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/lit/ - Literature

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4291017 No.4291017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The Three Musketeers
>not three
>no muskets

>> No.4291208

d'Artagnan doesn't count durrr

>> No.4291220
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>Infinite Jest
>has an ending
>is mostly serious

>> No.4291234

>to kill a mocking bird
>no tequila

>> No.4291240

>Waiting for Godot

>> No.4291245

What are you complaining about? There was plenty of waiting in that show.

>> No.4291249

<it's about a man named stoner

>> No.4291257

>divine comedy
>isn't actually funny

>> No.4291260
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>> No.4291266
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>The Fountainhead
>No fountains

>> No.4291267

>Nietzsche wrote constantly about strength
>was a weak, sick little bitch his whole life

>> No.4291268

>he doesn't know what comedìa means.

>> No.4291273


We're still waiting for the punchline in his joke. Get it?

>> No.4291274

>A Clockwork Orange
>Not about the inner workings of an artificial fruit

>> No.4291276
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He was the original fantasy nerd

Almost all fantasy revolves around themes of extraordinary powers and characters of great strength, yet the people who are most attracted to it are the exact opposite - skinny, anti-social nerds.

>> No.4291278

>Don Quixote
>actually pronounce kih- hoe-tay


>> No.4291284

>he hates jokes

>> No.4291286

>Ender's Game
>It's all real

>> No.4291288

>All the Pretty Horses
>no mlp

>> No.4291289

>no greek gods having sex with mortals

>> No.4291302

>eat pray love

>there is no eating, praying or loving

>> No.4291311
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>World's Fair
>no it most certainly is not

>> No.4291320

>The Stranger
>Actually well-liked and relatable

>> No.4291325
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>he is ma nigga

>> No.4291326

>actually pronounce kih- hoe-tay

Well, at least in England they say QUICK-sote like the cultural arbiters they are.

>> No.4291333

>The Missionary Position
>no sex to speak of

>> No.4291345
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>the main character has the same name as the author

>> No.4291347

>World fair
>not World
>no fair

>> No.4291351

>the main character is an author
>the main character has the same birthday as the author

>> No.4291357

>Has no character named Ulysses

>> No.4291358

>Fahrenheit 451
>actually ambient temperature

>> No.4291365

What is going on in this thread?

>> No.4291371
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>didn't fall over a bundle of sticks

>> No.4291376



>No Ham

>> No.4291378
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>book about an author with wrighters block
>the book make up lots of terrible random shit all the time

>> No.4291379

>is actually a human being

>> No.4291382
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>Cien años de soledad
>actually very accompanied

>> No.4291383

>Catcher in the Rye
>no baseball

>> No.4291390

>person posting on /lit/
>is nearly illiterate

>> No.4291393
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>well-organized, grammatical, conventionally formatted

>> No.4291397


>no sandwich either

>> No.4291400

well i do have dyslexia
what's your point?

>> No.4291405
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David Wong?

>> No.4291409

>El señor presidente
He is a dictator.

>> No.4291410
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That's not an excuse.

You're the same as those cripples who think its ok to spend their whole lives in a wheelchair just because "their legs don't work".

Don't be a pussy. Get out of your wheelchair, faggot.

>> No.4291416

yesyesyes, but what was the mistake i made?

>> No.4291427

>An American Tragedy
>a novel

>> No.4291441

>Norwegian Wood
>no bulking tall chiseled nordic men
>with 'wood'

>> No.4291447

>Simulacra and Simulation
>not a guidebook on how to play the Sims

>> No.4291450

>Everything Is Illuminated
>one hundred percent words

>> No.4291452

>no reaganomics

>> No.4291462

>Michel Foucault's 'History of Sexuality, Vol 2.: The Use of Pleasure'
>not a pick up artist guidebook on how to use pleasure to manipulate bitches

>> No.4291479

>pick up ee cumming's collection of poetry
>no poetry
>just white space and words and brackets
>is actually source code of a Python program

>> No.4291495

>lord of the rings
>story revolves around a ring. *a* ring

>> No.4291500

>Tao Lin's "Eee eee eee"
>no mention of ee cummings anywhere

>> No.4291512

What? The book is called 'The Lord of the Ring', not rings. That shit was done by Jackson's movies.

>> No.4291520



it's rings in plural because Sauron had other rings made that he then gave out to people to gain control over them

>> No.4291526

I could definitely write a paper on how Foucault was really just subversively instructing people on how to be sexual deviants under the guise of complaining about social orthodoxy.

