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/lit/ - Literature

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4291155 No.4291155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1: Is there a disproportionate number of homosexual writers? ( A larger percent of writers who are gay than you would expect looking at percentage of gays in general population.)

2: If you believe so, what do you think could be an explanation for this?

>> No.4291159

Writing is often inspired by negative emotions, and being gay is tough.

>> No.4291162

I'd say every single acclaimed male writer with few exceptions is at minimum bisexual minus a few right wing nut bags (looking at you Kant). \
>creativity comes from pain, not from being an accepted sheep in society.

>> No.4291164


>> No.4291165
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I think at some point (the second half of the XIXth century and the beggining of the XXth), being an homosexual, or at least trying it as an experiment, was just hype in artistic circles.

>> No.4291169


>> No.4291176

I think sexuality is less binary among introspective demographics.

>> No.4291181


>> No.4291190

>Every acclaimed writer sucks cock
Why? You can't tell a story without wanting to fuck dudes?

>> No.4291402

Is there a disproportionate number of pedophile writers?

>> No.4291407

>my clichés

OP, the answer is no.

>> No.4291411

I'd say there are quite a few.

>> No.4291413

>The Greeks


>> No.4291421

What's up with pederasty in artists?

Even among pedophile artists, there seems to be a much larger amount of gay pedophiles than straight ones.

>> No.4291432

I think there are more gay pedophiles than straight pedophiles in general.

>> No.4291433

I wouldn't say there's a disproportionate number of gay writers.

But the answer would be 'institutionalised buggery at English schools and universities' if there were.

>> No.4291446

Homosexuality is a choice and writers are experimental people.

>> No.4291584

Women can, and do.

>> No.4291586

This isn't /pol/. When did you choose to be heterosexual?

>> No.4291589

I think we'll see this trend lessen as the need for a cant self destructs in /s4s/

>> No.4291590

YES! This!

>> No.4291596



>> No.4291751

Gay people are more creative than their straight counterparts. They're more interested in the arts. They understand the world better through both a male and female and outsider perspective. They're often not/can't be interested and bound by frivolous pastimes of heterosexuals like marriage and children. Oppression is often the breeding ground for alternative ways of thinking and being.

>> No.4291799

That's not necessarily true. I know plenty of fags who are materialistic/ill-tempered/childish/stupid. Having a deviant sexual tendency does not make you wiser than anyone else.

>> No.4291872

Yes, yes it does. Die cis scum.

>> No.4292182


>> No.4292260
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>They're often not/can't be interested and bound by frivolous pastimes of heterosexuals like marriage and children
>the very thing that forms society is frivolous
>fags are literally pestering the world to let them adopt little niggers

>> No.4292282

>Implying I would ever adopt anything other than a blue eyed blond haired aryan god or goddess.

>> No.4292462

not true actually, ive read a book about it

>> No.4292467

They are gluttons. Simple as that. Their lifestyle revolves around the idea of conscious sexuality.

>> No.4292474

I don't think there's a disproportionate number, no. It's just that there are some REALLY good gay writers that make up for all the other ones

aka Wilde, Verlaine, Rimbaud

>> No.4292577
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I'm supposed to be heterosexual but sometimes I do gay stuff that scare my friends.

I think this is because I don't like to feel constrained by anything; gender, social conventions, responsibilities...

Too bad other people are, indeed, constrained and think less of me when I do gay shit.

>> No.4292594

You're hanging onto the doorknob, buddy.

>> No.4292728

what does that mean?

>> No.4292841

That you have restraint. People will tell you it is a bad thing and that you aren't being "true to yourself" or that you are denying your feeling, but honestly it is restraint to not submit to your every little feeling.

>> No.4292878

I thought it was a sexuallity, fuck english voy directo a hablar español

>> No.4293017

The fuck are you talking about, dude?
¿De qué mierda estás hablando?

>> No.4293021

>You're hanging onto the doorknob, buddy.
al español, pequeño anoninegro.

>> No.4293052

>>Every acclaimed writer sucks cock
>Why? You can't tell a story without wanting to fuck dudes?
Just to reiterate, I firmly believe that the vast majority of male writers through history were at least bi. Its just not something that interest heterosexuals except the boring shit like doing censuses (think things STEM majors would write in antiquity). I tried for years to think that this was intolerant and overly-generalized but there is just way, way too much homoerotic subtext in such a wide-variety of literature.

>> No.4293057

That too. Most famous writers were drunks, druggies, or both, people who wrote the New and Old Testament included. You don't write the fucking Bhagavad Gita because you are sober and bored.

>> No.4293060

Wait I'm a total plebe, but there's an openly gay writer named RIMbaud? What does he write about?

>> No.4293064

Why does this "Scare" your friends. How in God's name does that affect them and why are they so concerned about what you stick your dick in? Also, A/S/L?

>> No.4293078

But anon, how else are you going to earn tolerance cred?

Here's the joke-------------------->

And about |here|, your heads.

>> No.4293182

You can, but it's not easy to do without some sort of trauma or mental instability. Every great writer has had some mental or social problem or another.

>> No.4293287

>Telling stories in the written word is just not something that interests heterosexuals
>Around 95%~ of the population
That's not convincing by itself.

>but there is just way, way too much homoerotic subtext in such a wide-variety of literature.
Could it be possible confirmation bias is influencing your view, man.

>> No.4293339

I just pretend to be tolerant like every other lefty. In reality I wish I were a super-tall blue eyed blond Scandinavian with no body hair and that perfect swimmer's build.

