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/lit/ - Literature

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4279939 No.4279939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some people were reading in their teenage years while you were playing vidya and jacking off to porn

>> No.4279945

do you not jack off to porn now?

>> No.4279949

I personally did a healthy balance of all three.

>> No.4279951

I was reading stuff like Nabokov, Dostoevsky and Proust when i was in high school.

Don't feel bad though, man. In retrospect, as much as I enjoyed it, my interpretations and understandings of the text were pretty uninteresting and bland. I feel like I didn't really begin to get a keen eye for reading a text until I was 18 (19 now).

>> No.4279960

>my interpretations and understandings of the text were pretty uninteresting and bland
I think most people are like that when they start reading regardless of age

>> No.4279968

Yeah, maybe. I also sort of attribute that to the fact that I entered college, and as the way I approached the world and my existence changed a great deal, as did my way of reading.

I'd be really interested in rereading the books I loved that I haven't read since I was like 16 though (Crime and Punishment, Catch-22, Dubliners, Rilke's poetry) to see how it stands up.

>> No.4279974

some people are reading now while you're making threads about not reading on 4chan
those people are also retarded nerds
go lift weights and listen to rap music and then get laid

>> No.4279980

Until recently I could not sleep without jacking off.

>> No.4279995

What changed? I can't sleep without fap either

>> No.4280014


>tfw when i read (and read classic lit since 14), play vidya (sometimes), jack off to porn, lift weights, listen to rap music (among others) and get laid.

do I win?

>> No.4280018

Dude, just do all three. Like you have a social life to get in the way?

>> No.4280031

>read books and play video games
the porn, weights, getting laid, and rap music are good

are you into good porn or pleb shit like brazzers

>> No.4280036

what do you consider good/patrician porn?

>> No.4280040
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>tfw weight training, incest vid, LOA master race

>> No.4280047

anything involving beurettes

>> No.4280064

please explain what beurettes means

>> No.4280073

Do you titrate your dick or something?

>> No.4280076

Not him but google gives me: A woman of Maghrebi descent born and living in France.

What an oddly specific fetish...

>> No.4280078
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>> No.4280082


Not that guy, but when I was able to sleep wi no fap was, brace yourself for gay shit, when I was in love, but then I fucked up and was too much of a pussy to make a move, so I'm back to being lonely, probably forever.

>> No.4280096

I have experienced everything you've said in this post

>> No.4280162

That was me.

>> No.4280216


just self disgust and cold turkey. I'd be up all night for a few nights and then I could sleep normal.

>> No.4280218

>parents are plebs
>let me spend my time playing world of warcraft
I was decent but I never made Glad or anything
>never challenge me to do anything
>go through school listening to Radiohead ( it was emo before that ), (not) reading only the requirements, no serious interests

I console myself with the fantasy of what a great, involved parent I'd be. Open my kids minds to all kinds of lit and music and film and art throughout their lives, if only my parents felt the same ;_;

>> No.4280220

Who the fuck didn't read in their teenage years? What the fuck?

>> No.4280228

I never even read a book in its entirety on my own until my freshman year.

>> No.4280239

>Tfw terrible atention span so I practically have read 3 books entirely
I read a lot but never complete books

>> No.4280246

>implying anyone will ever reproduce with you

>> No.4280248

Holy shit, seriously? I was reading The Hobbit when I was five, and Asimov when I was eight through 14.

>> No.4280257

I was mostly reading comics. I'm willing to say I'd read well over 2,000 comics by the time, I just hadn't really ventured into proper literature. The odd thing is, I scored incredibly well in my English classes anyhow.

>> No.4280258

>this is now a oneupmanship thread

>> No.4280263

I hope you realize that you were much more well read than the average person even if the anon wasn't comparatively incredibly unread to the same people.

>> No.4280271

Yeah, I guess I'm aware of this.

That wasn't my point.

