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File: 67 KB, 600x800, slame poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4283830 No.4283830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is slam poetry the lowest form of art, /lit/?

>> No.4283835

yes, actually

>> No.4283837

The lowest form of art is video games.

>> No.4283845


the lowest form of art is propaganda, and slam poetry is propaganda in service of the pleb nation

>> No.4283860

slam poetry seems like lonely white dudes/girls screaming tumblr content in coffee shops

>> No.4283880

im from europe . Can you post some more cringeworthy ones ?

>> No.4283883

I joined a slam poetry competition and read a poem that rhymed and for this I did not win. Next year I brought a poem that didn't rhyme and everyone complimented me on my developing style, and one of the judges told me that I would have won had I had a more engaging "stage presence". Fuck slam poetry. It's shit.

>> No.4283892

>read a poem that rhymed and for this I did not win
Lol. My poor little old sides.

>> No.4283893

I want to join one of these just to get in stage and tell them they all suck
I bet they even give me a prize after I call them losers

>> No.4283894


spot on

>> No.4283898


The poor white man's version of hip hop battles

>> No.4283915

Whiteknight slam poetry is the future


>> No.4283943

slam poetry is only one step from rap. it's hard to say which is worse.

seriously, is there anyone out there who is eager to go to a poetry slam and listen to people rant?

>> No.4283944

I have taken far more pleasure from greentext stories than I ever have from poetry.

Come at me.

>> No.4283948

at least rap's got rhymes and dope beats. slam poetry is fucking awful. the only things worse than slam poetry are interpretive dance and whatever you wanna call stuffing spaghetti-os up your cunt. but that's at least got some pussy on show so maybe it's not as bad as slam poetry.

>> No.4283950

>the lowest form of art is propaganda

all art is propaganda

>> No.4283952

your mother is propaganda

>> No.4283954

although I see what you're getting at, let's not juggle definitions and consider propaganda for what most people consider it - a medium for people with political ideology to brainwash the masses.

and slam poetry isn't that bad, it's the people who do it are (usually bad.)

>> No.4283959

i like that the girl who reads is still attractive. if he were presented with two options, a beautiful woman who doesn't read and a hambeast who does, would he choose the fat one every time just because she cracks open some ya novels once or twice a year?

>> No.4283960

>not mime

>> No.4283962

well he is honest and his flow and presence is good. It's just the content that's unoriginal, weak and boring.

>> No.4283963

>a medium for people with political ideology to brainwash the masses.

are you implying that all artists aren't pushing some ideology on the audiecne

>> No.4283967

no. what I said is that
1) it is not the main focus of the artist (usually)
2) it is not strictly political

for example I might write a poem about love. all I want to say is that love is beautiful. I do not intend that the audience would see it this way. the listener can form whatever opinion he wants (or not form any, and enjoy the poem from an aesthetic POV.)

>> No.4283972

>at least rap's got rhymes and dope beats.
why the fuck are you even on this board

>> No.4283973


And you probably know it too, dontcha.

>> No.4283975


>1) it is not the main focus of the artist
It completely is

>for example I might write a poem about love.
the ideation of romantic love is the invention of post-renaissance western society. by promoting it you promote a very certain social mileau and set of values

>> No.4283978

I write poems myself. I never wanted to brainwash anyone. If you are saying i was writing propaganda, you are just juggling definitions, i.e. sure you might consider art a form of propaganda but the general public wouldn't (so as any normal person.) if you are saying that 'roses are red...' is propaganda, you are just being edgy.

>> No.4283977


Rap often has incredibly intricate rhyme structures and most of the best rappers are trained in the classics. Tupac Shakur could pump out iambs like a motherfucker and knew his Shakespeare.

>> No.4283979

adding to this: look at soviet, nazi or US posters of the WW2 era. that is legitimate propaganda. not Shakespeare.

>> No.4283980
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>if you are saying that 'roses are red...' is propaganda, you are just being edgy.

Isn't "roses are red" propaganda for the existence of objective reality?

>> No.4283981

ok, you made me laugh. at least you get the point.

