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/lit/ - Literature

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4275394 No.4275394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: What you're currently reading, listening to and eating and/or drinking.

>> No.4275398

>not Barqs

You fucked up

>> No.4275405

>not IBC

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4275407
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pic, leonard cohen, beer

>> No.4275411

> Drinking the liquid jew
Stay fat, Americano.

>> No.4275414

Hatsune Miku and Journey to The End of The Night

>> No.4275415

dude what the fuck is wrong with you

this image is fucked up

>> No.4275420
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Monster Energy drink, watching Rooster Teeth partially while i read about engineering. Probably play some Xbox Live soon when i finish another part XD

>> No.4275429

I can't listen to music but I'm about to get some coffee and I'm either gonna read Teleny or Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

>> No.4275430

Yuengling, Charlie Parker, and trying to read La Nausée in french

>> No.4275433

>I can't listen to music
r u deaf

>> No.4275436


>> No.4275447

That book sucks so hard

>> No.4275450

>currently reading
The Republic by Plato
>listening to
People That Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World album by Andrew Jackson Jihad
>eating and/or drinking
eating, for the most part, various oatmeals and salads, and drinking, for the most part, coffee and water.

>> No.4275451

im sorry

>> No.4275453
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4chan, jap stuff, oj


>> No.4275458

No reason to be

>> No.4275461
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i just want to end it already

>> No.4275462

Crime and Punishment, Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue, water and orange lollipop

>> No.4275465

you would realize there was a reason to be if you could hear music


>> No.4275468

Reading: Moby Dick, trying Thomas l'obscur in french
Listening to: Zomby, Desto, Evian Christ, Kuedo
Drinking: coffee

>> No.4275469

I'm reading this too. What do you not like about it?

>> No.4275470

Water, A tribe called quest, and an anthology of Beckett's short plays

>> No.4275471

his writing style

>> No.4275472

nice, you managed to be a full pleb

>> No.4275477

Jules Verne- Around The Moon
The Lemonheads- Varshons
Stovetop coffee, black w/ sugar

>> No.4275481

>amerishit sugar water


>> No.4275486

please /lit/ inform me on the cultural role that Mountain Dew plays in this global society

>> No.4275487

Cool For You. Sonny Fortune. Nothing, but rice and tea for lunch.

>> No.4275512

-The World of Jeeves by PG Wodehouse
-Animals as Leaders

>> No.4275518


>> No.4275532

>Reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame and re-reading Frankenstein.
>Not listening to anything.
>Eating Tangy Cheese Doritos.

>> No.4275551


I'm honestly not even a huge music guy and I don't dick about metal but I really love prog from King Crimson to Tool and Porcupine Tree. I can't find anything else quite likely AAL though. Other "djent" stuff seems to have all that guttural screaming which I never cared for personally.

>> No.4275552

bad music is bad. book is fine. drink is terrible. how can anyone read a book with music with lyrics playing in the background

>> No.4275556

>bad music is bad
le epic win si epic

>> No.4275559

Not to mention djent music has become so fucking derivative and inane

>> No.4275568

>Tool and Porcupine Tree

>> No.4275572

Just finished The Stranger.
Not listening to anything.

>> No.4275576


And this is why I NEVER go to /mu/ or post about music in general. Lateralus and Blackest Eyes are amazing tracks so suck my non-patrician testicles.

>> No.4275582

>regular everyday normal guy

>> No.4275583

>what I'm reading
Understanding power by chomsky

>what I'm drinking

>what I'm listening to
The patients in my mental home do stuff and talk

>> No.4275584

more like plebsticles

>> No.4275585

>Dostoyevsky "The Brothers Karamazov -1"
>My Blody Valentine - m b v

>> No.4275590


Out of morbid curiosity, what's so horrible about Tool and Porcupine Tree? They're popular? What?

I mean, what are the hip prog bands that would make me as cool as you for listening to them?

>> No.4275598

Don't mind that idiot, he probably worships NMH and Kanye or he only listens to demo's from noise bands on soundcloud.

>> No.4275604


>pls validate my pop-prog
the only respectable form of prog is krautrock (and 1st wave post-rock if you want to label it neo-prog)

>> No.4275608

The crossing

>listening to

homebrew iced tea

>> No.4275609

how'd you end up there

>> No.4275613


Your opinion is fine as long as you get some sunlight in that basement you live in :)

>> No.4275614
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Pretty much.