I guess everyone gets started in different ways. My dad has a big collection of science fiction, and my parents encouraged me to read from a very early age, so I guess it was only natural that I read them. Comics still promote literacy though, and just by reading them you probably read far more than most people your age.

>> No.4280277

where 2 cop beurette porn

>> No.4280284

Oh, I know that, not to sound arrogant. I'm willing to say that even though I'm still unread compared to the average literature only reader (I believe I have ten books to read and then I'll be caught up to the average amount of books read in a lifetime by age group) but I probably have a better grasp than most pedestrians on the English language and have a knowledge of comic book storytelling that few posses but still, being this "uncultured" bothers me.

>> No.4280285


>> No.4280287

What's your age groups, and what are the last few books you read?

>> No.4280289
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>some people don't lie to bitches about having had a vasectomy in order to impregnate them and then split leaving them with nothing but a false name and a cunt full of babby

>> No.4280296

Yeah, some people are aware of DNA tests. Also that has nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.4280303

>not internationally and intercontinentally targeting the disadvantaged

>> No.4280305

>some people think that abortions don't exist for retards like them

>> No.4280314

I suck at reading. I mean, I read, but I'm almost never in mood and my head always aches when I do. I leave lots of books behind, everything. How do you organize yourself people? I really can't.

>> No.4280322

I'm 19, the average amount of books read by this time is roughly 285. I'm reading A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court right now, I've been catching up on my Mark Twain readings the past month. I have to say, I love his writings but other than that they were primarily written for children and therefore have the largest audience, I don't believe the Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn to be the best of his works by any means. There's a charm to them, but a charm inherent in most of Twain's writings.

>> No.4280338

b-but I read now! Just stunted, all those wasted years

>> No.4280353

Dude, no regrets here. I jerked it three to four times every day in the 6th grade. Mostly to Denise Austin in the basement early in the morning and then I'd watch DBZ before school. Also to my milf math teacher and I barely learned basic shit like mean, median, mode. I'm 25 now and I doubt I will EVER be that insanely horny at such a constant state ever again.

Zelda Oot, Majora's Mask, Max Payne, Silent Hill 2, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Abe's Odyssey, Mario Tennis, Metal Gear Solid, etc. etc. I had a fucking ball with that shit. Other than Dark Souls, Deus Ex HR, and MK9, I've never come close to such immersion in any current gen games. I just outgrew it. I don't really long for it anymore.

But now, yeah, I read a shitton. And I did read a bit here and there like Hatchet, Harry Potter, Stephen King, Chuck Palahniuk and other fun stuff when I was a teen.

I wasn't born in Liberia, I'm not physically or mentally handicapped, I have a wonderful relationship with my parents and a handful of great friends...

Yeah life can be a thankless grind and monotonous at times and I've had my typical tragedies like anyone else, but all in all I have it pretty damn good and I'm looking forward to see where I end up.

Don't waste time on regret, anon.

>> No.4280400

U have to be really damn upset with the present to just sit around thinking about the past and future.

>> No.4280402

I can't begin to explain how much I regret the amount of video games I used to play. Particularly the years from about 17 to 20 when I was really bored of them but felt like I should keep playing because they'd been my number one hobby since as early as I could remember. I bumped into a guy I knew from high school last week and he started talking to me about video games, assuming I was still really into them, and I was just so embarrassed.

>> No.4280403

i spent my teenage years primarily watching cartoons and browsing internet forums. i did read a fair amount too, though.

>> No.4280407


I feel the same way. I feel like my parents were shit and I would be much betterbut I will die a virgin

>> No.4280408

anyone else just not play video games?

>> No.4280411

don't play video watch tv or consume any form of entertainment other than youtube and 4chan

>> No.4280418

> four times every day in 6th grade
Goddamn how is that even possible. I'm not even offended, I'm just impressed.

