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4290633 No.4290633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nigga can WRITE

>> No.4291342
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Nigga can RITE

>> No.4291445

If this were to happen, I would hang myself.

At least abandon civilization.

>> No.4291685

if this would to happen, i would cop

>> No.4291700

I bought it on a whim, now I have realised I don't even like Morrissey and I am disgusted with myself.
What should I do with it?

>> No.4291713


>> No.4291786

I loved Morrissey back when I was a disaffected 21-year-old. As a pop lyricist he certainly raised the bar within a certain (for obvious reasons tendentially and persistently juvenile and trivial) medium and I still think some Smiths lyrics are passably good writing, of their kind, even despite the fact of his not knowing how to pronounce "Wunderkind" and of his using the biblical phrase "suffer the little children" in a way that suggests he wasn't aware that the word meant "allow" in the 16th Century (shortcomings that didn't bother me much in 1984 and when underlaid by Johnny Marr's guitar).
But I find this business baffling at best and at worst - and I incline to "the worst" here, although I have to admit I've never opened this book - fucking despicable.
His nancy-boy vanity always was his least appealing quality but I'm grievously disappointed to see that it has so far overriden his innate discernment and his eye for what Nietzsche called "the order of rank" - qualities which I am sure he also possesses - as to prompt him to slip however many hundreds of thousands of quid he had to slip to Penguin in order to get this thing published under the Modern Classics reprint.
This pisses me off as much, and for pretty much the same reasons, as does the gradual crumbling away, through egregious misuse, of the meanings of formerly useful words like "literal". However competently written, entertaining, or informative Morrissey's autobiography is, he is surely intelligent and (self-)educated enough himself to know that it CANNOT, by definition, yet be a "classic". He and I were both lonely, unemployed, ravenously intellectually curious autodidacts in the late 70s and we both now what a precious thing it was to have had the Penguin Modern Classics imprint as a reliable indicator of books it almost certainly wouldn't be folly to spend 10% of that week's dole on buying and reading.
You've now fucked that up once and for all for kids in the same position 35 years later, Stephen. Shame on you.

>> No.4291853
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>> No.4292433 [DELETED] 
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There is zero organization in the book but it's endlessly entertaining. {spoiler]That part where he spits his hot toddy into the television screen following a report claiming that he invited people to "come party" onstage.[/spoiler]

>> No.4292435
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There is zero organization in the book but it's endlessly entertaining. That part where he spits his hot toddy into the television screen following a report claiming that he invited people to "come party" onstage.

>> No.4292446

If he trusted his skills as an author he wouldn't sign with this name nor include his picture on the book.

>> No.4292449

>anonymous autobiography

u wot m8

>> No.4292451

morrissey is amazing
trolling everyone, always.

>> No.4292452

Autobiography? From a celebrity? Then its either ghostwritten or without literary value whatsoever.

>> No.4292489

While i'd agree with much of the sentiment of this I can't help but think you share much of the mannered vanity of your target. Your preaching whine over "egregious misuse" needs a visit to the definition of egregious and your patronising protectiveness of the "kids" owes much to Morrissey's own Cassandra complex and delusions of relevance.

>> No.4293967

I dismissed anything Morrisey did when I was at that age, mostly because I was edgy as fuck and laughed my ass off at vegans and faggots.

Nowadays I started caring about the Smiths and that's only because of Johnny Marr.
Morrisey can go die in a fire for all I care. He is an absolute retard.

Intellectual my ass.

>> No.4293982

>being this edgy

>> No.4293991

le oldfag who wriets posts with capital letters and punctuation face

>> No.4294016

Le unfortunately failed abortion.

>> No.4294025

im going to fuck you mate

>> No.4294049

Too bad niggas cant read.

>> No.4294060

It's a joke.

>> No.4294066

I'm going to let you ruin yourself.

>> No.4294080

>spending dole money on books in the late 70s
Couldn't you go to a library?

>> No.4294349
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Niggas can RIDE

>> No.4294351

I'd read it

>> No.4294356
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i know right?

>> No.4294423

You can always be trusted to burst in and say something idiotically generalizing. Thank you, Tallis

>> No.4294462

I would read this.

>> No.4294478
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i know right?

i love the new direction penguin classics have taken

>> No.4294501
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>> No.4294831

Did he ... ( •_•) - ( •_•)>⌐■-■ - (⌐■_■) ... sing his life?