>> No.4275615

lol @ taking /mu/'s trash talk seriously. plus, /mu/'s opinions on anything remotely popular or that isn't indie garabe is pretty much worthless.

>> No.4275617

I'm a staff here. If you want to work in a mental home just get to know people that work in them and try to get in.

>> No.4275618

>b-but you're a neckbeard!

>> No.4275621
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>> No.4275625
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It's actually quite nice, but it's linked to some stupid paper.
I'm drinking water and I'll be eating some pasta with a tomato-goat cheese sauce.

>> No.4276297


>> No.4276301
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> tfw no spanish speaking bros to comment this with

>> No.4276309

Idi Nahui ispanskom yazyke

>> No.4276339
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>Sartre - Nausea (translated)
>Karenn - Sheworks 004 (ambient / industrial techno)

Too bad the only response in this thread will be the one calling me a macfag

>> No.4276348
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>nothing; might drink some water later

>> No.4276353
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Jesus, it's great.

>> No.4276369
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En realidad somos varios acá, sólo que generalmente posteamos en inglés porque de lo contrario el resto no entiende un carajo.

>> No.4276409

took a brief interweb break from reading the Bluest Eye
drinkan water, listenan to Ozma

>> No.4276456

Shit tastes.

>> No.4276463
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Duvel, A$AP, Stirner.

Best pic related to protect your eyes from my shine.

>> No.4276469

>drinking soda
>listening to metallica
>windows xp
>girl with the dragon tattoo
>task manager open
what are you doing

>> No.4276474

would fuck

>> No.4276479

Reading Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, listening to Mike Jones, drinking Coke Zero

>> No.4276497

Reading: The Road
Listening to: Portishead
Drinking: Gin

>> No.4276509

that's a silly looking cup.

>> No.4276546

Pls lock up your firearms.

>> No.4276553

Reading Lolita, drinking malt beer and not really listening to anything. I ate earlier.

>> No.4276555

I'm drinking Cinzano (martini) and reading Death In Venice. Not listening to anything.

>> No.4276573

Nausea started making me nauseous. or was it my roommate? idk, i had to put it down. reading The Townsman, drinking Dr.Pepper (made with real sugar), and listening to CSS intermittently. Music is my hot hot sex, bitches!

>> No.4276595

>listening to meal
>watching shitty films
>not drinking barq's
>reading that version of blood meridian

OP you are the definition of pleb.

>> No.4276619
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Drinking water.

>> No.4276626


I just started getting into existentialism, so i'm starting off with some Nietzche and some psychology books on existentialism in general after I finish reading The Stranger.

>Listening to

Defiance, Ohio. Maybe some Andrew Jackson Jihad later.


Pizza and gingerale.

>> No.4276635


Good shit.

>> No.4276645
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Bud Light, same book and printing as OP, pic related

>> No.4276669
File: 567 KB, 3264x2448, oTURxAv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currently reading:
Un loup est un loup - Michel Folco

>listening to:
dj set from Ben Klock at Beghain (techno)


>> No.4276681


>> No.4276693

Almost done book 4 of ASoIaF. re-reading in preparation for book 6. it will be out soon r-right?

listening to
i can't listen while i read, you silly. though i recently got all of The Black Key's albums. they are pretty good


nothing, don't want a messy book. but pizza afterwards

>> No.4276703

I agree. A little slow getting started but I have to keep reminding myself this is fiction.

>> No.4278181


>> No.4278210

>What you are reading
Virgil's Aeneid as translated by Fagles, but at this moment I'm reading posts on 4chan.
>what you are listening to
This Heat - Deceit
>what you are eating/drinking
Tea, I'm not eating anything

>> No.4278239
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>What you are reading
The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, vol. 3.
>what you are listening to
>what you are eating/drinking

>> No.4278245

reading i'll sleep when im dead- warren zevon bio.
drinking an apple

>> No.4278253

birth of tragedy
>listening to
black metal
>eating and/or drinking

>> No.4278266

The Present Age
Holy Ghost!
Wasabi cashews, walnuts and almonds

>> No.4278280

Locally roasted coffee

Headhunters by Herbie Hancock

Poems of Akhmatova

>> No.4278294

>not liking the master's writing style

>> No.4278297
File: 398 KB, 1911x1038, ReadListenDrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking apple juice and water

>> No.4278326

>your deceptive mind: a scientific guide to critical thinking skills

>just finished watching meet the press, now catching the last half of face the nation

>ate a bunch of broccoli and 3 chicken, lettuce, onion and pickle sandwiches for breakfast. typically only eat one meal a day.