>> No.4280420

>listen to rap music
>"get laid"


>> No.4280421


I am in that phase right now. Pretty much all I used to do was play vidya. I barely play any more but still browse /v/ and gaming news sites 24/7. I think I am slowly starting to wean myself off them though. I just don't really have anything else better to do. Now I play not because i want to but because I have nothing better to do

>> No.4280433


>> No.4280437

narcissism general

>> No.4280450

Same as this dude.

I've been reading novels my whole life, started reading from the /lit/ recommendation chart age 15. I can honestly say, my reading comprehension was appalling and only improved with age, not reading exposure.

>> No.4280454


I was the same for a while and then I noticed my other hobbies (reading, movies, anything really) just began to fill the gap.

>> No.4280458


I am trying but I have no friends so I have a lot of time to kill. I tend to read books and watch films that are mentally draining so I can only do that for so long.

>> No.4280475

quality post. listen to this guy, OP.

>> No.4280481

Who cares? What you read as a child you probably misinterpreted and entirely forgot by now.

>> No.4280482
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I'm in my teenage years now, what should I read?

>> No.4280484

I used to read a lot in middle and elementary school. Nothing ambitious though, just kids and teen books. In high school I always started the assigned books but never finished them. I've always been a big fantasy fan and never liked what the teachers made us read. I just now started reading a lot again.

>> No.4280510

I was doing all three, motherfucker.

>> No.4280511

>implying you aren't going to waste the rest of your life

>> No.4280512

So was I op. It is never to late to change.

>> No.4280521

>Implying I'm not the most ambitious person who's ever existed

>> No.4280713
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10-15 str8 vidya
15-19 gf & exercise
20-21 gf, study, reading
>tfw I'm a scrawny motherfucker now

>> No.4280714

I feel this way about vidya too unfortunately I can't enjoy a video game unless it's with a friend right next to me

>> No.4280722

Shiiit, I spent my teenage years reading, and that's the entire reason that I now do nothing but play vidya and jerk off.

>> No.4280734

This, idgi.

And why would someone that hasn't been interested in reading for their whole life become suddenly interested? I know this sounds arrogant but you most likely don't enjoy actually reading as much as you enjoy being acknowledged as a reader. Actual readers start doing it naturally since they're young.

>> No.4280749

>tfw teenaged me forced myself into reading kant hume descartes etc in hope it would help me be better at debate
>tfw i learned debate is actually easy as shit but i can't advance into higher levels cause my team/coach doesn't care
>tfw i had the rest of my youth to "mature, read and develop taste" but i was so eager to be the "youngest smart person" in the room when i should have been focusing on academics and getting into a top uni

>> No.4280830

I'm going to school for music.. that's like saying a philosopher is wasting his life. You're kind of right, but you could also not be more wrong.
And you, are not me. Shh.

>> No.4280839

Please kill yourself.

>> No.4281305

>tfw childhood was spent with all sorts of weird emotional problems and hardcore OCD, was the dumbest kid in my class, fat, no friends, ect.
>When I'm about 11I realize I need to get my shit together
>Mature like a weed
>tfw teenage years where increadibly satisfying and mentally challenging
>tfw somehow was able to network with all the government officials in charge of education and get all sorts of cool perks and stuff (free tickets to plays and concerts, paid for vacations during the summer and break to go travel, once my guidence counciler actually yelled at me for all the stuff I did and accused me of gaming the system)
>read most of the classics and /lit/core before out of highschool
>make friends with much more educated adult friends who I'd meet with several days a week to just talk about life and philosophy with
>other than that I just worked out and hit on girls and smoked weed
>graduated with decent grades and amazing recomendation letters

What was your teenage life like if you literally weren't doing anything? How do you get up every day and decide to do nothing for that day and not want to change that?

>> No.4281315

Heh, I'm 31 and my interpretations and understandings of texts are still pretty uninteresting and bland.

I read for plot.

