined middle way where one learns to be content with the little and necessary things in addition to a heavy emphasis on friendship and contemplation, with the end goal being a gentle, undisturbed quietude that radiates happiness.

>> No.4300523

I'm a big fan, I'll be at the conference in London. We've got a reading group going right now on le rebbit, if you're interested.

>> No.4300530

If Spock was a Stoic, he'd be constantly telling Kirk not to worry so much about everything, because he can only rely on controlling his inner virtue and not the fate of the alien planet of the week. Spock's more like Cato, who thought of himself as a Stoic took logic and rigidity to the point of absurdity (that is to say, Cato tried to live by Stoic principles, but had the wrong understanding of virtue).

>> No.4300555
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I know the basic philosophy of Epicurus I guess, but it seems like there is not much that sets apart the 'Epicurean' from a person who just likes to chill and enjoys the simple pleasures while also being a materialist.

I guess what I'm asking is, are there any practices that an Epicurean does that sets them apart from such a person, or are those people basically unknowingly practicing epicureanism already?

I mean, it seems like a pretty simple and straightforward thing. The problem is that most people would already love to just chill and enjoy pleasures, but the realities of life usually do not make it so easy. It seems like a philosophy for elites who can live like that indefinitely.

>> No.4300571

Most people actually would hate to be Epicureans because Epicureans lack lavish decadence. When you think of Epicureans you shouldn't think of a rich elite playing polo and such. You should think of poorfags in plain and cheap clothes living in a house together, living on simple meals and drinking water. Being an Epicurean can be done on welfare in the first world, it's an extremely attainable path.

>> No.4300586

I get that, but just having that much free time is a luxury usually only available to the elite, unless you're a hobo or live only on welfare

>> No.4300601
File: 412 KB, 1024x1269, Wilhelm Trübner - Man looking out of a window at Heidelberg Castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[A] refined middle way where one learns to be content with the little and necessary things in addition to a heavy emphasis on friendship and contemplation, with the end goal being a gentle, undisturbed quietude that radiates happiness.
Well put. I'll steal that.

Spock must have whispered that stuff in Kirk's ear at night.
>Spock's more like Cato
Oh, interesting. I adjust my theory.

It is easy, but its not for elites really. I suppose hippies and various new-ager types are often enough unwitting practitioners. Maybe even Bukowski, though I'm not into his alcoholism...

Where I deviate from the formula: I make friends easily, though people drift away from me (Poor social skill abound in my life) and I love hearing and talking about politics and other bits of the humanities. It doesn't bring me pain to bring up co-ops or atheism, but it would have meant harsh treatment for the ancient epicureans.

>> No.4300608
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If you properly organise communal living that goes a long way in cutting your costs. Life can be lived a lot more cheaply if you really try and in such a case part time jobs would do the trick nicely if welfare isn't an option. Of course ideally, you would just retreat from society to some country house for as much as you can with your friends.

>> No.4300614
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Like was brought up in another thread. Mankind needs more real freedom. Bam. No more jobs crisis. Everybody has a 20 hour work week and has enough to live on, attend free schooling in whatever course, travel and dream. Roving intellectuals would result. Nothing even intellectually elite about it since anybody could get there.
My semi-utopian dream.

>> No.4300616

Wow, this is like reddit fuel in its purest form.

Expect to see it all over peoples twitter and facebook feeds.

"Ahhh my mom didn't buy me a ps4 this week. Not mad tho cuz Im a Stoic lollll :3"

It's not just a switch you flip for fuck sake. It pains me to hear the biggest losers talk about how everything is meaningless when PHILOSOPHY comes up and then whining about how hard their life is or just act like a general bedwetting bitch.

>> No.4300617

Another approach would be the basic income thing they're working on in Switzerland.

>> No.4300625

Well that's one approach. I'm rather glad plebs are reintroduced to their intellectual heritage and it's refreshing to see the Greeks mentioned rather than some new age nonsense. Of course it amounts to fuck all, but even people learning that Stoics are a thing and that philosophy isn't necessarily an ivory tower obscurantist academic circle jerk but also an art of living well can only be a good thing.