>drinking coffee

>> No.4278332


Mein nigger, regarding all three

>> No.4278343

You have good taste, in another life we might have been, will be, friends. Cheers.

>> No.4278347

>led zeppelin

what a pleb

>> No.4278374

>Grapes Of Wrath
>And So I Watched You From Afar-And So I Watched You From Afar
>Bag of BBQ Spitz

>> No.4278382

D.H. Lawrence
Death Grips

>> No.4278391

American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance, edited by Leo Panitch
Coca Cola

>> No.4278418

You ate three sandwiches for breakast?

>> No.4278425

Etsuko Yakushimaru!!

You got link for discography anon? I really like her music and her

>> No.4278550
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>> No.4278570

Art of War

>> No.4278586

Lolita, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and coffee.

>> No.4278757


Flannery O'Connor, The Gaslight Anthem, Fucking Water

>> No.4278774
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listening to this

i dont read i just come here to troll

>> No.4278794

Adorno, Horkheimer: Dialectic of Enlightenment
>listening to:
Chopin, complete Nocturnes

>> No.4278795

>not reading adorno while listening to adorno

for shame, pleb.

>> No.4278801

>anyone doing any of these things while they're browsing /lit/

>> No.4278820

>Eating toasted melancholy while drinking some brewed suffering.

>> No.4278872
File: 108 KB, 800x479, The Dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you're currently reading,
The Dude and the Zen Master, Jeff Bridges
>listening to
Christmas Music Station
>and eating and/or drinking.
Baked Beans, Ritz Crackers and Grape Kool-Aid

>> No.4278881
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>> No.4278898

>all that guttural screaming which I never cared for personally.
My Niggah.
I stick mostly to power metal with the fast guitar work, but I have to turn the song off if they start that RAAAWWWRR stuff.

>> No.4278955
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>Currently reading
Zamyatin's We

>Listening to
Mark Knopfler's Shangri-La

Water master race

>> No.4278987
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Murders in the Rue Morgue: The Dupin Stories
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
iced tea

>> No.4279030

Practical Ethics by Peter Singer
On Avery Island by NMH
Water [>Getting any calories from liquid]
De nada. I may have a steak later to counter this book, though.

>> No.4279032


>power metal
>RAAAAWR stuff
I think you got the wrong genre mate, Power metal vocalists always sing pretty clean, many use opera techniques.

>> No.4279047

Reading: The Early History of Rome by Livy and Occultation by Laird Barron.
Listening: Book Burner by Pig Destroyer
Drinking: Coffee

>> No.4279059

Reading: Unknown Pleasures by Peter Hook
Listening: Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division
Drinking: Arizona Watermelon

>> No.4279082

No, I've been straddling the lines, pretty much going across all kinds of different metal genres looking for new bands, but it's been hard to tell what kind of vocal style they're going to use until actually listening to their songs. (not to mention it's the most efficient way to do it)
There are some exceptions of course. Y'know from description if its folk metal or power metal that you're probably not going to hear that gutteral sound, but if you're checking out a band that does more than one style or that just hasn't been described in detail, you never know until you know.

Which is all just fine after all, It's not really a problem as there are plenty of bands to check out. I'm not so much complaining as saying that's been my system, (though it gets comically frustrating when there's a long fast lead in and you start to get into the song before you hear RAAWWWRR)

>> No.4279115

Drinking: Goga Gola
Listening: Bande a Part by Nouvelle Vague
Reading: Journey to the End of the Night by Celine

>> No.4279125

I like what Im seeing

You guys should try Tim Heckers album Virgins, its pretty noise/soundy. Found it through theneedledrop but its fucking great

>> No.4279162

Player Piano, Kurt Vonnegut
> Drinkin

>> No.4279211
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Listening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAkw_Wi4yIo

>> No.4279269


>> No.4279275

>Monster Energy drink, watching Rooster Teeth partially while i read about engineering. Probably play some Xbox Live
do you have any bleach in your house perchance?

>> No.4279291

The Qur'an (I've always been curious and finally got around to buying a copy the other day).
>Listening to
Pulp (Different Class album)
Earl Grey tea

What do you think of We so far?