>> No.4283982


Shakespeare is absolutely propaganda -- just with a different purpose. Art commissioned by the government to keep the masses entertained: how can that be anything other than propaganda?

>> No.4283984

what are you talking about? I hope you are not assuming that every artist ever functions that way

you might want to develop your argument instead of nitpicking my example

>> No.4283986

It's fun to think how every one of you thinks you are smart and say deep stuff.

>> No.4283987

yes, its terrible and cringeworthy

>> No.4283988

“All art is propaganda. It is universally and inescabably propaganda; sometimes unconsciously, but often deliberately, propaganda.” -Upton Sinclair

he was a propagandist though so this quote might just be propaganda

>> No.4283990

It's the most shameless, that's for sure.

>> No.4283992

that was what Sinclair said. what do you think? are you sure that Sinclair meant what you think he meant?

>> No.4283993

^proof the only reason /lit/ hates slam poetry is because it has the gall to ignore the postmodern ironic detachment that prevails in this age of artistic bankruptcy

>> No.4283994

seconding this. greentext is a high form of art and strytelling

>> No.4284007

This sounds so unlikely I'm going to assume it's bullshit.

Tupac went to a school for performing arts, he's an exception.

>> No.4284010

>This sounds so unlikely I'm going to assume it's bullshit.

>this challenges my preconceived notions so I'll pretend I never heard it

typical white guy.

>> No.4284013

>comparing rap to literature


>> No.4284020


It's certainly no less literary than any other form of popular music.

>> No.4284022

No, the lowest form of art is that subset of theatre called professional wrestling.

Nothing even comes close to how fucking terrible it is.

>> No.4284032


Actually the lowest form of art is plagiarism, or instagramming

>> No.4284035



>> No.4284210

>hurr durr he can't know da classics because he black

nigga, you objectively dumb as shit

>> No.4284235

harold bloom hates it

>> No.4284240

Tupac alive in Syria.

Tupac making an album fast rap of Syria.

>> No.4284286

But anon, it's not progressive to want attractive women at all! Attractive girls are a device of the patriarchy!

>> No.4284291

Only good slam poetry is called freestyle, and it happens in peoples basements with a lot of weed and alcohol, not in coffee shops

>> No.4284296

comic books are lower

>> No.4284303

>the lowest form of art is propaganda


>> No.4284316

Nah it's comedians who rely on music in their acts

>> No.4284337

nope, comedians who do magic tricks

>> No.4284341

I only know of one comedian who uses magic in their act (As opposed to magicians who use humor) and he is one of the most respected comedians in the UK.

>> No.4284533
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>> No.4284548

Thank god it's only the content.

>> No.4284579


Is it Jerry SaDOWITZ?

>> No.4284851

all the criticisms of slam poetry have been /pol/-tier. wahh sjw¸ wahh stop talking about rape, wahh stop reading to other leftists and do it in a prison with rape convicts you pussy. wahh it's too emotional.
you guys are absolute shit at criticizing poetry.

>> No.4284857

the voice of a 130lb jewish male undergraduate imitating a black preacher crossed with maklemore rings out
go back to pol, noob
the audience bursts into applause

>> No.4284868

are you saying rap doesn't have rhymes and beats?

>> No.4284887

saul williams is goddamn fantastic but yeah the majority is shit since the entry bar is so low

>> No.4284894

it's the second lowest
stand up comedy is first

>> No.4284898


>> No.4284901

what about Louie CK? Bill Hicks? Patton Oswalt? There are a lot of bad stand ups but a lot of great ones

>> No.4284905


>> No.4284912
File: 81 KB, 500x374, 1383976321145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>louie CK
>patton oswalt
that's about as pleb as it gets

>> No.4284914

>spaghetti-o's up your cunt
interior semiotics? That would be performance art, although I'm convinced it was an elaborate (and successful) prank to get people to accept a woman getting naked in a public store and then sticking food up her vagina and then getting them to take it seriously.

>> No.4284946

Is Drew Michael okay?