>> No.4300651

How's that going?

>> No.4300658

They collected enough signatures for a referendum so within a few years they'll have voted on it. And a referendum is binding there. So there's a decent hope it may go through. We can only hope, if it catches on and the idea spreads to other countries it's next renaissance time.

>> No.4300660

Good luck to them. Has there been any opinion polls?

>> No.4300664

When I was really young (around 10 years old) I remember seeing the word stoic in some game, I think it was Final Fantasy, and I convinced myself that the reason I didn't talk much or show much emotion to anyone was because I was "Stoic". Of course I didn't know anything about how it was a philosophy, just a word.

Anyway, I think there will be similiar misinterpretations by grown ass men and the elusive "fedora-neckbeard" and I look forward to seeing them.

>> No.4300670

I'm not sure, but there's plenty about the subject to be found online and there are associated movements in the EU and even in the States and such. There have also already been small scale experiments with it which seemed to work out neatly.

>> No.4300674

I'll look into it then. There was some talk about this guaranteed income in my social circle a few weeks ago, but I didn't think much of it.

>> No.4300678

It just as an accepted different use these days. Just like cynical, epicurean, platonic and sceptic. We've raped them all into caricatures.

>> No.4300730

sounds like a form of hedonistic monasticism, pretty fucking good to be honest

>> No.4300855

Yes, that's pretty much what it comes down to. If you listen to the podcasts posted above you get a good sense of how nuanced Epicurean hedonism is.

>> No.4302749

It's been organised by students from my university but there's been no promotion for it around campus, how odd.

>> No.4302785

It's just gonna lead to a bunch of idiots posting vanity shit on facebook.

The fundamental idea is dumb. People can't just change their entire behaviour overnight, it's just gonna lead to a bunch of idiots posting vanity shit on facebook.

I hope it flops, I don't think I can bear the wave of internet gamer guys bragging about how they've always been a stoic at heart or curlbros making it out to be part of their new warrior training philosophy.

>> No.4302855


>> No.4302994
File: 49 KB, 600x314, charlie-sheen-ferris-bueller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People can't just change their entire behaviour overnight
Who's asking anyone to do that?
>I can['t] b[are] the wave of internet gamer guys bragging about how they've always been a stoic
Maybe you ought to spend a little less time worrying about what other "curlbros" are doing and spend a little more time worrying about yourself.
Hey, maybe somebody will learn something. Your take on things is to do nothing for fear of failure. Pretty chicken shit if you'd asked me.
>idiots posting vanity shit on facebook.
>idiots posting vanity shit on facebook.

>> No.4303001 [DELETED] 

It's being organised by PhD students and academics at one of the UK's top universities...

>> No.4303026

>Who's asking anyone to do that?

It's the whole point.
People are encouraged to "live like a Stoic" for seven days. That's a pretty large demand.

>Your take on things is to do nothing for fear of failure.
Why can't people just keep living without being prompted into action by Stoic Week?

>Your take on things is to do nothing for fear of failure. Pretty chicken shit if you'd asked me.

In fact this entire little psychoanalysis screams of your own insecurity, fuck yourself.

>> No.4303057
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>That's a pretty large demand.
That's an exercise. How I took it anyway. Erase erase.
>Why can't people just keep living without being prompted into action by Stoic Week?
I think its voluntary.
>this entire little psychoanalysis screams of your own insecurity
I'm happily Epicurean. Though I do like the idea of our lost culture making some inroads with the kids.

>fuck yourself.
I'll see if I can find the time tonight, thanks.

>> No.4303060


>> No.4303092
File: 59 KB, 310x598, iloveyoujesuschrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Stoicism is for gaylords.

>> No.4303113
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What does your Epicurean practice constitute?

>> No.4303116


/mu/ pls go

>> No.4303139

Don't you see the elfin boy?