>> No.4293341

Confirmation bias is influencing my view. By any chance, are you gay?

>> No.4293357

And I wish I was a qt p2t fashionable swedish girl but life had other plans.

Thus I advocate for adaptation.

>> No.4293521

No. I guess you'd be justified in leveling the oppositely slanted confirmation bias against me.

>> No.4293554

It's not about being gay per se. It's about being introspective and being given a shit alottment.

Introspective + Exile = Joyce
Introspective + Jew = Anne Frank
Introspective + Gay = Wilde


>> No.4293568

>back to /lgbt/ with you tranny

>> No.4293760

There are no more homosexual writers than hetero ones.

It's just they are far more overrated

>> No.4293975

No need for that, I accepted being a man.

>> No.4293985

Thank god this board is so tolerant and nice. Notice the lack of ad hominem around here compared to EVERY OTHER board? The lack of trolls and spam. Its so peaceful. I went over to /lgbt/ and decided on a lark to join a chatroom I guess they have and was having a pleasant chat with a mtf about what she should wear this evening and some bearded military veteran comes in complaining about how his PTSD is real and bad and he deals with it like a man and that I'm a weak flaming faggot who needs to not take pills (I have an autoimmune disease) and convinces the moderator of the chat to ban me. Some people really are just cruel and intolerant and don't realize it, gay or straight, male or female. Someone posted earlier that Marx was the second-most important modern author after the author of the Bible and I think I agree to an extent because his message ultimately was that people were mistreating each other and that the world would be a better place if they stopped. He may not have understood how, or may have been naive in suggesting how easy it would be to fix the inequities of treatment, but his message was a simple one of treating others well and that is why it has lasted the test of time. Long live /lit/

>> No.4294008

i dunno. why? most gay writers dont write strictly about gay stuff. its not like an african writer who focuses on the racial aspect.

>> No.4294023

As for talentless internet hacks it might seem like there are a lot of homosexual writers since they're all very clique-y and jerk each other off over stupid lowercase poems with random linebreaks and such other artsy literature they write. Same goes for artists, look at any drawfag thread on any board, any tumblr group, deviantart, all a bunch of fucked up homos who form a big snowball.

As for ones who wrote classics or got published or just have actual talent, the spotlight is on the homo aspect a lot more. People saying that adversity made them creative souls as opposed to the soulless hetero sheep are morons, and basically the sexuality of the authors is dragged in to make points in arguments.

>> No.4294044

>and being gay is tough.
is it really?

>> No.4294067


>> No.4294077
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>this is what special snowflakes actually believe

>> No.4294079

This is blatantly false.

>> No.4294084

lel @ all the jelly breeders itt

>> No.4294094

It's just so fucking annoying to see that shit.
Seems like homos do it just so people will eventually point to them and say "gays are cool, they are better at [artistic discipline] than any hetero sheeple".
Ugh, you are not special because you like being fucked in the ass.

This will sound crazy but I'm not too fond of tolerance.
I believe it breeds terrible things.
>Marx was the second-most important modern author after the author of the Bible and I think I agree to an extent
Relevant? Yes.
Important as in he deserves to be important? kek no

>> No.4294097

There a many great gay writers. Tennessee Williams, Oscar Wilde, David Foster Wallace and Walt Whitman to name a few.

Gay people lead tough lives which, of course, leads to great writing.

>> No.4294126

It isn't now, but it used to be.

>> No.4294141

>le postgay utopian faggot face

>> No.4294155

because it suits the lifestyle

*Most writers are broke as fuck for a lot of their lives, women don't want to go near them or don't earn enough to provide for both

*introverts arent attractive

*artists are usually gay for some reason

*they understand women's motivations and are disgusted by them as a result

*they like cock in their ass

>> No.4294334

Literature is somewhat inherently degenerate as it's not producing a physical good

Homosexuals don't produce children and are inherently degenerate

Hence, some artists may be gay as they're not producing something, only using things to create

I would argue more that creatively successful people might tend towards celibacy because of the focus and concentration required for creating good things - and sex is a direction of creative physical power towards other channels

>> No.4294357

since when is homosexuality a choice?

>> No.4294370

kind of

>> No.4294404
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I'll post this again until it gets popular.

>> No.4294411

wow what a stupid thread

first of all gay cis males unfortunately can't understand femininity

saying that they were gay for experiment omg wtf remember when people got killed for being gay?

>> No.4294413
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lmao dude

>> No.4294422

>gay writers
>David Foster Wallace

>> No.4294441


There SEEMS to be a lot of homosexual writers because Queer Theory and Gender studies got started up as a department in the last thirty years. They're doing queer readings of everybody and everything, and they're also building systems of promotion for non-heterosexual writers, living or dead.

>> No.4294446

>"omg wtf remember when people got kill"

>> No.4294508

I think that writers and artists in general tend to be amoral hedonstic fuckers who bugger little boys and suck eachothers dicks all the time. The one exception to this is Russia, where happiness doesn't exist and sex is only a means for reproductive ends

Its always been one, the modern idea about homosexuality is only around as a reaction against recent treatment of gays and the idea that it isn't a choice has been largely pushed without scientific evidence by the gay lobby.

>implying it isnt painfully obvious when a writer is good and when they're only being recomended because they're a faggot/black/poor

I'd argue that for most modern gays it's largely because they make their lives tough

>> No.4294571

He was as gay as Christmas.

>> No.4294827

>I'd argue that for most modern gays it's largely because they make their lives tough
>lel u r oppressing urselves le faggot