>> No.4281318

>some people are readng RIGHT NOW while you're killing time on 4chan

>> No.4281326

>Actual readers start doing it naturally since they're young
you're just making a circular definition. why can't someone develop an honest interest in books late in his life? people develop interest all the time without considering the acknowledgement of other people

>> No.4281333

>some people are going out and making something of their lives while you're just reading books

>> No.4281335

I've never had a taste for finer things.

>> No.4281339

>What was your teenage life like if you literally weren't doing anything? How do you get up every day and decide to do nothing for that day and not want to change that?
I imagine lots of people on here can do that long past their teenage years. I know I can.

>> No.4281350

>go through school listening to Radiohead

Is Radiohead disliked now? Why?

>> No.4281349


Do you think traumatic experiences in your teen years helped you to adapt and move away from the typical teenage life? I don't think anybody really changes until they've had some kind of difficult experience. I have a friend who had some severe emotional problems as a child and he seemed to adopt a personal vision of life far quicker than the rest of his peers.

>> No.4281357

>I'm 19, the average amount of books read by this time is roughly 285.

Average for who?

>> No.4281358

Maybe those who are predisposed to being different are more likely to become depressed because of it.

>> No.4281362

>your kids get sick of you pushing your shit on them and rebel by acting as ignorant as possible

You can't win.

>> No.4281390

>blaming your parents for you not having any interests
questionable.jpg. My parents were great and most of my personality is still a giant blank.

>> No.4281401

I was reading Nabokov, Leo Tolstoy and many others when I was in my teens. Now I play wow and fap twice a day.

>> No.4281403

I've done all three brub when I was a teenager

>> No.4281427

>not finding a proper balance between reading, vidya, getting blunted and chasing pussy


>> No.4281475

Probably. Its not that I had a hard childhood or anything, but my only real memories of it are of a crushing feeling of depression and anxiety.

Even now if I don't do something productive for a few days I'll start getting terrible feelings of depression, lethargy, and splitting headaches. Its weird to me that some people can stand a life without doing much of anything.

Im just going to read to my kids in bed and teach them how to do stuff like paint, play piano, and do logic. As long as they have happy memories of those things they wont rebel.
Even if they do, as long as they have a good education worst case scenario is they end up like rimbaud

>> No.4281484

>worst case scenario is they end up like rimbaud
Homeless, alcoholic, getting high and fucking old dudes and then dying of cancer as an impoverished failed arms dealer in some godforsaken desert?

>> No.4281513

I'm making myself look old but (1980 baby here). Born in Jamaica to Jamaican and Indian parents, spent childhood either in Jamaica or India. So I did a lot of reading. In fact reading, guitar and karate were my hobbies. My parents eventually got my sister and I an NES (around '89) and I liked it but beyond that it had no draw for me. By the time I moved to the US ('95) didnt really care about games one way or another.

Now I'm a semi-retired studio musician and accountant at age 33 so I guess it worked.

>> No.4281516

you're also a fucking retard, judging by your posts on this board

>> No.4281518

>worst case scenario is they end up like rimbaud
Yup, real high standard of the good life

>> No.4281525

Insulted by an anonymous stranger. Oh how crushed I am.

>> No.4281528

but really you're the worst trip on this board, easily. sunhawk is better.

>> No.4281544

u dont need reforms u just need 2 work hard doe
i made it that means u can 2
america is freedom doe
werk hard

>> No.4281547

Really. An anonymous person's assessment of me on a forum. I don't think you got it from before but your opinion doesn't matter. Have something on topic, great, you don't then it's just another complaining child hiding behind a fence hurling slurs.

>> No.4281552
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>let me reply again to make sure that people know how not mad I am

>> No.4281554

why is every post you make either a.) just an attempt to brag and act old and wise or b.) in praise of ayn rand

like seriously you are horrible. nobody cares about how wise and old you are or how you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, or how you are semi-retired, or anything else, and we definitely don't want to hear about it in your annoyingly naive and pretentious prose style

i should probably just filter you, really

>> No.4281562
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He will probably write this off as jealousy because he's a true objectivist hero.