>> No.4303314

It's always /mu/culture that shits up our board, innit? Nothing substantial is ever said here anymore, save for in small, obscure intervals. The rest is just very forceful dogma centered around opinion.

>> No.4303673


>I'll see if I can find the time tonight, thanks.

>> No.4306288 [DELETED] 


>> No.4306343

>There were many schools of philosophy competing for followers in ancient Greece and Rome: Epicureans, Skeptics, Cynics. Few can claim to have thousands of active followers today, let alone their own Twitter and Facebook pages.
WHAT?? Followes on Twitter and Facebook? Fuck cynicism, how could I be so blind all this time...

>> No.4306352

>There were MANY schools of philosophy competing for followers in ancient Greece and Rome: Epicureans, Skeptics, Cynics... The list could go on.
Who the fuck wrote that article?

>> No.4306367

I don't think the modern use of the word cynical could really be called a charicature.

>> No.4306371

mental masturbation doesn't count

>> No.4306383

Live like cynic week would be far more fun/would lead to far more arrests for public indecency.

>> No.4306386

I have a pig flashlight for when then cops pull me over.

>> No.4306433

Stoicism naturally suits my personality so when I read up on stoicism, I realized I was already pretty much stoic.

>> No.4306451


>> No.4306483

The Abolition of Work.epub

>> No.4306491

i think i could benefit from this. i'm constantly worried about things and feel depressed but never do anything to make things better for myself. like i'll worry about an exam and rather than study i accept that i'm going to fail, and then when i bomb miserably i go into idgaf mode until something else comes up and i go back to worrying.

>> No.4306510


Wrong you stupid bitch.

>> No.4306554

When searching for the correction I settled. Too quickly evidently. It looks wrong to me still. "Bear" is the animal in my mind.

No need to insult. A simple correction is humbling enough.

>Bob Black, 1985
Oh yeah. Is this better stuff than Godwin or Kropotkin?

>> No.4306558

hi epicurean here watcha wanna no

>> No.4306673
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When did you decide to become an Epicurean? What changed from before? What do you actually do that other non epicureans don't?

>> No.4306691

>When did you decide to become an Epicurean?
~1 year ago

>What changed from before?
my motivation, abstinence and indifference towards other things shifted

>What do you actually do that other non epicureans don't?
value pleasure as the highest good, but not sensual pleasures with diminishing returns; im individualistic, theres no reason to believe that promoting the good for others is the good for ones self; materialistic view of the universe and free my mind from the fear of death

>> No.4306751
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I differ. Helping others is very rewarding. You can always go too far with that, and some will try to take advantage of you, but generally being helpful and kind gives its own returns and may just induce the people you've helped to return the favor.
I don't think abstinence is necessary. The part about surrounding yourself with friends can definitely include family/lovers.

>> No.4306843
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I agree, but Epicurus was abstinent, supposedly

Why not become a based cynic doge and have sex in the middle of the marketplace

>tfw no cynic gf to deface nomos with

I guess I'll have to settle for fapping in public and taking dumps in the middle of local college sporting events

>> No.4306914
File: 319 KB, 1275x1755, Pompeii_50-BC_Dionysiac-Mystery-Frieze_detail_Villa-of-the-Mysteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Epicurus was abstinent, supposedly
His loss. Hardly some kind of saint to be emulated exactly.
>Why not become a based cynic doge and have sex in the middle of the marketplace
Though I could blame my Christian upbringing, I believe in using a little decorum. It's mostly a private act for behind closed doors, but while in public a little, "necking" shall we say, out of the sight of the children (or more importantly the prudes) should be perfectly acceptable. But no handjobs on the nude beach please! ...Go behind those rocks young lovers. shew!

