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/lit/ - Literature

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4271261 No.4271261 [Reply] [Original]

>dream sequence

>> No.4271280
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>reality sequence

>> No.4271284
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>shy and intelligent, charming and witty but socially awkward protagonist is pulled out of his shell by an adorable, lovable female character with a "wild", but not feral, personality who has inexplicably developed a crush on him (bonus points if she has short, vividly colored hair) and together they go on numerous adventures

>> No.4271294
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>> No.4271293

>aimless loser with a special power gets pulled into a grand adventure and conspiracy when he is taken under the care of an aging mentor

>> No.4271297

>sex scene

>> No.4271299
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>alternate reality

>> No.4271300

Twist: She doesn't actually love him, she's just promiscuous and crazy and ends up NTR'ing him. I've only seen this happen in books twice.

Super-twist: Heavily implied she doesn't even exist and the protagonist is just a loser, but now a crazy loser. Only seen it once, and it's implied he dies at the end anyway.

>> No.4271301
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>books about the postmodern condition
>petrarchan sonnet form
>written in koine greek

>> No.4271304

>beginning a chapter by describing the weather

>> No.4271328
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>minimalist prose

>> No.4271330
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>"[protagonist] was dying"
>dramatic line break
>description of the scenery

>> No.4271332
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>book opens with the main character waking up

>> No.4271334
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>muh purposeful repitition

>> No.4271338
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>> No.4271344
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>novel ends without resolving anything because that's hip nowadays and plot is 4 plebs

>> No.4271349
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>> No.4271351
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>authorial intent is dead

>> No.4271352
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>footnotes, endnotes, and/or appendices

>> No.4271356

it's funny

Gravity's Rainbow has all of these

>> No.4271361

But it is

>> No.4271375

how so?

>> No.4271388

of course it still exists, but it's being obscured. literature is becoming more and more commercialized

>> No.4271390

what makes you say that?

>> No.4271394

facts and stuff

>> No.4271400

>sweet talented bookish religious girl falls for bad boy, disappointing her family's high hopes, and ends up living life of drudgery with unemployed bad boy while raising spiritual musical genius angel child with golden curls

...Oh wait, that's my real life

>> No.4271408

>lolita, greatest book of the past half century
>ends in a dream seqence

where is your god now?

>> No.4271418

>greatest book of the past half century

>> No.4271416

you're the girl I assume?

>> No.4271422

Yup. But still in love with my bad boy.
Just, geez, what a fucking cliche!

>> No.4271505

>being from the point of view of an animal

>> No.4271509
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>The FBI races to save the kidnapped victim of a serial killer

>> No.4271549

What does 'bad boy' mean?

>> No.4271560

awful attempt at flirting/10

>> No.4271562
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>The main character only gets raped a little

>> No.4271568
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>my dick

>> No.4271636

sex, drugs, rock n roll, fights, wrong side of the tracks, didn't finish high school, formerly abusive... I could go on, but I think I get the street cred.

>> No.4271649

if you didn't say rock and roll I'd think he was just black

>> No.4271710
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>young adult romance novel
>tsundere female protagonist

>> No.4271717

lel, nope, real old-school punker.
He's mellowing out with age, and as I mentioned, love.
But dat lifestyle, lack of education, and not much money...

>> No.4271721

what is attractive about incompetence
I would drop a girl like that in a second, actually I would never get with her

>> No.4271732
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>these put together

>> No.4271738

I am just about as fucking competent as they come, buddy.
Live financially like a single mom & also manage to have a pretty solid relationship.

>> No.4271745
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I meant I would drop a girl like your hubby girlbro

>> No.4271750

Oh, sorry, plus dinner every night on the table and aforementioned angel child is badass guitarist and does exceptionally well in school.
Partner call me superwoman: you were saying?

>> No.4271755

ah. well.
Yeah, girls don't generally get as much slack. Way of the world, I guess.

>> No.4271756

I have literally no idea what gave you the impression that the poster was calling YOU incompetent, it was pretty clear to me he was referring to someone else who was uneducated. Are you projecting or just having trouble?

>> No.4271759

I think the fella might be ESL or something, so fair enough there if so

>> No.4271760

missed earlier reply...
sorry for wig-out

>> No.4271762

misread, my bad.
(but he did say girl)
good girl/ bad boy cliche is familiar to me, not sure about reverse...