>> No.4281570

You should probably filter me. I'm not gonna stop posting on a forum because you don't like it.

Because I find the thread interesting. Not like I have anything to do for the next 2 hours.

>> No.4281572

the real problem is that nobody likes it, because nobody likes you

>> No.4281580

Yeah? That's what the problem is? Must suck to not be able to do a thing about me other than hide and sling insults.

>> No.4281581

who's hiding lol

also, filtered.

>> No.4281589

My parents were bottom of the barrel scum (in and out of jail, abandoned me as a baby, etc.) and I still have great taste.

>> No.4281591

Another thread ruined by a trip.

>> No.4281595

I posted my experience with video games, like the topic. It's this guy who keeps shadowing my posts that ruined it. He couldnt abide my posting without a bitch fit.

>> No.4281622

I read The Infinite Jest in my last year of high school; before that, I had begun getting into James Joyce the last three years. I'm very thankful towards my parents for the way they taught me to appreciate literature, and at the same time scared that I won't be able to make my kids inherit these values without being pushy, like they did. Specially since English isn't even my first language and reading contributed enormously to it.

>> No.4281629

>implying the 'nes was okay otherwise didn't care' part wasn't merely an excuse for you to give the narcissistic rags to riches american dream wanking routine another go

>> No.4281639

Nope. I was pointing out that you can grow up in the 80's, 90's and not have been obsessed with video games and jacking off to porn.

>> No.4281669


It was ridiculous dude.
-Once in the morning to Denise Austin's workouts on Lifetime
-Again when I got home before my mom, usually while thinking of my math teacher
-And at bed

I probably only hit 4x on weekends or days when I was really bored. All I remember about being 12 was jerking it till my dick chaffed and literally started bleeding a little once in awhile and beating Majora's Mask.

>> No.4282059


>Even now if I don't do something productive for a few days I'll start getting terrible feelings of depression, lethargy, and splitting headaches. Its weird to me that some people can stand a life without doing much of anything.

This happens to me as well (minus the head-aches). Is there a term for it?

I generally push myself to do things (anything) as I know that if I don't I'll feel awful.

>> No.4282066

>tfw you didn't start masturbating until you finished school

>> No.4282072

I was reading before I ever used a computer or had an erection. Mostly Asterix & Obelix and Animorphs.

>> No.4282729

I smoked weed for most of my high school years OP, I even forgot what reading was at one point. I've started reading again though, even though I still smoke MASS amounts of pot

>> No.4283033

>read and enjoy solitary activities in my school years in addition to meeting friends once or twice a week
>over the years I get forced into a state of feeling guilty about enjoying my time alone
>9 times out of 10 I feel guilty when picking a book to read because I "waste my time not being social"
I wish I could revert back to my old self and shrug all these expectations off like I did in the past. Would Stirner help?

>> No.4283035

>Asterix & Obelix
>the one where they join a Roman legion

maximum keks

>> No.4283055

I have the opposite. I feel guilty wasting my time being social when I could be lifting/reading/writing/training/studying to better myself.

>> No.4283073

Yes, very much so. At least for me. I don't think there is a work can be read that is more successful in showing people why they could do what they want without scruples.

Goes for that position as well.

>One seeks for himself, consequently one does not yet have himself; one aspires toward what one ought to be, consequently one is not it. One lives in longing and has lived thousands of years in it, in hope. Living is quite another thing in—enjoyment!

>> No.4283081

>Implying you can really appreciate great books at that age.

>> No.4283090

Is the ego and it's own worth reading? I haven't found to many philosophical works worth reading (when you can usually get a better summary of what the author is saying from a wiki page).

>> No.4283099
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Yes. The style could take some getting used to, but it works very well for what he sets out to do once you get into it. It's a life altering work for anyone who grasps its consequences. Some may not like it, but there is no doubting its power.