>> No.4306919

>But no handjobs on the nude beach please!

how absolutely bourgeois

>> No.4306948

I'm not sure you understand the philosophy of Epicurus. His main goal was not pleasure, but ἀταραξία (the closest word we could have in English being tranquility). And while he was for self-sufficiency (most philosophers at the time were), he would be appalled at the idea of not helping others. 'Vain is the word of a philosopher who does not heal the suffering of human beings.'

Yes, he believed in indifference as a good, and even went so far as to think that the Gods themselves were the supreme practitioners of it. But that does not mean that he is not cautious in regard to vice, in fact, he said that 'prudence is a more valuable thing that philosophy'. And that one should even go out of their way to avoid certain pleasures if they will also bring equal pains.

I'd argue that Epicurus would resemble more of a minimalist today than a sensualist. He preached above all a life free from pain and want, not of decadence, because pleasures were more profound when not hindered. Taken form his letter to Menoeceus: 'simple flavours provide a pleasure equal to that of an extravagant lifestyle when all pain and want is removed, and barley cakes and water provide the highest pleasure when someone in want takes them.'

I hope this helps your understanding of Epicurus.

>> No.4306965

Nude beaches are for family time, not sexy time.

>> No.4306967

the words abstinence, and indifference werent used there in the conventional sense and i suppose were ambiguous. I meant my attitude towards certain things

but yes by pleasure I don't mean libertine pleasure in the de sade sense of the term, but his sense which is fulfilling the gap between a primal desire like thirst and the satiation point - that is what epicurus' conception of pleasure was.

also that adage isn't relevant to his views, he's merely defining the term. epicurus did value friends as a primary constituent of the good life but he was by no means a utiliarian

> And that one should even go out of their way to avoid certain pleasures if they will also bring equal pains.
which is what I mentioned with diminishing returns

>than a sensualist.
I did not call him a sensualist, he is a hedonist still though in that he values pleasure as the highest good.

>> No.4306971

I already live very calmly. Its all just a smooth uninteresting ride to death and I'm bored of it. Can any of you point me toward a philosophy about doing whatever the fuck based on a fleeting feeling?

If I'm going to act differently for a week, I'd rather it be more like that.

>> No.4306973

ayn rand

>> No.4306978

Something less shit.
Just so I can at least pretend to myself that I'm cool.

>> No.4306983

nietzsche is stereotypically viewed through that looking glass but I haven't read any to know if it's accurate or not. If you already know what you want to do why do you need to read about it? reading a book about it would be one more care which is exactly what you dont want to be doing for a week

>> No.4306993

Hedonist stuff, like De Sade and also decandent writers and poets I guess

>> No.4307012

Because I am extremely weak willed and complacent. It'll be easier to force myself into it if I have some bullshit to regard as scripture.

De Sade could work quite well, actually..

>> No.4307014

Although you were quoted, not everything was directly targeted at you. You outright stated that you were not interested in sensual pleasures and you understood that pleasures can have negative returns. I would hope you would at least credit me with reading what you've written, I wanted to both comment on what you've said and also dispel some common misconceptions about Epicurus that, although not brought up by you, would be good to clear up in any discussion of him.

>I did not call him a sensualist
And I did not call him a utilitarian. You clearly understand how this kind of rhetoric works, so why allow yourself to use it but nobody else?

>> No.4307027
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Read The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner.

Then you will be free, maybe.

Deciding to be a Stoic or an Epicurean is pretty fucking gay and you might as well have wasted your life. All you are is a slave to some ideal made up by some greek pedophile faggot a long time ago who would probably be a liberal arts adjunct at a community college nowadays.

Make your own philosophy and live it. Feel free to be hypocritical and to have it be contradictory. That is fine.

If you are bored, why stay bored all of your life being a boring ass stoic which is basically just a belief system that helps you rationalize how much you love to be fucked in the ass (by life), and there is no good reason to reject impulse...you feel the impulse for a reason, because you want to break free of the chains.

Pic related, one of the greatest men of all time because he was able to articulate that feeling deep inside that wants to revolt against all things- the insurrection of the soul against everything.