>> No.4291530

>Less than Zero
>not a helpful textbook for physics class on absolute zero, lab experiment procedures or the discovery of the Bose Einstein condensate

>> No.4291531

>pick up Python's V.
>no coding
>just text
>is actually a novel

>> No.4291547


I get you're joke, but your wrong

>> No.4291548

he was the lord of more than one

>> No.4291554

fun fact: he was actually going to call it The Lord of the Ring at one point

>> No.4291555

>is not capitalist

>> No.4291561

>Das Kapital
>not Das Racist's new song

(nice trips)

>> No.4291566

>durr the only strength i understand is physical strength.

>> No.4291569

>>Das Racist's new song
i thought das racist was kill

>> No.4291576

>The Fault in Our Stars
>not an women's magazine astrology book that would allow me to blame my shortcomings on fate instead of taking responsibility for them

>> No.4291603
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>Naked Lunch
>No one eats undressed at noon

>> No.4291606

The title of that book has always, does, and will always bother me as a child I always assumed there was like a scene in it involving food and nudity, seriously.

>> No.4291610

this one has always bothered me a lot more than anything reasonably should

>> No.4291631

>Less Than Zero
>title actually truthful

>> No.4291632
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>> No.4291635

Does Ferdinand Bardamu count?

>> No.4291637

>The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea
>not a good idea to read to children even though it sounds like a children's picture book

>> No.4291639

Hello sunhawk.

>> No.4291650

>The moon is a harsh mistress
>Even in this fantasy world, the moon still keeps being just a satellite, albeit now populated.

>> No.4291668
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>> No.4291672

>Mine Camp
>Hitler never goes to a Mine Camp

>> No.4291676

>'The Trial'
>not a pop psychology current social memoir about the OJ Simpson trial

>> No.4291687

>The Atrocity Exhibition
>not about the series finale of Dexter

>> No.4291688

>Moby Dick

I was most disappointed.

>> No.4291691

>The jungle book
>no book

>> No.4291694

>more than five chapters

>> No.4291709

>A Scanner Darkly
>not about unconstitutional surveillance of Muslims and biased prosecution of black people

>> No.4291711
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>> No.4291726


Funfact: Certain systems can exhibit negative temperatures and counterintuitively are actually hotter than any system with a positive temperature.

>> No.4291732

gravity's rainbow
>no gravity rainbow

>> No.4291766

I had a guy who insisted on bringing that book to 10th grade English in hardcover everyday to read while he was 5 minutes early for class. He ended up being buttdevastated when he got rejected from Harvard and "had" to go to Princeton. He is an awful spoiled brat and so now I just automatically think poorly of anyone who discusses or reads Pynchon as belonging to his own brand (the kid from high school) of shy smug arrogance.

>> No.4291789

It's just Keroac's schizophrenic word salad.

>> No.4291792

>Lord of the Flies
>Distinct lack of insectoid feudalism

>> No.4291800

so tl;dr you're a cunt?

>> No.4291868

What kind of razor do you use to obtain that sharp of an edge?

>> No.4291879

it's magically obscure

>> No.4291893

Do you wish to know so you can shave your cunt pubes?

>> No.4292010

>House of Leaves
>The house isn't made out of leaves

>> No.4292045

But the book is made of leaves because leaves are pages.

>> No.4292070

>mfw there was 7 of them


>> No.4292086
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>more sociable than me

>> No.4292135

>notes from the underground
>not a scientific observation of sub-terrestrial conditions

>> No.4292183

Did you actual read the book? There are all three. The book is divided into three sections. First the whore stuffs her face, then goes and gets enlightened (non-vaginally) then goes somewhere else and gets enlightened (vaginally).

>> No.4292191

My large, jewish, penis, is already properly groomed with regards to localized hair, but thank you for your kind offer, good sir.

>> No.4292257

>999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
>there isnt a nine hour limit
>there are more than nine persons
>there are more than nine doors

>> No.4292850


>the book make up terrible random shit

>> No.4292869

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>not painting at all

>> No.4292886

>large, jewish, penis,

>> No.4292892
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>the apology
>he don' apologize fuh sheeyit

>> No.4292894

>Roland Barthes 'S/Z'
>not about witch house vapor wave

>> No.4292896
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> Norwegian wood
> not about Scandinavian Trees

>> No.4292907
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>> No.4292912

>Of Mice and Men
>actually about rabbits and men

>> No.4292913

>not /tv/ fanfic about Emma Watson

>> No.4292919
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>> No.4292925

Yeah, because Nietzsche sure had all that mental fortitude.