>> No.4279293

organic chemistry (fucking blows)
mozart's 25th

(before i came here anyway)

>> No.4279979

Been there, I wasnt able to listen to guttural voices like 2 years ago, now most of my favorite bands are just grrrbrbrrbrbaaaarggg. Is sort of an acquired taste, one day you find a band you reeally like and the vocals are just a bit RAAARG, so its ok, then the bands you listen to become more and more unintrlligible, one day you realize you're listening to something that sounds like a mix pigs, beheadings and farting. Lol

>> No.4279985

reading mike tuchscherer's stuff
listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrC30ThY9cE
eating beef

>> No.4280033

You're probably right, even now it's gone from being ear-rapey to just kind of uninteresting. So It's possible that with more exposure, that I'll get into it. Fortunately, I'm finding a lot of viking and winter themed songs and albums, which is perfect for the season.

>> No.4280098

>Listening to
American Lana Del Rey
A sandwich
Point Counterpoint Aldous Huxley

>> No.4280794

A Scanner Darkly
Straight, No Chaser by Thelonious Monk
Orange Juice.

>> No.4280807

That song reminds me of a guy I'm in love with.

>> No.4280818

>falling in love

>> No.4280824

Feelings are the fuel of thought and thought is the fuel of action, my friend. Falling in love makes life more vibrant and interesting. Emotional depth is deliciously satisfying, so the shame and pain are great too.

>> No.4280825

Reading - Behold A Pale Horse
Listening To - Coleman Hawkins, Jazz After Midnight
Drinking - Chock Full of Nuts (coffee)

>> No.4280827

Not for me...

>> No.4280829

you are gay?

>> No.4280832
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>Listening to
Deaf Center - Thread
Cheese and crackers
This thread. Still.


>> No.4280837

I fall in love a lot. I'm such a romantic I deprive myself of the people I fall in love with so I can hold onto that feel. Not even trolling. I hate myself for being this way sometimes, but I love my memories so much. They're the greatest possession I'll never be able to hold.

>> No.4280842

Falling in love is an annoyance. Especially when I know there won't be reciprocation. It's a luxury some people just can't afford.

So I've learned to control it and I feel much better now. I've replaced all my emotions with motivation to actually do stuff.

>> No.4280848

Everyone lives their lives differently. Ain't it swell, all this variety?

No. Don't hit on me silly bois, etc.

>> No.4280851
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>> No.4280855
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Listening to The Saints
Eating Goulash
Reading Don Quixote

>> No.4280877
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>> No.4280879

I'm listening to the song on the DVD menu screen for the cartoon movie El Dorado. Eating an apple and pb&j. Reading /lit/ and SMBC. Late night is best.

>> No.4280895
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>> No.4280898

Reading: Symposium. About time I read it.

Drinking: Water

Listening: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/51454/JJ-DOOM-Key-To-The-Kuffs/

>> No.4280927

>reading The Master and Margarita
>eating pretzel sticks
>drinking orange juice
>smoking a cigaretts

>> No.4280932

I'm reading that right now. How far are you? Opinions?

>> No.4280949

>ITT: What you're currently reading, listening to and eating and/or drinking.
>"smoking a cigaretts"
how edgy

>> No.4280974
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En realidad no confio en traductores, intento leer las obras en el que el autor los escribio.

>> No.4281038
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Trying to apply Claude Bremond's diagram to this and finish the essay I have to do.
>listening to
Mauricio Redolés
>eating or drinking
Cheap Coffee.

>> No.4281112


It's really nice, I think.

Also cool, The Qur'an. I read it a few weeks ago for the same reasons myself. Fascinating stuff but ultimately kind of stupid.

>> No.4281865
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Salmonella men on planet porno
Girls Generation

>> No.4283176


>> No.4283227

Spanish is the best language ever.

>> No.4283247

I've got an albee play I haven't yet read and I just finished August: Osage County. Drinking some shitty cabernet leftover from a party I worked and I'm listening to some Swans currently.

>> No.4283303


I like you.

>> No.4283325

lingua latina est lingua optima

>> No.4283360

>listening to non-instrumental music while reading

Why would you do this?

>> No.4283367
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>listening to music other than rap

>> No.4283373

Xen Cuts album from Ninja Tune
Chocolate milk (cold, the book made me do it)

>> No.4283376

so edgy

In case you're expecting anything deep from either the book or the album, there's nothing.