Quote from Stirner you might like:

>What is not supposed to be my concern! First and foremost, the Good Cause, then God's cause, the cause of mankind, of truth, of freedom, of humanity, of justice; further, the cause of my people, my prince, my fatherland; finally, even the cause of Mind, and a thousand other causes. Only my cause is never to be my concern. "Shame on the egoist who thinks only of himself!"

>> No.4307046

Somebody on /lit/ recommended me this book nearly a year ago, since then I haven't been reading much and completely forgot about it. I'll definitely check it out this time.

>> No.4307054

lmfao this bitch pussy thinks stoicism and egoism isn't the goddest of god tier combinations


oh wow you read the very first sentence of ego you must be so well-read

fuck off stoicism is for gods only. epicureanism is for faggots and there's nothing too wrong with stirner except for that his philosophy somehow lacks real vigor and the fact that his fanbase on lit is filled with cockeaters who don't even adhere to his words and are neets who live in dumpsters and have no incomes

>> No.4307070


Well I appreciate you calling me edgy, but I've read most of Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and modern day Stoics, and most of my life I've tried to live as a Stoic, but Stirner's egoism is objectively better.

If I hurt your feelings, just remember you can filter me and move on, hehe.

>> No.4307077

babe its ok

>> No.4307081


maybe we're meant to be together. check our dubs.

r u my qt stoic gf?

>> No.4307086
File: 23 KB, 569x428, 1379783121247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pretty much just proved the point of >>4307027

by stating that you choose a Stoic lifestyle, then you're being who you Want to be.

>> No.4307095

Wouldn't a NEET be the quintessential Stirnerist? It means you're rejecting ideology so much as to reect the fundamental purpose of living in our late capitalist society, to produce and consume. You've abandoned every possible spook to live a life of anime and vidya, subsiting on the bare minimum resources without any attachment to anything beyond your own sphere of entertainment. A 4chann NEET is nothing, not an oppressor nor a revolutionary, he believes nothing, worships nothing, the only proof he exists at all is purely scientific. He is a complete anomaly, something that doesn't reinforce or fight the system, only exists to please himself.

>> No.4307117


I think a lot of people are Stirnerites whether they are aware of Stirner's existence. They consciously choose to abandon spooks whether they know what a spook is or not.

The rest are involuntary egoists, and are dishonest cocksuckers, a few who can be made aware and most who can't.

Anyways, your post reminded me of a scene in Bad Lieutenant:

Harvey Keitel is making a joke about a nun who got raped, talking about how the Catholic Church is a racket.
The other cops are like "Harvey, you're a fucking asshole, what are you?"
And he says "Catholic."

Lol'd so hard at that scene.

Also, Sisyphus is a bitch and that is why Stoicism fails. Only a bitch could find joy in being a bitch. Fuck that.

>> No.4307123

you are absolutely correct

i must love spooks

>> No.4307142


What do you mean by "there is no such thing as fate"?

>> No.4307156

He he's just a lazy loser

>> No.4307163
File: 81 KB, 554x440, Epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading this in a Germanic Dalek voice.
>Deciding to be a Stoic or an Epicurean is pretty fucking gay and you might as well have wasted your life
>Make your own philosophy and live it
I've always been this way. Trying to be something I wasn't was what gave me anxiety attacks. After I gave up the last bare concept of god and later found Epicurus [with this picture] I found out the best way to live.

>epicureanism is for faggots
Such a callus and close-minded generalization. You sound so agitated. I doubt you've ever even felt ataraxia.

>> No.4307179

I believe in free will and linear time.

>> No.4307183



>> No.4307214

>I doubt you've ever even felt ataraxia
of course i have, while on drugs

epicurus advocates being a fat lazy fuck with nothing to live for, not really my style

>> No.4307229
File: 126 KB, 800x475, dan_greene_1_42NDST(horizontal).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had my share of (actual) deja vú spells, but that little tick of the mind is the only hint at there being predestination. The sun will wink out of course, that's predestined. But I can't believe in fate of everyday actions, or so-and-so will be eaten by a lion.

