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/lit/ - Literature

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4285059 No.4285059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember those "Choose your own adventure" books?
Or Cortazar's Hopscotch?
Well, those are "hypertexts", even if they're not in an electronic format.

Do you know any other fiction hypertexts?
Have you written an hypertext?
What's the reason this kind of text isn't so widely spread?

pic unrelated

>> No.4285091
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>> No.4285096

Pale Fire

>> No.4285109

>tfw no cheese board equipped qt3.14 gf

>> No.4285238

doesn't the term "hypertext" rely on the ability of the text so named to immediately link/transport you to other information? Hopscotch wouldn't do that since it relies on yourself changing pages

>> No.4285415

I made a short text based game once, a full length one with actual paths is like writing a novel.
no idea how colossal cave adventure pulled it off.

>> No.4285512

In terms of computer science, yes, but the term was coopted by lit crit to refer to any discontinuous or non-linear narrative format. It's an accepted term now.

>> No.4286803

There are more significant characteristics than that.
For instance, the connections in an hypertext are not sequential but topical.

>> No.4286873

Is there any CYOA that's an actual work of literary art?

>> No.4286928

writing a chapbook now about two friends making video games, similar to Invisible Cities but with video games. gonna call it Tales of Symphonia I think.

>> No.4287114


The hypertext tend to have no center and no limits.

>> No.4287156

>the connections in an hypertext are not sequential but topical

By this criterion, cross-referenced reference books (like Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable) would be hypertexts - and in fact, they are used much like electronic texts, in that one doesn't tend to read them sequentially, but locates an entry that interests one, and then follows the "links" of surrounding or cross-referenced related entries.

>> No.4287162

For clarity, I suppose we should mention some definitions. The World Wide Web Consortium offers the following (http://www.w3.org/WhatIs.html): "Hypertext is text which is not constrained to be linear." and "Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts."

By those criteria, a non-electronic text could be a hypertext. The classical examples of printed texts that work in this way would be reference books as mentioned in >>4287156 and works like commentaries, which are linked to passages in the commented text, but also cross-reference other parts both of the commented text and of the commentary itself, as well as passages in other works.

>> No.4288791

In that case Hopscotch is a shitty hypertext because it's still linear, it only has two possibilities of reading.

>> No.4288794
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>> No.4288800
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>fruit crush


>> No.4288852


>> No.4288855

>not shrink
pls go

>> No.4288856

Oh right, tomatoes are fruits. I always forget.

>> No.4288861
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>mfw a patrician sizefag on /lit/

>> No.4288867
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Mah nigga.

>> No.4289072
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>> No.4289225

By the way, what are your thoughts on Hioscothch, /lit/? Or Cortazar in general?

I just started reading it today, I took the normal way of reading first. I've found it quite interesting so far but I don't honestly think is that hard.

>> No.4289231


Sorry, I messed up.

>> No.4289270

>I don't honestly think is that hard.
is that supposed to be bad? what a stupid and juvenile metric "hardness" is to the value of a book

>> No.4289308

>is that supposed to be bad?
Not at all, I'm a little drunk so I can't explain myself properly, sorry. Point is, I don't think is hard to understand (so far) and that I'm enjoying it a lot. Well, I enjoy Cortazar's works in general, I fucking love End of the game.

>> No.4289367

what's the appeal of Cortazar?

>> No.4289468

I'm just talking for me, but I like his short stories, specially how they build up to the ending. For example "The poisons" (I don't know if this is the correct English title), which is basically the story of a kid going through puberty or "Continuity of the Parks", a story about a man reading a novel that goes full meta.

>> No.4289680

I'll just bring up House Of Leaves and walk out.

>> No.4289734

memorize chapter 7 and say it to a woman.

You will fuck.

There is a lot more in that Book, it is beautiful, but with every woman loves ch. 7.

>> No.4289756

>I fucking love End of the Game
>End of the Game
>the Game

>> No.4289759

>Oh right, tomatoes are fruits.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing that it doesn't go into a fruit salad.

>> No.4289814

I just googled the title and that was what I got. I don't know the English title, I'm chilean so I read his works in spanish, it's "Final de juego" for me.

>> No.4289850


>being this new


It was actually about a week ago since I lost so whatevs

>> No.4289865

It's 'a,' not 'an.'

>> No.4289919

It's like I'm really in 2008.