>> No.4271768

It has nothing to do with being a girl. I wouldn't marry or even date someone that wasn't at least similarly educated to me or at least in charge of their own life with an established (or budding) career. Especially not someone who had been abusive

>> No.4271772

But what if they were sweet, funny, and hot?
Also, you have to throw your implied innocence and inexperience in there to really get the full effect.

>> No.4271779

...it's not like you foresee that someone will be abusive and then hook up with them. At least not in my case.

>> No.4271786

who cares about that? do you know how many girls are sweet funny and hot? those qualities mean basically nothing and are pretty much a bare minimum. None of those qualities make me want to build a life with someone because they don't mean jackshit

>> No.4271796

also if you are innocent and inexperienced you should know this and not jump into huge commitments. at least I wouldn't.
and like I said. If I found this out she would be dropped

>> No.4271797

To build a life with someone, you should enjoy spending time with them.
What initially attracts you to a girl?

>> No.4271805

Intelligence does not always equal good judgement, you know.
On the other hand, in some ways it does: I feel very supported emotionally, our little family is very loving, child is thriving... life is tough, but whose isn't?
We are best friends who really appreciate (and are very attracted to) each other... isn't that what everyone is looking for?

>> No.4271810

those things are attractive not a badboy image

>> No.4271813

>she would be dropped
Well, one makes these sort of decisions very carefully when a child is involved. In this case, my gamble paid off: abuse flared, and then was over. No trouble (of that sort) for several years.

>> No.4271826

... don't forget Motorhead at 7:30 in the morning, endless parties with wild friends, weed out the gazoo, actual fingerless gloves worn constantly, "Fuck" used in just about every sentence, fights ( away from home)... He's a grown up bad boy, but still "bad"

>> No.4271835

>street cred
>being proud of raising the progeny of a loser

>> No.4271844

are you a theater major? If so,
what is the second letter of your first name, and the third letter of the city you live in.
long shot but I think I might know you

>> No.4271846
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>protagonist is a struggling artist/author
>protagonist is always right

>> No.4271848
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>actual grown ass man having these qualities
>that same man raising a child

>> No.4271856

I'm going to be sexist and ask do all women only view men in terms of stereotypes, and judge them based on that?

>> No.4271860

>I'm going to attribute this idiotic trait to a whole gender

>> No.4271896
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Pic related: it's what happens every time someone mentions they're a girl in a thread

>> No.4272275

Why do you feel the need to sell your life to us?

You wanna hear that you life is like a post-modern film?
It is, in my opinion in a sad and naive way.
You seem to really like your post-modern 'fairy tale' as you portray it, reality will be a bummer.

>> No.4272292
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>not an outgoing and intelligent, charming and witty but brash protagonist pulled out of his haven by a deplorable, untidy female character with a "wild" and feral, personality who is pulled by him into the right direction by totally practical reasons (bonus points if she has long, drab colored hair) and together they do mundane things

>> No.4272296

that happened to me, true story

>> No.4272302

>being such a bimbo tool

I used to be the street punk shithead, i left that behind, not because someone told me but i couldn't live and accept that stupid way of living anymore.
It was disgusting and retarded experience, it is no different than being a child and thinking you will watch baby cartoons for the rest of your life.

The problem with "follow your heart" movement is that it cripples people and they don't realize it.
You had a child, you based your life decisions on a whim that was brainwashed into you by movies and media.
You are teen-pregnancy brain dead tier female.

>> No.4272303
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>first person narrative

>> No.4272314

Was she good at bed or she sucked at everything?

>> No.4272316

life-changing post bro

>> No.4272322

>tfw pic related happened very close to me
>tfw your uncle died in that accident

Please stop.

>> No.4272323


I was aiming for "fucking slut hipster whore", nice assumption though.

>> No.4272729

The point being: these cliches exist because they are real themes that are played out over and over in human experience.

All others: not looking for advice, thanks. I like my life path.
God knows the freaky cloistered preacher's wife future I was headed towards would NOT have made me happy.

>> No.4272817 [DELETED] 
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idk idk
all i know is i decay

>> No.4272837
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wally would like a word