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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 460x276, The-writer-Joseph-Conrad-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4273416 No.4273416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how old were you when you grew out of postmodernism and realised that all the "clever" literary devices, like breaking the fourth wall, stream of conciousness, non-linear storytelling &c. are inferior to a simple, strong story with well-written characters?

>> No.4273433

>tfw grown beyond literature and just re-read tintin comics now

Face it, nothing's come close in style and execution. Why bother with anything else when perfection is laying wait in the nearest childrens section

>> No.4273454

I've transcended your mediocre, pretentious, anti-intellectual, dishonest trash. I now only read graffiti written in bathroom stalls.

>> No.4273456
File: 118 KB, 875x667, high_five_by_mf99k-d6eingk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herge bros!

>> No.4273467

I was a huge Modernism and Post-Modernism nut during high school. I read Joyce, Beckett, Borges Proust, Pynchon, Barth, Celine, etc.
Then, during community college, I began re-reading Borges and then continued with other Latin American authors (Rulfo, Onetti, Hernandez, Arreola, Vargas Llosa, etc) and realized that words like modernism and post-modernism are too narrow and really limit your perspective on literature.
But even the great Po-Mo authors never really identified themselves as following any specific tradition. Pynchon describes himself as a "classicist," meaning that he values a strong narrative above those "clever literary devices." Onetti believed that in a modern society, vanguardist ideals are no real substitute for a well-written story with multi-dimensional characters.
Now, in university, I don't really know who to believe. I used to think Nabokov was the shit, and I still do, but that opinion has been tempered by a lot of reading and re-reading.
My advice for anyone: go read the classics. Homer, Lucretius, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Spenser, Ariosto, Cervantes, etc. That's where you'll find your answers.

>> No.4273470

>all the "clever" literary devices, like breaking the fourth wall, stream of consciousness, non-linear storytelling &c. are desperate tactics and shiny baubles to distract us from the devastating decline of Western culture.


>> No.4273476

I forgot to add Milton. Milton is VERY important.
Some poets are content with describing what their subjects look like and sound like. Milton is a constantly moving, active and energetic verse that borders on the cinematographic. Read Milton, y'all!

>> No.4273490
File: 684 KB, 4961x3508, kilroy_was_here1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I sit all broken hearted.
Tried to shit but only farted.

>> No.4273491
File: 47 KB, 225x343, 03-diaz2-225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Unironic readers of racist material must silently condone racism.
2. Tintin is a racist comic.
3. You're an unironic reader of Tintin.
4. Therefore, you're a racist, and your comment in support of Tintin is racist.

Reported to /lit/ Tolerance Crime Janitorial Crew. Enjoy your three-day ban, shitlord.

>> No.4273757

what is the point in reading books even?
i mean...you gotta ask youself a question: "what wrote a book?"
and the answer is : "a human"
then what is the point in reading something that was written by someone so inferior. humans are stupid and that means they will write stupid stuff. and people will think they are smart for reading all this stupid stuff.
"do you read any books?"
not anymore.

>> No.4273803

I seriously hope this is bait

>> No.4273831

It's pasta.

>> No.4273839

So how old were you when you grew out of postmodernism and realised that all the "clever" literary devices, like breaking the fourth wall, stream of conciousness, non-linear storytelling &c. were already done in the 18th century by Sterne, Fielding, Richardson, Swift, and Pope?

Nothing new under the sun... until Wordsworth came along, that is.

>> No.4273856
File: 87 KB, 559x800, I SHALL BUST!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw reading graffiti in bathroom stalls

Legitimately more enlightening and entertaining than the majority of books. It's like anallog 4chan.

>> No.4273859

inferior to what?

>> No.4273866

stream of consciousness wasn't invented by pomo, get your facts straight

>> No.4273867

Joseph Conrad is the king, so it's not fair to compare anyone to him really.

>> No.4274189

Why the picture, though? Did Diaz say something mean about Tintin?

>> No.4274193

An hour later I took a chance
Tried to fart but shit my pants

>> No.4274205

No postmodernist would ever define themselves as a postmodernist. Any writer who does is not a postmodernist by definition.

>> No.4274207

so like a hipster

>> No.4274633

>grew out of postmodernism
>implying you can grow out of reality
It's here. We've done it all, and it's only building up onion layers of irony on top of irony.

I just chew leaves naked and carve my novel on rocks nowadays.

>> No.4274636

>humans are stupid and that means they will write stupid stuff. and people will think they are smart for reading all this stupid stuff

This is the ramblings of a lazy teen too dumb to do anything in his life.