>> No.4284953

performance art has used nudity widely since the 60s

the lowest form of art is pretending to be cultured by having an opinion of something you've never taken seriously
this is compounded by expressing such opinions on a similarly "cultured" website

>> No.4284957

popular =/= pleb. Louie CK is making one of the most innovative and grounbreaking sitcoms on tv, ever, and his standup is insightful and funny as well

>> No.4284972

>louis CK

Pls fuck yurself

>> No.4284974

There's some Slam Poetry out there that's pretty good. It's more of a performance art alike theatre than pure literature in itself, though. Michael Lee has some decent stuff out there, same with Simone Stolzoff. Hell, Shane Koyczan is the go-to for plebs but he has some really powerful passages.

I do concede, however, that there is no form of art easier to write than Slam Poetry at its core. It practically writes itself as long as you choose a mildly interesting topic. All that it takes is that the words connect with one another when you are the one who will read your work out loud as you intended. One of the hardest parts of writing is fully capturing the vibe of what's intended to be read, and performance makes it a lot easier to not fuck it up.

>> No.4284984

Too bad ballet boy's poetry was pleb as fuck.

>le rose grow out of concrete


Tupac was quite a shit rapper and couldn't hold a candle to Biggie.

>> No.4284998

>Most rappers are familiar with the classics
Source or bullshit. That goes for any genre of popular music.

>> No.4285001

pretty sure fashion is.

>> No.4285003

Aesop Rock has a bachelor in fine arts.

>> No.4285007


Slam poetry isn't poetry in the same way that say, Keats, is poetry. Page poetry has to stand up to being re-read, hence Keats, "load every rift of your subject with ore." Slam poetry, on the other hand, is basically oratory. You need to transmit as much information, as much value, as you can in a single reading, to win over the audience to get them to buy books, or to win the slam. There's also room for the inflection of the voice and gesticulation to add and complicate meaning. The result is you get good slam poetry, slam poetry that produces memorable images and lines, but very rarely do you get slam that has a lot of philosophical nuance, especially nuance done in ways that utilize devices natural to poetry, like ambiguity, etc. You also end up with a poetry that stresses showy things, like strings of metaphor for metaphor's sake, and poetry that is always attempting to become intimate with the reader, so lots of "I" and confessing things.

>> No.4285012

This is what I was trying to say. Excellent post.

>> No.4285018 [DELETED] 

"I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok." – Shaquille O'Neal

>> No.4285058

No, but it is arguably the lowest form of poetry.

Pornography and advertising at least are lowlier.

>> No.4285079
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>So bro what do you like about women in the physical sense
>h-her b-books.

>> No.4285084

One oft the worse about he is a shitty standup commit, lonley male pleb who brags about masturbating.

>> No.4285104

Huh? He's married with kids

>> No.4285120

You won't do it. You should, but you won't.

>> No.4285178

>performance makes it a lot easier to not fuck up

Wut. Performance, by virtue of being the only art that is experienced in the moment, makes it the easiest to fuck up. You can sit there and tinker with a poem for years, but the moment you decide to perform it you only have the performance to have your art experienced. The immediacy in performance makes it way easier to fuck up than any other art.

Yeah we can get into discussing performing it again and editing in between or making different decisions in your delivery but then it's a different performance and a different audience and a different piece of art.

>> No.4285187

Yes. Check this shit.

All of her stuff is comedy gold.

>> No.4285201

why is it that all amateur (is there professional?) slam poetry is delivered in the exact same rhythm?

>> No.4285207

I don't know. This chick has been to competitions, written for newspapers, and won awards, though. A lot of people love everything that she shits out.

>> No.4285211

Don't think so literally.

>> No.4285212

My god she is awful. Work on your diction bitch

>> No.4285240


This one is even better. #4 is the best.

>> No.4285258
File: 18 KB, 286x323, 396762_365581346865973_2015438140_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music, the sound of art
>art, the sound of music's heart

>> No.4286658

If you want more:

>> No.4286669

God damn all this poor delivery makes me cringe something fierce. Even the community theatre actors I've worked with doing Shakespeare are better than this.

