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4272781 No.4272781 [Reply] [Original]

how much has your IQ increased since you became an avid reader. specifically classic literature/serious lit

>> No.4272789

your IQ doesnt increase from reading

>> No.4272788

I already hate this thread

>> No.4272796

It's scientifically proven that you gain on average 2 IQ points for every page of Finnegans Wake you read.

>> No.4272798

I remember a study somewhere(google it) where they were explaining how reading imroved crystalized knowledge which is basically information you learn and can apply in real life. the other type of intelligence is called fluid intelligence. this is the kind where you use your intellect to spot patterns and that sort

>> No.4272805
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>> No.4272808

It can increase your verbal IQ

>> No.4272814


>> No.4272816

as well as critical thinking and ability to focus

>> No.4272821

IQ is a predictive measure of how well you will score in the school system and nothing more.

You can increase your IQ by studying for it like any other test. Word puzzles, spatial problem solving, memory tasks.

>> No.4272825

I'm sorry, I seem to be fresh out of jew-spotting badges.

>> No.4272831

and how would the ability to recognize patterns, use logic, etc. not translate in real life? are you saying that your brain only processes information better in a school setting?

>> No.4272832

at least you have a high verbal IQ

>> No.4272835

Oh sure, those things can be applied to good effect in the real world. But it's not so simple as a "you have high IQ you are genius now"

It's like your high school final marks (dunno what you call them but in Ausland it's your ATAR), it's more of a social tell that if you ever mention any sort of connotation of intelligence goes out the window.

We have no solid definition for intelligence.

>> No.4272844

i think IQ is more of an indicator of potential

>> No.4272849

Eh, can be but it's hardly a prerequisite. By design it favours STEM types over artistic ones because it's based around the school system. Andy Warhol, for populist example, had some notoriously low IQ.

Basically the first thing they drill into you in psych is "laugh at people who mention IQ"

>> No.4272851

oh but you see, andy warhol was indeed, retarded

>> No.4272853

May be so, but it's hard to argue he didn't use his potential.

>> No.4272858

probably 5 points

>> No.4272862

How do I compare my 25 year old self with my 4 year old self?

>> No.4272865

wat. source

>> No.4272868

Not true, an urban legend that's been proven false.

>> No.4272872

He was a devout Catholic though, which is even more suprising.

>> No.4272874


Do you even know how IQ works? A 4 year who tests for 150 IQ will probably have the same IQ at 25

>> No.4272880

that's actually surprising considering he was a raging homosexual and supported lou reed, iggy pop & co

>> No.4272884

>Basically the first thing they drill into you in psych is "laugh at people who mention IQ"

You mean the 'science' whose entire behavioral branch is based off the illusion that heritability doesn't matter? Of course they'd disparage IQ

>> No.4272888

Heritability does matter psychs just dont generalise and say hurr blacks are genetically less smart than glorious whites or whatever else you're insinuating.

>> No.4272890

but they are.

>> No.4272898

>say hurr blacks are genetically less smart than glorious whites or whatever else you're insinuating.

Fuck off dude. I'm not a racist

>> No.4272901

IQ can change over age. Also, my parents weren't horrible enough to subject me to IQ tests with no reason.

>accepting notions of intelligence dreamed up by a bunch of stemfags
>any year

>> No.4272902

Ok, you'l forgive me for thinking that's your angle when you bring up heritability given that's the motivation of almost all of the people who bring it up with me.

>> No.4272908

how could I even know my IQ? you have to pay for taht shit if you want it official

>> No.4272912
File: 14 KB, 267x320, feelini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"To believe the envious Truman Capote, Andy was a Sphinx without a secret. In fact, he did have a secret, one that the kept dark from all but his closest friends: he was exceedingly devout - so much so that he made daily visits to the church of Saint Vincent Ferrer on the Upper East Side of Manhattan... Although famously thrifty, he was also secretly charitable. Besides giving financial support, he often spent evenings working in a shelter for the homeless run by the Church of the Heavenly Rest. It was not soppy social consciousness or guilt that prompted Andy's good works; it was atavism as personified by his adored and adoring mother, the pious Julia."

>tfw you always thought andy was a cunt

>> No.4272914

The notion that a moderately higher average IQ gives you the right to discriminate doesn't make any sense. Average group IQ doesn't proclude genius outliers, nor does it take other forms of intelligence, like EQ, into account. Plus, being smarter that someone doesn't give you the right to lord that fact over them. You can believe in IQ heritability without being a bigot

>> No.4272932

>Not literature

IQ is a valid psychometric construct. It's also moderately to highly correlated with various neurological processes and structures, such as EEG, grey matter density, and brain size.

>> No.4272939

why not, for example it makes sense to reserve more places in schools for white people since they will, on average, get further with the same education.

>> No.4272947

It hasn't, i'm still just as retarded as i was before

>> No.4272948

I'm more okay with /pol/ setting up camp and making daily traditionalist threads than I am with /sci/ peddling their awful IQ bullshit here.

>> No.4272950

>for example it makes sense to reserve more places in schools
You don't believe in universal eduction?

>> No.4272953

You don't really reserve places in schools. They're either private, in which case they're usually pretty selective right off the bat regardless of skin tone; or public, in which case they're forced to admit whoever's nearby regardless of skin tone.

I haven't seen any valid physiological basis for differences in intelligence between the ethnic groups either, there doesn't seem to be any major physiological/neurological difference.

>> No.4272955

>I'm more okay with /pol/ setting up camp and making daily traditionalist threads
You'd rather someone peddle dangerous far-right ideas than acknowledge a scientifically substantiated universally recognized test?

