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/lit/ - Literature

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4285291 No.4285291 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ - I have a bit of a personal mission to get a 5000 word short-story done by the 16th of December.

I have a few loose ideas, but none of them are exactly screaming at me to be fleshed out and given an actual plot.
If you have amusing ideas/settings, suggestions would be very welcome.

Also, I can post some of the ideas I do have, and maybe someone might have some good advice for further plot-development and such.

Story-ideas thread.

>> No.4285322

Write a dystopic satirical commentary on how Facebook has, in a remarkably swift manner, come to an unnatural degree of import in society, and how the western world might look in a decade or so considering the impending maturity of the 'Facebook Generation'.

Excessive hyperbole and exaggeration should be your tools. ,

>> No.4285329

You should write for Time

>> No.4285337

I could probably do it... But could I do it subtly and with effective execution? Nothing is worse than heavy-handed social satire.

>> No.4287621

The entire dialog for the story is done via facebook chat