>> No.4292933

>Infinite Jest
>it's finite
>no jest

>Moby Dick
>no dick

>brave new world
>no braveness

>> No.4292935

Kill yourself.

>> No.4293189

>confirmed for not knowing shit about shit.

>> No.4293223

>Lord of the Flies
>Beelzebub is not a primary character

>> No.4293230

It was Brave at the ending for them to escape. The novel is a double entendre that the people inside the dystopia consider it a "Brave New World" but those escaping are those (in the author's eyes) who truly are experiencing a Brave New World. Did you even read it? Also, I would just stay in the Dystopia in that book. It sounded good to me.

>> No.4293231

>To Kill a Mockingbird
>The only "mockingbirds" killed are a black guy and a creepy Baptist shut-in (and he isn't even killed)

>> No.4293271

So you are saying the title should be either To Kill Mockingbirds or To Kill 2 People.

>> No.4293278

>Every Man Dies Alone
>mass genocide

>> No.4293286

>The Stranger
>I actually knew the guy.

>> No.4293292

>Death of a salesman
>Actually about his life, right before death

>> No.4293295

>gone with the wind
>no balloons

>> No.4293297

>the grapes of wrath
>no grapes, just wrath

>> No.4293299

>the naked ape
>all apes are naked, but this book talks about humans

>> No.4293314

>All strength is innate and physical hurr

>> No.4293321


I legit thought the title was "tequila mockingbird" for most of my childhood

>> No.4293323
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>The Machinery of Freedom
>No machinery

>> No.4293326

>White Castle
>w-w-where's Harold and Kumar?

>> No.4293328

Yes? What about it?

>> No.4293354


The manservants don't count as musketeers.

>> No.4293398

>full metal alchemist
>2/5 metal at best

>> No.4293580

>''The Wasteland'
>not journalism or expose about the area surrounding Fukushima

>> No.4293595

> The Great Gatsby
> Not great enough to win an Oscar

>> No.4293601
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>Notes From The Underground
>Is a series of notes, written underground

>> No.4293606

Hey guys I made it!

>> No.4293610

>not written by a ghost

>> No.4293611

kek, ignore reply

>> No.4294550

This. Fucking this. And Edward Elric has the nerve to be annoyed when people think his brother is the Fullmetal Alchemist.

>> No.4294581

>Moby dick
>no bald techno penis

>> No.4294584

>using Python
>not glorious C

>> No.4294661

>still using C.

it's 2013, c++ has been out for 30 years already, time to catch up.

>inb4 ignorant "c++ is a terrible language" rant.

>> No.4294676

Yeah, but an Obfuscated C++ Code Contest would be hopeless.

>> No.4295321

>Brief History of Time
>not about Time Warner Cable

>> No.4295374
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get out.

>> No.4295381

>No drugs
>Just a very sad story about very sad people

>> No.4295441

>To kill a mocking bird
>no mocking bird ever killed... Only a dog with rabies... And Trayvon...

>> No.4295533


Obligatory 'his middle name is Melville and is apparently related' post

>> No.4295578

>The Scarlet Letter
>my copy was grayscale from cover to cover

>> No.4295631

>Doesn't shake
>Isn't spear

>> No.4295678

>the outsider
>is popular

>> No.4295946

>The Brothers Karamazov
>gives me nothing to use for following our pattern here

>> No.4295951


>> No.4295963

>the sun also rises
>no sunrise mentioned not even once

>> No.4295971

>The Brothers Karamazov
>not a rag tag comedy adventure about two brothers in modern russia running insurance scams and thwarting dash cams

>> No.4295974

>Games of Thrones
>Just one throne.

>> No.4295980

I lol'd so hard

>> No.4295983

>nobody is catching the number 22

>> No.4295985

>Steal This Book

>> No.4296027

>The Alchemist
>I am not rolling in gold

>> No.4296025

>large jewish penis

>> No.4296028

>The Name of the Rose
>Never tells you what the rose is called.

>> No.4296032

>What To Expect When You're Expecting
>I'm male

>> No.4296036

>O Pioneers!
>several pioneers!

>> No.4296038

>Farewell to Arms
>Not about a double amputee

>> No.4296051

>Of Mice and Men
>not Richard Gere's memoir

>> No.4296052

>The Hunger Games
>would have been funnier if used communist soviet union or communist china as the settings

>> No.4296063
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You ruined it.

