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/lit/ - Literature

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4277109 No.4277109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I should've listened to you guys, and your warning about STEM majors, and /sci/. I just browsed the board and the rumors you guys spread about STEM majors, and /sci/ thinking their degrees will make them successful, and give them 300k starting salary, and their superiority complex over non-STEM majors, was appalling. I just got out of a thread before it exploded where they were bashing business degrees.

/sci/ never again.

>> No.4277156
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>mfw I accidentally click on /sci/ instead of /s/

>> No.4277175
File: 190 KB, 192x192, 1376293638165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I accidentally click on /lit/ instead of /jp/

>> No.4277176

Jesus fuck posting cp on a sfw board, what the hell man.

>> No.4277183


Comp Sci/Mathematics major/minor here.

STEM degrees will earn you a better salary. Business degrees are jokes (Unless you went to a good University, in which case you got some good networking). And /sci/ IS mostly terrible with a few good posts and posters (just like this board).


>implying /lit/ doesn't have superiority complexes of its own

>> No.4277187

/lit/ has the least superiority complex of all.

>> No.4277198

took me a moment to realize that it is the kids arm...

>> No.4277203

lol bullshit... you guys are all a bunch of pompous bastards.. I'm not the one your replying to and I only recently started browsing this board but you guys are a bunch of arrogant fuck tarded bitches.

>> No.4277206


fucking orin why are you so difficult fuck youre not even the last boss fuck fuck.

>> No.4277209

With a few quality posters

It's like I'm on 4chan or something

>> No.4277213


>> No.4277216

git gud

>> No.4277258


pffft hahahaha

/lit/ might be one of the smartest boards on this website but its intelligence is fucking dwarfed by its ego

>> No.4277388

>/sci/ superiority: We create objectively useful stuff, we are superior
>/lit/ superiority: let me write you a 20 pages essay in which I de-construct normal conceptions of social capital to prove that indeed I am superior to you

>> No.4277424

>business degrees
enjoy hell

>> No.4277492

>physics degrees
enjoy hell

>> No.4277498

Which is the whole point of business. Unless you have srs connections, or you went into something practical like accounting you aren't going to get a good job. The only reason the E part in STEM is worth anything is because of how difficult the actual major is itself. The other STM is utter garbage, and is over saturated now a days.
Yes, but unlike /sci/, /lit/ actually agrees that a lot of degrees are practical, and don't constantly shit on each other over what degree is the best degree. Seriously try fucking having an argument against which degree is more difficult, Math or Physics, and you'll see them try and tear each others throats apart. At least in /lit/ everything is more civil, despite the occasional douchebaggery.

m8 look at it closely

>> No.4277507

I have a degree in philosophy and mathematics, so I visit /lit/ and /sci/ both.

>> No.4277514

i mean, first it was the arts degrees being thrown under the bus as useless but since we all agreed that production of the arts is held by the bourgeoisie, we agreed that it was the artists fault for pursuing such a field.
then came the liberal arts and humanities degrees, the rationale being they challenge nobody and is where slackers go in order to get a piece of paper. then STEM-ers threw each other under the bus. "Chemistry Physics Biology? HA! you want to work in academia doing research as a lab rat?" the engineering or computer people sneered. then they belittle the pre med/med school for choosing the harder path in the first place "Why would I want to be a physician and work ALL the time" as if this preference somehow makes their choices superior. I'm not sure exactly how the engineering industry works, but I hope soon the higher up programmers see all the young aspiring programmers trying to cram into the industry and program themselves a AI to replace the entry level jobs to troll the young programmers who thought they were going to cash in.

>> No.4277519

When society pushes you to excel, to suck is a moral duty.

>> No.4277556
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>talk to STEM major undergrad
>he thinks he's a supergenius because he reads ars technica blogs and jerks off to scientism
>talk to humanities major undegrad
>he thinks he's a supergenius because he gets B+'s/A's in absorbing and repeating the biases of his professors in an extremely ritualised and formalised mockery of actual liberal arts education

>> No.4277871

but maths is harder than physics anon

>> No.4277898
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You have won all the jobs.

>> No.4277932

What's working in Starbucks like?

>> No.4277937

> Business degrees are jokes
maybe in america

>> No.4277952
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>talk to 4th year STEM major in Pharmacy
>quiet guy who studies hard
>already makes $21/hour during the summers as a pharm technician
>already has 3 job offers, each starting at 90k
>he graduates in June
>says after he works a few years he'll go back to get a Phd and do research cuz that's where his passion is

what an idiot hahahahahaha STEM ppl think they are so superior

>please kill me and burn my literature degree

>> No.4277964

300k starting? what?
where on earth did they get that information from?

Depending on where I get hired I expect around 50k~75k starting. I'd be lucky enough to get a foot in the door with my academic record to be honest.

I wish our government would encourage companies to take on and train interns much akin to what they are doing with trade interns.

