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4288132 No.4288132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was the most interesting part of Ender's Game? Which pages did you find were the best reads? Please discuss.

Now that there's all this fuss about the movie I read it again. I don't think I want to watch the movie.

Not really expecting this thread to blow up, I just want some interesting discussion.

>> No.4288153

The best:
The trials
The worst:
His siblings conquering Earth through well considered posts on online forums
If you like sci-fi you'll like the second book which is completely different, but go no further cause afterwards it exponentially goes to shit

>> No.4288165

Speaker for the Dead?

>> No.4288172

Yes. It rocks. I much preferred it over Ender's Game.

>> No.4288174

The destruction of the buggers planet "twist" and everything after that.

>> No.4288182

Thanks. I never read any of the other books. Are any of the prequels or the books after Speaker For The Dead good?

It was pretty unexpected, and many things suddenly made an awful lot of sense. What a morbid dark fucking twist to something that first seemed like a children's book.

>> No.4288191

I read all the Ender books, spinoffs and all, when I was a teenager. I loved them all but I can't give a real objective opinion. Know that Speaker really rocks, though.

>> No.4288193

The worst:
Kids ruling the world through posting on forums
The description of the so-called "games" Ender plays on his so-called "desk" (seriously, the giant's drink and its ramifications is the most convulted hamfisted shit ever, i'm afraid to watch the movie because of how much these parts will suck ass)
The dumb ebonics that also are putting me off watching the movie

The best:
Battle school parts, the adult characters in charge of the Battle school, Ender being a six year old stone-cold murderer

And of course the butthurt from the homos and fag enablers is really just the cherry on the cake.

>> No.4288201

>And of course the butthurt from the homos and fag enablers is really just the cherry on the cake.

Did I miss something?

>> No.4288236

orson scott card doesn't like gays. above poster has been brainwashed by a neonazi subsection of an anime forum and therefore approves

>> No.4288243


Actually I just don't like gays because they're personally disgusting to me and I met three separate gay people on a formal occasion and they acted obnoxiously.

Why do you LIKE gays?

>> No.4288250

because sucking cock > talking to stupid people

by tomorrow i'll have sucked twenty cocks and you'll be stupid. lol you fucking dreck.

[spoiler}sorry op[/spoiler]

>> No.4288257


Can you really blame anyone for disliking you for only posting dumb sarcastic disgusting bullshit?

Does being obnoxious come with the gay package?

>> No.4288261

What have I started

Well, I guess I'm looking forward to reading Speaker Of The Dead, regardless of the gays and whatnot.

If I understood rigth Xenocide pretty much sucked? Does it add anything interesting to the storyline?

>> No.4288270

It's been a long time since I read them all, but as I recall Xenocide was pretty bad but had some good ideas. It's not worth reading it for those few ideas though. I don't think I even finished Children of the Mind because it was so awful.

>> No.4288273

Agreed. I vaguely remember the book, but I remember the ending as being absurdly abrupt and convoluted for me. Something like telepathy and "muh alien destiny" or whatever, with a kind of political theme despite the bulk of the story's themes being centered around personal growth. I'm sure it could have worked if more time was given to develop it, instead it just felt like a crazy afterthought quickly slipped in at the last moments to fuck with us.

>> No.4288274

What are the actual books in the original series?

Ender's Game, Speaker For The Dead, Xenoside and Children of the Mind?

The shadow series and such are all spinnoffs?

>> No.4288287

As I understand it it's only those four that are part of the main series, but those four (3 1/2) are all I've read so I can't say anything about the rest.

>> No.4288295

okay, thanks!

You seem like someone who's usually on /lit/.

Is this a generally nice place for discussing literature, or is it filled with trolls like
and much irrelevant content and shitposters? I

>> No.4288307

>Is this a generally nice place for discussing literature, or is it filled with trolls

It's both, I'm afraid.

>> No.4288331

The best part is where the book ends and you get to read the real book speaker for the dead

>> No.4288332

Ok here it goes.
In the movie
>Loved everything about how they did command school.
>visual effects were awesome
>was very tense even though I knew what was going to happen
>Mazer Rakham was portrayed really well
>The actor for Ender was really good.

Things I hated about the movie
>The importance of Peter is pretty much nonexistent.
>All those unfair battles Ender fought with his misfit army before the last one against the two armies combined was cut out.
>All of the Ender led practice sessions were cut out.

I specifically was disappointed by the lack of lopsided battles against Ender's army were shown too. Those were probably my favorite part of the book.

>> No.4288354

I loved how command school was portrayed objectively, the battle room was super cool.

The visual effects were awesome

I wasn't tense at all. The conversations made everyone seem arrogant as fuck. Everything seemed so much like acting, not really natural.

Mazer Rackham wasn't portrayed very well, at least not compared to the book, neither visually nor as a person.

The Actor for Ender was a good choice but as I said earlier I hated the unnatural nature of the movie.

I agree that there should have been much more Peter, also, Peter wasn't really portrayed as evil, but jealous

There should have been much more battle room scenes and practices. It's a really important part of the book.

The sexual tension was terrible.

Also, I hated how short the movie seemed. In the book it was years, long years. In the movie everything seemed like the plot went thorugh what, two weeks? A month?