>> No.4283115

Thanks. I'm going to check it out, I'll post a thread about it when I've finished it, if it's that life changing for me.

>> No.4283123

Enjoy and good luck.

>> No.4283153

Wow, sucks to be them.

>> No.4283207

During my freshman year of high school I had a classmate who thought stuff was spelled stuph. You'll never be the worst at reading OP, never.

>> No.4283235

This classmate sounds fascinating.

>> No.4283292

>tfw you will never be as well-read as noted pedant Wallace Shawn

>I read my first Paris Review interviews when I was probably twelve
>When I was ten, I had a teacher who gave me a book. She said, Read this book and write a play based on the book. It was about Socrates, so I wrote a play about the death of Socrates.
> Though she adored Thornton Wilder, who was inspired by that type of theater. And she eventually came to admire Beckett, about whom I had lectured her when I was fourteen, trying to explain to her what a great writer he was.
>And I’d read a certain amount of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu and what have you in the course of my life. When I was fifteen, a very beloved aunt had given me a book that certain people were reading at that time, Zen Buddhism by D. T. Suzuki. I never got over it—it had an overpowering impact on me. And, with a teacher, I was reading James Joyce’s Ulysses at that same time, and both Joyce and Suzuki seemed to be saying that amazing revelations were to be found in the blandest facts of daily life

>> No.4283304

most people here are teenagers though

>> No.4283308

Go read a survey thread in the archives baby bugaloo. Mostly 20somethings, some teens and a fair share of oldfags.

>> No.4283342
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>mfw I was reading Kant by 12
I did a pretty good job understanding it too. I read the Prolegomena and the Groundwork when I was 12, and I'm still in the process of reading the Critique of Pure Reason. I've read all of the other major works from him except for the Opus Postumum.

>> No.4283354


Tten I'm so sorry for you, I really am.

>> No.4283419


I actually sort of hide the fact that I read, I'm pretty sure once people find out about it they're gonna be all over me about it.

>> No.4283708

>Implying you wouldn't rather be the father of rimbaud instead of the father or OP
Can you imagine the crushing pain of coming home from work every day to find your son in his room not getting into trouble or soing anything at all really and playing on the computer?

>> No.4283720

they're popular

also, people get tired of radiohead getting all the glory when there are other bands who are just as good struggling to get by

>> No.4283721

I probably won't read that many books by the time I die.

>> No.4283923

Why are you on lit? I mean, on good months I can read about a dozen books, how can you possibly never read more than a few hundred?

>> No.4283924

why are you such an enormous faggot though

>> No.4283929

I didn't take literature really seriously until I turned 22, am I fucked?

>> No.4284061

>when there are other bands who are just as good struggling to get by
That's the sad fact of the music industry. You have to get extremely lucky to get noticed.

>> No.4284074


>> No.4284115
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>Yeah life can be a thankless grind and monotonous at times and I've had my typical tragedies like anyone else, but all in all I have it pretty damn good and I'm looking forward to see where I end up.

Are you me? Thanks for this statement man reading it helped me work some shit out in my mind too.

>> No.4284189

>read quite a lot as a kid
>instead of getting into more serious literature, i discovered runescape

>> No.4284252

>get laid
Are you sexing right now?

>> No.4284258

I read war and peace in the womb

>> No.4284320

You won't die a virgin if you have sex

>> No.4284339

>Implying I'm not

>> No.4284348

No because you're not white.

>> No.4284357


>> No.4284362

>not /pol/ or /int/ or /b/
I don't understand.

>> No.4284370

So it /lits/

>> No.4286235

Just quit reading if you didn't read Joyce, Proust, Tolstoy, DFW or Dostoyevsky by age 5. If you can't recite Finnegan's Wake or the endnotes from Infinite Jest by your 10th birthday you should kill yourself.

>> No.4286240

samefag- Most importantly you should have every line of Tao Lin, Stirner and Murakami memorized. Or else.