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4286229 No.4286229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you enjoy Schopenhauer? I enjoy his critique of Kantian ethics. Or, do you think that he should only be studied, so one can have a better understanding of Nietzsche? Is Schopenhauer relevant?

>> No.4286262

Schopenhauer was widely regarded to be an inferior lecturer to Hegel in his own day. The World as Will and Representation is also greatly inferior to the Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.4286290

Thesis: You are a hegelian
Antithesis: Schopenhauer is superior to Hegel
Synthesis: You are mad

>> No.4286321

Schopenhauer is a bitter old bastard and he makes me feel good about myself.

Since Nietzsche's philosophy is in direct response to German idealism and rampant Christian asceticism, knowing a bit of Kant and Schopenhauer wouldn't hurt, though Nietzsche doesn't criticize them in much depth; he seems content with insulting them.

>> No.4286336

Schopey gives me feels

>> No.4286359

I don't have much use for his (or any) metaphysics but I consider him a great thinker (and stylist/writer for that matter) and his more general wisdom and art of living essays contain some universal and practical type of beautiful insights on par with guys like Aurelius and Epictetus in my opinion.

>> No.4286417
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>thinking this is how dialectics works
Typical Schopenhauerian.

>> No.4286429
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>Taking everything too seriously
>No style
Typical Hegelian.

>> No.4286432

I heard he was an antinatalist, so he is great.

>> No.4286440
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so dark :^)

>> No.4286441

How's a Hegel like a bagel?

Circular and revolves around nothing.

>> No.4287349

The British philosopher and historian Bertrand Russell deemed Schopenhauer's doctrine insincere, because judging by his life:

'He habitually dined well, at a good restaurant; he had many trivial love-affairs, which were sensual but not passionate; he was exceedingly quarrelsome and unusually avaricious. ... It is hard to find in his life evidences of any virtue except kindness to animals ... In all other respects he was completely selfish. It is difficult to believe that a man who was profoundly convinced of the virtue of asceticism and resignation would never have made any attempt to embody his convictions in his practice.'

>> No.4287353
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>> No.4287363

Russell's History is full of bullshit denunciations of other philosophers without much understanding of their work at all (he was a logician, not an historian of philosophy). Just look at his take on Aristotle. Not to do down Russell, but he never should have pretended to the breadth that the History required.

>> No.4287391


>> No.4287395

Russell obviously didn't give Schopenhauer a charitable or thorough reading, like most other philosophers. Russell really makes me cringe, especially with some of the Greeks and German philosophers in particular.

>> No.4287421

Bert Rustle is the king of deliberate misinformation as far as the history of philosophy he doesn't like is concerned.