>> No.4296062

>The Odyssey
>not a Honda minivan owner's manual

>> No.4296064

>David Copperfield
>no disappearing elephant

>> No.4296067

>not a board game guide

>> No.4296069

>no marijuana

>> No.4296075

>East of Eden
>not about Persia

>> No.4296080
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>Candide, or optimism

>> No.4296082


This can be retired now.
Step it up.

>> No.4296087

>Much Ado About Nothing
>not a history of 4cham

>> No.4296086

>not about a Stone

>> No.4296095

>The Time Machine
>just as effective as that other 'time machine' I ordered online that electrocuted my loins

>> No.4296097

>not about the death of St. Stephen

>> No.4296105

>not about the Stoner Building at Leeds University

>> No.4296108

>The Awakening
>soporific as the live long day

>> No.4296110


>not about an Old Testament executioner

>> No.4296114

>Vanity Fair
>no, I don't think it is

>> No.4296118

>Lord of the Rings
>is a community

>> No.4296122

>A Orange Colckwork
>no Clockworks
>no Orange
>no Orange Clockworks

>> No.4296123

>The Scarlet Pimpernel
>not a bio of Nelson Mandela's early days running the streets of Capetown in his sweet crimson threads

>> No.4296128

>The Two Towers
>on second thought never mind

>> No.4296135

>no Russian gardening

>> No.4296138

>The Joy of Sex
>yeah right, sex is icky and gross

>> No.4296142

>Atlas Shrugged
>so did I

>> No.4296145

>Far from the Madding Crowd
>but they're still here

>> No.4296148


>not a sequel to The Moonstone

>> No.4296151

>The Prince and the Pauper
>not about a diminutive Minnesota rocker and a zit squeezer

>> No.4296166

>As I Lay Dying
>I don't know, I've been too healthy to read it yet

>> No.4296176


>Little Men
>not a history of 4clan

>> No.4296177

>nothing in it actually happened in 1984

>> No.4296184

>Tales of the Black Widowers
>All white
>Wives all alive
>Tales come from their guests

>> No.4296188

>not a guide to ridding your house of insect pests

>> No.4296193

>no tiny pictures of mythical creatures

>> No.4296194

>Bartelby, The Scrivener
>I could come up with something, but...

>> No.4296197

>Love in the Time of Cholera
>still waiting for the sequel Love in the Time of the 80s AIDS epidemic

>> No.4296201

>Cat's Cradle
>the cat refused to use it and scratched me

>> No.4296207

>The Birds
>nothing about Hitchcock movies, just some city in the clouds

>> No.4296212

>The Mill on the Floss
>nothing about dental care

>> No.4296221

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>not a memoir of [someone you think is stupid]

>> No.4296226
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> Being sick
>> keep working a lot
> No one read his books
>> keep writing
>>> still becoming a great influence

>sick little bitch

>> No.4296228

>White Noise
>not an album by American Football

>> No.4296241

>still fucking awesome

>> No.4296242

>not in English I bet

>> No.4296249

>Swann's Way
>never tells how much they do

>> No.4296255
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>before it was mainstream

>> No.4296256

>Dead Souls
>Saducee heresy

>> No.4296263

>A Passage to India
>no character called A Passage to India

>> No.4296265

>The main character was actually flat

>> No.4296273

>The Red and the Black
>not a strategy guide for checkers

>> No.4296279

>The Works of Kipling
>I still don't know how to kiple

>> No.4296282

>The Quiet American
>yeah right

>> No.4296290

>The Complete Short Stories
>they all leave things out

>> No.4296292

>A Good Man Is Hard To Find
>not a history of 4can

>> No.4296296

>Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
>spoiler alert gah

>> No.4296303

>Breakfast of Champions
>did not provide the energy to power me through my morning

>> No.4296309

not quite but almost

>> No.4296318

oh come on there was lots of loneliness and the point is THE FAMILY spending a 100 years of loneliness

>> No.4296321

>no photograph either
>not even a pencil sketch

>> No.4296322

>The Waves
>not a guide to convivial hand motions

>> No.4296330

>How Green Was My Valley
>yeah, I'm skipping this one too

>> No.4296331

>Of Mice and Men
>doesn't have any mice

>> No.4296334

>Journal of the plague year
>not the chronicle of a newfag

>> No.4296335

>Swiss Family Robinson
>family isn't called Robinson
>no Swiss people are called Robinson

>> No.4296337

>I Capture the Castle
>more like I Get Arrested for Harassing the Queen, Which Turns Out To Be a Serious Crime

>> No.4296342

>Turn of the Screw
>No screws get turned

>> No.4296343

>The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
>not a bio of a sexy sexy Welsh crooner

>> No.4296356

>Imitation of Christ
>Not a manual for impersonation

>> No.4296368

>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>no flying
>no cuckoos
>no nests

>> No.4296369

>The Sorrows of Young Werther
>not about the guy and the candies

>> No.4296373


>It's set in a castle.