I mean for fuck's sake, decide when you're going to take breaths beforehand if you're going to try and jam as many words as possible into your slam "poetry"

>> No.4286677

>That awful way she emphasizes notoriety and variety

>> No.4286682
File: 92 KB, 488x488, 1383192355240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not normally a fan of slam poetry, but this gave me feels


>> No.4286693

For your entertainment,

Her youtube:

Her soundcloud:

Her work for the Georgia Straight:
http://www.straight.com/news/bullies-create-years-suffering-their-victims (hers is at the bottom)

Her achievement award (for being a poet):

Everyone sucks this girl's dick over everything she shits out.

>> No.4286725

I've been struggling with money lately.
You guys think I could try a career at slam poetry and scam people?

>> No.4286726

>Red Bar

>> No.4286731

probably, honestly

>> No.4286750

>most of the best rappers
>most of the best
Jay Z apparently scored in the 95th percentile for literature in his SAT.

>> No.4286763

By far.

>> No.4286768

I honestly don't think I can stomach any more of her this evening. One more thing that depresses me in this world. Write all of the poetry you want girl, sure, but now people have propped her up on bullshit instead of the merit of her poetry.

>> No.4286823

My name is Travis, I AM THE MOON STAR

>> No.4286854

This is the legacy of the counter culture.

>> No.4286860

>is slam poetry the lowest form of art, /lit/?
>islam poetry

>> No.4286865

>this person is not aware of the fact that statistics and common sense hurt my feelings, he must be white and racys
tipical landwhale

>> No.4286882

French movies are worse, but not because slam poetry has anything to do with good.

>> No.4286894

Dismissing an entire medium seems pretty stupid to me.

>> No.4286912


> nevar forget

tfw i downloaded the album that contains the piece used in the video

>> No.4286943

every board hates everything I think is kinda cool. Why am I still here?

>> No.4287489
File: 6 KB, 207x186, 1379074357621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4287491

Reddit is waiting for you, anon

>> No.4288712


also this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xUEg2WxGqQ

>> No.4288748




>> No.4288767

>Rap often has incredibly intricate rhyme structures and most of the best rappers are trained in the classics.

I can't hold these lulz

>> No.4288778

You can tell within two seconds whether the subject of a poem is going to be capslocked INDIGNATION or not, and some of the remainder is really pretty good.

Asian girl whinging at JK Rowling for no cogent reason

>> No.4288789

i dont consider him saying he cursed at his kids one day as good comedy

>> No.4288793

patton oswalt doesnt seem bad, he has moments where he gets too political and retarded with his voices, but often he isnt that bad

>> No.4288797

>Rappers trained in the classics

Long time since I had such a laugh.

Akillzus and Thugomeros

>> No.4288859

Yes, it truly is an artform


>> No.4288878

>Asian girl whinging at JK Rowling for no cogent reason
The reason is very clear: If an author has a black character, an asian character, or any other character of a nonwhite creed, and that character is not the most intelligent, beautiful, and heroic person in the book, then the author is racist.

>> No.4288880

They address this to 'anonymous', a person who evidently trolled them.

>> No.4288885

He blatantly misinterprets the question in order to make himself seem superior.


*tips helmet*

>> No.4288895

My whole staff had to watch this for "diversity training" for my university job

>> No.4288898

The worst part about this is that you know he's pulling it all from a time he was actually hanging out with some guys who were trying to be cool and include him and he has to act like such a fag. Goddamn that made me cringe

>> No.4288904

Also all works of writing must include a cast of major characters representing all races and sexual orientations.

>> No.4288907

This video is shit because the girl is hot. Look at how charming she is, and how seductively she sits at her little reading chair. Sickening.

>> No.4288910


that was fucking disgusting. its too bad they wont get the counseling they need for their delusions.

>> No.4288912
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But even if they're all of the above, it's also racism-fodder.

The fact that she implies that her first bf left her because he was white says it all.

>> No.4288917

The only slam poetry for me.