>> No.4272964

>I haven't seen any valid physiological basis for differences in intelligence between the ethnic groups either,
Well, IQ differences corroborated by real-world differences in academic success regardless of socioeconomic conditions. Have you studied the literature?

>> No.4272972

i bet everybody IQ in here is above 110 but below 120. maybe 1 guy

>> No.4272973

>I haven't seen any valid physiological basis for differences in intelligence between the ethnic groups either, there doesn't seem to be any major physiological/neurological difference.

Luckily IQ is not a physiological phenomenon, you dolt.

>> No.4272979

no. don't you believe in evolution?

look at statistics, just use google. it's always asians > caucasians >>>>> niggers

>> No.4272989

>no. don't you believe in evolution?
It's impossible to determine what someone is going to contribute to society before they receive an education. Barring people based on race would keep potential black geniuses from developing into such

>> No.4272992


IQ is only a measurement of your spatial and logic habilty, basically it only involves maths and its branches. Most of the IQ tests are not realy accurate, they must be almost subject-specific and applied by a certified professional. Anyways, unless is a really low IQ, it practically means nothing, a person with an "average" iq can seem smarter than one wit a high IQ.
If you study hard, you can actually be "a genius" by IQ standards (160 points) there are even books dedicated to improve your IQ.
By the way, all real genius have high IQs, but not all people with high IQ are genius.

And no, I'm not disregarding IQ because I have a low IQ, it's actually high (no, I'm not bragging about it either).

Question for you all, how do you determine whether a person is "intelligent" or not? I always focus on their hability to follow arguments, how well they can argument their own ideas and their reaction to challenges of any kind. I'm pretty sure we all know someone who's really good at maths but comes off as an idiot when incursing in other area, including nonsense talk.

>> No.4272993

are the japanese the smartest asians? or maybe the people from the sand. they always seem to be at the top of their class and going on to becoming doctors

>> No.4273000

eh you cant just base it off of that tho. please dont challenge me

>> No.4273004

the thing is, whites on averages have more geniouses. so by educating whites, rather than blacks, will allow for more geniouses to develop.

>> No.4273007


Asians are not geniuses, they're just extremely disciplined. Of course there are genius of asian race, but most of the japs that get straight A's just study a lot. With the asians is more about culture than inherited genius.

>> No.4273016


On average, whites have much more oportunities and better growing environments. Economic and social aspects have a huge impact on a person's development.

>> No.4273020

disipline helps develop the mind

>> No.4273024

well its always the koreans ive known that were at the way top academicaly

>> No.4273025

it's the same for chinks, and they have different environment. it's in the genes, get over it apologists.

noone would get all worked up if i said that being black or having arabic features is heritable but as soon as intelligence comes into play everyone loses their mind

>> No.4273029

exactly man. i mean it is part of the human body right? the brain

>> No.4273227

The people who care about IQ at all are usually the ones who consider themselves smart but have fuck all to show for it.

>> No.4273233


Didn't you know Jews are mustard race? /pol/ doesn't feel they superior to them, they are just worried about becoming slaves.

>> No.4273235

It's true. More, rigorous schooling leads to higher IQ.

This isn't remotely related to books.

>> No.4273237

Most people have fuck all to show.

>> No.4273240

"scientifically substantiated"/"universally regarded" as a non-definitive test, not as anything meaningful.


>> No.4273243


>> No.4273325

>Well they had some number of white wives
>Therefore their intelligence is ours
They're still jewish right, not white according to our red pilled friends. And they're smarter on average than other races. Is that troublesome for you?

I honestly don't understand how /pol/ deals with this. Either they claim Jews are white, (impossible) or their racist notions lead them to believe Jews are their superiors because of IQ (also impossible). I guess they just deny the legitimacy of IQ or of Ashkenazi intelligence.
>Those studies were done by Jews! Why would you believe them?!

Not jewish, just amused.

>> No.4273352

It can't have increased very much if you're still reliant on internet quizzes for affirmation.

>> No.4273373

>Active reader my entire life.
>Did bad in school, because I couldn't focus on any of the material, having been shown all of it years before the rest of my classmates.
>I'm a bit eccentric, but not beta.
>IQ is in the top percentile for my state based off standardized testing.
I believe reading has helped with this, but i couldn't tell you if it enhanced it having always read.

>> No.4273385

>" I need someone to validate my intelligence and superiority for me, tell me I'm a good boy"

>> No.4273404
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Not at all since I balance it out by visiting retarded threads like these.

>> No.4273412


because they use their intelligence for evil, dumbass

Plato or Aristotle discuss this, I forgot which atm

>> No.4273462

You still have a genetically predisposed limit.

You will never be a true intellectual.

>> No.4273474

It's because rednecks are too unintelligent to be consistent so they just nitpick whatever fits them and they call their confirmation bias logic or common sense or a combination.

>> No.4273535

Females not of the tribes baring children from jewish men result in non-jews...so the children might have half jewish blood 'genetically', but ashkenazi are not of the tribes thus not jews.

those are the rules, right?

>> No.4273570

The article states these wives converted to Judaism. How would someone be claiming that 999% of jews were originally Italian if by maternal birthright they were no longer jews.

>> No.4273574

because they knew you were stupid. i took an iq test as a child and was placed in gifted programming

>> No.4273575

difference between arts and stem: iq vs eq.

want to kill myself after writing that.

>> No.4273588

In my case they didn't need a test to be convinced of my intelligence because it radiates from my non-autistic dasein.

>> No.4273594

I reckon its at least 80 points

>> No.4273609

I guess now yer 2 gud 2 fuk pigs w/ me den

>> No.4273612

>gifted programming

Is that what they call the "special ed" children in these PC days?

>> No.4273620

'ashkenazi' jews, you dolt!...read!