Managed to find some unpaid work experience, starting tomorrow. It won't be enough for me to stand out though as it is compulsory to have a minimum of 60 days work experience to graduate.

>> No.4277994
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Y'all need to calm down

This only matters if you decide this matters. Who cares about image or wealth. Just be fucking happy already

>> No.4278007

Animosity between STEM students and humanities students is some ridiculous, cliche bullshit. Petty tribalistic bullshit. They're not incompatible, nerds. This my team vs your team shit ruins everything.

>> No.4278033

That's subjective.
Better then wasting 4 years of my life never leaving my dorm, and then finding out "all muh jobs" start at 30k, or are outsourced.
One person=/=the majority.

A lot of STEM fags at average or decent universities are obnoxious little faggots.
That was a meme I used, it's a hyperbole about the delusions of a STEM major.
I normally have nothing against STEM degrees, and I'm thinking of going back to school and majoring in math.

>> No.4278077
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>PhD in pure mathematics
>any school I want
>300k starting

>> No.4278103
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>Y'all need to calm down

>This only matters if you decide this matters.

>Who cares about image or wealth.

>Just be fucking happy already
and into the garbage it goes

>> No.4278167

>tfw studying literature next year
>tfw worried about careers in the future but there's nothing else I'd even consider studying

>> No.4278172

lol insecure humanities majors

>> No.4278179


Even then, STEM is beginning to get over-saturated now with the internet telling everyone to go into it.

>> No.4278232

>I've been REKT in debate on /lit/, because people actually read books there unlike on /sci/ and my anus is still sore.

Poor little thing

>> No.4278234

Not all STEM majors are pompous, it's usually Physics, engineers, and to a lesser degree math. Bio and chem are usually p nice people
biochemistry master race

>> No.4278246
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>masters in History and Politics
>join my country's second biggest political party
>work my way up the ladder
>currently working as an advisor to the party group leader
>mfw the fact that I've actually studied politics unlike the rest of these chuckleheads enables me to manipulate them to my whims
>mfw I'm slowly sabotaging him and will soon inherit his position
Learning is fun.

>> No.4278250

le Machiavelli face

>> No.4278260

Get outta here, Niccolo.

>> No.4278262

Mostly I find impure engineers obnoxious and full of hubris about the potency of their field, it's like they skip epistemology (how to know things) for practical reasons I guess (lol)

Most other stem people are decent people that I as a humanities major easily can get along with.

>> No.4278362

I've been studying mathematics for 3 semesters now and the only guys who talked about how much they're going to earn in the future with their bachelor quit already.

>> No.4278388

more importantly: you managed to feel superior over both

>> No.4278393

Judging STEM-fields based on /sci/ is like judging the humanities based on /lit/: fucking stupid.

>> No.4278396
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>all these people desperately trying to earn a lot
Filthy capitalist Americans, stop being such brainless materialists

>> No.4278421
File: 25 KB, 283x376, dood_van_socrates_jacques-louis_david[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be riding the subway
>run into old friend
>he studies theoretical physics
>i tell him i'm a philosophy major
>'philosophy huh, what do you need that for?'
>'what do you strive for when pursuing science?'
>'objective truth obviously'
>'but what is objective truth exactly?'
>'well, those things we see... reality and all that'
>'but how do we perceive reality?'
>'through our eyes and with certain laws of nature'
>'does a law of nature exist on its own?'
>'yes, of course'
>'how are we able to know things on its own when we are bound to our senses and are subjective mind?'
>'so objective truth is impossible?'
>'i guess...'
>'well then what do you know about physics if you can't even define truth?'
>he gets mad and calls me names, spouting: 'muh 300k starting, muh superior intelligence muh.. muh'
>mfw I'm Socrates

>> No.4278440

Yeah, filthy Capitalist Americans! Why can't they be like the rest of the world?


>> No.4278449

I love that Socrates would just troll the fuck out of people like that. Going up to those who were thought to be the wisest and questioning them until it became apparent that they didn't know anything about anything.

>Oh, fuck. Here comes this asshole again..

>> No.4278450


both of you are stupid.. I never said I was from /sci/. Stupid, arrogant and poor reading comprehension.. sure is /lit/ on here

>> No.4278454

>fantasizing about telling off STEMlosers
lol you're sad

>> No.4278463

The obsession with pragmatism conceals the fear of being useless. But humans themselves are useless, because free. Thus the fear can only come from the fact that you are leaving a life not free, but one that depends from the whims of the powerful.

>> No.4278465

Marx was a materialist.

>> No.4278469

Humanities don't have a problem with STEM, STEM has a problem with humanities. Mostly because they often have very uncultivated tastes and get offended when we don't share their passion for plot centered narratives.

>> No.4278473

materialist =/= materialist

>> No.4278474

I never claimed you were from /sci/ either, nice reading comprehension.