>> No.4288922


>> No.4288923


>> No.4288925

I can’t bear these accounts I read in the Times and elsewhere of these poetry slams, in which various young men and women in various late-spots are declaiming rant and nonsense at each other. The whole thing is judged by an applause meter which is actually not there, but might as well be. This isn’t even silly; it is the death of art.[13]" -Harold Bloom


>> No.4288929

The slam community hates traditional forms and devices, except for metaphor and simile. They're ironically just like the modernists, who they accuse of killing literature, in that they see themselves as refreshing or original force in literature.

>> No.4288930

Slam poetry is always good for a laugh.


>> No.4288934

im pretty sure almost all the characters except harry werent that particularly useful.

i cant even see the goal posts, they are miles and miles away. maybe cho chang took them.

>> No.4288942

b-b-but muh art

>> No.4288946

The only reason I'd ever do slam poetry is for public speaking practice. Other than that it is all the art of manipulation. Know one cares what they're talking about.

>> No.4288954

Bill Murray

>> No.4288958



>> No.4288965

All art is the art of manipulation though.

>> No.4288984

i think you just used a word to define itself, you fucking hack

>> No.4288989

"art" and "the art of manipulation" are two different things.

>> No.4289065

>"art is the art of manipulation"
you used to word to define itself
>"art" and "the art of manipulation" are two different things.
but wait, wasnt it you who just said "all art is the art of manipulation" so therefore according to you art=manipulation. subsequently the two are inseparable and are the same thing

>> No.4289075

That's actually not what I said.



ART = the ART of Manipulation.

ART is Manipulation. It's simple.

>> No.4289080

>all art is the art of manipulation
>all art is the (art of manipulation) of manipulation
>all art is the ((art of manipulation) of manipulation) of manipulation
>all art is the (((art of manipulation) of manipulation) of manipulation) of manipulation

the word you were looking for was "craft" or "technique", idiot

>> No.4289082

>ART is manipulation
>"art" and the "art of manipulation" are two different things
So there's a difference between art and the art of art?

>> No.4289086

All art is the craft of manipulation.


>> No.4289089

You said it yourself!

"Art of art" is craft or technique.

>> No.4289092

"Art" is not synonymous with "technique", "skill", or "craft". The different words exist for a reason. Read a dictionary sometime.

>> No.4289094

I own a dictionary.

>> No.4289096

Absolutely. Video extremely related:


>> No.4289110


It's just college-aged liberals who think they are above god.

>> No.4289137

>You gotta have a hook
>More than the look
>You've gotta have a hook
And that's the least moronic part.
Don't talk to tripfags.

>> No.4289256

No, musicals are.

Slam poetry is a close second, though.

>> No.4289280

i think this thread is getting a little too deep for me

>> No.4289281


rused btw :3

>> No.4289284

My nigger.

>> No.4289289

>musicals are (<) slam poetry
you know operas are pretty much musicals right? right?

>> No.4289294

Opera a shit.

>> No.4289320

You guys know what's up.

Although I don't agree with operas being as bad as musicals. Everything in a musical is made in order to be easily consumable by the uneducated public. Flat stories, catchy tunes, horribly simplistic writing.

Operas convey the classics and demand background knowledge of its audience to follow the story. Although it's not my "cup of tea", I have to admit opera is by far not as bad as musicals.

>> No.4289323


>Hasn't played Earthbound or Chrono Trigger

Poor sap.

>> No.4289325


What fucking statistics? You're retarded.

>> No.4289392

i think youre talking more about movie musicals, like the hollywood bullshit. because operas and musicals are very closely related. its even argueable that they are the same thing.

>> No.4289396

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.4289401

Do you know what you're saying?

>> No.4289434



Come on now

>> No.4289477

I haven't attended many musicals, since I can't stand them. But I've had to read my fair share of musical scrips.

I also regularly saw Operas both live andon tv, since my ex-gf was into them, and I do consider them to generally be a higher form of art.

I don't deny writing musicals is in any way easy, or that the original opera wasn't aimed for the general public. It's just that I think the classical ways of opera demand more effort from the current audience. Musical style, way of conveying dialogue, etc.

Still, a well performed musical is better than a badly performed opera.