It is a fun unknowable, because you can imagine it either way, unlike the other unknowables, space and time.

What remains of my faith is in myself and my will for my short time in this world. Stirner that.

>> No.4307241

what do you live for?

>> No.4307253

enough security to become an epicurean

that's long-term, in the meantime i just have to be the best

>> No.4307257
File: 211 KB, 1042x1314, dali_destino_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but I live for plenty. I still entertain all the big crazy dreams of my youth (and later additions) but I just don't worry (excessively) about them not coming true. I think you misunderstand a lot about it.
>While on drugs
Ecstasy? I thought about looking for some of that once. Don't think I need it.
My friends roommate offered me a bong hit, friend chimes in that I was naturally high already.
My art... I can emulate acid trips if I want. I am drugs.

>> No.4307258

pay no attention to >>4307253

he is an impostor

to answer your question, i live to shitpost on 4chan

>> No.4307269

the best at what?

>> No.4307290

well i have to worry excessively about everything that concerns me so i can get all the things i want accomplished, such as successfully shitposting on 4chan. stoicism + neuroticism isnt a bad combo

i guess ecstasy's great for 'ataraxia' at concerts, or large social gatherings in general. weed kinda works, except i don't smoke weed anymore because i turn schizo lelele, same with acid. shrooms are still great tho. the truest possible form of ataraxia is only found in heroin though. take some of that and become a real epicurean

everything duh

>> No.4307293

I don't really know anything about the stoics (or philosophy in general), is there a good entry level book?

>> No.4307304

>not being a Platonist

>> No.4307314

>i am drugs
dali dali dali

>> No.4307323
File: 63 KB, 378x569, 1224214656845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take some of that and become a real epicurean
Shit posting.
>i turn schizo
That right? Maybe from all the mind altering drugs. Silly Cyrenaics.

Nice podcasts here

>> No.4307358

wtf, another U of Exeter student posts on /lit/?
What do you study? econ here

>> No.4307362

>Maybe from all the mind altering drugs.
actually because of using my superpowers too much but whatever

>> No.4307363
File: 6 KB, 227x191, redpilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a complex blend of stirner, camus and epicurus

>> No.4307371

>epicurus advocates being a fat lazy fuck with nothing to live for, not really my style
That is completely wrong. You're conflating Epicureanism with the modern-day conception of hedonism. Epicurus would compare your point to a child doing something reckless and becoming ill or badly injured because of it: they were chasing happiness, but failed to consider eudaimonia, so all they caught was misery.

>> No.4307404

>so all they caught was misery.
"All" who? The The reckless hedonists?

Through ataraxia I attain eudaimonia
Through tranquility I attain happiness

>> No.4307473

why not Aristotle?
>dat eudaimonia

>> No.4307712


I can get behind not necessarily believing in circular and pre-destined time, but does that give the opposite? It's a bit like the difference between being an agnostic and an atheist.

>> No.4307752

>"All" who?
Is your reading comprehension really that poor?
>Epicurus would compare your point to a child
It isn't necessarily recklessness, that's just the metaphor. The point is that Epicureanism wasn't preaching blind pursuit of pleasure, it was saying that wisdom is knowing the best pleasures and attaining them-- and that is wise happiness. If you pursue only pleasures of the moment, you can ruin or preclude better possible pleasures.
The person I was quoting was citing a ridiculous version of Epicurus'ideas.

>> No.4308209
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>> No.4308657

Daily reminder that I can enjoy sexuality, good food, fashion etc without being a 'reckless hedonist', whatever that means

>> No.4308666

No, the /pol/ice won't allow it!

>> No.4309852
File: 26 KB, 460x276, Walt-Whitman-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never sounded sane to me. What draws you (or whoever's about) to it?

Sounds perfectly reasonable.

>Is your reading comprehen-
It was said to draw your argument out, an "explain yourself" comment.