>> No.4278478

butthurt stemfag detected. How does it feel knowing your delusions of job prospects and 6 figure income were just fabricated lies.

>> No.4278506

well yeah it didnt actually go like that
i ran into that friend on the subway and he asked me what philosophy was good for. i was stoned out of my mind so i just sat there and smiled

>> No.4278535

Whenever someone asks me "what is philosophy for?" I answer "to know not to ask stupid questions."

>> No.4278564

>Humanities don't have a problem with STEM, STEM has a problem with humanities.
WTF am I reading?
Humanities usually can't into math and logic.
STEMs always can study philosophy if they want.

>> No.4278576

>my team vs your team

Read my post again, faggots.

>> No.4278599

Then why are they so bad at philosophy? Maybe it's because it's not as simple and universal as they think but requires a very specific set of competences and talents.

Anyway the having a problem was meant in the sense of being hostile, not having a difficulty with.

>> No.4278606

You don't know about Analytic philosophy, right?

>> No.4278612

cs guy here.

you will only do good in non-stem if you
1)have connections
2)are an affirmative action supported minority (including having a vagina)
3)have extraordinary social skills, but a complete lack of empathy, equal to (or actually being a) sociapath

bullshit bingo professions such as HR love all three points, but dont expect to ever be promoted to a position that actually matters, because everyone knows you are just there as a trophy, not for you brains.

>> No.4278613

I don't think it's a stupid hostility. I think it has its roots in a particular set of opposing values that the two forms of disciplines have taken for contingent historical reasons (mostly due to discussions in how to allocate university funds).

On one side you have have the future oriented pragmatism of people believing that all knowledge must be business oriented and increase productivity.

On the other you have a culture that values history and believes that the curve of human history should go towards increase leisure and not increased productivity.

>> No.4278618

I do know a lot about analytic philosophy. So much that often analytic philosophers have often successfully argued against the dismissive attitude of scientists towards philosophy.

>> No.4278653

That sounds a little more believable. I get the feeling that people on /lit/ aren't as confrontational as Socrates, even if they'd like to be

>> No.4278680

but they are right

>> No.4278687

Meh that's not actually that true. You could do well, I mean seriously there is no reason for needing more than 50k a month unless you equate your self-worth with the number on your paycheck. But only an insecure little girl would do that.

I mean I studied philosophy and now I live in new york doing 45k entry level working as copywriter for an investment firm. No connections, no minority, average social skills. I have a perfectly good life.

>> No.4278695

Getting any degree anywhere outside of America is a joke

>> No.4278701

Is that what you say to yourself to justify why you got in debt for life? Because I have an european degree and I work side to side with Princeton and Columbia graduates.

>> No.4278706

what degree, and where do you work?

>> No.4278712


Look here:

I payed 2k a year for a ba and an ma in philosophy before moving to the US. No debt.

>> No.4278720

lol a bartender in new york makes more than you

>> No.4278721

This is wrong and over-simplified.

>> No.4278726

>50k a month
Surely you mean a year?

>> No.4278742

Yeah a year.

Eh not really. Most bartenders do $100 - $200 on a farily busy night (that is a friday-saturday).
Naturally there are people that do ludicrous amounts but that's not the norm and you have to be either cool/good looking to get those positions or have done studies as a bartender.

>> No.4278750

Over-simplified yeah, it's a post on the internet.

Wrong? Please explain.

>> No.4278780

Obviously it depends where you live.

I live in New York, I don't live in Manhattan but I do reside in the NYC metro area. I make a little over 65k a year and I can tell you making less than that would make life very difficult.

>> No.4278789

$100- $200 a night in NYC? Lol no. Not even at dive bars. At top tier clubs and lounges bartenders are easily pulling $500-$700 a night on weekends after tipping out bar-backs and waitstaff.

>> No.4278802

I live in East Williamsburg. I do fine on 50k a year and I consistently save 1/4th of my paycheck each month. And I assure you I don't live in deprivation.

>> No.4278805

is that cp?

>> No.4278807

well what doesn´t sound believable to me was the reaction of the stem guy. Normally people doesn´t really listen that well to what you say, and they don´t really think about it, so the most plausible reaction would just be "whatever, man...". If they already know you are actually good at talking or reasoning they would probably be scared and would avoid your questions, making impossible for you to make them understand your point, cause they actually think those are some sort of jedi mind tricks

>> No.4278811

Why not download it and see for yourself?

>> No.4278815

I both worked as a bartender and have numerous friends working as bartenders (some in some cool spots). In crowded bars you do around $1000 a week. In dive bars and normal bars you do nowhere near.

Of course in high-end bars and clubs there is no limit what you can make. But it is certainly no gold mine and also it's an incredibly shit job that decimates your social life.

>> No.4278887

Yeah, how many roommates do you live with?

>> No.4278901

I live with my gf in a one bedroom.