If I recall correctly in The Picture of Dorian Gray, Sir Henry says that seeing bad acting creates an ugly personality. This means that good acting can enlighten, even if the story's not particularly pleasing.

>> No.4289513

Someone please do a slam poem about the relationships between white vs. non-white racial morality and the will to power.

>> No.4289522

it's the autotune of poetry

>> No.4289524

I don't think so. I think that it takes a lot of skill and quick wit to be able to do slam well. Hell, even some of the greatest poets probably couldn't do slam.

I don't think that any form of art, fundamentally, is ranked below others. I think that all art takes a lot of skill and creativity and intellect to be able to execute well.

>> No.4289526

And if they do, those representations are automatically tokenistic and racist and so on and so on.

>> No.4289630

but then it wouldnt be slam poetry

>> No.4289667

there is no low form of art, only poor performers

>> No.4289668

all art is propaganda (except abstract, at least not directly)

>> No.4289674
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by that logic you could argue that no art is bad, by saying something is a different form of art with different parameters. thats how weve ended up with all this modern art bullshit that has less complexity and thought than a third graders crayon drawing.

>> No.4289697

I'll agree that greentext is a highly skilled, pleasurable form of prose. However, very little about it transcends regular speech and storytelling. It rarely has more than one layer of meaning or beauty beyond the subject matter (to me at least).

>> No.4289713

and break the circlejerk?

>> No.4289710
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I'm with you. As always, this has descended into an argument of language, but nonetheless I feel that propaganda as it exists in the popular consciousness connotes a discreet social or political objective. I think that most 'art for art's sake' has looser, uncertain motives that are as much an attempt to express the creator's thoughts/feelings as an attempt to make others think a certain way.

>> No.4289718

abstract was CIA propaganda

>> No.4289720
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>> No.4289725

He also hates Harry Potter as intro literature for children and plebs. He also doesn't actually enforce any assignments in his classes. He is also slightly senile and dying of cancer.

Poor old fuck.

>> No.4289741

I liked the part where they ate whale.

>> No.4289763

>accent on the first syllable
>bill fucking murray

>> No.4289775

Goddamn why do these threads keep popping up? This is worse than the constant beta/cringe thread fetish on fucking /b/.

>> No.4289782

Harry Potter is literature for children though, it was explicitly written and marketed as such. Maybe hating them is a little much, but they are "intro lit".

We have had a lot of them lately, no clue why.

>> No.4289783

that place wasn't supposed to belongs to punch-based comedy?

>> No.4289797

>Mexico in palest color than Merica
hahhahahahahah they are a race mix, dumb mexicans

>> No.4289807

No because that has actually some value in being funny.
Slam poetry is not only impossible to enjoy with a minimum of self-consciousness but unfunny and devoid of any content.

>> No.4289835

its just another medium by which special snowflakes cant feel even more special. all you would have to do is change the subject and they would be identical

>> No.4289840


>they don't have chinese or hispanic americans in Mexico
>mexican's race is surely mexican

We are adopting most of USA ideologies, racism and capitalism included. Actually, pretty people from spain are amazingly racist to southern natives, like people from Oaxaca and shit, about two weeks ago, there was a scandal when a coffee shop refused to give service to a person that was wearing a traditional outfit from southern states.

That actually makes you an ignorant, right?

>> No.4289852

can feel*

>> No.4289856

no the lowest form of art is whatever art guys in submarines make in their free time

because they're the furthest below sea level get it

i don't know if those dudes really have free time though submarines are intense places

it's a dumb question is what i'm saying

>> No.4289860

Sadly, a lot of the southerners in Mexico are the same way to northerners.
>hurr durr u part white gringo u no real mexican go back to tejas jejeje

>> No.4289867


True, the country hates eachother. I still think we need more time to digest (or to at least understand) what we are as a country, or who the fuck are we. We're a noob country following the steps of big brother.

>> No.4292132

People actually enjoy this shit?

>> No.4292199

Oh God, this one thinks JK Rowling is a racist homophobe


>> No.4292246

What is slam poetry? Is it an American/Anglo thing?