>> No.4296386

>not a bio about rockin out, walkin this way, and oh you get the idea

>> No.4296388

>The Brothers Karamazov
>about the The Karamazov Brothers
>should be called The Karamazov Brothers

>> No.4296392

But they do have muskets. They use the muskets a bunch when they're on campaign.

Also, d'Artagnan isn't a musketeer until the very end of the book. The whole thing is about him trying to get that job.

>> No.4296399

>The Godfather
>nothing to do with pizza

>> No.4296407

>And then there were none
>Except the bitch who was killing all of them...

>> No.4296410

>no screenshots of hardcore pornography

>> No.4296420
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Do you even Funeral baked meats?

>> No.4296432

There's a whole chapter on dick.
Joke's on you.

>> No.4296439

>not a guide to decorating your friend's trees with toilet paper

>> No.4296470

>/lit/ - Literature
>not literature

>> No.4296666

>A Song of Ice and Fire
>none of the songs reference ice and fire

>> No.4296703
File: 156 KB, 774x1032, spiderman_kissing_spider_woman__colour_version_by_skoolnik-d6emukr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The kiss of the Spider Woman
Spider-Woman doesn't even appears

>> No.4297323

>The Jane Austen Book Club
>not a history of /lit/

>> No.4297406

10/10 would watch

>> No.4297424

No we don't, we do however say 'quicksotic'

>> No.4297426

Not true.
Seastone chair
Iron throne
Eastern throne of Daeneris
The chair on which green seer tree thing sits beyond the wall

>> No.4297430

>No one actually does trainspotting

>> No.4297434

Maybe he means about someone who can't make a wheel, don't be previous.

>> No.4297453

>one of the best english novels
>not even in english

>> No.4297477

> Trainspotting
> Irvine Welsh
> Actually Scottish

>> No.4297485
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>Irvine Welsh
>"He is the best thing that has happened to English writing for decades"
>implying english doesn't refer to all inhabitants of the UK as a whole

>> No.4297493

That would be british m8

>> No.4297514


We also say 'quick-SOT-ic' for the adjectival form. But I've heard a speaker of British English (on the Beeb, even) say 'QUICK-sote'.

>> No.4297521 [DELETED] 

>reading teddy roosevelt biography
>3 hours later
>it was just the prologue

>> No.4297550

Let me rephrase.
> Welsh
> Not from Wales

>> No.4297982

>i, robot
>the writer is human

>skeleton crew
>no stories about skeletons

>> No.4297986

gr8 b8 mate, dem scots cunts sure do hate being classed alongside us glorious queens race.

>> No.4297992

There were probably some mice, but they weren't mentioned by the author.
Just realized that every character in Skeleton Crew had a skeleton inside them.

>> No.4298005
File: 278 KB, 1173x1600, Damascus_COV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not set in Syria

>> No.4298023

there was football in the beginning though

>> No.4298026

>The Guns of The South
>they're actually from China

>> No.4298305

>Mt. Analogue
>The very point of the story is that the mountain is different from all mountains

>> No.4298328

>Updike's Rabbit series
>no gruesome scenes of animal cruelty where rabbits tear each other apart and act like rabid hyenas

>> No.4298334

>Global Brain
>n-n-not about reddit kekekeeke

>> No.4298347

>Invisible Man
>Everyone can see him

>> No.4298590

>not about pollination and the joys of gardening flowers and being a bee keeper

>> No.4298599

>not about the joys of polyester pants

>> No.4298612

>not a hipster board about Polaroid camera nostalgia

>> No.4298623

>not a board for polandball comics

>> No.4298635

I'm actually pretty sure there's a scene of someone eating rotten fruit while scantly clad in the daytime. Though I don't know. That book is batshit.

>> No.4298638

>invades /lit/ every other day
>not actually a Poland board having a self referential and self depreciating ironic laugh

>> No.4298639

holy shit.

>> No.4299321

>The Giving Tree
>not a hippie treatise about the evils of men taking from the selfless trees

>> No.4299332


> No Tequila
> No Trayvon Martini